get connected admins method
The newly designed and easy to use ManiaPlanet Server Controller.
Copy all Files into the desired Directory.
Configure the needed Settings in the 'configs/server.xml' file:
2.1 Enter Your ManiaPlanet-Server Information. (The needed Settings are defined in the file 'dedicated_cfg.txt' of Your Game-Server.)
2.2 Enter the Information about Your MySQL-Server, -User and -Database.
2.3 Add as many Player-Logins of Master-Administrators as You wish.
Run the Controller with the Shell Script '' (on UNIX) or with the Batch File 'ManiaControl.bat' (on Windows).
ManiaControl is mainly tested on UNIX Machines.
- Even though it might run properly on Windows we can't promise it will work all Cases.
- In order to run ManiaControl on Windows you have to alter the File ManiaControl.bat and enter the Path to your php.exe!
Tests were performed using PHP Version 5.4!
In the current nightly release there is no 5.3 support (it should come soon)
If You notice Problems with other Versions please let us know.
You need to activate the php extension php_curl and php_mysqli
for trackmania you need also activate the php_xmlrpc extension
Please report bugs by writing a Mail to!