- updated authentication class and levels
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,35 +2,12 @@
<!-- Configure authentication for players -->
<!-- SuperAdmins with full access -->
<!-- <login>login1</login> <login>login2</login> -->
<!-- SuperAdmins that can't be removed ingame -->
<!-- Admins with almost full access -->
<!-- <login>login1</login> <login>login2</login> -->
<!-- Operators with only moderating access -->
<!-- <login>login1</login> <login>login2</login> -->
<!-- You can add other admins and operators ingame -->
@ -5,98 +5,148 @@ namespace ManiaControl;
* Class handling authentication levels
* @author steeffeen
* @author steeffeen & kremsy
class Authentication {
* Constants
public $RIGHTS_LEVELS = array(-1 => 'none', 0 => 'superadmin', 1 => 'admin', 2 => 'operator', 3 => 'all');
* Private properties
private $mc = null;
private $config = null;
private $maniaControl = null;
* Construct authentication manager
* @param ManiaControl $maniaControl
public function __construct($mc) {
$this->mc = $mc;
// Load config
$this->config = FileUtil::loadConfig('authentication.xml');
public function __construct(ManiaControl $maniaControl) {
$this->maniaControl = $maniaControl;
* Check if the player has enough rights
* Load config and initialize strong superadmins
* @param string $login
* @param string $defaultRight
* @param string $neededRight
* @return bool
public function checkRight($login, $neededRight) {
$right = $this->getRights($login);
return $this->compareRights($right, $neededRight);
private function loadConfig() {
$config = FileUtil::loadConfig('authentication.xml');
$mysqli = $this->maniaControl->database->mysqli;
// Remove all XSuperadmins
$adminQuery = "UPDATE `" . PlayerHandler::TABLE_PLAYERS . "`
SET `authLevel` = ?
WHERE `authLevel` = ?;";
$adminStatement = $mysqli->prepare($adminQuery);
if ($mysqli->error) {
trigger_error($mysqli->error, E_USER_ERROR);
return false;
$adminLevel = self::AUTH_LEVEL_SUPERADMIN;
$xAdminLevel = self::AUTH_LEVEL_XSUPERADMIN;
$adminStatement->bind_param('ii', $adminLevel, $xAdminLevel);
if ($adminStatement->error) {
// Set XSuperAdmins
$xAdmins = $config->xsuperadmins->xpath('login');
$adminQuery = "INSERT INTO `" . PlayerHandler::TABLE_PLAYERS . "` (
?, ?
`authLevel` = VALUES(`authLevel`);";
$adminStatement = $mysqli->prepare($adminQuery);
if ($mysqli->error) {
trigger_error($mysqli->error, E_USER_ERROR);
return false;
$adminStatement->bind_param('si', $login, $xAdminLevel);
$success = true;
foreach ($xAdmins as $xAdmin) {
$login = (string) $xAdmin;
if ($adminStatement->error) {
$success = false;
return $success;
* Compare if the rights are enough
* Grant the auth level to the player
* @param string $hasRight
* @param string $neededRight
* @param Player $player
* @param int $authLevel
* @return bool
public function compareRights($hasRight, $neededRight) {
if (!in_array($hasRight, $this->RIGHTS_LEVELS) || !in_array($neededRight, $this->RIGHTS_LEVELS)) {
public function grantAuthLevel(Player $player, $authLevel) {
if (!$player || $authLevel >= self::AUTH_LEVEL_XSUPERADMIN) {
return false;
$hasLevel = array_search($hasRight, $this->RIGHTS_LEVELS);
$neededLevel = array_search($neededRight, $this->RIGHTS_LEVELS);
if ($hasLevel > $neededLevel) {
$mysqli = $this->maniaControl->database->mysqli;
$authQuery = "INSERT INTO `" . PlayerHandler::TABLE_PLAYERS . "` (
?, ?
`authLevel` = VALUES(`authLevel`);";
$authStatement = $mysqli->prepare($authQuery);
if ($mysqli->error) {
trigger_error($mysqli->error, E_USER_ERROR);
return false;
else {
return true;
$authStatement->bind_param('si', $player->login, $authLevel);
if ($authStatement->error) {
return false;
* Get rights of the given login
* @param string $login
* @param string $defaultRights
* @return string
public function getRights($login, $defaultRight = 'all') {
$groups = $this->config->xpath('//login[text()="' . $login . '"]/..');
if (empty($groups)) return $defaultRight;
$right = $defaultRight;
$rightLevel = array_search($right, $this->RIGHTS_LEVELS);
foreach ($groups as $group) {
$level = array_search($group->getName(), $this->RIGHTS_LEVELS);
if ($level === false) continue;
if ($level < $rightLevel || $rightLevel === false) {
$right = $group->getName();
$rightLevel = $level;
return $right;
return $success;
* Sends an error message to the login
* @param string $login
* @return bool
public function sendNotAllowed($login) {
if (!$this->mc->chat->sendError('You do not have the required rights to perform this command!', $login)) {
trigger_error("Couldn't send forbidden message to login '" . $login . "'. " . $this->mc->getClientErrorText());
public function sendNotAllowed(Player $player) {
if (!$player) {
return false;
return $this->maniaControl->chat->sendError('You do not have the required rights to perform this command!', $player->login);
* Check if the player has enough rights
* @param Player $login
* @param int $neededAuthLevel
* @return bool
public static function checkRight(Player $player, $neededAuthLevel) {
if (!$player) {
return false;
return ($player->authLevel >= $neededAuthLevel);
@ -7,13 +7,13 @@ namespace ManiaControl;
* @author steeffeen & kremsy
// TODO: settings for command auth levels
class Commands {
* Private properties
private $maniaControl = null;
private $config = null;
private $commandHandlers = array();
private $openBills = array();
private $serverShutdownTime = -1;
@ -25,17 +25,14 @@ class Commands {
public function __construct(ManiaControl $maniaControl) {
$this->maniaControl = $maniaControl;
// Load config
$this->config = FileUtil::loadConfig('commands.xml');
// Register for callbacks
$this->maniaControl->callbacks->registerCallbackHandler(Callbacks::CB_MC_5_SECOND, $this, 'each5Seconds');
$this->maniaControl->callbacks->registerCallbackHandler(Callbacks::CB_MP_BILLUPDATED, $this, 'handleBillUpdated');
$this->maniaControl->callbacks->registerCallbackHandler(Callbacks::CB_MP_PLAYERCHAT, $this, 'handleChatCallback');
// Register basic commands
$commands = array('help', 'version', 'shutdown', 'shutdownserver', 'networkstats', 'systeminfo', 'setservername', 'getplanets',
'donate', 'pay', 'kick', 'nextmap', 'restartmap', 'addmap', 'removemap', 'startwarmup', 'stopwarmup');
$commands = array('help', 'version', 'shutdown', 'shutdownserver', 'systeminfo', 'setservername', 'getplanets', 'donate',
'pay', 'kick', 'nextmap', 'restartmap', 'addmap', 'removemap');
foreach ($commands as $command) {
$this->registerCommandHandler($command, $this, 'command_' . $command);
@ -77,7 +74,8 @@ class Commands {
return false;
// Check for valid player
if ($chat[0] <= 0 || strlen($chat[1]) <= 0) {
$player = $this->maniaControl->playerHandler->getPlayer($login);
if (!$player) {
return false;
// Handle command
@ -89,7 +87,7 @@ class Commands {
// Inform command handlers
foreach ($this->commandHandlers[$command] as $handler) {
call_user_func(array($handler[0], $handler[1]), $callback);
call_user_func(array($handler[0], $handler[1]), $callback, $player);
return true;
@ -134,33 +132,6 @@ class Commands {
return true;
* Retrieve the needed rights level to perform the given command
* @param string $commandName
* @param string $defaultLevel
* @return string
private function getRightsLevel($commandName, $defaultLevel) {
$command_rights = $this->config->xpath('//' . strtolower($commandName) . '/..');
if (empty($command_rights)) {
return $defaultLevel;
$rights = $this->maniaControl->authentication->RIGHTS_LEVELS;
$highest_level = null;
foreach ($command_rights as $right) {
$levelName = $right->getName();
$levelInt = array_search($levelName, $rights);
if ($levelInt !== false && ($highest_level === null || $highest_level < $levelInt)) {
$highest_level = $levelInt;
if ($highest_level === null || !array_key_exists($highest_level, $rights)) {
return $defaultLevel;
return $rights[$highest_level];
* Send ManiaControl version
@ -169,11 +140,6 @@ class Commands {
private function command_version(array $chat) {
$login = $chat[1][1];
if (!$this->maniaControl->authentication->checkRight($login, $this->getRightsLevel('version', 'all'))) {
// Not allowed!
return false;
$message = 'This server is using ManiaControl v' . ManiaControl::VERSION . '!';
return $this->maniaControl->chat->sendInformation($message, $login);
@ -186,11 +152,6 @@ class Commands {
private function command_help(array $chat) {
$login = $chat[1][1];
if (!$this->maniaControl->authentication->checkRight($login, $this->getRightsLevel('help', 'all'))) {
// Not allowed!
return false;
// TODO: improve help command
// TODO: enable help for specific commands
$list = 'Available commands: ';
@ -217,13 +178,12 @@ class Commands {
* Handle getplanets command
* @param array $chat
* @param Player $player
* @return bool
private function command_getplanets(array $chat) {
$login = $chat[1][1];
if (!$this->maniaControl->authentication->checkRight($login, $this->getRightsLevel('getplanets', 'admin'))) {
// Not allowed!
private function command_getplanets(array $chat, Player $player) {
if (!$this->maniaControl->authentication->checkRight($player, Authentication::AUTH_LEVEL_ADMIN)) {
return false;
if (!$this->maniaControl->client->query('GetServerPlanets')) {
@ -232,22 +192,17 @@ class Commands {
$planets = $this->maniaControl->client->getResponse();
$message = "This Server has {$planets} Planets!";
return $this->maniaControl->chat->sendInformation($message, $login);
return $this->maniaControl->chat->sendInformation($message, $player->login);
* Handle donate command
* @param array $chat
* @param Player $player
* @return bool
private function command_donate(array $chat) {
$login = $chat[1][1];
if (!$this->maniaControl->authentication->checkRight($login, $this->getRightsLevel('donate', 'all'))) {
// Not allowed!
private function command_donate(array $chat, Player $player) {
$params = explode(' ', $chat[1][2]);
if (count($params) < 2) {
// TODO: send usage information
@ -260,7 +215,7 @@ class Commands {
if (count($params) >= 3) {
$receiver = $params[2];
$receiverPlayer = $this->maniaControl->database->getPlayer($receiver);
$receiverPlayer = $this->maniaControl->playerHandler->getPlayer($receiver);
$receiverName = ($receiverPlayer ? $receiverPlayer['NickName'] : $receiver);
else {
@ -268,16 +223,15 @@ class Commands {
$receiverName = $this->maniaControl->server->getName();
$message = 'Donate ' . $amount . ' Planets to $<' . $receiverName . '$>?';
if (!$this->maniaControl->client->query('SendBill', $login, $amount, $message, $receiver)) {
if (!$this->maniaControl->client->query('SendBill', $pl, $amount, $message, $receiver)) {
"Couldn't create donation of {$amount} planets from '{$login}' for '{$receiver}'. " .
"Couldn't create donation of {$amount} planets from '{$player->login}' for '{$receiver}'. " .
$this->maniaControl->chat->sendError("Creating donation failed.", $login);
$this->maniaControl->chat->sendError("Creating donation failed.", $player->login);
return false;
$bill = $this->maniaControl->client->getResponse();
$this->openBills[$bill] = $login;
$this->openBills[$bill] = $player->login;
return true;
@ -285,13 +239,12 @@ class Commands {
* Handle pay command
* @param array $chat
* @param Player $player
* @return bool
private function command_pay(array $chat) {
$login = $chat[1][1];
if (!$this->maniaControl->authentication->checkRight($login, $this->getRightsLevel('pay', 'superadmin'))) {
// Not allowed!
private function command_pay(array $chat, Player $player) {
if (!$this->maniaControl->authentication->checkRight($player, Authentication::AUTH_LEVEL_SUPERADMIN)) {
return false;
$params = explode(' ', $chat[1][2]);
@ -308,119 +261,64 @@ class Commands {
$receiver = $params[2];
else {
$receiver = $login;
$receiver = $player->login;
$message = 'Payout from $<' . $this->maniaControl->server->getName() . '$>.';
if (!$this->maniaControl->client->query('Pay', $receiver, $amount, $message)) {
"Couldn't create payout of {$amount} planets by '{$login}' for '{$receiver}'. " .
"Couldn't create payout of {$amount} planets by '{$player->login}' for '{$receiver}'. " .
$this->maniaControl->chat->sendError("Creating payout failed.", $login);
$this->maniaControl->chat->sendError("Creating payout failed.", $player->login);
return false;
$bill = $this->maniaControl->client->getResponse();
$this->openBills[$bill] = $login;
$this->openBills[$bill] = $player->login;
return true;
* Handle networkstats command
* @param array $chat
* @return bool
private function command_networkstats(array $chat) {
$login = $chat[1][1];
if (!$this->maniaControl->authentication->checkRight($login, $this->getRightsLevel('networkstats', 'superadmin'))) {
// Not allowed!
return false;
$networkStats = $this->maniaControl->server->getNetworkStats();
$message = 'NetworkStats: uptime=' . $networkStats['Uptime'] . ', nbConn=' . $networkStats['NbrConnection'] . ', recvRate=' .
$networkStats['RecvNetRate'] . ', sendRate=' . $networkStats['SendNetRate'] . ', recvTotal=' .
$networkStats['SendNetRate'] . ', sentTotal=' . $networkStats['SendNetRate'];
return $this->maniaControl->chat->sendInformation($message, $login);
* Handle systeminfo command
* @param array $chat
* @param Player $player
* @return bool
private function command_systeminfo(array $chat) {
$login = $chat[1][1];
if (!$this->maniaControl->authentication->checkRight($login, $this->getRightsLevel('systeminfo', 'superadmin'))) {
// Not allowed!
private function command_systeminfo(array $chat, Player $player) {
if (!$this->maniaControl->authentication->checkRight($player, Authentication::AUTH_LEVEL_SUPERADMIN)) {
return false;
$systemInfo = $this->maniaControl->server->getSystemInfo();
$message = 'SystemInfo: ip=' . $systemInfo['PublishedIp'] . ', port=' . $systemInfo['Port'] . ', p2pPort=' .
$systemInfo['P2PPort'] . ', title=' . $systemInfo['TitleId'] . ', login=' . $systemInfo['ServerLogin'] . ', ';
return $this->maniaControl->chat->sendInformation($message, $login);
return $this->maniaControl->chat->sendInformation($message, $player->login);
* Handle shutdown command
* @param array $chat
* @param Player $player
* @return bool
private function command_shutdown(array $chat) {
$login = $chat[1][1];
if (!$this->maniaControl->authentication->checkRight($login, $this->getRightsLevel('shutdown', 'superadmin'))) {
// Not allowed!
private function command_shutdown(array $chat, Player $player) {
if (!$this->maniaControl->authentication->checkRight($player, Authentication::AUTH_LEVEL_SUPERADMIN)) {
return false;
return $this->maniaControl->quit("ManiaControl shutdown requested by '{$login}'");
* Handle startwarmup command
* @param array $chat
* @return bool
private function command_startwarmup(array $chat) {
$login = $chat[1][1];
if (!$this->maniaControl->authentication->checkRight($login, $this->getRightsLevel('startwarmup', 'operator'))) {
// Not allowed!
return false;
return $this->maniaControl->client->query("SetWarmUp", true);
* Handle stopwarmup command
* @param array $chat
* @return bool
private function command_stopwarmup(array $chat) {
$login = $chat[1][1];
if (!$this->maniaControl->authentication->checkRight($login, $this->getRightsLevel('stopwarmup', 'operator'))) {
// Not allowed!
return false;
return $this->maniaControl->client->query("SetWarmUp", false);
return $this->maniaControl->quit("ManiaControl shutdown requested by '{$player->login}'");
* Handle server shutdown command
* @param array $chat
* @param Player $player
* @return bool
private function command_shutdownserver(array $chat) {
$login = $chat[1][1];
if (!$this->maniaControl->authentication->checkRight($login, $this->getRightsLevel('shutdownserver', 'superadmin'))) {
// Not allowed!
private function command_shutdownserver(array $chat, Player $player) {
if (!$this->maniaControl->authentication->checkRight($player, Authentication::AUTH_LEVEL_SUPERADMIN)) {
return false;
// Check for delayed shutdown
@ -430,38 +328,37 @@ class Commands {
if ($param == 'empty') {
$this->serverShutdownEmpty = !$this->serverShutdownEmpty;
if ($this->serverShutdownEmpty) {
$this->maniaControl->chat->sendInformation("The server will shutdown as soon as it's empty!", $login);
$this->maniaControl->chat->sendInformation("The server will shutdown as soon as it's empty!", $player->login);
return true;
$this->maniaControl->chat->sendInformation("Empty-shutdown cancelled!", $login);
$this->maniaControl->chat->sendInformation("Empty-shutdown cancelled!", $player->login);
return true;
$delay = (int) $param;
if ($delay <= 0) {
// Cancel shutdown
$this->serverShutdownTime = -1;
$this->maniaControl->chat->sendInformation("Delayed shutdown cancelled!", $login);
$this->maniaControl->chat->sendInformation("Delayed shutdown cancelled!", $player->login);
return true;
// Trigger delayed shutdown
$this->serverShutdownTime = time() + $delay * 60.;
$this->maniaControl->chat->sendInformation("The server will shut down in " . $delay . " minutes!", $login);
$this->maniaControl->chat->sendInformation("The server will shut down in {$delay} minutes!", $player->login);
return true;
return $this->shutdownServer($login);
return $this->shutdownServer($player->login);
* Handle kick command
* @param array $chat
* @param Player $player
* @return bool
private function command_kick(array $chat) {
$login = $chat[1][1];
if (!$this->maniaControl->authentication->checkRight($login, $this->getRightsLevel('kick', 'operator'))) {
// Not allowed!
private function command_kick(array $chat, Player $player) {
if (!$this->maniaControl->authentication->checkRight($player, Authentication::AUTH_LEVEL_OPERATOR)) {
return false;
$params = explode(' ', $chat[1][2], 3);
@ -470,49 +367,44 @@ class Commands {
return false;
$target = $params[1];
$players = $this->maniaControl->server->getPlayers();
foreach ($players as $player) {
if ($player['Login'] != $target) {
$target = $this->maniaControl->playerHandler->getPlayer($target);
if (!$target) {
$this->maniaControl->chat->sendError("Invalid player login.", $player->login);
return false;
// Kick player
$message = '';
if (isset($params[2])) {
$message = $params[2];
return $this->maniaControl->client->query('Kick', $target, $message);
$this->maniaControl->chat->sendError("Invalid player login.", $login);
return false;
return $this->maniaControl->client->query('Kick', $target->login, $message);
* Handle removemap command
* @param array $chat
* @param Player $player
* @return bool
private function command_removemap(array $chat) {
$login = $chat[1][1];
if (!$this->maniaControl->authentication->checkRight($login, $this->getRightsLevel('kick', 'operator'))) {
// Not allowed!
private function command_removemap(array $chat, Player $player) {
if (!$this->maniaControl->authentication->checkRight($player, Authentication::AUTH_LEVEL_OPERATOR)) {
return false;
// TODO: allow params
// Get map name
$map = $this->maniaControl->server->getMap();
if (!$map) {
$this->maniaControl->chat->sendError("Couldn't remove map.", $login);
$this->maniaControl->chat->sendError("Couldn't remove map.", $player->login);
return false;
$mapName = $map['FileName'];
// Remove map
if (!$this->maniaControl->client->query('RemoveMap', $mapName)) {
trigger_error("Couldn't remove current map. " . $this->maniaControl->getClientErrorText());
$this->maniaControl->chat->sendError("Couldn't remove map.", $player->login);
return false;
$this->maniaControl->chat->sendSuccess('Map removed.', $login);
$this->maniaControl->chat->sendSuccess('Map removed.', $player->login);
return true;
@ -520,13 +412,12 @@ class Commands {
* Handle addmap command
* @param array $chat
* @param Player $player
* @return bool
private function command_addmap(array $chat) {
$login = $chat[1][1];
if (!$this->maniaControl->authentication->checkRight($login, $this->getRightsLevel('addmap', 'operator'))) {
// Not allowed!
private function command_addmap(array $chat, Player $player) {
if (!$this->maniaControl->authentication->checkRight($player, Authentication::AUTH_LEVEL_OPERATOR)) {
return false;
$params = explode(' ', $chat[1][2], 2);
@ -537,20 +428,20 @@ class Commands {
// Check if ManiaControl can even write to the maps dir
if (!$this->maniaControl->client->query('GetMapsDirectory')) {
trigger_error("Couldn't get map directory. " . $this->maniaControl->getClientErrorText());
$this->maniaControl->chat->sendError("ManiaControl couldn't retrieve the maps directory.", $login);
$this->maniaControl->chat->sendError("ManiaControl couldn't retrieve the maps directory.", $player->login);
return false;
$mapDir = $this->maniaControl->client->getResponse();
if (!is_dir($mapDir)) {
trigger_error("ManiaControl doesn't have have access to the maps directory in '{$mapDir}'.");
$this->maniaControl->chat->sendError("ManiaControl doesn't have access to the maps directory.", $login);
$this->maniaControl->chat->sendError("ManiaControl doesn't have access to the maps directory.", $player->login);
return false;
$downloadDirectory = $this->maniaControl->settingManager->getSetting($this, 'MapDownloadDirectory', 'mx');
// Create download directory if necessary
if (!is_dir($mapDir . $downloadDirectory) && !mkdir($mapDir . $downloadDirectory)) {
trigger_error("ManiaControl doesn't have to rights to save maps in '{$mapDir}{$downloadDirectory}'.");
$this->maniaControl->chat->sendError("ManiaControl doesn't have the rights to save maps.", $login);
$this->maniaControl->chat->sendError("ManiaControl doesn't have the rights to save maps.", $player->login);
return false;
$mapDir .= $downloadDirectory . '/';
@ -565,7 +456,7 @@ class Commands {
$mapInfo = FileUtil::loadFile($url);
if (!$mapInfo || strlen($mapInfo) <= 0) {
// Invalid id
$this->maniaControl->chat->sendError('Invalid MX-Id!', $login);
$this->maniaControl->chat->sendError('Invalid MX-Id!', $player->login);
return false;
$mapInfo = json_decode($mapInfo, true);
@ -573,34 +464,34 @@ class Commands {
$file = FileUtil::loadFile($url);
if (!$file) {
// Download error
$this->maniaControl->chat->sendError('Download failed!', $login);
$this->maniaControl->chat->sendError('Download failed!', $player->login);
return false;
// Save map
$fileName = $mapDir . $mapInfo['TrackID'] . '_' . $mapInfo['Name'] . '.Map.Gbx';
if (!file_put_contents($fileName, $file)) {
// Save error
$this->maniaControl->chat->sendError('Saving map failed!', $login);
$this->maniaControl->chat->sendError('Saving map failed!', $player->login);
return false;
// Check for valid map
if (!$this->maniaControl->client->query('CheckMapForCurrentServerParams', $fileName)) {
trigger_error("Couldn't check if map is valid. " . $this->maniaControl->getClientErrorText());
$this->maniaControl->chat->sendError('Error checking map!', $login);
$this->maniaControl->chat->sendError('Error checking map!', $player->login);
return false;
$response = $this->maniaControl->client->getResponse();
if (!$response) {
// Inalid map type
$this->maniaControl->chat->sendError("Invalid map type.", $login);
$this->maniaControl->chat->sendError("Invalid map type.", $player->login);
return false;
// Add map to map list
if (!$this->maniaControl->client->query('InsertMap', $fileName)) {
$this->maniaControl->chat->sendError("Couldn't add map to match settings!", $login);
$this->maniaControl->chat->sendError("Couldn't add map to match settings!", $player->login);
return false;
$this->maniaControl->chat->sendSuccess('Map $<' . $mapInfo['Name'] . '$> successfully added!');
$this->maniaControl->chat->sendSuccess('Map $<' . $mapInfo['Name'] . '$> added!');
return true;
// TODO: add local map by filename
@ -611,13 +502,12 @@ class Commands {
* Handle nextmap command
* @param array $chat
* @param Player $player
* @return bool
private function command_nextmap(array $chat) {
$login = $chat[1][1];
if (!$this->maniaControl->authentication->checkRight($login, $this->getRightsLevel('nextmap', 'operator'))) {
// Not allowed!
private function command_nextmap(array $chat, Player $player) {
if (!$this->maniaControl->authentication->checkRight($player, Authentication::AUTH_LEVEL_OPERATOR)) {
return false;
return $this->maniaControl->client->query('NextMap');
@ -627,13 +517,12 @@ class Commands {
* Handle retartmap command
* @param array $chat
* @param Player $player
* @return bool
private function command_restartmap(array $chat) {
$login = $chat[1][1];
if (!$this->maniaControl->authentication->checkRight($login, $this->getRightsLevel('restartmap', 'operator'))) {
// Not allowed!
private function command_restartmap(array $chat, Player $player) {
if (!$this->maniaControl->authentication->checkRight($player, Authentication::AUTH_LEVEL_OPERATOR)) {
return false;
return $this->maniaControl->client->query('RestartMap');
@ -643,13 +532,12 @@ class Commands {
* Handle setservername command
* @param array $chat
* @param Player $player
* @return bool
private function command_setservername(array $chat) {
$login = $chat[1][1];
if (!$this->maniaControl->authentication->checkRight($login, $this->getRightsLevel('setservername', 'admin'))) {
// Not allowed!
private function command_setservername(array $chat, Player $player) {
if (!$this->maniaControl->authentication->checkRight($player, Authentication::AUTH_LEVEL_ADMIN)) {
return false;
$params = explode(' ', $chat[1][2], 2);
@ -660,11 +548,11 @@ class Commands {
$serverName = $params[1];
if (!$this->maniaControl->client->query('SetServerName', $serverName)) {
trigger_error("Couldn't set server name. " . $this->maniaControl->getClientErrorText());
$this->maniaControl->chat->sendError("Error!", $login);
$this->maniaControl->chat->sendError("Error setting server name!", $player->login);
return false;
$serverName = $this->maniaControl->server->getName();
$this->maniaControl->chat->sendInformation("New Name: " . $serverName, $login);
$this->maniaControl->chat->sendInformation("New Name: " . $serverName, $player->login);
return true;
@ -699,7 +587,7 @@ class Commands {
private function shutdownServer($login = '#') {
if (!$this->maniaControl->client->query('StopServer')) {
trigger_error("Server shutdown command from '{$login}' failed. " . $this->maniaControl->getClientErrorText());
trigger_error("Server shutdown command from '{login}' failed. " . $this->maniaControl->getClientErrorText());
return false;
$this->maniaControl->quit("Server shutdown requested by '{$login}'");
@ -72,8 +72,8 @@ class ManiaControl {
$this->chat = new Chat($this);
$this->callbacks = new Callbacks($this);
$this->server = new Server($this);
$this->authentication = new Authentication($this);
$this->playerHandler = new PlayerHandler($this);
$this->authentication = new Authentication($this);
$this->manialinkIdHandler = new ManialinkIdHandler();
$this->commands = new Commands($this);
$this->pluginHandler = new PluginHandler($this);
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ class Player {
public $login = '';
public $nickname = '';
public $path = '';
public $authLevel = 0;
public $joinCount = 0;
public $totalPlayed = 0;
public $language = '';
@ -64,6 +65,7 @@ class Player {
* @return bool
// TODO: check for bot players
public function isFakePlayer() {
return ($this->pid <= 0);
@ -15,11 +15,6 @@ class PlayerHandler {
const TABLE_PLAYERS = 'mc_players';
* Public properties
public $rightLevels = array(0 => 'Player', 1 => 'Operator', 2 => 'Admin', 3 => 'MasterAdmin', 4 => 'Owner');
* Private properties
@ -53,6 +48,8 @@ class PlayerHandler {
`login` varchar(100) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
`nickname` varchar(150) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
`path` varchar(100) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
`authLevel` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`joinCount` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`totalPlayed` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Seconds',
PRIMARY KEY (`index`),
@ -201,7 +198,7 @@ class PlayerHandler {
// Fill up properties
$playerQuery = "SELECT `joinCount`, `totalPlayed` FROM `" . self::TABLE_PLAYERS . "`
$playerQuery = "SELECT `authLevel`, `joinCount`, `totalPlayed` FROM `" . self::TABLE_PLAYERS . "`
WHERE `index` = ?;";
$playerStatement = $mysqli->prepare($playerQuery);
if ($mysqli->error) {
@ -216,7 +213,7 @@ class PlayerHandler {
return false;
$playerStatement->bind_result($player->joinCount, $player->totalPlayed);
$playerStatement->bind_result($player->authLevel, $player->joinCount, $player->totalPlayed);
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ SETUP:
Enter your mysql server information.
2.3 Open the file 'configs/authentication.xml'.
Add the player logins who should have access to the commands of ManiaControl.
Add the player logins of administrators.
3. Run the tool via the shell script 'ManiaControl.sh' (UNIX) or the batch file 'ManiaControl.bat' (Windows)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user