Needed this for to fix some weird behaviours "NextMap" widget in Plugin BWP\InfoWidgets and think it's useful for all plugin developers.
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namespace ManiaControl\Maps;
use ManiaControl\Admin\AuthenticationManager;
use ManiaControl\Callbacks\CallbackListener;
use ManiaControl\Callbacks\Callbacks;
use ManiaControl\Commands\CommandListener;
use ManiaControl\Logger;
use ManiaControl\ManiaControl;
use ManiaControl\Players\Player;
use ManiaControl\Utils\Formatter;
use Maniaplanet\DedicatedServer\Xmlrpc\NextMapException;
use Maniaplanet\DedicatedServer\Xmlrpc\NotInListException;
* ManiaControl Map Queue Class
* @author ManiaControl Team <>
* @copyright 2014-2015 ManiaControl Team
* @license GNU General Public License, Version 3
class MapQueue implements CallbackListener, CommandListener {
* Constants
const CB_MAPQUEUE_CHANGED = 'MapQueue.MapQueueBoxChanged';
const SETTING_SKIP_MAP_ON_LEAVE = 'Skip Map when the requester leaves';
const SETTING_SKIP_MAPQUEUE_ADMIN = 'Skip Map when admin leaves';
const SETTING_MAPLIMIT_PLAYER = 'Maximum maps per player in the Map-Queue (-1 = unlimited)';
const SETTING_MAPLIMIT_ADMIN = 'Maximum maps per admin (Admin+) in the Map-Queue (-1 = unlimited)';
const SETTING_BUFFERSIZE = 'Size of the Map-Queue buffer (recently played maps)';
const SETTING_PERMISSION_QUEUE_BUFFER = 'Queue maps in buffer';
const ADMIN_COMMAND_CLEAR_MAPQUEUE = 'clearmapqueue';
const ADMIN_COMMAND_CLEAR_JUKEBOX = 'clearjukebox';
* Private properties
/** @var ManiaControl $maniaControl */
private $maniaControl = null;
private $queuedMaps = array();
private $nextMap = null;
private $buffer = array();
private $nextNoQueue = false;
* Construct a new map queue instance
* @param ManiaControl $maniaControl
public function __construct(ManiaControl $maniaControl) {
$this->maniaControl = $maniaControl;
// Callbacks
$this->maniaControl->getCallbackManager()->registerCallbackListener(Callbacks::ENDMAP, $this, 'endMap');
$this->maniaControl->getCallbackManager()->registerCallbackListener(Callbacks::BEGINMAP, $this, 'beginMap');
$this->maniaControl->getCallbackManager()->registerCallbackListener(Callbacks::AFTERINIT, $this, 'handleAfterInit');
// Settings
$this->maniaControl->getSettingManager()->initSetting($this, self::SETTING_SKIP_MAP_ON_LEAVE, true);
$this->maniaControl->getSettingManager()->initSetting($this, self::SETTING_SKIP_MAPQUEUE_ADMIN, false);
$this->maniaControl->getSettingManager()->initSetting($this, self::SETTING_MAPLIMIT_PLAYER, 1);
$this->maniaControl->getSettingManager()->initSetting($this, self::SETTING_MAPLIMIT_ADMIN, -1);
$this->maniaControl->getSettingManager()->initSetting($this, self::SETTING_BUFFERSIZE, 10);
// Permissions
$this->maniaControl->getAuthenticationManager()->definePermissionLevel(self::SETTING_PERMISSION_CLEAR_MAPQUEUE, AuthenticationManager::AUTH_LEVEL_MODERATOR);
$this->maniaControl->getAuthenticationManager()->definePermissionLevel(self::SETTING_PERMISSION_QUEUE_BUFFER, AuthenticationManager::AUTH_LEVEL_ADMIN);
// Admin Commands
$this->maniaControl->getCommandManager()->registerCommandListener(self::ADMIN_COMMAND_CLEAR_JUKEBOX, $this, 'command_ClearMapQueue', true, 'Clears the Map-Queue.');
$this->maniaControl->getCommandManager()->registerCommandListener(self::ADMIN_COMMAND_CLEAR_MAPQUEUE, $this, 'command_ClearMapQueue', true, 'Clears the Map-Queue.');
$this->maniaControl->getCommandManager()->registerCommandListener(array('jb', 'jukebox', 'mapqueue'), $this, 'command_MapQueue', false, 'Shows current maps in Map-Queue.');
* Don't queue on the next MapChange
public function dontQueueNextMapChange() {
$this->nextNoQueue = true;
* Add current map to buffer on startup
public function handleAfterInit() {
$currentMap = $this->maniaControl->getMapManager()->getCurrentMap();
$this->buffer[] = $currentMap->uid;
* Clear the map-queue via admin command clear map queue
* @param array $chatCallback
* @param Player $admin
public function command_ClearMapQueue(array $chatCallback, Player $admin) {
* Clear the Map Queue
* @param Player $admin |null
public function clearMapQueue(Player $admin = null) {
if ($admin && !$this->maniaControl->getAuthenticationManager()->checkPermission($admin, self::SETTING_PERMISSION_CLEAR_MAPQUEUE)
) {
if ($admin && empty($this->queuedMaps)) {
$this->maniaControl->getChat()->sendError('$fa0There are no maps in the jukebox!', $admin->login);
//Destroy map - queue list
$this->queuedMaps = array();
if ($admin) {
$title = $this->maniaControl->getAuthenticationManager()->getAuthLevelName($admin->authLevel);
$message = '$fa0' . $title . ' $<$fff' . $admin->nickname . '$> cleared the Map-Queue!';
Logger::logInfo($message, true);
// Trigger callback
$this->maniaControl->getCallbackManager()->triggerCallback(self::CB_MAPQUEUE_CHANGED, array('clear'));
* Handle the mapqueue/jukebox command
* @param array $chatCallback
* @param Player $player
public function command_MapQueue(array $chatCallback, Player $player) {
$chatCommands = explode(' ', $chatCallback[1][2]);
if (isset($chatCommands[1])) {
$listParam = strtolower($chatCommands[1]);
switch ($listParam) {
case 'list':
case 'display':
case 'clear':
} else {
* Show current mapqueue in the chat
* @param Player $player
public function showMapQueue(Player $player) {
if (empty($this->queuedMaps)) {
$this->maniaControl->getChat()->sendError('$fa0There are no maps in the jukebox!', $player->login);
$message = '$fa0Upcoming maps in the Map-Queue:';
$index = 1;
foreach ($this->queuedMaps as $queuedMap) {
$message .= ' $<$fff' . $index . '$>. [$<$fff' . Formatter::stripCodes($queuedMap[1]->name) . '$>]';
$this->maniaControl->getChat()->sendInformation($message, $player);
* Show current mapqueue in a manialink
* @param Player $player
public function showMapQueueManialink(Player $player) {
if (empty($this->queuedMaps)) {
$this->maniaControl->getChat()->sendError('There are no Maps in the Jukebox!', $player);
$maps = array();
foreach ($this->queuedMaps as $queuedMap) {
array_push($maps, $queuedMap[1]);
$this->maniaControl->getMapManager()->getMapList()->showMapList($player, $maps);
* Return the current queue buffer
* @return string[]
public function getQueueBuffer() {
return $this->buffer;
* Add map as first map in queue (for /replay)
* @param Player $player
* @param Map $map
public function addFirstMapToMapQueue(Player $player, Map $map) {
if ($map) {
if (array_key_exists($map->uid, $this->queuedMaps)) {
array_unshift($this->queuedMaps, array($player, $map, true));
$this->maniaControl->callbackManager->triggerCallback(self::CB_MAPQUEUE_CHANGED, array('add', $map));
* Adds a Map to the Map-Queue from Plugins or whatever
* @param $uid
* @return bool
public function serverAddMapToMapQueue($uid) {
$map = $this->maniaControl->getMapManager()->getMapByUid($uid);
if (!$map) {
return false;
$this->queuedMaps[$uid] = array(null, $map);
$this->maniaControl->getChat()->sendInformation('$fa0$<$fff' . $map->name . '$> has been added to the Map-Queue by the Server.');
// Trigger callback
$this->maniaControl->getCallbackManager()->triggerCallback(self::CB_MAPQUEUE_CHANGED, array('add', $this->queuedMaps[$uid]));
return true;
* Add a Map to the map-queue
* @param string $login
* @param string $uid
public function addMapToMapQueue($login, $uid) {
$player = $this->maniaControl->getPlayerManager()->getPlayer($login);
if (!$player) {
// Check if the Player is muted
if ($player->isMuted()) {
$this->maniaControl->getChat()->sendError('Muted Players are not allowed to queue a map.', $player);
//Check if player is allowed to add (another) map
$isModerator = $this->maniaControl->getAuthenticationManager()->checkRight($player, AuthenticationManager::AUTH_LEVEL_MODERATOR);
$mapsForPlayer = 0;
foreach ($this->queuedMaps as $queuedMap) {
if ($queuedMap[0]->login == $login) {
if ($isModerator) {
$maxAdmin = $this->maniaControl->getSettingManager()->getSettingValue($this, self::SETTING_MAPLIMIT_ADMIN);
if ($maxAdmin >= 0 && $mapsForPlayer >= $maxAdmin) {
$this->maniaControl->getChat()->sendError('You already have $<$fff' . $maxAdmin . '$> map(s) in the Map-Queue!', $login);
} else {
$maxPlayer = $this->maniaControl->getSettingManager()->getSettingValue($this, self::SETTING_MAPLIMIT_PLAYER);
if ($maxPlayer >= 0 && $mapsForPlayer >= $maxPlayer) {
$this->maniaControl->getChat()->sendError('You already have $<$fff' . $maxPlayer . '$> map(s) in the Map-Queue!', $login);
// Check if the map is already juked
$map = null;
if ($uid instanceof Map) {
$map = $uid;
$uid = $map->uid;
if (array_key_exists($uid, $this->queuedMaps)) {
$this->maniaControl->getChat()->sendError('That map is already in the Map-Queue!', $login);
//TODO recently maps not able to add to queue-amps setting, and management
// Check if map is in the buffer
if (in_array($uid, $this->buffer)) {
$this->maniaControl->getChat()->sendError('That map has recently been played!', $login);
if (!$this->maniaControl->getAuthenticationManager()->checkPermission($player, self::SETTING_PERMISSION_CLEAR_MAPQUEUE)
) {
if (!$map) {
$map = $this->maniaControl->getMapManager()->getMapByUid($uid);
$this->queuedMaps[$uid] = array($player, $map);
$this->maniaControl->getChat()->sendInformation('$fa0$<$fff' . $map->name . '$> has been added to the Map-Queue by $<$fff' . $player->nickname . '$>.');
// Trigger callback
$this->maniaControl->getCallbackManager()->triggerCallback(self::CB_MAPQUEUE_CHANGED, array('add', $this->queuedMaps[$uid]));
* Remove a Map from the Map queue
* @param Player $player
* @param string $uid
public function removeFromMapQueue(Player $player, $uid) {
if (!isset($this->queuedMaps[$uid])) {
/** @var Map $map */
$map = $this->queuedMaps[$uid][1];
$this->maniaControl->getChat()->sendInformation('$fa0$<$fff' . $map->name . '$> is removed from the Map-Queue by $<$fff' . $player->nickname . '$>.');
// Trigger callback
$this->maniaControl->getCallbackManager()->triggerCallback(self::CB_MAPQUEUE_CHANGED, array('remove', $map));
* Called on endmap
* @param Map $map
public function endMap(Map $map = null) {
//Don't queue next map (for example on skip to map)
if ($this->nextNoQueue) {
$this->nextNoQueue = false;
$this->nextMap = null;
if ($this->maniaControl->getSettingManager()->getSettingValue($this, self::SETTING_SKIP_MAP_ON_LEAVE)
) {
// Skip Map if requester has left
foreach ($this->queuedMaps as $queuedMap) {
$player = $queuedMap[0];
// Check if map is added via replay vote/command
if (isset($queuedMap[2]) && $queuedMap[2] === true) {
// Player found, so play this map (or if it got juked by the server)
if ($player == null || $this->maniaControl->getPlayerManager()->getPlayer($player->login)) {
if (!$this->maniaControl->getSettingManager()->getSettingValue($this, self::SETTING_SKIP_MAPQUEUE_ADMIN)) {
//Check if the queuer is a admin
if ($player->authLevel > 0) {
// Trigger callback
$this->maniaControl->getCallbackManager()->triggerCallback(self::CB_MAPQUEUE_CHANGED, array('skip', $queuedMap[0]));
// Player not found, so remove the map from the mapqueue
$this->maniaControl->getChat()->sendInformation('$fa0$<$fff' . $queuedMap[0]->name . '$> is skipped because $<' . $player->nickname . '$> left the game!');
$this->nextMap = array_shift($this->queuedMaps);
//Check if Map Queue is empty
if (!$this->nextMap || !isset($this->nextMap[1])) {
$map = $this->nextMap[1];
//Message only if it's juked by a player (not by the server)
if ($this->nextMap[0]) {
/** @var Map $map */
$this->maniaControl->getChat()->sendInformation('$fa0Next map will be $<$fff' . $map->name . '$> as requested by $<' . $this->nextMap[0]->nickname . '$>.');
try {
} catch (NextMapException $e) {
} catch (NotInListException $e) {
* Called on begin map
* @param Map $map
public function beginMap(Map $map) {
if (in_array($map->uid, $this->buffer)) {
if (count($this->buffer) >= $this->maniaControl->getSettingManager()->getSettingValue($this, self::SETTING_BUFFERSIZE)
) {
$this->buffer[] = $map->uid;
* Return the next Map if the next map is a queuedmap or null if it's not
* @return Map
public function getNextMap() {
return $this->nextMap;
* Return the first Queued Map
* @return array(Player $player, Map $map)
public function getNextQueuedMap() {
foreach ($this->queuedMaps as $queuedMap) {
//return the first Queued Map
return $queuedMap;
return null;
* Return a list with the indexes of the queued maps
* @return array
public function getQueuedMapsRanking() {
$index = 1;
$queuedMaps = array();
foreach ($this->queuedMaps as $queuedMap) {
$map = $queuedMap[1];
$queuedMaps[$map->uid] = $index;
return $queuedMaps;
* Return the Queuer of a Map
* @param string $uid
* @return mixed
public function getQueuer($uid) {
return $this->queuedMaps[$uid][0];
* Dummy Function for testing
public function printAllMaps() {
foreach ($this->queuedMaps as $map) {
$map = $map[1];