2017-02-04 11:49:23 +01:00

173 lines
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namespace ManiaControl\Communication;
* Communication Methods Interface
* @author ManiaControl Team <mail@maniacontrol.com>
* @copyright 2014-2017 ManiaControl Team
* @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ GNU General Public License, Version 3
interface CommunicationMethods {
/** Restarts Mania Control
* Optional Params
* - message
const RESTART_MANIA_CONTROL = "ManiaControl.Restart";
/** Grands an Authentication Level on a Player
* Required Parameters
* - login (login of the player)
* - level (integer, 0-3 possible, @see AuthenticationManager)
const GRANT_AUTH_LEVEL = "AuthenticationManager.GrandLevel";
/** Revokes an Authentication Level on a Player
* Required Parameters
* - login (login of the player)
const REVOKE_AUTH_LEVEL = "AuthenticationManager.RevokeLevel";
/** Provides the Server Options
* no Parameters
const GET_SERVER_OPTIONS = "ServerOptions.GetServerOptions";
/** Set Server Options
* Required Parameter
* - scriptSettings (array(optionName1 => value1, optionName2 => value2...))
const SET_SERVER_OPTIONS = "ServerOptions.SetServerOptions";
/** Provides the ModeScriptSettings
* no Parameters
const GET_SCRIPT_SETTINGS = "ScriptSettings.GetScriptSettings";
/** Set ModeScriptSettings
* Required Parameter
* - scriptSettings (array(settingName1 => value1, settingName2 => value2...))
const SET_SCRIPT_SETTINGS = "ScriptSettings.SetScriptSettings";
/** Restarts the Current Map
* no Parameters
const RESTART_MAP = "MapActions.RestartMap";
/** Skips the Current Map
* no Parameters
const SKIP_MAP = "MapActions.SkipMap";
/** Skips to a Specific Map by MxId or MapUid
* Required Parameters
* - mxId (integer)
* OR
* - mapUid (string)
const SKIP_TO_MAP = "MapActions.SkipToMap";
/** Adds a Map from Mania Exchange to the Server
* Required Parameters
* - mxId (integer)
* (no success returning yet because of asynchronously of adding)
const ADD_MAP = "MapManager.AddMap";
/** Removes a Map from the Server
* Required Parameters
* - mapUid (string)
* Optional Parameters
* - displayMessage (default true)
* - eraseMapFile (default false)
const REMOVE_MAP = "MapManager.RemoveMap";
/** Updates a Map over Mania Exchange
* Required Parameters
* - mapUid
* (no success returning yet because of asynchronously of adding)
const UPDATE_MAP = "MapManager.UpdateMap";
/** Gets the current Map
* Required Parameters
* - mxId (integer)
* OR
* - mapUid (string)
const GET_CURRENT_MAP = "MapManager.GetCurrentMap";
/** Gets the specific Map
* no Parameters
const GET_MAP = "MapManager.GetMap";
/** Gets the current Map List
* no Parameters
const GET_MAP_LIST = "MapManager.GetMapList";
/** Gets Mania Control PlayerList
* no Parameters
const GET_PLAYER_LIST = "PlayerManager.GetPlayerList";
/** Warns a Player
* Required Params
* - login
const WARN_PLAYER = "PlayerActions.WarnPlayer";
/** Mutes a Player
* Required Params
* - login
const MUTE_PLAYER = "PlayerActions.MutePlayer";
/** UnMutes a Player
* Required Params
* - login
const UNMUTE_PLAYER = "PlayerActions.UnMutePlayer";
/** UnMutes a Player
* Required Params
* - login
* Optional Params
* - message
const KICK_PLAYER = "PlayerActions.KickPlayer";
/** Forces a player to Spectator
* Required Params
* - login
const FORCE_PLAYER_TO_SPEC = "PlayerActions.ForcePlayerToSpec";
/** Forces a player to Spectator
* Required Params
* - login
* Optional Params
* - teamId (integer, id of the team the player should get forced into it)
const FORCE_PLAYER_TO_PLAY = "PlayerActions.ForcePlayerToPlay";
/** Returns the last 200 lines of the chat (inclusive player logins and nicknames)
* No Params
const GET_SERVER_CHAT = "Chat.GetServerChat";
/** Sends a ChatMessage to the Server
* Required Params:
* - message
* Optional Params
* - prefix (use custom prefix or false for no prefix)
* - login (login of a receiver if the message don't get sent to all)
* - adminLevel (minimum Admin Level if the Message should get sent to an Admin)
* - type (type of the message (information, error, success or usage)
const SEND_CHAT_MESSAGE = "Chat.SendChatMessage";