519 lines
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519 lines
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namespace ManiaControl\Plugins;
use ManiaControl\Callbacks\CallbackListener;
use ManiaControl\Callbacks\EchoListener;
use ManiaControl\Callbacks\TimerListener;
use ManiaControl\Commands\CommandListener;
use ManiaControl\Files\AsyncHttpRequest;
use ManiaControl\Files\FileUtil;
use ManiaControl\Logger;
use ManiaControl\ManiaControl;
use ManiaControl\Manialinks\ManialinkPageAnswerListener;
use ManiaControl\Utils\ClassUtil;
use ReflectionClass;
* Class managing Plugins
* @author ManiaControl Team <mail@maniacontrol.com>
* @copyright 2014-2017 ManiaControl Team
* @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ GNU General Public License, Version 3
class PluginManager {
* Constants
const TABLE_PLUGINS = 'mc_plugins';
const CB_PLUGIN_LOADED = 'PluginManager.PluginLoaded';
const CB_PLUGIN_UNLOADED = 'PluginManager.PluginUnloaded';
* Private properties
/** @var ManiaControl $maniaControl */
private $maniaControl = null;
/** @var PluginMenu $pluginMenu */
private $pluginMenu = null;
/** @var InstallMenu $pluginInstallMenu */
private $pluginInstallMenu = null;
/** @var Plugin[] $activePlugins */
private $activePlugins = array();
/** @var string[] $pluginClasses */
private $pluginClasses = array();
* Construct a new plugin manager instance
* @param ManiaControl $maniaControl
public function __construct(ManiaControl $maniaControl) {
$this->maniaControl = $maniaControl;
$this->pluginMenu = new PluginMenu($maniaControl);
$this->pluginInstallMenu = new InstallMenu($maniaControl);
* Initialize necessary database tables
* @return bool
private function initTables() {
$mysqli = $this->maniaControl->getDatabase()->getMysqli();
$pluginsTableQuery = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" . self::TABLE_PLUGINS . "` (
`index` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`className` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
`active` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
PRIMARY KEY (`index`),
UNIQUE KEY `className` (`className`)
) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci COMMENT='ManiaControl plugin status' AUTO_INCREMENT=1;";
$tableStatement = $mysqli->prepare($pluginsTableQuery);
if ($mysqli->error) {
trigger_error($mysqli->error, E_USER_ERROR);
return false;
if ($tableStatement->error) {
trigger_error($tableStatement->error, E_USER_ERROR);
return false;
return true;
* Get the Plugin Id if the given Class is a Plugin
* @param string $pluginClass
* @return int
public static function getPluginId($pluginClass) {
if (self::isPluginClass($pluginClass)) {
/** @var Plugin $pluginClass */
return $pluginClass::getId();
return null;
* Check if the given class implements the plugin interface
* @param string $pluginClass
* @return bool
public static function isPluginClass($pluginClass) {
$pluginClass = ClassUtil::getClass($pluginClass);
if (!class_exists($pluginClass, false)) {
return false;
$interfaces = class_implements($pluginClass, false);
if (!$interfaces) {
return false;
if (!in_array(Plugin::PLUGIN_INTERFACE, $interfaces)) {
return false;
$reflector = new ReflectionClass($pluginClass);
$className = $pluginClass;
$splitNameSpace = explode('\\', $pluginClass);
if (is_array($splitNameSpace)) {
$className = end($splitNameSpace);
if (FileUtil::getFileName($reflector->getFileName()) != $className) {
Logger::logError("Plugin ClassName does not match FileName; Plugin: " . $className);
return false;
return true;
* Deactivate the Plugin with the given Class
* @param string $pluginClass
* @return bool
public function deactivatePlugin($pluginClass) {
$pluginClass = $this->getPluginClass($pluginClass);
if (!$pluginClass) {
return false;
if (!$this->isPluginActive($pluginClass)) {
//If Error Occured while loading Plugin
$this->savePluginStatus($pluginClass, false);
return false;
/** @var Plugin $plugin */
$plugin = $this->activePlugins[$pluginClass];
if ($plugin instanceof EchoListener) {
if ($plugin instanceof CallbackListener) {
if ($plugin instanceof CommandListener) {
if ($plugin instanceof ManialinkPageAnswerListener) {
if ($plugin instanceof TimerListener) {
$this->savePluginStatus($pluginClass, false);
$this->maniaControl->getCallbackManager()->triggerCallback(self::CB_PLUGIN_UNLOADED, $pluginClass, $plugin);
return true;
* Get the Class of the Plugin
* @param mixed $pluginClass
* @return string
public static function getPluginClass($pluginClass) {
$pluginClass = ClassUtil::getClass($pluginClass);
if (!self::isPluginClass($pluginClass)) {
return null;
return $pluginClass;
* Check if the Plugin is currently running
* @param string $pluginClass
* @return bool
public function isPluginActive($pluginClass) {
$pluginClass = $this->getPluginClass($pluginClass);
return isset($this->activePlugins[$pluginClass]);
* Save Plugin Status in Database
* @param string $className
* @param bool $active
* @return bool
private function savePluginStatus($className, $active) {
$mysqli = $this->maniaControl->getDatabase()->getMysqli();
$pluginStatusQuery = "INSERT INTO `" . self::TABLE_PLUGINS . "` (
?, ?
`active` = VALUES(`active`);";
$pluginStatement = $mysqli->prepare($pluginStatusQuery);
if ($mysqli->error) {
return false;
$activeInt = ($active ? 1 : 0);
$pluginStatement->bind_param('si', $className, $activeInt);
if ($pluginStatement->error) {
return false;
return true;
* Load complete Plugins Directory and start all configured Plugins
* @return string[]
public function loadPlugins() {
$pluginsDirectory = MANIACONTROL_PATH . 'plugins' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
$classesBefore = get_declared_classes();
$classesAfter = get_declared_classes();
$newPluginClasses = array();
$newClasses = array_diff($classesAfter, $classesBefore);
foreach ($newClasses as $className) {
if (!self::isPluginClass($className)) {
if (!self::validatePluginClass($className)) {
$message = "The plugin class '{$className}' isn't correctly implemented: You need to return a proper ID by registering it on maniacontrol.com!";
if (!DEV_MODE) {
$message = 'Fix the plugin or turn on DEV_MODE!';
$this->maniaControl->quit($message, true);
if (!$this->addPluginClass($className)) {
array_push($newPluginClasses, $className);
/** @var Plugin $className */
if ($this->getSavedPluginStatus($className)) {
return $newPluginClasses;
* Load all Plugin Files from the Directory
* @param string $directory
public function loadPluginFiles($directory = '') {
if (!is_readable($directory) || !is_dir($directory)) {
$pluginFiles = scandir($directory);
foreach ($pluginFiles as $pluginFile) {
if (substr($pluginFile, 0, 1) === '.') {
$filePath = $directory . $pluginFile;
if (is_file($filePath)) {
if (!FileUtil::isPhpFileName($pluginFile)) {
$success = include_once $filePath;
if (!$success) {
Logger::logError("Couldn't load file '{$filePath}'!");
$dirPath = $directory . $pluginFile;
if (is_dir($dirPath)) {
$this->loadPluginFiles($dirPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
* Validate that the given class is a correctly implemented plugin class
* @param string $pluginClass
* @return bool
private static function validatePluginClass($pluginClass) {
if (!self::isPluginClass($pluginClass)) {
return false;
/** @var Plugin $pluginClass */
return ($pluginClass::getId() > 0);
* Add the class to array of loaded plugin classes
* @param string $pluginClass
* @return bool
public function addPluginClass($pluginClass) {
$pluginClass = $this->getPluginClass($pluginClass);
if (in_array($pluginClass, $this->pluginClasses)) {
return false;
if (!$this->isPluginClass($pluginClass)) {
return false;
array_push($this->pluginClasses, $pluginClass);
return true;
* Get plugin status from database
* @param string $className
* @return bool
public function getSavedPluginStatus($className) {
$mysqli = $this->maniaControl->getDatabase()->getMysqli();
$pluginStatusQuery = "SELECT `active` FROM `" . self::TABLE_PLUGINS . "`
WHERE `className` = ?;";
$pluginStatement = $mysqli->prepare($pluginStatusQuery);
if ($mysqli->error) {
return false;
$pluginStatement->bind_param('s', $className);
if ($pluginStatement->error) {
return false;
if ($pluginStatement->num_rows <= 0) {
$this->savePluginStatus($className, false);
return false;
$active = ($activeInt === 1);
return $active;
* Activate and start the plugin with the given name
* @param string $pluginClass
* @param string $adminLogin
* @return bool
public function activatePlugin($pluginClass, $adminLogin = null) {
if (!$this->isPluginClass($pluginClass)) {
return false;
if ($this->isPluginActive($pluginClass)) {
return false;
/** @var Plugin $plugin */
$plugin = new $pluginClass();
try {
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$message = "Error during Plugin Activation of '{$pluginClass}': '{$e->getMessage()}'";
$this->maniaControl->getChat()->sendError($message, $adminLogin);
$this->savePluginStatus($pluginClass, false);
return false;
$this->activePlugins[$pluginClass] = $plugin;
$this->savePluginStatus($pluginClass, true);
$this->maniaControl->getCallbackManager()->triggerCallback(self::CB_PLUGIN_LOADED, $pluginClass, $plugin);
return true;
* Check if the Plugin with the given ID is already installed and loaded
* @param int $pluginId
* @return bool
public function isPluginIdInstalled($pluginId) {
foreach ($this->pluginClasses as $pluginClass) {
/** @var Plugin $pluginClass */
if ($pluginClass::getId() == $pluginId) {
return true;
return false;
* Returns a Plugin if it is activated
* @param string $pluginClass
* @return Plugin
public function getPlugin($pluginClass) {
if ($this->isPluginActive($pluginClass)) {
return $this->activePlugins[$pluginClass];
return null;
* Get all declared plugin class names
* @return string[]
public function getPluginClasses() {
return $this->pluginClasses;
* Get the Ids of all active Plugins
* @return string[]
public function getActivePluginsIds() {
$pluginsIds = array();
foreach ($this->getActivePlugins() as $plugin) {
$pluginId = $plugin::getId();
if (is_numeric($pluginId)) {
array_push($pluginsIds, $pluginId);
return $pluginsIds;
* Get all active Plugins
* @return Plugin[]
public function getActivePlugins() {
return $this->activePlugins;
* Fetch the Plugins List from the ManiaControl Website
* @param callable $function
public function fetchPluginList(callable $function) {
$url = ManiaControl::URL_WEBSERVICE . 'plugins';
$asyncHttpRequest = new AsyncHttpRequest($this->maniaControl, $url);
$asyncHttpRequest->setCallable(function ($dataJson, $error) use (&$function) {
$data = json_decode($dataJson);
call_user_func($function, $data, $error);
* @internal
* @return \ManiaControl\Plugins\InstallMenu
public function getPluginInstallMenu() {
return $this->pluginInstallMenu;