2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
< ? php
namespace MatchManagerSuite ;
use Exception ;
use FML\Controls\Frame ;
use FML\Controls\Labels\Label_Text ;
use FML\ManiaLink ;
use ManiaControl\Admin\AuthenticationManager ;
use ManiaControl\Callbacks\CallbackListener ;
use ManiaControl\Callbacks\Callbacks ;
use ManiaControl\Callbacks\CallbackManager ;
use ManiaControl\Callbacks\Structures\Common\StatusCallbackStructure ;
2023-10-16 14:13:50 +02:00
use ManiaControl\Callbacks\Structures\ManiaPlanet\StartEndStructure ;
2021-11-03 01:24:36 +01:00
use ManiaControl\Callbacks\Structures\TrackMania\OnPointsRepartitionStructure ;
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
use ManiaControl\Callbacks\Structures\TrackMania\OnScoresStructure ;
use ManiaControl\Commands\CommandListener ;
use ManiaControl\Communication\CommunicationAnswer ;
use ManiaControl\Communication\CommunicationListener ;
use ManiaControl\Players\Player ;
use ManiaControl\Players\PlayerManager ;
use ManiaControl\Plugins\Plugin ;
use ManiaControl\ManiaControl ;
use \ManiaControl\Logger ;
use ManiaControl\Settings\Setting ;
use ManiaControl\Settings\SettingManager ;
use ManiaControl\Configurator\GameModeSettings ;
use ManiaControl\Utils\Formatter ;
use Maniaplanet\DedicatedServer\InvalidArgumentException ;
2021-08-17 19:46:33 +02:00
use ManiaControl\Callbacks\TimerListener ; // for pause
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
* MatchManager Core
* @ author Beu ( based on MatchPlugin by jonthekiller )
* @ license http :// www . gnu . org / licenses / GNU General Public License , Version 3
2021-08-17 19:46:33 +02:00
class MatchManagerCore implements CallbackListener , CommandListener , TimerListener , CommunicationListener , Plugin {
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
const PLUGIN_ID = 152 ;
2025-02-21 23:17:16 +01:00
const PLUGIN_VERSION = 5.6 ;
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
const PLUGIN_NAME = 'MatchManager Core' ;
const PLUGIN_AUTHOR = 'Beu' ;
// Specific const
const DB_MATCHESINDEX = 'MatchManager_MatchesIndex' ;
const DB_ROUNDSINDEX = 'MatchManager_RoundsIndex' ;
const DB_ROUNDSDATA = 'MatchManager_RoundsData' ;
const DB_TEAMSDATA = 'MatchManager_TeamsData' ;
2024-07-27 13:31:27 +02:00
const DB_MATCHESRESULT = 'MatchManager_MatchesResult' ;
const DB_MATCHESTEAMSRESULT = 'MatchManager_MatchesTeamsResult' ;
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
const MLID_MATCH_PAUSE_WIDGET = 'Pause Widget' ;
// Internal Callback Trigger
const CB_MATCHMANAGER_BEGINMAP = 'MatchManager.BeginMap' ;
const CB_MATCHMANAGER_ENDROUND = 'MatchManager.EndRound' ;
const CB_MATCHMANAGER_STARTMATCH = 'MatchManager.StartMatch' ;
const CB_MATCHMANAGER_ENDMATCH = 'MatchManager.EndMatch' ;
const CB_MATCHMANAGER_STOPMATCH = 'MatchManager.StopMatch' ;
// Plugin Settings
const SETTING_MATCH_AUTHLEVEL = 'Auth level for the match* commands:' ;
const SETTING_MATCH_CUSTOM_GAMEMODE = 'Custom Gamemode file' ;
2022-04-14 22:13:36 +02:00
const SETTING_MATCH_DONT_DELETE_SETTINGS = 'Don\'t delete settings' ;
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
const SETTING_MATCH_GAMEMODE_BASE = 'Gamemode used during match:' ;
const SETTING_MATCH_PAUSE_DURATION = 'Default Pause Duration in seconds' ;
const SETTING_MATCH_PAUSE_POSX = 'Pause Widget-Position: X' ;
const SETTING_MATCH_PAUSE_POSY = 'Pause Widget-Position: Y' ;
2022-06-13 21:13:20 +02:00
const SETTING_MATCH_POST_MATCH_MAPLIST = 'Post Match Maplist file' ;
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
2021-07-30 20:18:11 +02:00
const SETTING_MATCH_SETTINGS_MODE = 'Loading mode for settings and maps' ;
const SETTING_MODE_MAPS = 'Maps to play' ;
const SETTING_MODE_SHUFFLE = 'Randomize map order (shuffle)' ;
2024-03-04 14:24:36 +01:00
const SETTING_MODE_SHUFFLE_SEED = 'Randomize map seed' ;
2021-07-30 20:18:11 +02:00
const SETTING_MODE_HIDENEXTMAPS = 'Mask the next maps during the match' ;
const SETTING_MODE_MAPLIST_FILE = 'Maplist to use' ;
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
// Gamemodes Settings
2023-09-27 17:56:07 +02:00
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
2023-10-09 09:57:49 +02:00
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
2023-01-25 18:22:21 +01:00
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
2023-01-25 18:22:21 +01:00
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
2023-10-09 09:57:49 +02:00
2023-01-25 18:22:21 +01:00
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
2023-01-25 18:22:21 +01:00
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
2023-01-25 18:22:21 +01:00
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
'gamemode' => [ 'Global' ],
'type' => 'integer' ,
'default' => 10 ,
'description' => 'Time before loading the next map' ],
2023-09-27 17:56:07 +02:00
'gamemode' => [ 'TMWC2023' ],
'type' => 'integer' ,
'default' => 2000 ,
'description' => 'Time delta in ms with the first player that will be considered as a crash' ],
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
'gamemode' => [ 'Teams' ],
'type' => 'boolean' ,
'default' => false ,
'description' => 'Cumulate players points to the team score (false = 1 point to the winner team)' ],
2023-01-25 18:22:21 +01:00
'gamemode' => [ 'Laps' ],
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
'type' => 'boolean' ,
'default' => false ,
'description' => 'Disable GiveUp' ],
2023-10-09 09:57:49 +02:00
'gamemode' => [ 'Global' ],
'type' => 'boolean' ,
'default' => false ,
'description' => 'Disable the "Go To Map" in the Pause Menu' ],
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
2023-09-27 17:56:07 +02:00
'gamemode' => [ 'Knockout' , 'TMWC2023' , 'TMWTTeams' ],
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
'type' => 'boolean' ,
'default' => true ,
'description' => 'Send End Match Callback early (expert user only)' ],
'gamemode' => [ 'Knockout' ],
'type' => 'string' ,
'default' => '4' ,
'description' => 'Rank at which one more player is eliminated per round (use coma to add more values. Ex COTD: 8,16,16)' ],
2023-01-25 18:22:21 +01:00
2023-09-27 17:56:07 +02:00
'gamemode' => [ 'TMWC2023' , 'TMWTTeams' ],
2023-01-25 18:22:21 +01:00
'type' => 'boolean' ,
'default' => true ,
'description' => 'Apply color team on the dossard' ],
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
2023-09-27 17:56:07 +02:00
'gamemode' => [ 'Cup' , 'Knockout' , 'Laps' , 'Teams' , 'TMWC2023' , 'TMWTTeams' , 'Rounds' ],
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
'type' => 'integer' ,
'default' => 10 ,
'description' => 'Time after the first finished (-1 = based on Author time)' ],
'gamemode' => [ 'Global' ],
'type' => 'integer' ,
'default' => - 1 ,
'description' => 'Force number of laps for laps maps (-1 = author, 0 for unlimited in TA)' ],
2023-01-25 18:22:21 +01:00
2023-09-27 17:56:07 +02:00
'gamemode' => [ 'TMWC2023' , 'TMWTTeams' ],
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
'type' => 'integer' ,
2023-01-25 18:22:21 +01:00
'default' => - 1 ,
'description' => 'Force the number of spectators displayed on the border of the road' ],
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
'gamemode' => [ 'Global' ],
'type' => 'boolean' ,
'default' => false ,
'description' => 'Never end a race in laps (override S_ForceLapsNb)' ],
2023-10-09 09:57:49 +02:00
'gamemode' => [ 'Global' ],
'type' => 'string' ,
'default' => " " ,
'description' => 'Image URL of the Loading Screen during the map change' ],
2023-01-25 18:22:21 +01:00
2023-09-27 17:56:07 +02:00
'gamemode' => [ 'TMWC2023' , 'TMWTTeams' ],
2023-01-25 18:22:21 +01:00
'type' => 'integer' ,
'default' => 10 ,
'description' => 'Track points limit' ],
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
'gamemode' => [ 'Teams' , 'Rounds' ],
'type' => 'integer' ,
'default' => 3 ,
'description' => 'Number of maps maximum in the match' ],
2023-01-25 18:22:21 +01:00
2023-09-27 17:56:07 +02:00
'gamemode' => [ 'TMWC2023' , 'TMWTTeams' ],
2023-01-25 18:22:21 +01:00
'type' => 'string' ,
'default' => " " ,
'description' => 'Match info displayed in the UI' ],
2023-09-27 17:56:07 +02:00
'gamemode' => [ 'TMWC2023' , 'TMWTTeams' ],
2023-01-25 18:22:21 +01:00
'type' => 'integer' ,
'default' => 4 ,
'description' => 'Match points limit' ],
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
'gamemode' => [ 'Knockout' ],
'type' => 'integer' ,
'default' => - 1 ,
'description' => 'Server number to define global player rank (by server of 64, used for COTD, mostly useless)' ],
'gamemode' => [ 'Teams' ],
'type' => 'integer' ,
'default' => 6 ,
'description' => 'The maximum number of points attributed to the first player (exclude by S_UseCustomPointsRepartition)' ],
'gamemode' => [ 'Cup' ],
'type' => 'integer' ,
'default' => 1 ,
'description' => 'Number of winners' ],
'gamemode' => [ 'Teams' ],
'type' => 'integer' ,
'default' => 0 ,
'description' => 'Points Gap to win (depend of S_PointsLimit & S_UseTieBreak)' ],
2023-01-25 18:22:21 +01:00
'gamemode' => [ 'Cup' , 'Teams' , 'Rounds' ],
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
'type' => 'integer' ,
'default' => 100 ,
'description' => 'Limit number of points (0 = unlimited for Ch & R)' ],
2023-09-27 17:56:07 +02:00
'gamemode' => [ 'Cup' , 'Knockout' , 'Teams' , 'TMWC2023' , 'TMWTTeams' , 'Rounds' ],
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
'type' => 'string' ,
'default' => '10,6,4,3,2,1' ,
'description' => 'Point repartition from first to last' ],
'gamemode' => [ 'Global' ],
'type' => 'integer' ,
'default' => [ 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 ],
'description' => 'Respawn behavior (0 = GM setting, 1 = normal, 2 = do nothing, 3 = DNF before 1st CP, 4 = always DNF, 5 = never DNF)' ],
2023-01-25 18:22:21 +01:00
'gamemode' => [ 'Cup' , 'Knockout' , 'Teams' , 'Rounds' ],
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
'type' => 'integer' ,
'default' => 5 ,
2021-05-23 23:31:47 +02:00
'description' => 'Number of rounds par map (0 = unlimited)' ],
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
'gamemode' => [ 'Knockout' ],
'type' => 'integer' ,
'default' => 1 ,
'description' => 'Rounds without elimination (like a Warmup, but just for the first map)' ],
2023-01-25 18:22:21 +01:00
2023-09-27 17:56:07 +02:00
'gamemode' => [ 'TMWC2023' , 'TMWTTeams' ],
2023-01-25 18:22:21 +01:00
'type' => 'string' ,
'default' => " " ,
'description' => 'URLs separated by a space' ],
2023-09-27 17:56:07 +02:00
'gamemode' => [ 'TMWC2023' , 'TMWTTeams' ],
2023-01-25 18:22:21 +01:00
'type' => 'string' ,
'default' => " " ,
'description' => 'URL where to get the teams info' ],
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
2023-01-25 18:22:21 +01:00
'gamemode' => [ 'Laps' , 'TimeAttack' , 'RoyalTimeAttack' ],
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
'type' => 'integer' ,
'default' => 600 ,
'description' => 'Time limit (0 = unlimited)' ],
'gamemode' => [ 'Teams' ],
'type' => 'boolean' ,
'default' => false ,
'description' => 'F: Give 1 point to the all first players of a team | T: MaxPoints - Rank - 1 (exclude by S_UseCustomPointsRepartition)' ],
'gamemode' => [ 'Teams' ],
'type' => 'boolean' ,
'default' => false ,
'description' => 'Use S_PointsRepartition (instead of rules defined by S_UseAlternateRules)' ],
2023-01-25 18:22:21 +01:00
'gamemode' => [ 'Teams' , 'Rounds' ],
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
'type' => 'boolean' ,
'default' => false ,
'description' => 'Use Tie Break (Only available when S_MapsPerMatch > 1)' ],
2023-09-27 17:56:07 +02:00
'gamemode' => [ 'Cup' , 'Knockout' , 'Laps' , 'Teams' , 'TimeAttack' , 'TMWC2023' , 'TMWTTeams' , 'Rounds' ],
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
'type' => 'integer' ,
'default' => - 1 ,
'description' => 'Duration of 1 Warm Up in sec (-1 = one round, 0 = based on Author time)' ],
2023-09-27 17:56:07 +02:00
'gamemode' => [ 'Cup' , 'Knockout' , 'Laps' , 'Teams' , 'TimeAttack' , 'TMWC2023' , 'TMWTTeams' , 'Rounds' ],
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
'type' => 'integer' ,
'default' => 1 ,
'description' => 'Number of Warm Up' ],
2023-09-27 17:56:07 +02:00
'gamemode' => [ 'Cup' , 'Knockout' , 'Laps' , 'Teams' , 'TimeAttack' , 'TMWC2023' , 'TMWTTeams' , 'Rounds' ],
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
'type' => 'integer' ,
'default' => - 1 ,
2023-01-25 18:22:21 +01:00
'description' => 'Time after the first finished the WarmUP (-1 = based on Author time, only when S_WarmUpDuration = -1)' ]
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
2021-07-30 20:18:11 +02:00
self :: SETTING_MODE_MAPS => [
'mode' => [ 'All from the plugin' ],
'type' => 'string' ,
'default' => 'Campaigns/Training/Training - 01.Map.Gbx,Campaigns/Training/Training - 02.Map.Gbx' ,
'description' => 'Map files separated by comma' ],
'mode' => [ 'All from the plugin' ],
'type' => 'boolean' ,
'default' => false ,
'description' => 'Shuffle maps order' ],
2024-03-04 14:24:36 +01:00
'mode' => [ 'All from the plugin' ],
'type' => 'string' ,
'default' => '' ,
'description' => 'Seed to shuffle maps to have the same maps between multiple matches (empty for random)' ],
2021-07-30 20:18:11 +02:00
'mode' => [ 'All from the plugin' ],
'type' => 'boolean' ,
'default' => false ,
'description' => 'Hide maps to players' ],
'mode' => [ 'Maps from file & Settings from plugin' , 'All from file' ],
'type' => 'string' ,
'default' => 'match.txt' ,
'description' => 'Maps + Matchsettings file to load (empty to use server login)' ],
'mode' => [ 'All from the plugin' , 'Maps from file & Settings from plugin' ],
'type' => 'string' ,
'default' => '' ,
'description' => 'Load custom gamemode script (some functions can bug, for expert only)' ],
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
* Private properties
private $matchStarted = false ;
/** @var ManiaControl $maniaControl */
private $maniaControl = null ;
private $chatprefix = '$<$fc3$w🏆$m$> ' ; // Would like to create a setting but MC database doesn't support utf8mb4
private $nbmaps = 0 ;
private $nbrounds = 0 ;
private $currentgmbase = " " ;
2021-10-30 22:40:53 +02:00
private $currentcustomgm = " " ;
2021-07-30 20:18:11 +02:00
private $currentsettingmode = " " ;
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
private $currentmap = null ;
2021-04-06 21:28:00 +02:00
private $matchrecover = false ;
private $pointstorecover = array ();
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
// Settings to keep in memory
private $settings_nbroundsbymap = 5 ;
2022-03-29 22:05:51 +02:00
private $settings_nbwinners = 2 ;
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
private $settings_nbmapsbymatch = 0 ;
private $settings_pointlimit = 100 ;
2023-10-09 09:57:49 +02:00
private $settings_disablegotomap = false ;
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
private $currentscore = array ();
2023-04-11 11:55:52 +02:00
/** @var OnScoresStructure|null $preendroundscore */
private $preendroundscore = null ;
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
private $currentteamsscore = array ();
private $pausetimer = 0 ;
private $pauseon = false ;
private $skipround = false ;
private $settingsloaded = false ;
private $postmatch = false ;
private $mapsshuffled = false ;
2021-07-30 20:18:11 +02:00
private $mapshidden = false ;
2021-08-17 19:46:33 +02:00
private $hidenextmaps = false ;
2021-07-30 20:18:11 +02:00
private $maps = array ();
private $currentgmsettings = array ();
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
private $matchid = " " ;
* @ param ManiaControl $maniaControl
* @ see \ManiaControl\Plugins\Plugin :: prepare ()
public static function prepare ( ManiaControl $maniaControl ) {
* @ see \ManiaControl\Plugins\Plugin :: getId ()
public static function getId () {
return self :: PLUGIN_ID ;
* @ see \ManiaControl\Plugins\Plugin :: getName ()
public static function getName () {
return self :: PLUGIN_NAME ;
* @ see \ManiaControl\Plugins\Plugin :: getVersion ()
public static function getVersion () {
return self :: PLUGIN_VERSION ;
* @ see \Man $this -> maniaControl = $maniaControl ; iaControl\Plugins\Plugin :: getAuthor ()
public static function getAuthor () {
return self :: PLUGIN_AUTHOR ;
* @ see \ManiaControl\Plugins\Plugin :: getDescription ()
public static function getDescription () {
return 'Plugin offers a match Plugin' ;
public function load ( ManiaControl $maniaControl ) {
// Init plugin
$this -> maniaControl = $maniaControl ;
$this -> initTables ();
2021-08-17 19:46:33 +02:00
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
2022-03-17 22:12:58 +01:00
// Last argument is the priority to sort settings, works only with the TrackManiaControl fork (https://git.virtit.fr/beu/TrackManiaControl)
2022-04-14 22:13:36 +02:00
if ( defined ( " \ ManiaControl \ ManiaControl::ISTRACKMANIACONTROL " ) && $this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager () -> getSettingValue ( $this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager (), SettingManager :: SETTING_ALLOW_UNLINK_SERVER )) {
$this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager () -> initSetting ( $this , self :: SETTING_MATCH_DONT_DELETE_SETTINGS , false , " to prevent to remove a setting of an another server " , 5 );
2022-03-17 22:12:58 +01:00
$this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager () -> initSetting ( $this , self :: SETTING_MATCH_AUTHLEVEL , AuthenticationManager :: getPermissionLevelNameArray ( AuthenticationManager :: AUTH_LEVEL_ADMIN ), " Admin level needed to use the plugin " , 10 );
$this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager () -> initSetting ( $this , self :: SETTING_MATCH_PAUSE_DURATION , 120 , " Default Pause Duration in seconds " , 15 );
$this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager () -> initSetting ( $this , self :: SETTING_MATCH_PAUSE_POSX , 0 , " Position of the Pause Countdown (on X axis) " , 15 );
$this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager () -> initSetting ( $this , self :: SETTING_MATCH_PAUSE_POSY , 43 , " Position of the Pause Countdown (on Y axis) " , 15 );
$this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager () -> initSetting ( $this , self :: SETTING_MATCH_SETTINGS_MODE , array ( 'All from the plugin' , 'Maps from file & Settings from plugin' , 'All from file' ), " Loading mode for maps and match settings, depending on your needs " , 20 );
2022-06-18 01:05:09 +02:00
$this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager () -> initSetting ( $this , self :: SETTING_MATCH_POST_MATCH_MAPLIST , " " , " Load Mapfile after the match (empty to just load TA on the same maps) (can be unstable) " , 20 );
2023-09-27 17:56:07 +02:00
$this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager () -> initSetting ( $this , self :: SETTING_MATCH_GAMEMODE_BASE , array ( " Cup " , " Knockout " , " Laps " , " Teams " , " TimeAttack " , " TMWC2023 " , " TMWTTeams " , " Rounds " , " RoyalTimeAttack " ), " Gamemode to launch for the match " , 25 );
2022-03-17 22:12:58 +01:00
2021-07-30 20:18:11 +02:00
// Init dynamics settings
2021-07-03 17:38:47 +02:00
$this -> updateSettings ();
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
//Register Admin Commands
$this -> maniaControl -> getCommandManager () -> registerCommandListener ( 'matchstart' , $this , 'onCommandMatchStart' , true , 'Start a match' );
$this -> maniaControl -> getCommandManager () -> registerCommandListener ( 'matchstop' , $this , 'onCommandMatchStop' , true , 'Stop a match' );
2021-04-06 21:28:00 +02:00
$this -> maniaControl -> getCommandManager () -> registerCommandListener ( 'matchrecover' , $this , 'onCommandMatchRecover' , true , 'Recover a match' );
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
$this -> maniaControl -> getCommandManager () -> registerCommandListener ( 'matchendround' , $this , 'onCommandMatchEndRound' , true , 'Force end a round during a match' );
$this -> maniaControl -> getCommandManager () -> registerCommandListener ( 'matchendwu' , $this , 'onCommandMatchEndWU' , true , 'Force end a WU during a match' );
$this -> maniaControl -> getCommandManager () -> registerCommandListener ( 'matchsetpoints' , $this , 'onCommandSetPoints' , true , 'Sets points to a player.' );
$this -> maniaControl -> getCommandManager () -> registerCommandListener ( array ( 'matchpause' , 'pause' ), $this , 'onCommandSetPause' , true , 'Set pause during a match. [time] in seconds can be added to force another value' );
$this -> maniaControl -> getCommandManager () -> registerCommandListener ( array ( 'matchendpause' , 'endpause' ), $this , 'onCommandUnsetPause' , true , 'End the pause during a match.' );
//Register Callbacks
$this -> maniaControl -> getCallbackManager () -> registerCallbackListener ( SettingManager :: CB_SETTING_CHANGED , $this , 'updateSettings' );
$this -> maniaControl -> getCallbackManager () -> registerCallbackListener ( GameModeSettings :: CB_GAMEMODESETTINGS_CHANGED , $this , 'updateGMvariables' );
$this -> maniaControl -> getCallbackManager () -> registerCallbackListener ( PlayerManager :: CB_PLAYERCONNECT , $this , 'handlePlayerConnect' );
$this -> maniaControl -> getCallbackManager () -> registerCallbackListener ( PlayerManager :: CB_PLAYERDISCONNECT , $this , 'handlePlayerDisconnect' );
2023-10-16 22:32:24 +02:00
$this -> maniaControl -> getCallbackManager () -> registerCallbackListener ( Callbacks :: TM_SCORES , $this , 'handleTrackmaniaScore' );
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
$this -> maniaControl -> getCallbackManager () -> registerCallbackListener ( Callbacks :: MP_STARTROUNDSTART , $this , 'handleBeginRoundCallback' );
2021-04-06 21:28:00 +02:00
$this -> maniaControl -> getCallbackManager () -> registerCallbackListener ( Callbacks :: TM_WARMUPSTARTROUND , $this , 'handleStartWarmUpCallback' );
2021-11-01 01:54:27 +01:00
$this -> maniaControl -> getCallbackManager () -> registerCallbackListener ( Callbacks :: MP_STARTMATCHSTART , $this , 'handleStartMatchStartCallback' );
$this -> maniaControl -> getCallbackManager () -> registerCallbackListener ( CallbackManager :: CB_MP_BEGINMAP , $this , 'handleBeginMapCallback' );
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
$this -> maniaControl -> getCallbackManager () -> registerCallbackListener ( CallbackManager :: CB_MP_BEGINMATCH , $this , 'handleBeginMatchCallback' );
// Register Socket commands
$this -> maniaControl -> getCommunicationManager () -> registerCommunicationListener ( " Match.GetMatchStatus " , $this , function () { return new CommunicationAnswer ( $this -> getMatchStatus ()); });
$this -> maniaControl -> getCommunicationManager () -> registerCommunicationListener ( " Match.GetCurrentScore " , $this , function () { return new CommunicationAnswer ( $this -> getCurrentScore ()); });
$this -> maniaControl -> getCommunicationManager () -> registerCommunicationListener ( " Match.MatchStart " , $this , function () { return new CommunicationAnswer ( $this -> MatchStart ()); });
$this -> maniaControl -> getCommunicationManager () -> registerCommunicationListener ( " Match.MatchStop " , $this , function () { return new CommunicationAnswer ( $this -> MatchStop ()); });
2021-10-30 22:40:53 +02:00
$this -> maniaControl -> getCommunicationManager () -> registerCommunicationListener ( " Match.GetMatchOptions " , $this , function () { return new CommunicationAnswer ( $this -> getGMSettings ( $this -> currentgmbase , $this -> currentcustomgm )); });
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
* @ see \ManiaControl\Plugins\Plugin :: unload ()
public function unload () {
2021-06-20 23:52:16 +02:00
$this -> closePauseWidget ();
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
* Initialize needed database tables
private function initTables () {
$mysqli = $this -> maniaControl -> getDatabase () -> getMysqli ();
2021-04-06 21:28:00 +02:00
$query = 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `' . self :: DB_MATCHESINDEX . ' ` (
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
`matchid` VARCHAR ( 100 ) NOT NULL ,
`server` VARCHAR ( 60 ) NOT NULL ,
`gamemodebase` VARCHAR ( 32 ) NOT NULL ,
`started` INT ( 10 ) NOT NULL ,
`ended` INT ( 10 ) NOT NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY ( `matchid` )
) ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_unicode_ci ; ' ;
$mysqli -> query ( $query );
if ( $mysqli -> error ) {
trigger_error ( $mysqli -> error , E_USER_ERROR );
2021-04-06 21:28:00 +02:00
$query = 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `' . self :: DB_ROUNDSINDEX . ' ` (
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
`matchid` VARCHAR ( 100 ) NOT NULL ,
`timestamp` INT ( 10 ) NOT NULL ,
`nbmaps` INT ( 4 ) NOT NULL ,
`nbrounds` INT ( 4 ) NOT NULL ,
`settings` TEXT NOT NULL ,
`map` VARCHAR ( 100 ) NOT NULL ,
`nbplayers` INT ( 4 ) NOT NULL ,
`nbspectators` INT ( 4 ) NOT NULL
) ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_unicode_ci ; ' ;
$mysqli -> query ( $query );
if ( $mysqli -> error ) {
trigger_error ( $mysqli -> error , E_USER_ERROR );
2021-04-06 21:28:00 +02:00
$query = 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `' . self :: DB_ROUNDSDATA . ' ` (
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
`matchid` VARCHAR ( 100 ) NOT NULL ,
`timestamp` INT ( 10 ) NOT NULL ,
`rank` INT ( 4 ) NOT NULL ,
2023-04-04 14:52:18 +02:00
`login` VARCHAR ( 36 ) NOT NULL ,
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
`matchpoints` INT ( 10 ) NOT NULL ,
2021-11-01 01:54:27 +01:00
`mappoints` INT ( 10 ) NOT NULL ,
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
`roundpoints` INT ( 10 ) NOT NULL ,
2021-11-01 01:54:27 +01:00
`bestracetime` INT ( 10 ) NOT NULL ,
`bestracecheckpoints` VARCHAR ( 1000 ) NOT NULL ,
`bestlaptime` INT ( 10 ) NOT NULL ,
`bestlapcheckpoints` VARCHAR ( 1000 ) NOT NULL ,
`prevracetime` INT ( 10 ) NOT NULL ,
`prevracecheckpoints` VARCHAR ( 1000 ) NOT NULL ,
`teamid` INT ( 3 ) NOT NULL
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
) ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_unicode_ci ; ' ;
$mysqli -> query ( $query );
if ( $mysqli -> error ) {
trigger_error ( $mysqli -> error , E_USER_ERROR );
2021-04-06 21:28:00 +02:00
$query = 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `' . self :: DB_TEAMSDATA . ' ` (
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
`matchid` VARCHAR ( 100 ) NOT NULL ,
`timestamp` INT ( 10 ) NOT NULL ,
2021-11-01 01:54:27 +01:00
`rank` INT ( 3 ) NOT NULL ,
`id` INT ( 3 ) NOT NULL ,
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
`team` VARCHAR ( 30 ) NOT NULL ,
2021-11-01 01:54:27 +01:00
`matchpoints` INT ( 10 ) NOT NULL ,
`mappoints` INT ( 10 ) NOT NULL ,
`roundpoints` INT ( 10 ) NOT NULL
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
) ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_unicode_ci ; ' ;
$mysqli -> query ( $query );
if ( $mysqli -> error ) {
trigger_error ( $mysqli -> error , E_USER_ERROR );
2024-07-27 13:31:27 +02:00
$query = 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `' . self :: DB_MATCHESRESULT . ' ` (
`matchid` VARCHAR ( 100 ) NOT NULL ,
`timestamp` INT ( 10 ) NOT NULL ,
`rank` INT ( 4 ) NOT NULL ,
`login` VARCHAR ( 36 ) NOT NULL ,
`matchpoints` INT ( 10 ) NOT NULL ,
`teamid` INT ( 3 ) NOT NULL
) ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_unicode_ci ; ' ;
$mysqli -> query ( $query );
if ( $mysqli -> error ) {
trigger_error ( $mysqli -> error , E_USER_ERROR );
`matchid` VARCHAR ( 100 ) NOT NULL ,
`timestamp` INT ( 10 ) NOT NULL ,
`rank` INT ( 3 ) NOT NULL ,
`id` INT ( 3 ) NOT NULL ,
`team` VARCHAR ( 30 ) NOT NULL ,
`matchpoints` INT ( 10 ) NOT NULL
) ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_unicode_ci ; ' ;
$mysqli -> query ( $query );
if ( $mysqli -> error ) {
trigger_error ( $mysqli -> error , E_USER_ERROR );
2021-11-01 01:54:27 +01:00
// Update table data
$mysqliconfig = $this -> maniaControl -> getDatabase () -> getConfig ();
2023-05-20 21:51:28 +02:00
$query = 'SELECT NULL FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE `table_schema` = "' . $mysqliconfig -> name . '" AND `table_name` = "' . self :: DB_ROUNDSDATA . '" AND `column_name` = "mappoints";' ;
if ( $mysqli -> query ( $query ) -> num_rows === 0 ) {
$query = 'ALTER TABLE `' . self :: DB_ROUNDSDATA . ' `
2021-11-01 01:54:27 +01:00
ADD COLUMN `mappoints` INT ( 10 ) NOT NULL AFTER `matchpoints` ,
CHANGE `time` `bestracetime` INT ( 10 ) NOT NULL ,
ADD COLUMN `bestracecheckpoints` VARCHAR ( 1000 ) NOT NULL AFTER `bestracetime` ,
ADD COLUMN `bestlaptime` INT ( 10 ) NOT NULL AFTER `bestracecheckpoints` ,
ADD COLUMN `bestlapcheckpoints` VARCHAR ( 1000 ) NOT NULL AFTER `bestlaptime` ,
ADD COLUMN `prevracetime` INT ( 10 ) NOT NULL AFTER `bestlapcheckpoints` ,
ADD COLUMN `prevracecheckpoints` VARCHAR ( 1000 ) NOT NULL AFTER `prevracetime` ,
2023-05-20 21:51:28 +02:00
MODIFY `teamid` INT ( 3 ) NOT NULL ; ' ;
$mysqli -> query ( $query );
if ( $mysqli -> error ) {
trigger_error ( $mysqli -> error , E_USER_ERROR );
$query = 'ALTER TABLE `' . self :: DB_TEAMSDATA . ' `
2021-11-01 01:54:27 +01:00
ADD COLUMN `rank` INT ( 3 ) NOT NULL ,
MODIFY `id` INT ( 3 ) NOT NULL ,
CHANGE `points` `matchpoints` INT ( 10 ) NOT NULL ,
ADD COLUMN `mappoints` INT ( 10 ) NOT NULL AFTER `matchpoints` ,
2023-05-20 21:51:28 +02:00
ADD COLUMN `roundpoints` INT ( 10 ) NOT NULL AFTER `mappoints` ; ' ;
$mysqli -> query ( $query );
if ( $mysqli -> error ) {
trigger_error ( $mysqli -> error , E_USER_ERROR );
2021-11-01 01:54:27 +01:00
2023-05-20 21:51:28 +02:00
$query = 'SELECT NULL FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE `table_schema` = "' . $mysqliconfig -> name . '" AND `table_name` = "' . self :: DB_ROUNDSDATA . '" AND `column_name` = "login" AND `CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH` = 36;' ;
if ( $mysqli -> query ( $query ) -> num_rows === 0 ) {
$query = 'ALTER TABLE `' . self :: DB_ROUNDSDATA . '` MODIFY `login` VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL;' ;
$mysqli -> query ( $query );
if ( $mysqli -> error ) {
trigger_error ( $mysqli -> error , E_USER_ERROR );
2023-04-04 14:52:18 +02:00
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
public function getMatchStatus () {
return $this -> matchStarted ;
2024-01-04 16:00:54 +01:00
public function getMatchIsRunning () {
return ( $this -> matchStarted && $this -> settingsloaded && ! $this -> postmatch );
2022-03-29 22:05:51 +02:00
public function getCurrentGamemodeBase () {
return $this -> currentgmbase ;
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
public function getCountRound () {
return $this -> nbrounds . " / " . $this -> settings_nbroundsbymap ;
public function getCountMap () {
return $this -> nbmaps . " / " . $this -> settings_nbmapsbymatch ;
public function getCurrentGamemodeSettings () {
return $this -> currentgmsettings ;
public function getCurrentScore () {
return $this -> currentscore ;
public function getCurrentTeamsScore () {
return $this -> currentteamsscore ;
public function getRoundNumber () {
return $this -> nbrounds ;
2021-12-26 15:41:48 +01:00
public function getMapNumber () {
return $this -> nbmaps ;
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
public function getMatchPointsLimit () {
return $this -> settings_pointlimit ;
public function getNbWinners () {
return $this -> settings_nbwinners ;
2021-06-27 21:34:31 +02:00
public function getPauseStatus () {
return $this -> pauseon ;
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
* Update Widgets on Setting Changes
* @ param Setting $setting
public function updateSettings ( Setting $setting = null ) {
2021-07-30 20:18:11 +02:00
if ( isset ( $setting ) && $setting -> belongsToClass ( $this ) && $this -> matchStarted ) {
if ( $setting -> setting == self :: SETTING_MATCH_GAMEMODE_BASE && $setting -> value != $this -> currentgmbase ) {
$setting -> value = $this -> currentgmbase ;
$this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager () -> saveSetting ( $setting );
$this -> maniaControl -> getChat () -> sendErrorToAdmins ( $this -> chatprefix . 'You can\'t change Gamemode during a Match' );
2021-10-30 22:40:53 +02:00
} else if ( $setting -> setting == self :: SETTING_MATCH_CUSTOM_GAMEMODE && $setting -> value != $this -> currentcustomgm ) {
$setting -> value = $this -> currentcustomgm ;
$this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager () -> saveSetting ( $setting );
2022-06-13 21:15:46 +02:00
$this -> maniaControl -> getChat () -> sendErrorToAdmins ( $this -> chatprefix . 'You can\'t change the Custom Gamemode during a Match' );
2021-07-30 20:18:11 +02:00
} else if ( $setting -> setting == self :: SETTING_MATCH_SETTINGS_MODE && $setting -> value != $this -> currentsettingmode ) {
$setting -> value = $this -> currentsettingmode ;
$this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager () -> saveSetting ( $setting );
2021-08-17 19:46:33 +02:00
$this -> maniaControl -> getChat () -> sendErrorToAdmins ( $this -> chatprefix . 'You can\'t change the Setting Mode during a Match' );
} else if ( $setting -> setting == self :: SETTING_MODE_HIDENEXTMAPS && $setting -> value != $this -> hidenextmaps ) {
$setting -> value = $this -> hidenextmaps ;
$this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager () -> saveSetting ( $setting );
$this -> maniaControl -> getChat () -> sendErrorToAdmins ( $this -> chatprefix . 'It\'s not possible to choose to hide or display the maps during a match' );
2021-07-30 20:18:11 +02:00
} else {
if ( $this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager () -> getSettingValue ( $this , self :: SETTING_MATCH_SETTINGS_MODE ) != 'All from file' ) {
Logger :: log ( " Load Script Settings " );
try {
2021-10-30 22:40:53 +02:00
$this -> loadGMSettings ( $this -> getGMSettings ( $this -> currentgmbase , $this -> currentcustomgm ));
2021-07-30 20:18:11 +02:00
Logger :: log ( " Parameters updated " );
$this -> maniaControl -> getChat () -> sendSuccessToAdmins ( $this -> chatprefix . 'Parameters updated' );
} catch ( InvalidArgumentException $e ) {
Logger :: log ( " Parameters not updated " );
$this -> maniaControl -> getChat () -> sendErrorToAdmins ( $this -> chatprefix . 'Parameters not updated' );
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
2021-07-30 20:18:11 +02:00
$this -> updateGMvariables ();
} else {
$this -> maniaControl -> getChat () -> sendErrorToAdmins ( $this -> chatprefix . 'Settings are loaded by Matchsettings file only.' );
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
2022-06-13 21:13:20 +02:00
} else if ( isset ( $setting ) && $setting -> belongsToClass ( $this )) {
if ( $setting -> setting == self :: SETTING_MATCH_CUSTOM_GAMEMODE && $setting -> value != " " ) {
$scriptfile = $this -> maniaControl -> getServer () -> getDirectory () -> getUserDataFolder () . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . " Scripts " . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . " Modes " . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $setting -> value ;
if ( ! file_exists ( $scriptfile )) {
$this -> maniaControl -> getChat () -> sendErrorToAdmins ( $this -> chatprefix . 'Unable to find the gamemode file: "' . $setting -> value . '"' );
} else if ( $setting -> setting == self :: SETTING_MODE_MAPLIST_FILE && $setting -> value != " " ) {
$scriptfile = $this -> maniaControl -> getServer () -> getDirectory () -> getMapsFolder () . " MatchSettings " . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $setting -> value ;
if ( ! file_exists ( $scriptfile )) {
$this -> maniaControl -> getChat () -> sendErrorToAdmins ( $this -> chatprefix . 'Unable to find the Maplist file: "' . $setting -> value . '"' );
} else if ( $setting -> setting == self :: SETTING_MATCH_POST_MATCH_MAPLIST && $setting -> value != " " ) {
$scriptfile = $this -> maniaControl -> getServer () -> getDirectory () -> getMapsFolder () . " MatchSettings " . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $setting -> value ;
if ( ! file_exists ( $scriptfile )) {
$this -> maniaControl -> getChat () -> sendErrorToAdmins ( $this -> chatprefix . 'Unable to find the Post match Maplist file: "' . $setting -> value . '"' );
} else if ( $setting -> setting == self :: SETTING_MODE_MAPS && $setting -> value != " " ) {
$maps = explode ( ',' , $this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager () -> getSettingValue ( $this , self :: SETTING_MODE_MAPS ));
foreach ( $maps as $map ) {
try {
$this -> maniaControl -> getClient () -> getMapInfo ( $map );
} catch ( \Exception $e ) {
$this -> maniaControl -> getChat () -> sendErrorToAdmins ( $this -> chatprefix . 'Unable to find the map: "' . $map . '"' );
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
2021-07-03 17:38:47 +02:00
2022-04-14 22:13:36 +02:00
if ( defined ( " \ ManiaControl \ ManiaControl::ISTRACKMANIACONTROL " ) && $this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager () -> getSettingValue ( $this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager (), SettingManager :: SETTING_ALLOW_UNLINK_SERVER )) {
$deletesettings = ! $this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager () -> getSettingValue ( $this , self :: SETTING_MATCH_DONT_DELETE_SETTINGS );
} else {
$deletesettings = true ;
2021-07-03 17:38:47 +02:00
$allsettings = $this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager () -> getSettingsByClass ( $this );
2021-07-30 20:18:11 +02:00
$settingsmode = $this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager () -> getSettingValue ( $this , self :: SETTING_MATCH_SETTINGS_MODE );
$modesettings = $this -> getModeSettings ( $settingsmode );
2021-07-03 17:38:47 +02:00
foreach ( $allsettings as $key => $value ) {
$name = $value -> setting ;
2021-07-30 20:18:11 +02:00
if ( array_key_exists ( $name , self :: SETTINGS_MODE_LIST )) {
2021-08-17 19:46:33 +02:00
if ( ! isset ( $modesettings [ $name ])) {
2022-04-14 22:13:36 +02:00
if ( $deletesettings ) $this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager () -> deleteSetting ( $this , $name );
2021-07-03 17:38:47 +02:00
2021-07-30 20:18:11 +02:00
foreach ( $modesettings as $key => $value ) {
2022-03-17 22:12:58 +01:00
$this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager () -> initSetting ( $this , $key , self :: SETTINGS_MODE_LIST [ $key ][ 'default' ], self :: SETTINGS_MODE_LIST [ $key ][ 'description' ], 50 );
2021-07-30 20:18:11 +02:00
if ( $settingsmode == 'Maps from file & Settings from plugin' || $settingsmode == 'All from the plugin' ) {
2021-10-30 22:40:53 +02:00
$gmsettings = $this -> getGMSettings ( $this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager () -> getSettingValue ( $this , self :: SETTING_MATCH_GAMEMODE_BASE ), $this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager () -> getSettingValue ( $this , self :: SETTING_MATCH_CUSTOM_GAMEMODE ));
2021-11-01 01:54:27 +01:00
2021-07-30 20:18:11 +02:00
foreach ( $allsettings as $key => $value ) {
$name = $value -> setting ;
2021-08-17 19:46:33 +02:00
if ( substr ( $name , 0 , 2 ) == " S_ " && ! isset ( $gmsettings [ $name ])) {
2022-04-14 22:13:36 +02:00
if ( $deletesettings ) $this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager () -> deleteSetting ( $this , $name );
2021-07-30 20:18:11 +02:00
foreach ( $gmsettings as $key => $value ) {
2022-03-17 22:12:58 +01:00
$this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager () -> initSetting ( $this , $key , $value [ 'default' ], $value [ 'description' ], 100 );
2021-07-30 20:18:11 +02:00
} else {
foreach ( $allsettings as $key => $value ) {
$name = $value -> setting ;
if ( substr ( $name , 0 , 2 ) == " S_ " ) {
2022-04-14 22:13:36 +02:00
if ( $deletesettings ) $this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager () -> deleteSetting ( $this , $name );
2021-07-30 20:18:11 +02:00
2021-07-03 17:38:47 +02:00
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
2021-07-30 20:18:11 +02:00
* Reset match variables
* @ param Setting $setting
public function resetMatchVariables () {
$this -> matchStarted = false ;
$this -> matchrecover = false ;
2024-06-16 17:04:15 +02:00
$this -> pauseon = false ;
2021-07-30 20:18:11 +02:00
$this -> pointstorecover = array ();
2025-02-21 23:17:16 +01:00
$this -> currentscore = array (); // TODO CHECK
$this -> preendroundscore = null ;
2021-07-30 20:18:11 +02:00
$this -> settingsloaded = false ;
$this -> mapsshuffled = false ;
$this -> mapshidden = false ;
2021-08-17 19:46:33 +02:00
$this -> hidenextmaps = false ;
2021-07-30 20:18:11 +02:00
$this -> maps = array ();
$this -> postmatch = true ;
$this -> matchid = " " ;
2021-08-17 19:46:33 +02:00
2023-04-04 14:52:18 +02:00
$this -> settings_nbroundsbymap = - 1 ;
2023-01-25 18:22:21 +01:00
$this -> settings_nbwinners = 2 ;
2021-08-17 19:46:33 +02:00
$this -> settings_nbmapsbymatch = 0 ;
$this -> settings_pointlimit = 100 ;
2021-11-01 01:54:27 +01:00
$this -> currentgmbase = " " ;
$this -> currentcustomgm = " " ;
$this -> currentsettingmode = " " ;
2021-07-30 20:18:11 +02:00
2021-08-22 12:17:38 +02:00
* Load Gamemode settings excluding not used settings in custom gamemodes
* @ param array $gmsettings
2021-10-30 22:40:53 +02:00
private function loadGMSettings ( $gmallsettings ) {
$currentgmsettings = $this -> maniaControl -> getClient () -> getModeScriptSettings ();
foreach ( $gmallsettings as $gamemodename => $info ) {
if ( isset ( $currentgmsettings [ $gamemodename ])) {
$gmsettings [ $gamemodename ] = $info [ 'value' ];
2021-08-22 12:17:38 +02:00
$this -> maniaControl -> getClient () -> setModeScriptSettings ( $gmsettings );
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
* Get Array with all settings of the Gamemode
2021-07-03 17:38:47 +02:00
* @ param String $gamemode
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
2021-10-30 22:40:53 +02:00
public function getGMSettings ( String $gamemodebase , String $customgamemode ) {
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
$gamesettings = [];
2021-08-22 12:17:38 +02:00
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
foreach ( self :: GAMEMODES_LIST_SETTINGS as $gamesetting => $info ) {
2021-10-30 22:40:53 +02:00
if ( in_array ( 'Global' , $info [ 'gamemode' ]) || in_array ( $gamemodebase , $info [ 'gamemode' ])) {
$gamesettings = array_merge ( $gamesettings , array ( $gamesetting => $info ));
if ( $customgamemode != " " ) {
$filename = $this -> maniaControl -> getServer () -> getDirectory () -> getUserDataFolder () . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . " Scripts " . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . " Modes " . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $customgamemode ;
if ( file_exists ( $filename )) {
$handle = fopen ( $filename , " r " );
if ( $handle ) {
while (( $line = fgets ( $handle )) !== false ) {
if ( preg_match ( '/^(\s*)\#Setting\s+(S_\S+)\s+(\S+)\s*(as\s|)(_\(|)("|\'|)([^\'"]*)("\)|\'\)|"|\'| |)/' , $line , $matches )) {
$gamesettingname = $matches [ 2 ];
$defaultvalue = $matches [ 3 ];
2021-11-01 01:54:27 +01:00
if ( is_numeric ( $matches [ 3 ]) && is_float ( $matches [ 3 ] + 0 )) {
2021-10-30 22:40:53 +02:00
$type = " float " ;
} else if ( is_numeric ( $matches [ 3 ])) {
$type = " integer " ;
} else if ( strtolower ( $matches [ 3 ]) == " true " || strtolower ( $matches [ 3 ]) == " false " ) {
$type = " boolean " ;
2022-06-13 21:13:20 +02:00
if ( strtolower ( $matches [ 3 ]) == " false " ) $defaultvalue = " " ;
2021-10-30 22:40:53 +02:00
} else {
$defaultvalue = str_replace ([ " ' " , '"' ], " " , $matches [ 3 ]);
$type = " string " ;
$description = $matches [ 7 ];
settype ( $defaultvalue , $type );
$gamesettings = array_merge ( $gamesettings , array ( $gamesettingname => [
'type' => $type ,
'default' => $defaultvalue ,
'description' => $description
} else if ( preg_match ( '/^\*\*\*/' , $line )) {
break ;
fclose ( $handle );
2022-04-24 21:56:36 +02:00
} else {
2022-06-13 21:15:46 +02:00
Logger :: logError ( " Impossible to read custom gamemode file " );
$this -> maniaControl -> getChat () -> sendErrorToAdmins ( $this -> chatprefix . " Impossible to read custom gamemode file " );
2021-07-03 17:38:47 +02:00
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
2021-10-30 22:40:53 +02:00
foreach ( $gamesettings as $settingname => $info ) {
$gamesettings [ $settingname ][ 'value' ] = $this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager () -> getSettingValue ( $this , $settingname );
if ( $gamesettings [ $settingname ][ 'value' ] == null ) {
$gamesettings [ $settingname ][ 'value' ] = $info [ 'default' ];
settype ( $gamesettings [ $settingname ][ 'value' ], $info [ 'type' ]);
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
return $gamesettings ;
2021-07-30 20:18:11 +02:00
* Get Array with all settings of the Gamemode
* @ param String $gamemode
public function getModeSettings ( String $mode ) {
$modesettings = [];
foreach ( self :: SETTINGS_MODE_LIST as $setting => $info ) {
if ( in_array ( 'Global' , $info [ 'mode' ]) || in_array ( $mode , $info [ 'mode' ])) {
$value = $this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager () -> getSettingValue ( $this , $setting );
if ( $value == null ) {
$value = $info [ 'default' ];
settype ( $value , $info [ 'type' ]);
$modesettings = array_merge ( $modesettings , array ( $setting => $value ));
return $modesettings ;
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
* Load functionnal variables
public function updateGMvariables () {
Logger :: log ( " Updating internal variables " );
$this -> currentgmsettings = $this -> maniaControl -> getClient () -> getModeScriptSettings ();
if ( isset ( $this -> currentgmsettings [ self :: SETTING_MATCH_S_POINTSLIMIT ])) {
2021-04-06 21:28:00 +02:00
$this -> settings_pointlimit = ( int ) $this -> currentgmsettings [ self :: SETTING_MATCH_S_POINTSLIMIT ];
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
if ( isset ( $this -> currentgmsettings [ self :: SETTING_MATCH_S_NBOFWINNERS ])) {
2021-04-06 21:28:00 +02:00
$this -> settings_nbwinners = ( int ) $this -> currentgmsettings [ self :: SETTING_MATCH_S_NBOFWINNERS ];
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
if ( isset ( $this -> currentgmsettings [ self :: SETTING_MATCH_S_ROUNDSPERMAP ])) {
2021-04-06 21:28:00 +02:00
$this -> settings_nbroundsbymap = ( int ) $this -> currentgmsettings [ self :: SETTING_MATCH_S_ROUNDSPERMAP ];
2022-03-04 17:43:58 +01:00
} else {
2023-04-04 14:52:18 +02:00
$this -> settings_nbroundsbymap = - 1 ;
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
2023-01-25 18:22:21 +01:00
if ( isset ( $this -> currentgmsettings [ self :: SETTING_MATCH_S_MAPSPERMATCH ])) {
2021-04-06 21:28:00 +02:00
$this -> settings_nbmapsbymatch = ( int ) $this -> currentgmsettings [ self :: SETTING_MATCH_S_MAPSPERMATCH ];
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
2023-10-09 09:57:49 +02:00
if ( isset ( $this -> currentgmsettings [ self :: SETTING_MATCH_S_DISABLEGOTOMAP ])) {
$this -> settings_disablegotomap = ( bool ) $this -> currentgmsettings [ self :: SETTING_MATCH_S_DISABLEGOTOMAP ];
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
2021-04-06 21:28:00 +02:00
* Function called to list matches
2024-05-27 14:08:04 +02:00
public function getMatchesList ( int $limit = 10 ) {
2021-04-06 21:28:00 +02:00
$mysqli = $this -> maniaControl -> getDatabase () -> getMysqli ();
2024-05-27 14:08:04 +02:00
$stmt = $mysqli -> prepare ( " SELECT `gamemodebase`,`started`,`ended` FROM ` " . self :: DB_MATCHESINDEX . " ` ORDER BY `started` DESC LIMIT ? " );
$stmt -> bind_param ( 'i' , $limit );
if ( ! $stmt -> execute ()) {
Logger :: logError ( 'Error executing MySQL query: ' . $stmt -> error );
2021-04-06 21:28:00 +02:00
2024-05-27 14:08:04 +02:00
$result = $stmt -> get_result ();
2021-04-06 21:28:00 +02:00
while ( $row = $result -> fetch_array ()) {
$array [] = $row ;
return $array ;
* Function called to start the match
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
public function MatchStart () {
2022-03-29 22:05:51 +02:00
if ( $this -> matchStarted ) {
$this -> maniaControl -> getChat () -> sendErrorToAdmins ( $this -> chatprefix . " a match is already launched " );
return ;
2021-07-30 20:18:11 +02:00
try {
$this -> matchid = $this -> maniaControl -> getServer () -> login . " - " . time ();
$this -> currentgmbase = $this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager () -> getSettingValue ( $this , self :: SETTING_MATCH_GAMEMODE_BASE );
2021-10-30 22:40:53 +02:00
$this -> currentcustomgm = $this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager () -> getSettingValue ( $this , self :: SETTING_MATCH_CUSTOM_GAMEMODE );
2021-07-30 20:18:11 +02:00
$this -> currentsettingmode = $this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager () -> getSettingValue ( $this , self :: SETTING_MATCH_SETTINGS_MODE );
2022-06-18 01:05:09 +02:00
$maplist = " " ;
2021-08-17 19:46:33 +02:00
if ( $this -> currentgmbase == " RoyalTimeAttack " ) {
$this -> maniaControl -> getChat () -> sendErrorToAdmins ( $this -> chatprefix . " No data are save in RoyalTimeAttack for the moment, it's not implemented on server side. Waiting a fix from NADEO " );
Logger :: Log ( " No data are save in RoyalTimeAttack for the moment, it's not implemented on server side. Waiting a fix from NADEO " );
2021-11-01 01:54:27 +01:00
2021-08-17 19:46:33 +02:00
// Prepare maps in case of "All from the plugin" mode
if ( $this -> currentsettingmode == 'All from the plugin' && strlen ( $this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager () -> getSettingValue ( $this , self :: SETTING_MODE_MAPS )) >= 1 ) {
$maps = explode ( ',' , $this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager () -> getSettingValue ( $this , self :: SETTING_MODE_MAPS ));
foreach ( $maps as $map ) {
try {
2022-03-17 22:12:58 +01:00
$mapInfo = $this -> maniaControl -> getMapManager () -> initializeMap ( $this -> maniaControl -> getClient () -> getMapInfo ( $map ));
2021-08-17 19:46:33 +02:00
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
throw new \Exception ( " Error with the map " . $map . " : " . $e -> getMessage ());
2021-07-30 20:18:11 +02:00
2021-08-17 19:46:33 +02:00
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
2021-08-17 19:46:33 +02:00
if ( $this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager () -> getSettingValue ( $this , self :: SETTING_MODE_SHUFFLE )) {
$this -> mapsshuffled = true ;
2024-03-04 14:24:36 +01:00
$seed = $this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager () -> getSettingValue ( $this , self :: SETTING_MODE_SHUFFLE_SEED );
if ( $seed !== " " ) {
2024-03-13 16:38:04 +01:00
mt_srand ( crc32 ( $seed ));
2024-03-04 14:24:36 +01:00
2021-08-17 19:46:33 +02:00
shuffle ( $maps );
2021-07-30 20:18:11 +02:00
2021-08-17 19:46:33 +02:00
//Remove all maps
foreach ( $this -> maniaControl -> getMapManager () -> getMaps () as $map ) {
$this -> maniaControl -> getClient () -> removeMap ( $map -> fileName );
2021-01-19 11:44:23 +01:00
2021-08-17 19:46:33 +02:00
$this -> maps = $maps ;
$this -> hidenextmaps = $this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager () -> getSettingValue ( $this , self :: SETTING_MODE_HIDENEXTMAPS );
// Define Gamemode
if ( $this -> currentsettingmode != 'All from file' ) {
2021-07-30 20:18:11 +02:00
if ( empty ( $this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager () -> getSettingValue ( $this , self :: SETTING_MATCH_CUSTOM_GAMEMODE ))) {
$scriptName = " Trackmania/TM_ " ;
$scriptName .= $this -> currentgmbase ;
$scriptName .= " _Online.Script.txt " ;
$this -> maniaControl -> getChat () -> sendSuccess ( $this -> chatprefix . 'Match start in ' . $this -> currentgmbase . ' mode!' );
} else {
$scriptName = $this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager () -> getSettingValue ( $this , self :: SETTING_MATCH_CUSTOM_GAMEMODE );
$this -> maniaControl -> getChat () -> sendSuccess ( $this -> chatprefix . 'Match start with script ' . $scriptName . ' (based on ' . $this -> currentgmbase . ')' );
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
2021-07-30 20:18:11 +02:00
Logger :: log ( " Match start with script " . $scriptName . '!' );
$this -> maniaControl -> getClient () -> setScriptName ( $scriptName );
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
2021-08-17 19:46:33 +02:00
// Must be after loading the script in case of different MapType
if ( $this -> currentsettingmode != 'All from the plugin' ) {
Logger :: log ( " Loading maplist + matchsettings " );
$maplist = $this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager () -> getSettingValue ( $this , self :: SETTING_MODE_MAPLIST_FILE );
if ( empty ( $maplist )) {
$server = $this -> maniaControl -> getServer () -> login ;
$maplist = 'MatchSettings' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $server . " .txt " ;
} else {
$maplist = 'MatchSettings' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $maplist ;
Logger :: log ( " Load matchsettings: " . $maplist );
if ( ! is_file ( $this -> maniaControl -> getServer () -> getDirectory () -> getMapsFolder () . $maplist )) {
throw new \Exception ( " The Maplist file is not accessible or does not exist (the match has not started) " );
//Remove all maps
foreach ( $this -> maniaControl -> getMapManager () -> getMaps () as $map ) {
$this -> maniaControl -> getClient () -> removeMap ( $map -> fileName );
2021-11-01 01:54:27 +01:00
$this -> maniaControl -> getClient () -> InsertPlaylistFromMatchSettings ( $maplist );
2021-08-17 19:46:33 +02:00
} elseif ( $this -> currentsettingmode == 'All from the plugin' ) {
if ( $this -> hidenextmaps ) {
$this -> maniaControl -> getClient () -> addMap ( $this -> maps [ 0 ]);
} else {
foreach ( $this -> maps as $map ) {
$this -> maniaControl -> getClient () -> addMap ( $map );
Logger :: log ( " Restructure maplist " );
$this -> maniaControl -> getMapManager () -> restructureMapList ();
2021-07-30 20:18:11 +02:00
$this -> matchStarted = true ;
$this -> nbmaps = 0 ;
$this -> nbrounds = 0 ;
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
2021-07-30 20:18:11 +02:00
Logger :: log ( " Get Players " );
$players = $this -> maniaControl -> getPlayerManager () -> getPlayers ();
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
2021-07-30 20:18:11 +02:00
Logger :: log ( " Player State " );
foreach ( $players as $player ) {
$this -> handlePlayerConnect ( $player );
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
2024-05-27 14:08:04 +02:00
$serverlogin = $this -> maniaControl -> getServer () -> login ;
$timestamp = time ();
2021-07-30 20:18:11 +02:00
$mysqli = $this -> maniaControl -> getDatabase () -> getMysqli ();
2024-05-27 14:08:04 +02:00
$stmt = $mysqli -> prepare ( 'INSERT INTO `' . self :: DB_MATCHESINDEX . ' ` (` matchid `, ` server `, ` gamemodebase `, ` started `, ` ended ` )
VALUES ( ? , ? , ? , ? , 0 ) ' );
$stmt -> bind_param ( 'sssi' , $this -> matchid , $serverlogin , $this -> currentgmbase , $timestamp );
if ( ! $stmt -> execute ()) {
Logger :: logError ( 'Error executing MySQL query: ' . $stmt -> error );
2021-07-30 20:18:11 +02:00
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
2021-07-30 20:18:11 +02:00
// Trigger Callback
$settings = [
'currentgmbase' => $this -> currentgmbase ,
'scriptName' => $scriptName ,
'maplist' => $maplist ,
'mapsshuffled' => $this -> mapsshuffled ,
'mapshidden' => $this -> mapshidden ,
'maps' => $this -> maps ];
$this -> maniaControl -> getCallbackManager () -> triggerCallback ( self :: CB_MATCHMANAGER_STARTMATCH , $this -> matchid , $settings );
Logger :: log ( " Skip map " );
$this -> maniaControl -> getMapManager () -> getMapActions () -> skipMap ();
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
$this -> resetMatchVariables ();
Logger :: log ( $e -> getMessage ());
$this -> maniaControl -> getChat () -> sendErrorToAdmins ( $this -> chatprefix . $e -> getMessage ());
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
2021-04-06 21:28:00 +02:00
* Function called to end the match
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
public function MatchEnd () {
try {
2024-06-06 11:18:59 +02:00
// Since now, we conside the match not started
$this -> matchStarted = false ;
2021-11-01 01:54:27 +01:00
// Load TimeAttack gamemode if possible
2022-06-13 21:13:20 +02:00
$maplist = 'MatchSettings' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager () -> getSettingValue ( $this , self :: SETTING_MATCH_POST_MATCH_MAPLIST );
if ( is_file ( $this -> maniaControl -> getServer () -> getDirectory () -> getMapsFolder () . $maplist )) {
$this -> maniaControl -> getClient () -> loadMatchSettings ( $maplist );
} else {
if ( $this -> currentmap -> mapType == " TrackMania \T M_Race " ) {
$scriptname = " Trackmania/TM_TimeAttack_Online.Script.txt " ;
} else if ( $this -> currentmap -> mapType == " TrackMania \T M_Royal " ) {
$scriptname = " Trackmania/TM_RoyalTimeAttack_Online.Script.txt " ;
if ( isset ( $scriptname )) {
Logger :: log ( " Loading script: " . $scriptname );
$this -> maniaControl -> getClient () -> setScriptName ( $scriptname );
2021-11-01 01:54:27 +01:00
2022-06-13 21:13:20 +02:00
2024-07-27 13:31:27 +02:00
2024-05-27 14:08:04 +02:00
$timestamp = time ();
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
$mysqli = $this -> maniaControl -> getDatabase () -> getMysqli ();
2024-07-27 13:31:27 +02:00
$mysqli -> begin_transaction ();
2024-05-27 14:08:04 +02:00
$stmt = $mysqli -> prepare ( 'UPDATE `' . self :: DB_MATCHESINDEX . '` SET `ended` = ? WHERE `matchid` = ?' );
$stmt -> bind_param ( 'is' , $timestamp , $this -> matchid );
if ( ! $stmt -> execute ()) {
Logger :: logError ( 'Error executing MySQL query: ' . $stmt -> error );
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
2024-07-27 13:31:27 +02:00
// Match Result
$stmt = $mysqli -> prepare ( 'INSERT INTO `' . self :: DB_MATCHESRESULT . ' `
( `matchid` , `timestamp` , `rank` , `login` , `matchpoints` , `teamid` )
VALUES ( ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? ) ' );
$stmt -> bind_param ( 'siisii' ,
$this -> matchid ,
$timestamp ,
$rank ,
$login ,
$matchpoints ,
foreach ( $this -> currentscore as $score ) {
list ( $rank , $login , $matchpoints , $mappoints , $roundpoints , $bestracetime , $bestracecheckpoints , $bestlaptime , $bestlapcheckpoints , $prevracetime , $prevracecheckpoints , $teamid ) = $score ;
if ( ! $stmt -> execute ()) {
Logger :: logError ( 'Error executing MySQL query: ' . $stmt -> error );
$stmt -> close ();
// Teams Rounds data
if ( count ( $this -> currentteamsscore ) > 1 ) {
$stmt = $mysqli -> prepare ( 'INSERT INTO `' . self :: DB_MATCHESTEAMSRESULT . ' ` (` matchid `,` timestamp `,` rank `,` id `,` team `,` matchpoints ` )
VALUES ( ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? ) ' );
$stmt -> bind_param ( 'siiisi' , $this -> matchid , $timestamp , $rank , $teamid , $teamname , $matchpoints );
foreach ( $this -> currentteamsscore as $score ) {
list ( $rank , $teamid , $teamname , $matchpoints ) = $score ;
if ( ! $stmt -> execute ()) {
Logger :: logError ( 'Error executing MySQL query: ' . $stmt -> error );
$stmt -> close ();
$mysqli -> commit ();
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
// Trigger Callback
$this -> maniaControl -> getCallbackManager () -> triggerCallback ( self :: CB_MATCHMANAGER_ENDMATCH , $this -> matchid , $this -> currentscore , $this -> currentteamsscore );
// End notifications
$this -> maniaControl -> getChat () -> sendSuccess ( $this -> chatprefix . " Match finished " );
Logger :: log ( " Match finished " );
2021-07-30 20:18:11 +02:00
$this -> resetMatchVariables ();
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
// Teams Specifics variables
$this -> currentteamsscore = [];
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
$this -> maniaControl -> getChat () -> sendErrorToAdmins ( $this -> chatprefix . 'Can not finish match: ' . $e -> getMessage ());
2021-04-06 21:28:00 +02:00
* Function called to stop the match
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
public function MatchStop () {
Logger :: log ( " Match stop " );
2022-03-29 22:05:51 +02:00
if ( ! $this -> matchStarted ) {
$this -> maniaControl -> getChat () -> sendErrorToAdmins ( $this -> chatprefix . " No match launched " );
return ;
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
try {
2024-06-06 11:18:59 +02:00
// Since now, we conside the match not started
$this -> matchStarted = false ;
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
// Trigger Callback
$this -> maniaControl -> getCallbackManager () -> triggerCallback ( self :: CB_MATCHMANAGER_STOPMATCH , $this -> matchid , $this -> currentscore , $this -> currentteamsscore );
$this -> maniaControl -> getChat () -> sendError ( $this -> chatprefix . 'Match stopped by an Admin!' );
2021-07-30 20:18:11 +02:00
2024-06-16 17:04:15 +02:00
// Cancel pause if match stopped during a pause
if ( $this -> pauseon ) {
$this -> unsetNadeoPause ();
2021-11-01 01:54:27 +01:00
// Load TimeAttack gamemode if possible
2022-06-13 21:13:20 +02:00
$maplist = 'MatchSettings' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager () -> getSettingValue ( $this , self :: SETTING_MATCH_POST_MATCH_MAPLIST );
if ( is_file ( $this -> maniaControl -> getServer () -> getDirectory () -> getMapsFolder () . $maplist )) {
$this -> maniaControl -> getClient () -> loadMatchSettings ( $maplist );
} else {
if ( $this -> currentmap -> mapType == " TrackMania \T M_Race " ) {
$scriptname = " Trackmania/TM_TimeAttack_Online.Script.txt " ;
} else if ( $this -> currentmap -> mapType == " TrackMania \T M_Royal " ) {
$scriptname = " Trackmania/TM_RoyalTimeAttack_Online.Script.txt " ;
if ( isset ( $scriptname )) {
Logger :: log ( " Loading script: " . $scriptname );
$this -> maniaControl -> getClient () -> setScriptName ( $scriptname );
2021-11-01 01:54:27 +01:00
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
2021-11-01 01:54:27 +01:00
$this -> resetMatchVariables ();
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
$this -> maniaControl -> getChat () -> sendErrorToAdmins ( $this -> chatprefix . 'Can not stop match: ' . $e -> getMessage ());
Logger :: log ( " Restarting map to load Gamemode " );
$this -> maniaControl -> getClient () -> restartMap ();
2021-04-06 21:28:00 +02:00
* Function called to recover a match
* @ param integer $index
2024-05-27 14:08:04 +02:00
public function MatchRecover ( int $index ) : bool {
2021-04-06 21:28:00 +02:00
Logger :: log ( " Match Recover " );
$mysqli = $this -> maniaControl -> getDatabase () -> getMysqli ();
2024-05-27 14:08:04 +02:00
$stmt = $mysqli -> prepare ( 'SELECT `matchid`,`gamemodebase` FROM `' . self :: DB_MATCHESINDEX . '` ORDER BY `started` DESC LIMIT ? , 1' );
$stmt -> bind_param ( 'i' , $index );
if ( ! $stmt -> execute ()) {
Logger :: logError ( 'Error executing MySQL query: ' . $stmt -> error );
return false ;
$result = $stmt -> get_result ();
2021-04-06 21:28:00 +02:00
$array = mysqli_fetch_array ( $result );
2024-05-27 14:08:04 +02:00
2021-04-06 21:28:00 +02:00
if ( isset ( $array [ 0 ])) {
$gamemodebase = $array [ 'gamemodebase' ];
$matchid = $array [ 'matchid' ];
2024-05-27 14:08:04 +02:00
2021-04-06 21:28:00 +02:00
$this -> matchrecover = true ;
2024-05-27 14:08:04 +02:00
$stmt = $mysqli -> prepare ( 'SELECT `timestamp` FROM `' . self :: DB_ROUNDSINDEX . '` WHERE `matchid` = ? ORDER BY `timestamp` DESC LIMIT 1' );
$stmt -> bind_param ( 's' , $matchid );
if ( ! $stmt -> execute ()) {
Logger :: logError ( 'Error executing MySQL query: ' . $stmt -> error );
return false ;
$result = $stmt -> get_result ();
2021-04-06 21:28:00 +02:00
$array = mysqli_fetch_array ( $result );
if ( isset ( $array [ 0 ])) {
2024-05-27 14:08:04 +02:00
$timestamp = $array [ 'timestamp' ];
2021-04-06 21:28:00 +02:00
if ( $gamemodebase == " Teams " ) {
2024-05-27 14:08:04 +02:00
$stmt = $mysqli -> prepare ( 'SELECT `id` AS login, `matchpoints` FROM `' . self :: DB_TEAMSDATA . ' `
WHERE `matchid` = ? AND `timestamp` = ? ' );
/* $stmt = $mysqli -> prepare ( 'SELECT `id` AS login, `points` AS matchpoints FROM `' . self :: DB_TEAMSDATA . ' `
WHERE `timestamp` = ( SELECT `timestamp` FROM `' . self::DB_TEAMSDATA . '`
WHERE `matchid` = ? ORDER BY `timestamp` DESC LIMIT 1 ) ' );
2021-04-06 21:28:00 +02:00
} else {
2024-05-27 14:08:04 +02:00
$stmt = $mysqli -> prepare ( 'SELECT `login`,`matchpoints` FROM `' . self :: DB_ROUNDSDATA . ' `
WHERE `matchid` = ? AND `timestamp` = ? ' );
2021-04-06 21:28:00 +02:00
2024-05-27 14:08:04 +02:00
$stmt -> bind_param ( 'si' , $matchid , $timestamp );
if ( ! $stmt -> execute ()) {
Logger :: logError ( 'Error executing MySQL query: ' . $stmt -> error );
2021-04-06 21:28:00 +02:00
return false ;
2024-05-27 14:08:04 +02:00
$result = $stmt -> get_result ();
2021-04-06 21:28:00 +02:00
while ( $row = $result -> fetch_array ()) {
$array [] = $row ;
if ( isset ( $array [ 0 ])) {
$this -> matchrecover = true ;
foreach ( $array as $index => $value ) {
if ( isset ( $value [ 'login' ])) {
$this -> pointstorecover [ $value [ 'login' ]] = $value [ 'matchpoints' ];
$this -> maniaControl -> getChat () -> sendSuccess ( $this -> chatprefix . 'Recovering the match: ' . $matchid );
Logger :: log ( 'Recovering the match: ' . $matchid );
$this -> MatchStart ();
2024-05-27 14:08:04 +02:00
return true ;
2021-04-06 21:28:00 +02:00
} else {
$this -> maniaControl -> getChat () -> sendErrorToAdmins ( $this -> chatprefix . 'No data found from the last round' );
} else {
$this -> maniaControl -> getChat () -> sendErrorToAdmins ( $this -> chatprefix . 'No Rounds found for this match' );
} else {
$this -> maniaControl -> getChat () -> sendErrorToAdmins ( $this -> chatprefix . 'Match not found' );
2024-05-27 14:08:04 +02:00
return false ;
2021-04-06 21:28:00 +02:00
* Function called to recover points
private function recoverPoints () {
if ( ! empty ( $this -> pointstorecover )) {
if ( $this -> currentgmbase == " Teams " ) {
// Blue Team
$this -> maniaControl -> getModeScriptEventManager () -> setTrackmaniaTeamPoints ( " 0 " , " " , $this -> pointstorecover [ 0 ], $this -> pointstorecover [ 0 ]);
$this -> maniaControl -> getChat () -> sendSuccess ( $this -> chatprefix . '$<$ff0' . $this -> pointstorecover [ 0 ] . '$> points recovered for the $<$00fBlue$> Team' );
// Red Team
$this -> maniaControl -> getModeScriptEventManager () -> setTrackmaniaTeamPoints ( " 1 " , " " , $this -> pointstorecover [ 1 ], $this -> pointstorecover [ 1 ]);
$this -> maniaControl -> getChat () -> sendSuccess ( $this -> chatprefix . '$<$ff0' . $this -> pointstorecover [ 1 ] . '$> points recovered for the $<$f00Red$> Team' );
Logger :: log ( " Point recovered: Blue " . $this -> pointstorecover [ 0 ] . " - Red " . $this -> pointstorecover [ 1 ]);
$this -> pointstorecover = [];
} else {
foreach ( $this -> pointstorecover as $index => $value ) {
$player = $this -> maniaControl -> getPlayerManager () -> getPlayer ( $index , true );
if ( $player ) {
if ( ! empty ( $this -> currentscore )) {
$key = array_search ( $index , array_column ( $this -> currentscore , '1' ));
if ( ! ( $key === false )) {
$points = $value + $this -> currentscore [ $key ][ 2 ];
} else {
$points = $value ;
} else {
$points = $value ;
$this -> maniaControl -> getModeScriptEventManager () -> setTrackmaniaPlayerPoints ( $player , " " , " " , $points );
$this -> maniaControl -> getChat () -> sendSuccess ( $this -> chatprefix . 'Your $<$ff0' . $value . '$> points have been recovered' , $player );
unset ( $this -> pointstorecover [ $index ]);
Logger :: log ( " Point recovered: " . $index . " " . $points . " (+ " . $value . " ) " );
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
* Set pause
* @ param boolean $admin
* @ param integer $time
2021-06-27 21:34:31 +02:00
public function setNadeoPause ( $admin = false , $time = null ) {
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
Logger :: log ( " Nadeo Pause " );
if ( $time === null ) {
$this -> pausetimer = $this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager () -> getSettingValue ( $this , self :: SETTING_MATCH_PAUSE_DURATION );
} else {
$this -> pausetimer = $time ;
2021-06-27 21:34:31 +02:00
$this -> pauseon = true ;
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
$this -> maniaControl -> getModeScriptEventManager () -> startPause ();
$this -> maniaControl -> getChat () -> sendSuccessToAdmins ( $this -> chatprefix . 'You can interrupt the pause with the command //matchendpause' );
if ( $this -> pausetimer > 0 ) {
2021-06-27 21:34:31 +02:00
$this -> displayPauseWidget ();
$this -> maniaControl -> getTimerManager () -> registerOneTimeListening ( $this , function () {
$this -> unsetNadeoPause ();
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
}, $this -> pausetimer * 1000 );
* Unset pause
private function unsetNadeoPause () {
if ( $this -> pauseon ) {
Logger :: log ( " End Pause " );
$this -> closePauseWidget ();
2021-06-27 21:34:31 +02:00
$this -> pauseon = false ;
$this -> skipround = true ;
2022-04-24 21:56:36 +02:00
$this -> maniaControl -> getModeScriptEventManager () -> endPause ();
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
* Display Pause Widget
2021-06-27 21:34:31 +02:00
public function displayPauseWidget () {
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
$posX = $this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager () -> getSettingValue ( $this , self :: SETTING_MATCH_PAUSE_POSX );
$posY = $this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager () -> getSettingValue ( $this , self :: SETTING_MATCH_PAUSE_POSY );
$maniaLink = new ManiaLink ( self :: MLID_MATCH_PAUSE_WIDGET );
// mainframe
$frame = new Frame ();
$maniaLink -> addChild ( $frame );
$frame -> setSize ( 30 , 20 );
$frame -> setPosition ( $posX , $posY );
$label = new Label_Text ();
$frame -> addChild ( $label );
$label -> setPosition ( 0 , 2 , 0.2 );
$label -> setVerticalAlign ( $label :: TOP );
$label -> setTextSize ( 8 );
$label -> setTextFont ( " GameFontBlack " );
$label -> setTextPrefix ( '$s' );
if ( $this -> pausetimer < 10 ) {
$label -> setTextColor ( 'f00' );
} else {
$label -> setTextColor ( 'fff' );
$label -> setText ( $this -> pausetimer );
// Send manialink
$this -> maniaControl -> getManialinkManager () -> sendManialink ( $maniaLink );
2021-06-27 21:34:31 +02:00
$this -> maniaControl -> getTimerManager () -> registerOneTimeListening ( $this , function () {
if ( $this -> pausetimer > 0 && $this -> pauseon ) {
$this -> pausetimer -- ;
$this -> displayPauseWidget ();
} else {
$this -> closePauseWidget ();
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
}, 1000 );
* Close Pause Widget
* @ param string $login
public function closePauseWidget ( $login = null ) {
$this -> maniaControl -> getManialinkManager () -> hideManialink ( self :: MLID_MATCH_PAUSE_WIDGET , $login );
* Handle when a player connect
* @ param \ManiaControl\Players\Player $player
public function handlePlayerConnect ( Player $player ) {
if ( $this -> pauseon ) {
$this -> displayPauseWidget ( $player -> login );
* Handle when a player disconnects
* @ param \ManiaControl\Players\Player $player
public function handlePlayerDisconnect ( Player $player ) {
$this -> closePauseWidget ( $player -> login );
2021-11-01 01:54:27 +01:00
* Handle XMLRPC callback " Maniaplanet.StartMatch_Start "
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
2021-11-01 01:54:27 +01:00
public function handleStartMatchStartCallback () {
Logger :: log ( " handleStartMatchStartCallback " );
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
2021-11-01 01:54:27 +01:00
if ( $this -> matchStarted ) {
Logger :: log ( " Loading settings " );
$this -> settingsloaded = true ;
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
2021-11-01 01:54:27 +01:00
if ( $this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager () -> getSettingValue ( $this , self :: SETTING_MATCH_SETTINGS_MODE ) != 'All from file' ) {
Logger :: log ( " Load Script Settings " );
$this -> loadGMSettings ( $this -> getGMSettings ( $this -> currentgmbase , $this -> currentcustomgm ));
$this -> updateGMvariables ();
} else if ( $this -> postmatch ) {
$this -> postmatch = false ;
2022-06-13 21:15:46 +02:00
Logger :: log ( " Load PostMatch Gamemode Settings " );
2022-06-13 21:13:20 +02:00
$maplist = 'MatchSettings' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager () -> getSettingValue ( $this , self :: SETTING_MATCH_POST_MATCH_MAPLIST );
if ( is_file ( $this -> maniaControl -> getServer () -> getDirectory () -> getMapsFolder () . $maplist )) {
$this -> maniaControl -> getClient () -> loadMatchSettings ( $maplist );
} else {
$postmatchsettings = [
$currentgmsettings = $this -> maniaControl -> getClient () -> getModeScriptSettings ();
foreach ( $postmatchsettings as $gamesettingname => $value ) {
if ( ! array_key_exists ( $gamesettingname , $currentgmsettings )) {
unset ( $postmatchsettings [ $gamesettingname ]);
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
2022-06-13 21:13:20 +02:00
$this -> maniaControl -> getClient () -> setModeScriptSettings ( $postmatchsettings );
2021-11-01 01:54:27 +01:00
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
2021-11-01 01:54:27 +01:00
* Handle Maniacontrol callback " BeginMatch "
public function handleBeginMatchCallback () {
2021-12-26 13:04:19 +01:00
Logger :: log ( " handleBeginMatchCallback " );
2021-11-01 01:54:27 +01:00
if ( $this -> matchStarted && ! $this -> settingsloaded ) {
Logger :: log ( " Restarting map to restart match data " );
$this -> maniaControl -> getClient () -> restartMap ();
2021-11-03 01:24:36 +01:00
} else if ( $this -> matchStarted && $this -> settingsloaded && $this -> nbrounds == 0 ) {
Logger :: Log ( " Check if Points Repartition need to be re-applied " );
$this -> maniaControl -> getModeScriptEventManager () -> getTrackmaniaPointsRepartition () -> setCallable ( function ( OnPointsRepartitionStructure $structure ) {
$currentgmsettings = $this -> maniaControl -> getClient () -> getModeScriptSettings ();
if ( ! is_null ( $this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager () -> getSettingValue ( $this , self :: SETTING_MATCH_S_POINTSREPARTITION )) && isset ( $currentgmsettings [ self :: SETTING_MATCH_S_POINTSREPARTITION ])) {
$pointrepartitionarray = explode ( " , " , $this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager () -> getSettingValue ( $this , self :: SETTING_MATCH_S_POINTSREPARTITION ));
if ( $structure -> getPointsRepartition () != $pointrepartitionarray ) {
Logger :: Log ( " re-applying Points Repartition for workaround " );
$newpoints = array ( self :: SETTING_MATCH_S_POINTSREPARTITION => $this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager () -> getSettingValue ( $this , self :: SETTING_MATCH_S_POINTSREPARTITION ) . ',' . end ( $pointrepartitionarray ));
$this -> maniaControl -> getClient () -> setModeScriptSettings ( $newpoints );
2021-11-01 01:54:27 +01:00
* Handle Maniacontrol callback " BeginMap "
public function handleBeginMapCallback () {
Logger :: log ( " handleBeginMapCallback " );
if ( $this -> matchStarted ) {
$this -> nbmaps ++ ;
$this -> nbrounds = 0 ;
if ( $this -> nbmaps > 0 ) {
$maps = $this -> maniaControl -> getMapManager () -> getMaps ();
$totalnbmaps = $this -> maniaControl -> getMapManager () -> getMapsCount ();
$this -> currentmap = $this -> maniaControl -> getMapManager () -> getCurrentMap ();
Logger :: log ( " Current Map: " . Formatter :: stripCodes ( $this -> currentmap -> name ));
$message = $this -> chatprefix . '$<$o$iCurrent Map:$>' . " \n " ;
$message .= Formatter :: stripCodes ( $this -> currentmap -> name );
$this -> maniaControl -> getChat () -> sendInformation ( $message );
2023-10-09 09:57:49 +02:00
if ( ! in_array ( $this -> currentgmbase , [ " Laps " , " TimeAttack " , " RoyalTimeAttack " ]) && ! $this -> settings_disablegotomap ) {
2021-11-01 01:54:27 +01:00
$message = " " ;
$i = 0 ;
foreach ( $maps as $map ) {
if ( $this -> currentmap -> uid == $map -> uid ) {
break ;
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
2021-11-01 01:54:27 +01:00
$i ++ ;
if (( $this -> settings_nbmapsbymatch > 0 && $i < $this -> settings_nbmapsbymatch - 1 && $this -> nbmaps < $this -> settings_nbmapsbymatch ) || ( $this -> settings_nbmapsbymatch <= 0 && ( $totalnbmaps >= 2 || count ( $this -> maps ) >= 2 ))) { // TODO manage maps in queue added by an admin
$message = $this -> chatprefix . '$<$o$iNext Maps:$>' ;
$nbhiddenmaps = 0 ;
if ( $this -> hidenextmaps ) {
if ( $totalnbmaps < count ( $this -> maps )) {
if ( $this -> settings_nbmapsbymatch > 0 ) {
$nbhiddenmaps = min ( count ( $this -> maps ) - $totalnbmaps , $this -> settings_nbmapsbymatch - 1 );
} else {
$nbhiddenmaps = count ( $this -> maps ) - $totalnbmaps ;
2021-08-22 23:32:17 +02:00
2021-11-01 01:54:27 +01:00
$message .= " \n Then " . $nbhiddenmaps . " hidden maps " ;
Logger :: log ( " Then " . $nbhiddenmaps . " hidden maps " );
2021-08-22 23:32:17 +02:00
2021-11-01 01:54:27 +01:00
2021-08-22 23:32:17 +02:00
2021-11-01 01:54:27 +01:00
for ( $j = 1 ; $j + $nbhiddenmaps <= 4 && (( $this -> settings_nbmapsbymatch > 0 && $j + $nbhiddenmaps <= $this -> settings_nbmapsbymatch - $this -> nbmaps ) || ( $this -> settings_nbmapsbymatch <= 0 && $j + $nbhiddenmaps <= $totalnbmaps )) ; $j ++ ) {
$index = $i + $j ;
while ( $index >= $totalnbmaps ) { // return to the start of the array if end of array
$index = $index - $totalnbmaps ;
2021-08-17 19:46:33 +02:00
2021-11-01 01:54:27 +01:00
if ( $index != $i ) {
$message .= " \n " . $j . " : " . Formatter :: stripCodes ( $maps [ $index ] -> name );
Logger :: log ( Formatter :: stripCodes ( $index . " : " . $maps [ $index ] -> name ));
} else {
$message .= " \n Then we will return to this map " ;
Logger :: log ( " Then we will return to this map " );
$j = 0 ;
break ;
if ( $j + $nbhiddenmaps >= 4 ) {
if ( $this -> settings_nbmapsbymatch > 0 && $this -> settings_nbmapsbymatch - $j - $nbhiddenmaps - $this -> nbmaps + 1 > 0 ) {
$message .= " \n " . " And " . ( $this -> settings_nbmapsbymatch - $j - $nbhiddenmaps - $this -> nbmaps + 1 ) . " more maps " ;
Logger :: log ( " And " . ( $this -> settings_nbmapsbymatch - $j - $nbhiddenmaps - $this -> nbmaps + 1 ) . " more maps " );
} elseif ( $this -> settings_nbmapsbymatch <= 0 && ( $totalnbmaps - $j - $nbhiddenmaps > 0 || count ( $this -> maps ) - $j - $nbhiddenmaps > 0 )) {
$n = max ( $totalnbmaps - $j - $nbhiddenmaps , count ( $this -> maps ) - $j - $nbhiddenmaps );
$message .= " \n " . " And " . $n . " more maps " ;
Logger :: log ( " And " . $n . " more maps " );
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
2021-11-01 01:54:27 +01:00
$this -> maniaControl -> getChat () -> sendInformation ( $message );
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
2021-04-06 21:28:00 +02:00
2021-11-01 01:54:27 +01:00
// Trigger Callback
$currentstatus = [
'nbmaps' => $this -> nbmaps ,
'settings_nbmapsbymatch' => $this -> settings_nbmapsbymatch ];
$this -> maniaControl -> getCallbackManager () -> triggerCallback ( self :: CB_MATCHMANAGER_BEGINMAP , $this -> matchid , $currentstatus , $this -> currentmap );
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
2021-04-06 21:28:00 +02:00
* Handle callback " WarmUp.StartRound "
public function handleStartWarmUpCallback () {
Logger :: log ( " handleStartWarmUpCallback " );
// Match Recover
if ( $this -> matchrecover ) {
$this -> recoverPoints ();
* Handle callback " BeginRound "
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
2023-10-16 22:53:47 +02:00
public function handleBeginRoundCallback ( StartEndStructure $structure ) {
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
Logger :: log ( " handleBeginRoundCallback " );
if ( $this -> matchStarted && $this -> nbmaps > 0 ) {
2023-10-16 22:53:47 +02:00
if ( defined ( " \ ManiaControl \ ManiaControl::ISTRACKMANIACONTROL " ) && method_exists ( $structure , " getValidRoundCount " )) {
$this -> nbrounds = $structure -> getValidRoundCount ();
} else if ( property_exists ( $structure -> getPlainJsonObject (), " valid " )) {
$this -> nbrounds = $structure -> getPlainJsonObject () -> valid ;
} else {
$this -> nbrounds = $structure -> getCount ();
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
if ( in_array ( $this -> currentgmbase , [ " Cup " , " Teams " , " Rounds " ])) {
$this -> maniaControl -> getModeScriptEventManager () -> getPauseStatus () -> setCallable ( function ( StatusCallbackStructure $structure ) {
if ( $structure -> getActive ()) {
$this -> maniaControl -> getChat () -> sendSuccess ( $this -> chatprefix . 'The match is currently on $<$F00pause$>!' );
Logger :: log ( " Pause " );
} else {
2023-04-04 14:52:18 +02:00
if ( $this -> settings_nbroundsbymap > 1 ) {
2023-10-16 22:53:47 +02:00
$this -> maniaControl -> getChat () -> sendInformation ( $this -> chatprefix . '$o$iRound: ' . $this -> nbrounds . ' / ' . $this -> settings_nbroundsbymap );
Logger :: log ( " Round: " . $this -> nbrounds . ' / ' . $this -> settings_nbroundsbymap );
2022-01-24 21:32:28 +01:00
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
2021-04-06 21:28:00 +02:00
// Match Recover
if ( $this -> matchrecover ) {
$this -> recoverPoints ();
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
* Handle callback " EndRound "
* @ param OnScoresStructure $structure
2023-10-16 22:32:24 +02:00
public function handleTrackmaniaScore ( OnScoresStructure $structure ) {
Logger :: log ( " handleTrackmaniaScore- " . $structure -> getSection ());
2021-11-03 01:24:36 +01:00
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
if ( $this -> matchStarted && $this -> settingsloaded && ! $this -> postmatch ) {
Logger :: log ( " Section: " . $structure -> getSection ());
2024-07-27 13:31:27 +02:00
if ( $structure -> getSection () == " EndMatchEarly " || $structure -> getSection () == " EndMatch " ) {
$this -> computeCurrentScores ( $structure );
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
$this -> MatchEnd ();
2021-11-01 01:54:27 +01:00
} elseif ( $structure -> getSection () == " EndMap " && $this -> hidenextmaps && isset ( $this -> maps [ $this -> nbmaps ])) {
$this -> maniaControl -> getClient () -> addMap ( $this -> maps [ $this -> nbmaps ]);
} elseif ( $structure -> getSection () == " PreEndRound " ) {
2023-04-11 11:55:52 +02:00
$this -> preendroundscore = $structure ;
2021-11-01 01:54:27 +01:00
} elseif ( $structure -> getSection () == " EndRound " ) {
2023-12-23 12:46:51 +01:00
if ( $this -> nbmaps != 0 && ( $this -> nbrounds <= $this -> settings_nbroundsbymap || $this -> settings_nbroundsbymap <= 0 )) {
2024-07-27 13:31:27 +02:00
$this -> computeCurrentScores ( $structure );
2021-04-06 21:28:00 +02:00
2024-07-27 13:31:27 +02:00
$timestamp = time ();
2021-11-01 01:54:27 +01:00
$settings = json_encode ( $this -> maniaControl -> getClient () -> getModeScriptSettings ());
$mysqli = $this -> maniaControl -> getDatabase () -> getMysqli ();
2021-05-23 23:31:47 +02:00
2024-05-27 14:08:04 +02:00
$mysqli -> begin_transaction ();
$playercount = $this -> maniaControl -> getPlayerManager () -> getPlayerCount ();
$spectatorcount = $this -> maniaControl -> getPlayerManager () -> getSpectatorCount ();
$stmt = $mysqli -> prepare ( 'INSERT INTO `' . self :: DB_ROUNDSINDEX . ' `
2021-11-01 01:54:27 +01:00
( `matchid` , `timestamp` , `nbmaps` , `nbrounds` , `settings` , `map` , `nbplayers` , `nbspectators` )
2024-05-27 14:08:04 +02:00
VALUES ( ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? ) ' );
$stmt -> bind_param ( 'siiissii' , $this -> matchid , $timestamp , $this -> nbmaps , $this -> nbrounds , $settings , $this -> currentmap -> uid , $playercount , $spectatorcount );
if ( ! $stmt -> execute ()) {
Logger :: logError ( 'Error executing MySQL query: ' . $stmt -> error );
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
2024-05-27 14:08:04 +02:00
$stmt -> close ();
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
2021-11-01 01:54:27 +01:00
// Round data
2024-05-27 14:08:04 +02:00
$stmt = $mysqli -> prepare ( 'INSERT INTO `' . self :: DB_ROUNDSDATA . ' `
( `matchid` , `timestamp` , `rank` , `login` , `matchpoints` , `mappoints` , `roundpoints` , `bestracetime` , `bestracecheckpoints` , `bestlaptime` , `bestlapcheckpoints` , `prevracetime` , `prevracecheckpoints` , `teamid` )
VALUES ( ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? ) ' );
$stmt -> bind_param ( 'siisiiiisisisi' ,
$this -> matchid ,
$timestamp ,
$rank ,
$login ,
$matchpoints ,
$mappoints ,
$roundpoints ,
$bestracetime ,
$bestracecheckpoints ,
$bestlaptime ,
$bestlapcheckpoints ,
$prevracetime ,
$prevracecheckpoints ,
foreach ( $this -> currentscore as $score ) {
list ( $rank , $login , $matchpoints , $mappoints , $roundpoints , $bestracetime , $bestracecheckpoints , $bestlaptime , $bestlapcheckpoints , $prevracetime , $prevracecheckpoints , $teamid ) = $score ;
if ( ! $stmt -> execute ()) {
Logger :: logError ( 'Error executing MySQL query: ' . $stmt -> error );
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
2024-05-27 14:08:04 +02:00
$stmt -> close ();
2021-11-01 01:54:27 +01:00
// Teams Rounds data
2024-07-27 13:31:27 +02:00
if ( count ( $this -> currentteamsscore ) > 1 ) {
2024-05-27 14:08:04 +02:00
$stmt = $mysqli -> prepare ( 'INSERT INTO `' . self :: DB_TEAMSDATA . ' ` (` matchid `,` timestamp `,` rank `,` id `,` team `,` matchpoints `,` mappoints `,` roundpoints ` )
VALUES ( ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? ) ' );
$stmt -> bind_param ( 'siiisiii' , $this -> matchid , $timestamp , $rank , $teamid , $teamname , $matchpoints , $mappoints , $roundpoints );
foreach ( $this -> currentteamsscore as $score ) {
list ( $rank , $teamid , $teamname , $matchpoints , $mappoints , $roundpoints ) = $score ;
2021-11-01 01:54:27 +01:00
2024-05-27 14:08:04 +02:00
if ( ! $stmt -> execute ()) {
Logger :: logError ( 'Error executing MySQL query: ' . $stmt -> error );
2021-11-01 01:54:27 +01:00
2024-05-27 14:08:04 +02:00
$stmt -> close ();
2021-11-01 01:54:27 +01:00
2024-05-27 14:08:04 +02:00
$mysqli -> commit ();
2023-10-16 22:53:47 +02:00
Logger :: log ( " Rounds finished: " . $this -> nbrounds );
$this -> maniaControl -> getCallbackManager () -> triggerCallback ( self :: CB_MATCHMANAGER_ENDROUND , $this -> matchid , $this -> currentscore , $this -> currentteamsscore );
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
return true ;
2024-07-27 13:31:27 +02:00
private function computeCurrentScores ( OnScoresStructure $structure ) {
// Players Scores
$this -> currentscore = array ();
$results = $structure -> getPlayerScores ();
if ( $this -> currentgmbase == " RoyalTimeAttack " ) {
$this -> maniaControl -> getChat () -> sendErrorToAdmins ( $this -> chatprefix . " No data are save in RoyalTimeAttack for the moment, it's not implemented on server side. Waiting a fix from NADEO " );
Logger :: Log ( " No data are save in RoyalTimeAttack for the moment, it's not implemented on server side. Waiting a fix from NADEO " );
$preendroundplayersscore = [];
$preendroundteamsscore = [];
if ( $this -> preendroundscore !== null ) {
$preendroundplayersscore = $this -> preendroundscore -> getPlayerScores ();
$preendroundteamsscore = $this -> preendroundscore -> getTeamScores ();
$this -> preendroundscore = null ;
foreach ( $results as $result ) {
/** @var \ManiaControl\Callbacks\Structures\TrackMania\Models\PlayerScore $result */
$rank = $result -> getRank ();
$player = $result -> getPlayer ();
$matchpoints = $result -> getMatchPoints ();
$mappoints = $result -> getMapPoints ();
$roundpoints = $result -> getRoundPoints ();
$bestracetime = $result -> getBestRaceTime ();
$bestracecheckpoints = implode ( " , " , $result -> getBestRaceCheckpoints ());
$bestlaptime = $result -> getBestLapTime ();
$bestlapcheckpoints = implode ( " , " , $result -> getBestLapCheckpoints ());
$prevracetime = $result -> getPrevRaceTime ();
$prevracecheckpoints = implode ( " , " , $result -> getPrevRaceCheckpoints ());
if ( count ( $preendroundplayersscore ) > 0 ) {
$preendroundarray = array_filter ( $preendroundplayersscore , function ( $e ) use ( $player ) { return $e -> getPlayer () === $player ; });
foreach ( $preendroundarray as $key => $preendround ) {
if ( $roundpoints == 0 && $preendround -> getRoundPoints () != 0 ) {
$roundpoints = $preendround -> getRoundPoints ();
if ( $mappoints == 0 && $preendround -> getMapPoints () != 0 ) {
$mappoints = $preendround -> getMapPoints ();
unset ( $preendroundplayersscore [ $key ]);
break ;
$this -> currentscore = array_merge ( $this -> currentscore , array (
array ( $rank , $player -> login , $matchpoints , $mappoints , $roundpoints , $bestracetime , $bestracecheckpoints , $bestlaptime , $bestlapcheckpoints , $prevracetime , $prevracecheckpoints , $player -> teamId )
// Teams Scores
$this -> currentteamsscore = array ();
$teamresults = $structure -> getTeamScores ();
if ( count ( $teamresults ) > 1 ) {
// Resort scores
usort ( $teamresults , function ( $a , $b ) { return - ( $a -> getMatchPoints () <=> $b -> getMatchPoints ()); });
$rank = 1 ;
foreach ( $teamresults as $teamresult ) {
$teamid = $teamresult -> getTeamId ();
$teamname = $teamresult -> getName ();
$matchpoints = $teamresult -> getMatchPoints ();
$mappoints = $teamresult -> getMapPoints ();
$roundpoints = $teamresult -> getRoundPoints ();
if ( count ( $preendroundteamsscore ) > 0 ) {
$preendroundarray = array_filter ( $preendroundteamsscore , function ( $e ) use ( $teamid ) { return $e -> getTeamId () === $teamid ; });
foreach ( $preendroundarray as $key => $preendround ) {
if ( $roundpoints == 0 && $preendround -> getRoundPoints () != 0 ) {
$roundpoints = $preendround -> getRoundPoints ();
if ( $mappoints == 0 && $preendround -> getMapPoints () != 0 ) {
$mappoints = $preendround -> getMapPoints ();
unset ( $preendroundteamsscore [ $key ]);
break ;
$this -> currentteamsscore = array_merge ( $this -> currentteamsscore , array (
array ( $rank , $teamid , $teamname , $matchpoints , $mappoints , $roundpoints )
$rank ++ ;
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
2021-04-06 21:28:00 +02:00
* Command //matchstart for admins
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
* @ param array $chatCallback
* @ param \ManiaControl\Players\Player $player
public function onCommandMatchStart ( array $chatCallback , Player $player ) {
$authLevel = $this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager () -> getSettingValue ( $this , self :: SETTING_MATCH_AUTHLEVEL );
if ( ! $this -> maniaControl -> getAuthenticationManager () -> checkRight ( $player , AuthenticationManager :: getAuthLevel ( $authLevel ))) {
$this -> maniaControl -> getAuthenticationManager () -> sendNotAllowed ( $player );
return ;
$this -> MatchStart ();
2021-04-06 21:28:00 +02:00
* Command //matchstop for admins
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
* @ param array $chatCallback
* @ param \ManiaControl\Players\Player $player
public function onCommandMatchStop ( array $chatCallback , Player $player ) {
$authLevel = $this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager () -> getSettingValue ( $this , self :: SETTING_MATCH_AUTHLEVEL );
if ( ! $this -> maniaControl -> getAuthenticationManager () -> checkRight ( $player , AuthenticationManager :: getAuthLevel ( $authLevel ))) {
$this -> maniaControl -> getAuthenticationManager () -> sendNotAllowed ( $player );
return ;
if ( $this -> pauseon == false ) {
$this -> MatchStop ();
} else {
$this -> maniaControl -> getChat () -> sendError ( $this -> chatprefix . 'Impossible to stop a match during a pause' , $player );
2021-04-06 21:28:00 +02:00
* Command //matchrecover for admins
* @ param array $chatCallback
* @ param \ManiaControl\Players\Player $player
public function onCommandMatchRecover ( array $chatCallback , Player $player ) {
$authLevel = $this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager () -> getSettingValue ( $this , self :: SETTING_MATCH_AUTHLEVEL );
if ( ! $this -> maniaControl -> getAuthenticationManager () -> checkRight ( $player , AuthenticationManager :: getAuthLevel ( $authLevel ))) {
$this -> maniaControl -> getAuthenticationManager () -> sendNotAllowed ( $player );
return ;
$text = $chatCallback [ 1 ][ 2 ];
$text = explode ( " " , $text );
if ( is_numeric ( $text [ 1 ])) {
$this -> MatchRecover ( $text [ 1 ]);
} elseif ( $text [ 1 ] == " latest " ) {
$this -> MatchRecover ( 0 );
} else {
$lastmatches = $this -> getMatchesList ( 3 );
$message = $this -> chatprefix . '$<run this command with an index or "latest"$>' . " \n " ;
foreach ( $lastmatches as $index => $value ) {
if ( $index >= 3 ) {
break ;
$message .= '$<' . $index . ' - ' . $value [ 'gamemodebase' ] . ' started at ' . date ( " H:i:s " , $value [ 'started' ]);
if ( $value [ 'ended' ] == " 0 " ) {
$message .= " (Not finished) $ > \n " ;
} else {
$message .= " (Finished at " . date ( " H:i:s " , $value [ 'ended' ] ) . " ) $ > \n " ;
$this -> maniaControl -> getChat () -> sendSuccess ( $message , $player );
$this -> maniaControl -> getChat () -> sendError ( $this -> chatprefix . 'For the moment, only point recovery is supported, you have to manage maps and rounds manually' );
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
* Command //matchendround for admin
* @ param array $chatCallback
* @ param \ManiaControl\Players\Player $player
public function onCommandMatchEndRound ( array $chatCallback , Player $player ) {
$authLevel = $this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager () -> getSettingValue ( $this , self :: SETTING_MATCH_AUTHLEVEL );
if ( ! $this -> maniaControl -> getAuthenticationManager () -> checkRight ( $player , AuthenticationManager :: getAuthLevel ( $authLevel ))) {
$this -> maniaControl -> getAuthenticationManager () -> sendNotAllowed ( $player );
return ;
$this -> skipround = true ;
$this -> maniaControl -> getModeScriptEventManager () -> forceTrackmaniaRoundEnd ();
* Command //matchendwu for admin
* @ param array $chatCallback
* @ param \ManiaControl\Players\Player $player
public function onCommandMatchEndWU ( array $chatCallback , Player $player ) {
$authLevel = $this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager () -> getSettingValue ( $this , self :: SETTING_MATCH_AUTHLEVEL );
if ( ! $this -> maniaControl -> getAuthenticationManager () -> checkRight ( $player , AuthenticationManager :: getAuthLevel ( $authLevel ))) {
$this -> maniaControl -> getAuthenticationManager () -> sendNotAllowed ( $player );
return ;
try {
$this -> maniaControl -> getModeScriptEventManager () -> triggerModeScriptEvent ( " Trackmania.WarmUp.ForceStop " );
} catch ( InvalidArgumentException $e ) {
* Command //matchpause or //pause for admin
* @ param array $chatCallback
* @ param \ManiaControl\Players\Player $player
public function onCommandSetPause ( array $chatCallback , Player $player ) {
Logger :: log ( " Pause asked by admin " );
$authLevel = $this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager () -> getSettingValue ( $this , self :: SETTING_MATCH_AUTHLEVEL );
if ( ! $this -> maniaControl -> getAuthenticationManager () -> checkRight ( $player , AuthenticationManager :: getAuthLevel ( $authLevel ))) {
$this -> maniaControl -> getAuthenticationManager () -> sendNotAllowed ( $player );
return ;
2021-08-17 19:46:33 +02:00
if (( $this -> matchStarted ) && ( ! in_array ( $this -> currentgmbase , [ " Laps " , " TimeAttack " , " RoyalTimeAttack " ]) || ( $this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager () -> getSettingValue ( $this , self :: SETTING_MATCH_SETTINGS_MODE ) != 'All from file' && ! empty ( $this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager () -> getSettingValue ( $this , self :: SETTING_MATCH_CUSTOM_GAMEMODE ))))) {
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
$text = $chatCallback [ 1 ][ 2 ];
$text = explode ( " " , $text );
if ( isset ( $text [ 1 ]) && $text [ 1 ] != " " ) {
if ( is_numeric ( $text [ 1 ]) && $text [ 1 ] > 0 ) {
2021-04-06 21:28:00 +02:00
$this -> maniaControl -> getChat () -> sendSuccess ( $this -> chatprefix . 'Admin force a break for $<$ff0' . $text [ 1 ] . '$> seconds!' );
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
$this -> setNadeoPause ( true , $text [ 1 ]);
} elseif ( is_numeric ( $text [ 1 ]) && $text [ 1 ] == 0 ) {
$this -> maniaControl -> getChat () -> sendSuccess ( $this -> chatprefix . 'Admin force an unlimited break' );
$this -> setNadeoPause ( true , $text [ 1 ]);
} else {
$this -> maniaControl -> getChat () -> sendError ( $this -> chatprefix . 'Pause time sent is invalid' , $player );
} else {
$this -> maniaControl -> getChat () -> sendSuccess ( $this -> chatprefix . 'Admin force a break for ' . $this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager () -> getSettingValue ( $this , self :: SETTING_MATCH_PAUSE_DURATION ) . ' seconds!' );
$this -> setNadeoPause ( true );
else {
$this -> maniaControl -> getChat () -> sendError ( $this -> chatprefix . 'Can\'t start Pause, match not started (or TA)' , $player );
2021-04-06 21:28:00 +02:00
* Command //matchendpause for admins
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
* @ param array $chatCallback
* @ param \ManiaControl\Players\Player $player
public function onCommandUnsetPause ( array $chatCallback , Player $player ) {
$authLevel = $this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager () -> getSettingValue ( $this , self :: SETTING_MATCH_AUTHLEVEL );
if ( ! $this -> maniaControl -> getAuthenticationManager () -> checkRight ( $player , AuthenticationManager :: getAuthLevel ( $authLevel ))) {
$this -> maniaControl -> getAuthenticationManager () -> sendNotAllowed ( $player );
return ;
2021-08-17 19:46:33 +02:00
if (( $this -> matchStarted ) && ( ! in_array ( $this -> currentgmbase , [ " Laps " , " TimeAttack " , " RoyalTimeAttack " ]) || ( $this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager () -> getSettingValue ( $this , self :: SETTING_MATCH_SETTINGS_MODE ) != 'All from file' && ! empty ( $this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager () -> getSettingValue ( $this , self :: SETTING_MATCH_CUSTOM_GAMEMODE )))) && $this -> pauseon ) {
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
$this -> maniaControl -> getChat () -> sendSuccess ( $this -> chatprefix . 'Admin stopped the break' );
$this -> unsetNadeoPause ();
* Command //matchsetpoints for admin
* @ param array $chatCallback
* @ param \ManiaControl\Players\Player $player
public function onCommandSetPoints ( array $chatCallback , Player $adminplayer ) {
$authLevel = $this -> maniaControl -> getSettingManager () -> getSettingValue ( $this , self :: SETTING_MATCH_AUTHLEVEL );
if ( ! $this -> maniaControl -> getAuthenticationManager () -> checkRight ( $adminplayer , AuthenticationManager :: getAuthLevel ( $authLevel ))) {
$this -> maniaControl -> getAuthenticationManager () -> sendNotAllowed ( $adminplayer );
return ;
$text = $chatCallback [ 1 ][ 2 ];
$text = explode ( " " , $text );
2025-02-21 22:59:18 +01:00
if ( count ( $text ) < 3 ) {
$this -> maniaControl -> getChat () -> sendError ( $this -> chatprefix . 'Missing parameters. Eg: //matchsetpoints <Team Name or id / Player Name or Login> <Match points> <Map Points (optional)> <Round Points (optional)>' , $adminplayer );
return ;
2024-05-27 14:08:04 +02:00
2025-02-21 22:59:18 +01:00
$target = $text [ 1 ];
$matchpoints = $text [ 2 ];
$mappoints = '' ;
$roundpoints = '' ;
2024-05-27 14:08:04 +02:00
2025-02-21 22:59:18 +01:00
if ( ! is_numeric ( $matchpoints )) {
$this -> maniaControl -> getChat () -> sendError ( $this -> chatprefix . 'Invalid argument: Match points' , $adminplayer );
return ;
if ( isset ( $text [ 3 ])) {
$mappoints = $text [ 3 ];
if ( ! is_numeric ( $mappoints )) {
$this -> maniaControl -> getChat () -> sendError ( $this -> chatprefix . 'Invalid argument: Map points' , $adminplayer );
return ;
2021-04-06 21:28:00 +02:00
2025-02-21 22:59:18 +01:00
if ( isset ( $text [ 4 ])) {
$roundpoints = $text [ 4 ];
if ( ! is_numeric ( $roundpoints )) {
$this -> maniaControl -> getChat () -> sendError ( $this -> chatprefix . 'Invalid argument: Round points' , $adminplayer );
return ;
2021-04-06 21:28:00 +02:00
2025-02-21 22:59:18 +01:00
if ( strcasecmp ( $target , " Blue " ) == 0 || $target == " 0 " ) {
$this -> maniaControl -> getModeScriptEventManager () -> setTrackmaniaTeamPoints ( " 0 " , $roundpoints , $mappoints , $matchpoints );
$this -> maniaControl -> getChat () -> sendSuccess ( $this -> chatprefix . '$<$00fBlue$> Team now has $<$ff0' . $matchpoints . '$> points!' );
} elseif ( strcasecmp ( $target , " Red " ) == 0 || $target == " 1 " ) {
$this -> maniaControl -> getModeScriptEventManager () -> setTrackmaniaTeamPoints ( " 1 " , $roundpoints , $mappoints , $matchpoints );
$this -> maniaControl -> getChat () -> sendSuccess ( $this -> chatprefix . '$<$f00Red$> Team now has $<$ff0' . $matchpoints . '$> points!' );
} elseif ( is_numeric ( $target )) { //TODO: add support of name of teams (need update from NADEO)
$this -> maniaControl -> getModeScriptEventManager () -> setTrackmaniaTeamPoints ( $target , $roundpoints , $mappoints , $matchpoints );
$this -> maniaControl -> getChat () -> sendSuccess ( $this -> chatprefix . 'Team ' . $target . ' now has $<$ff0' . $matchpoints . '$> points!' );
} else {
$mysqli = $this -> maniaControl -> getDatabase () -> getMysqli ();
$stmt = $mysqli -> prepare ( 'SELECT login FROM `' . PlayerManager :: TABLE_PLAYERS . '` WHERE nickname LIKE ?' );
$stmt -> bind_param ( 's' , $target );
if ( ! $stmt -> execute ()) {
Logger :: logError ( 'Error executing MySQL query: ' . $stmt -> error );
$result = $stmt -> get_result ();
$array = mysqli_fetch_array ( $result );
if ( isset ( $array [ 0 ])) {
$login = $array [ 0 ];
} elseif ( strlen ( $target ) == 22 ) {
$login = $target ;
if ( $mysqli -> error ) {
trigger_error ( $mysqli -> error , E_USER_ERROR );
if ( isset ( $login )) {
$player = $this -> maniaControl -> getPlayerManager () -> getPlayer ( $login , true );
if ( $player ) {
2025-02-21 23:17:16 +01:00
$this -> maniaControl -> getModeScriptEventManager () -> setTrackmaniaPlayerPoints ( $player , $roundpoints , $mappoints , $matchpoints );
2025-02-21 22:59:18 +01:00
$this -> maniaControl -> getChat () -> sendSuccess ( $this -> chatprefix . 'Player $<$ff0' . $player -> nickname . '$> now has $<$ff0' . $matchpoints . '$> points!' );
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
} else {
2025-02-21 22:59:18 +01:00
$this -> maniaControl -> getChat () -> sendError ( $this -> chatprefix . 'Player ' . $target . " isn't connected " , $adminplayer );
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00
2025-02-21 22:59:18 +01:00
} else {
$this -> maniaControl -> getChat () -> sendError ( $this -> chatprefix . 'Player ' . $target . " doesn't exist " , $adminplayer );
2021-01-06 19:26:28 +01:00