2014-06-19 18:05:58 +02:00

467 lines
13 KiB

namespace ManiaControl;
use ManiaControl\Callbacks\Callbacks;
use ManiaControl\Files\FileUtil;
use ManiaControl\Plugins\PluginManager;
use ManiaControl\Update\UpdateManager;
use ManiaControl\Utils\Formatter;
use Maniaplanet\DedicatedServer\Xmlrpc\TransportException;
* Error and Exception Manager Class
* @author ManiaControl Team <mail@maniacontrol.com>
* @copyright 2014 ManiaControl Team
* @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ GNU General Public License, Version 3
class ErrorHandler {
* Constants
const MC_DEBUG_NOTICE = 'ManiaControl.DebugNotice';
const SETTING_RESTART_ON_EXCEPTION = 'Automatically restart on Exceptions';
* Private Properties
private $maniaControl = null;
private $handlingError = null;
* Construct Error Handler
* @param ManiaControl @maniaControl
public function __construct(ManiaControl $maniaControl) {
$this->maniaControl = $maniaControl;
set_error_handler(array(&$this, 'handleError'), -1);
set_exception_handler(array(&$this, 'handleException'));
register_shutdown_function(array(&$this, 'handleShutdown'));
* Initialize other Error Handler Features
public function init() {
$this->maniaControl->settingManager->initSetting($this, self::SETTING_RESTART_ON_EXCEPTION, true);
* Trigger a Debug Notice to the ManiaControl Website
* @param string $message
public function triggerDebugNotice($message) {
$this->handleError(self::MC_DEBUG_NOTICE, $message);
* ManiaControl Error Handler
* @param int $errorNumber
* @param string $errorString
* @param string $errorFile
* @param int $errorLine
* @param array $errorContext
* @param bool $onShutdown
* @return bool
public function handleError($errorNumber, $errorString, $errorFile = null, $errorLine = -1, array $errorContext = array(), $onShutdown = false) {
$suppressed = (error_reporting() === 0);
if ($suppressed && !self::LOG_SUPPRESSED_ERRORS) {
return false;
if (!$this->handlingError) {
// Reset error handler for safety
$this->handlingError = true;
set_error_handler(array(&$this, 'handleError'), -1);
// Build log message
$errorTag = $this->getErrorTag($errorNumber);
$userError = $this->isUserErrorNumber($errorNumber);
$traceString = null;
$sourceClass = null;
$traceSourceClass = null;
$fileLine = null;
$message = $errorTag . ': ' . $errorString;
if (!$onShutdown) {
$traceString = $this->parseBackTrace(array_slice(debug_backtrace(), 1), $traceSourceClass);
if ($errorFile) {
$fileLine = $errorFile . ': ' . $errorLine;
$sourceClass = $this->getSourceClass($errorFile);
if (!$sourceClass && $traceSourceClass) {
$sourceClass = $traceSourceClass;
$logMessage = $message . PHP_EOL . 'File&Line: ' . $fileLine;
if (!$userError && $traceString) {
$logMessage .= PHP_EOL . 'Trace: ' . PHP_EOL . $traceString;
if (!DEV_MODE && !$userError && !$suppressed) {
// Report error
$report = array();
$report['Type'] = 'Error';
$report['Message'] = Formatter::utf8($message);
if ($fileLine) {
$report['FileLine'] = $fileLine;
if ($sourceClass) {
$report['SourceClass'] = $sourceClass;
$report['PluginId'] = PluginManager::getPluginId($sourceClass);
if ($traceString) {
$report['Backtrace'] = $traceString;
$report['OperatingSystem'] = php_uname();
$report['PHPVersion'] = phpversion();
if ($this->maniaControl->server) {
$report['ServerLogin'] = $this->maniaControl->server->login;
if ($this->maniaControl->settingManager && $this->maniaControl->updateManager) {
$report['UpdateChannel'] = $this->maniaControl->settingManager->getSettingValue($this->maniaControl->updateManager, UpdateManager::SETTING_UPDATECHECK_CHANNEL);
$report['ManiaControlVersion'] = ManiaControl::VERSION . ' ' . $this->maniaControl->updateManager->getNightlyBuildDate();
} else {
$report['ManiaControlVersion'] = ManiaControl::VERSION;
$json = json_encode($report);
$info = base64_encode($json);
$url = ManiaControl::URL_WEBSERVICE . 'errorreport?error=' . urlencode($info);
$response = FileUtil::loadFile($url);
$success = json_decode($response);
if ($success) {
Logger::log('Error-Report successful!');
} else {
Logger::log('Error-Report failed! ' . print_r($response, true));
if ($this->isFatalError($errorNumber)) {
$this->maniaControl->quit('Quitting ManiaControl after Fatal Error.');
// Disable safety state
$this->handlingError = false;
return false;
* Get the Prefix for the given Error Level
* @param int $errorLevel
* @return string
public function getErrorTag($errorLevel) {
switch ($errorLevel) {
case E_NOTICE:
return '[PHP NOTICE]';
return '[PHP WARNING]';
case E_ERROR:
return '[PHP ERROR]';
return '[PHP CORE ERROR]';
return '[ManiaControl NOTICE]';
return '[ManiaControl WARNING]';
return '[ManiaControl ERROR]';
case self::MC_DEBUG_NOTICE:
return '[ManiaControl DEBUG]';
return "[PHP ERROR '{$errorLevel}']";
* Check if the given Error Number is a User Error
* @param int $errorNumber
* @return bool
private function isUserErrorNumber($errorNumber) {
return ($errorNumber & E_USER_ERROR || $errorNumber & E_USER_WARNING || $errorNumber & E_USER_NOTICE || $errorNumber & E_USER_DEPRECATED);
* Parse the Debug Backtrace into a String for the Error Report
* @param array $backtrace
* @param string $sourceClass
* @return string
private function parseBackTrace(array $backtrace, &$sourceClass = null) {
$traceString = '';
$stepCount = 0;
foreach ($backtrace as $traceStep) {
$skipStep = $this->shouldSkipTraceStep($traceStep);
$traceString .= '#' . $stepCount . ': ';
if (isset($traceStep['class'])) {
if (!$skipStep && !$this->isIgnoredSourceClass($traceStep['class'])) {
$sourceClass = $traceStep['class'];
$traceString .= $traceStep['class'];
if (isset($traceStep['type'])) {
$traceString .= $traceStep['type'];
if (isset($traceStep['function'])) {
$traceString .= $traceStep['function'] . '(';
if (isset($traceStep['args']) && !$skipStep) {
$traceString .= $this->parseArgumentsArray($traceStep['args']);
$traceString .= ')';
if (isset($traceStep['file']) && !$skipStep) {
$traceString .= ' in File ';
$traceString .= $traceStep['file'];
if (isset($traceStep['line']) && !$skipStep) {
$traceString .= ' on Line ';
$traceString .= $traceStep['line'];
$traceString .= PHP_EOL;
if (strlen($traceString) > 1300) {
// Too long...
$traceString .= '...';
return $traceString;
* Check if the given Trace Step should be skipped
* @param array $traceStep
* @return bool
private function shouldSkipTraceStep(array $traceStep) {
if (isset($traceStep['class'])) {
$skippedClasses = array('Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\EventDispatcher', 'cURL\\Request');
foreach ($skippedClasses as $skippedClass) {
if ($traceStep['class'] === $skippedClass) {
return true;
if (isset($traceStep['file'])) {
$skippedFiles = array('Symfony', 'curl-easy');
foreach ($skippedFiles as $skippedFile) {
if (strpos($traceStep['file'], $skippedFile)) {
return true;
return false;
* Check if the given Class Name should be ignored as possible Error Source Class
* @param string $class
* @return bool
private function isIgnoredSourceClass($class) {
return (!$class || strpos($class, '\\FaultException') !== false || strpos($class, '\\ErrorHandler') !== false);
* Build a String from an Arguments Array
* @param array $args
* @return string
private function parseArgumentsArray(array $args) {
$string = '';
$argsCount = count($args);
foreach ($args as $index => $arg) {
if (is_object($arg)) {
$string .= 'object(' . get_class($arg) . ')';
} else if (is_array($arg)) {
$string .= 'array(' . $this->parseArgumentsArray($arg) . ')';
} else {
$type = gettype($arg);
$string .= $type . '(';
if (is_string($arg)) {
$param = Formatter::utf8($arg);
if (strlen($param) > 20) {
$param = substr($param, 0, 20) . '..';
$string .= print_r($param, true);
} else {
$string .= print_r($arg, true);
$string .= ')';
if ($index < $argsCount - 1) {
$string .= ', ';
if (strlen($string) > 100) {
// Too long...
$string .= '...';
return $string;
* Get the Source Class via the Error File
* @param string $errorFile
* @return string
private function getSourceClass($errorFile) {
if (!$errorFile) {
return null;
$filePath = substr($errorFile, strlen(ManiaControlDir));
$filePath = str_replace('plugins' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '', $filePath);
$filePath = str_replace('core' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, 'ManiaControl\\', $filePath);
$className = str_replace('.php', '', $filePath);
$className = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '\\', $className);
if (!class_exists($className, false)) {
return null;
return $className;
* Test whether the given Error Number represents a Fatal Error
* @param int $errorNumber
* @return bool
private function isFatalError($errorNumber) {
return ($errorNumber & E_FATAL);
* Handle PHP Process Shutdown
public function handleShutdown() {
// TODO: skip client-related actions on transport exception (e.g. server down)
if ($this->maniaControl->callbackManager) {
// OnShutdown callback
if ($this->maniaControl->chat) {
// Announce quit
$this->maniaControl->chat->sendInformation('ManiaControl shutting down.');
if ($this->maniaControl->client) {
try {
} catch (TransportException $e) {
$this->handleException($e, false);
// Check if the Shutdown was caused by a Fatal Error and report it
$error = error_get_last();
if ($error && ($error['type'] & E_FATAL)) {
$this->handleError($error['type'], $error['message'], $error['file'], $error['line'], array(), true);
$this->maniaControl->quit('Quitting ManiaControl!');
* ManiaControl Exception Handler
* @param \Exception $exception
* @param bool $shutdown
public function handleException(\Exception $exception, $shutdown = true) {
$message = "[ManiaControl EXCEPTION]: {$exception->getMessage()}";
$exceptionClass = get_class($exception);
$sourceClass = null;
$traceString = $this->parseBackTrace($exception->getTrace(), $sourceClass);
$logMessage = $message . PHP_EOL . 'Class: ' . $exceptionClass . PHP_EOL . 'Trace:' . PHP_EOL . $traceString;
if (!DEV_MODE) {
$report = array();
$report['Type'] = 'Exception';
$report['Message'] = $message;
$report['Class'] = $exceptionClass;
$report['FileLine'] = $exception->getFile() . ': ' . $exception->getLine();
$report['SourceClass'] = $sourceClass;
$report['PluginId'] = PluginManager::getPluginId($sourceClass);
$report['Backtrace'] = $traceString;
$report['OperatingSystem'] = php_uname();
$report['PHPVersion'] = phpversion();
if ($this->maniaControl->server) {
$report['ServerLogin'] = $this->maniaControl->server->login;
if ($this->maniaControl->settingManager && $this->maniaControl->updateManager) {
$report['UpdateChannel'] = $this->maniaControl->settingManager->getSettingValue($this->maniaControl->updateManager, UpdateManager::SETTING_UPDATECHECK_CHANNEL);
$report['ManiaControlVersion'] = ManiaControl::VERSION . ' #' . $this->maniaControl->updateManager->getNightlyBuildDate();
} else {
$report['ManiaControlVersion'] = ManiaControl::VERSION;
$json = json_encode($report);
$info = base64_encode($json);
$url = ManiaControl::URL_WEBSERVICE . 'errorreport?error=' . urlencode($info);
$response = FileUtil::loadFile($url);
$success = json_decode($response);
if ($success) {
Logger::log('Exception successfully reported!');
} else {
Logger::log('Exception-Report failed! ' . print_r($response, true));
if ($shutdown) {
if ($this->shouldRestart()) {
$this->maniaControl->quit('Quitting ManiaControl after Exception.');
* Test if ManiaControl should restart automatically
* @return bool
private function shouldRestart() {
if (!$this->maniaControl || !$this->maniaControl->settingManager) {
return false;
$setting = $this->maniaControl->settingManager->getSettingValue($this, self::SETTING_RESTART_ON_EXCEPTION, true);
return $setting;