2017-03-25 18:40:15 +01:00

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namespace FML\Stylesheet;
* Class representing a Stylesheet Mood
* Warning: The mood class isn't fully supported yet - Missing attributes: LDir1 etc.
* @author steeffeen <>
* @copyright FancyManiaLinks Copyright © 2017 Steffen Schröder
* @license GNU General Public License, Version 3
class Mood
* @var string $lightAmbientColor Light ambient color
protected $lightAmbientColor = null;
* @var string $cloudsMinimumColor Clouds minimum color
protected $cloudsMinimumColor = null;
* @var string $cloudsMaximumColor Clouds maximum color
protected $cloudsMaximumColor = null;
* @var string $light0Color Color of light source 0
protected $light0Color = null;
* @var float $light0Intensity Intensity of light source 0
protected $light0Intensity = 1.;
* @var float $light0PhiAngle Phi angle of light source 0
protected $light0PhiAngle = 0.;
* @var float $light0ThetaAngle Theta angle of light source 0
protected $light0ThetaAngle = 0.;
* @var string $lightBallColor Light ball color
protected $lightBallColor = null;
* @var float $lightBallIntensity Light ball intensity
protected $lightBallIntensity = 1.;
* @var float $lightBallRadius Light ball radius
protected $lightBallRadius = 0.;
* @var string $fogColor Fog color
protected $fogColor = null;
* @var float $selfIlluminationColor Self illumination color
protected $selfIlluminationColor = null;
* @var float $skyGradientV_Scale Sky gradient scale
protected $skyGradientScale = 1.;
* @var SkyGradientKey[] $skyGradientKeys Sky Gradient Keys
protected $skyGradientKeys = array();
* Create a new Mood
* @api
* @return static
public static function create()
return new static();
* Get the light ambient color
* @api
* @return string
public function getLightAmbientColor()
return $this->lightAmbientColor;
* Set the ambient color in which elements reflect the light
* @api
* @param float $red Red color value
* @param float $green Green color value
* @param float $blue Blue color value
* @return static
public function setLightAmbientColor($red, $green, $blue)
$this->lightAmbientColor = floatval($red) . ' ' . floatval($green) . ' ' . floatval($blue);
return $this;
* Get the minimum value for the background color range
* @api
* @return string
public function getCloudsMinimumColor()
return $this->cloudsMinimumColor;
* Set the minimum value for the background color range
* @api
* @param float $red Red color value
* @param float $green Green color value
* @param float $blue Blue color value
* @return static
public function setCloudsMinimumColor($red, $green, $blue)
$this->cloudsMinimumColor = floatval($red) . ' ' . floatval($green) . ' ' . floatval($blue);
return $this;
* Get the maximum value for the background color range
* @api
* @return string
public function getCloudsMaximumColor()
return $this->cloudsMaximumColor;
* Set the maximum value for the background color range
* @api
* @param float $red Red color value
* @param float $green Green color value
* @param float $blue Blue color value
* @return static
public function setCloudsMaximumColor($red, $green, $blue)
$this->cloudsMaximumColor = floatval($red) . ' ' . floatval($green) . ' ' . floatval($blue);
return $this;
* Get the RGB color of light source 0
* @api
* @return string
public function getLight0Color()
return $this->light0Color;
* Set the RGB color of light source 0
* @api
* @param float $red Red color value
* @param float $green Green color value
* @param float $blue Blue color value
* @return static
public function setLight0Color($red, $green, $blue)
$this->light0Color = floatval($red) . ' ' . floatval($green) . ' ' . floatval($blue);
return $this;
* Get the intensity of light source 0
* @api
* @return float
public function getLight0Intensity()
return $this->light0Intensity;
* Set the intensity of light source 0
* @api
* @param float $intensity Light intensity
* @return static
public function setLight0Intensity($intensity)
$this->light0Intensity = (float)$intensity;
return $this;
* Get the phi angle of light source 0
* @api
* @return float
public function getLight0PhiAngle()
return $this->light0PhiAngle;
* Set the phi angle of light source 0
* @api
* @param float $phiAngle Phi angle
* @return static
public function setLight0PhiAngle($phiAngle)
$this->light0PhiAngle = (float)$phiAngle;
return $this;
* Get the theta angle of light source 0
* @api
* @return float
public function getLight0ThetaAngle()
return $this->light0ThetaAngle;
* Set the theta angle of light source 0
* @api
* @param float $thetaAngle Theta angle
* @return static
public function setLight0ThetaAngle($thetaAngle)
$this->light0ThetaAngle = (float)$thetaAngle;
return $this;
* Get the light ball color
* @api
* @return string
public function getLightBallColor()
return $this->lightBallColor;
* Set the light ball color
* @api
* @param float $red Red color value
* @param float $green Green color value
* @param float $blue Blue color value
* @return static
public function setLightBallColor($red, $green, $blue)
$this->lightBallColor = floatval($red) . ' ' . floatval($green) . ' ' . floatval($blue);
return $this;
* Get the light ball intensity
* @api
* @return float
public function getLightBallIntensity()
return $this->lightBallIntensity;
* Set the light ball intensity
* @api
* @param float $intensity Light ball intensity
* @return static
public function setLightBallIntensity($intensity)
$this->lightBallIntensity = (float)$intensity;
return $this;
* Get the light ball radius
* @api
* @return float
public function getLightBallRadius()
return $this->lightBallRadius;
* Set the light ball radius
* @api
* @param float $radius Light ball radius
* @return static
public function setLightBallRadius($radius)
$this->lightBallRadius = (float)$radius;
return $this;
* Get the fog color
* @api
* @return string
public function getFogColor()
return $this->fogColor;
* Set the fog color
* @api
* @param float $red Red color value
* @param float $green Green color value
* @param float $blue Blue color value
* @return static
public function setFogColor($red, $green, $blue)
$this->fogColor = floatval($red) . ' ' . floatval($green) . ' ' . floatval($blue);
return $this;
* Get the self illumination color
* @api
* @return string
public function getSelfIlluminationColor()
return $this->selfIlluminationColor;
* Set the self illumination color
* @api
* @param float $red Red color value
* @param float $green Green color value
* @param float $blue Blue color value
* @return static
public function setSelfIlluminationColor($red, $green, $blue)
$this->selfIlluminationColor = floatval($red) . ' ' . floatval($green) . ' ' . floatval($blue);
return $this;
* Get the sky gradient scale
* @api
* @return float
public function getSkyGradientScale()
return $this->skyGradientScale;
* Set the sky gradient scale
* @api
* @param float $skyGradientScale Sky gradient scale
* @return static
public function setSkyGradientScale($skyGradientScale)
$this->skyGradientScale = (float)$skyGradientScale;
return $this;
* Get Sky Gradient Keys
* @api
* @return SkyGradientKey[]
public function getSkyGradientKeys()
return $this->skyGradientKeys;
* Add a sky gradient key
* @api
* @param SkyGradientKey $skyGradientKey Sky Gradient Key
* @return static
public function addSkyGradientKey(SkyGradientKey $skyGradientKey)
array_push($this->skyGradientKeys, $skyGradientKey);
return $this;
* Add a sky gradient
* @api
* @param float $x X value
* @param string $color Color value
* @return static
public function addSkyGradient($x, $color)
$skyGradientKey = new SkyGradientKey($x, $color);
return $this->addSkyGradientKey($skyGradientKey);
* Remove all Sky Gradient Keys
* @api
* @return static
public function removeAllSkyGradientKeys()
$this->skyGradientKeys = array();
return $this;
* Render the Mood
* @param \DOMDocument $domDocument DOMDocument for which the Mood should be rendered
* @return \DOMElement
public function render(\DOMDocument $domDocument)
$domElement = $domDocument->createElement("mood");
if ($this->lightAmbientColor) {
$domElement->setAttribute("LAmbient_LinearRgb", $this->lightAmbientColor);
if ($this->cloudsMinimumColor) {
$domElement->setAttribute("CloudsRgbMinLinear", $this->cloudsMinimumColor);
if ($this->cloudsMaximumColor) {
$domElement->setAttribute("CloudsRgbMaxLinear", $this->cloudsMaximumColor);
if ($this->light0Color) {
$domElement->setAttribute("LDir0_LinearRgb", $this->light0Color);
if ($this->light0Intensity != 1.) {
$domElement->setAttribute("LDir0_Intens", $this->light0Intensity);
if ($this->light0PhiAngle) {
$domElement->setAttribute("LDir0_DirPhi", $this->light0PhiAngle);
if ($this->light0ThetaAngle) {
$domElement->setAttribute("LDir0_DirTheta", $this->light0ThetaAngle);
if ($this->lightBallColor) {
$domElement->setAttribute("LBall_LinearRgb", $this->lightBallColor);
if ($this->lightBallIntensity != 1.) {
$domElement->setAttribute("LBall_Intens", $this->lightBallIntensity);
if ($this->lightBallRadius) {
$domElement->setAttribute("LBall_Radius", $this->lightBallRadius);
if ($this->fogColor) {
$domElement->setAttribute("FogColorSrgb", $this->fogColor);
if ($this->selfIlluminationColor) {
$domElement->setAttribute("SelfIllumColor", $this->selfIlluminationColor);
if ($this->skyGradientScale != 1.) {
$domElement->setAttribute("SkyGradientV_Scale", $this->skyGradientScale);
if ($this->skyGradientKeys) {
$skyGradientElement = $domDocument->createElement("skygradient");
foreach ($this->skyGradientKeys as $skyGradientKey) {
$skyGradientKeyElement = $skyGradientKey->render($domDocument);
return $domElement;