189 lines
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189 lines
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namespace ManiaControl\Files;
use ManiaControl\ManiaControl;
use ManiaControl\Utils\Formatter;
* Files Utility Class
* @author ManiaControl Team <mail@maniacontrol.com>
* @copyright 2014 ManiaControl Team
* @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ GNU General Public License, Version 3
abstract class FileUtil {
* Load a remote file
* @param string $url
* @param string $contentType
* @return string
public static function loadFile($url, $contentType = 'UTF-8') {
if (!$url) {
return null;
$urlData = parse_url($url);
$host = $urlData['host'];
$port = (isset($urlData['port']) ? $urlData['port'] : 80);
$urlQuery = (isset($urlData['query']) ? '?' . $urlData['query'] : '');
$fsock = fsockopen($host, $port);
if (!is_resource($fsock)) {
trigger_error("Couldn't open socket connection to '{$host}' on port '{$port}'!");
return null;
stream_set_timeout($fsock, 3);
$query = 'GET ' . $urlData['path'] . $urlQuery . ' HTTP/1.0' . PHP_EOL;
$query .= 'Host: ' . $host . PHP_EOL;
$query .= 'Content-Type: ' . $contentType . PHP_EOL;
$query .= 'User-Agent: ManiaControl v' . ManiaControl::VERSION . PHP_EOL;
$query .= PHP_EOL;
fwrite($fsock, $query);
$buffer = '';
$info = array('timed_out' => false);
while (!feof($fsock) && !$info['timed_out']) {
$buffer .= fread($fsock, 1024);
$info = stream_get_meta_data($fsock);
if ($info['timed_out'] || !$buffer) {
return null;
if (substr($buffer, 9, 3) !== '200') {
return null;
$result = explode("\r\n\r\n", $buffer, 2);
if (count($result) < 2) {
return null;
return $result[1];
* Load config xml-file
* @param string $fileName
* @return \SimpleXMLElement
public static function loadConfig($fileName) {
$fileLocation = ManiaControlDir . 'configs' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $fileName;
if (!file_exists($fileLocation)) {
logMessage("Config File doesn't exist! ({$fileName})");
return null;
if (!is_readable($fileLocation)) {
logMessage("Config File isn't readable! Please check the File Permissions. ({$fileName})");
return null;
$configXml = @simplexml_load_file($fileLocation);
if (!$configXml) {
logMessage("Config file isn't maintained properly! ({$fileName})");
return null;
return $configXml;
* Return file name cleared from special characters
* @param string $fileName
* @return string
public static function getClearedFileName($fileName) {
$fileName = Formatter::stripCodes($fileName);
$fileName = str_replace(array(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '\\', '/', ':', '*', '?', '"', '<', '>', '|'), '_', $fileName);
$fileName = preg_replace('/[^[:print:]]/', '', $fileName);
return $fileName;
* Delete the Temporary Folder if it's empty
* @return bool
public static function removeTempFolder() {
$tempFolder = self::getTempFolder(false);
return @rmdir($tempFolder);
* Get the Temporary Folder and create it if necessary
* @param bool $createIfNecessary
* @return string
public static function getTempFolder($createIfNecessary = true) {
$tempFolder = ManiaControlDir . 'temp' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
if ($createIfNecessary && !is_dir($tempFolder)) {
return $tempFolder;
* Check if ManiaControl has sufficient Access to write to Files in the given Directories
* @param mixed $directories
* @return bool
public static function checkWritePermissions($directories) {
if (!is_array($directories)) {
$directories = array($directories);
foreach ($directories as $directory) {
$dir = new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator(ManiaControlDir . $directory);
foreach (new \RecursiveIteratorIterator($dir) as $fileName => $file) {
if (substr($fileName, 0, 1) === '.') {
if (!is_writable($fileName)) {
$message = "Write-Access missing for File '{$fileName}'!";
return false;
return true;
* Try to delete the given Plugin Files
* @param mixed $pluginFileNames
public static function cleanPluginFiles($pluginFileNames) {
$pluginFileNames = (array)$pluginFileNames;
$fileNames = array();
foreach ($pluginFileNames as $pluginFileName) {
$fileName = 'plugins' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $pluginFileName;
array_push($fileNames, $fileName);
* Try to delete the given Files
* @param mixed $fileNames
public static function cleanFiles($fileNames) {
$fileNames = (array)$fileNames;
foreach ($fileNames as $fileName) {
$filePath = ManiaControlDir . $fileName;
if (file_exists($filePath) && is_writeable($filePath)) {