local records plugin update for new records callback class
improved delrec command
This commit is contained in:
@ -291,6 +291,7 @@ class ManiaControl implements CommandListener, TimerListener {
// Announce quit
// TODO: skip client-related actions on transport exception (e.g. server down)
$this->chat->sendInformation('ManiaControl shutting down.');
if ($this->client) {
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ use ManiaControl\Admin\AuthenticationManager;
use ManiaControl\Callbacks\CallbackListener;
use ManiaControl\Callbacks\CallbackManager;
use ManiaControl\Callbacks\Callbacks;
use ManiaControl\Callbacks\Models\RecordCallback;
use ManiaControl\Callbacks\TimerListener;
use ManiaControl\Commands\CommandListener;
use ManiaControl\ManiaControl;
@ -125,13 +126,17 @@ class LocalRecordsPlugin implements CallbackListener, CommandListener, TimerList
// Register for callbacks
$this->maniaControl->timerManager->registerTimerListening($this, 'handle1Second', 1000);
$this->maniaControl->callbackManager->registerCallbackListener(Callbacks::AFTERINIT, $this, 'handleAfterInit');
$this->maniaControl->callbackManager->registerCallbackListener(Callbacks::BEGINMAP, $this, 'handleMapBegin');
$this->maniaControl->callbackManager->registerCallbackListener(CallbackManager::CB_TM_PLAYERFINISH, $this, 'handlePlayerFinish');
$this->maniaControl->callbackManager->registerCallbackListener(PlayerManager::CB_PLAYERCONNECT, $this, 'handlePlayerConnect');
$this->maniaControl->callbackManager->registerCallbackListener(CallbackManager::CB_TM_PLAYERCHECKPOINT, $this, 'handlePlayerCheckpoint');
$this->maniaControl->callbackManager->registerCallbackListener(SettingManager::CB_SETTING_CHANGED, $this, 'handleSettingChanged');
$this->maniaControl->callbackManager->registerCallbackListener(CallbackManager::CB_MP_PLAYERMANIALINKPAGEANSWER, $this, 'handleManialinkPageAnswer');
$this->maniaControl->callbackManager->registerCallbackListener(PlayerManager::CB_PLAYERCONNECT, $this, 'handlePlayerConnect');
$this->maniaControl->callbackManager->registerCallbackListener(RecordCallback::CHECKPOINT, $this, 'handleCheckpointCallback');
$this->maniaControl->callbackManager->registerCallbackListener(RecordCallback::LAPFINISH, $this, 'handleLapFinishCallback');
$this->maniaControl->callbackManager->registerCallbackListener(RecordCallback::FINISH, $this, 'handleFinishCallback');
$this->maniaControl->commandManager->registerCommandListener(array('recs', 'records'), $this, 'showRecordsList', false, 'Shows a list of Local Records on the current map.');
$this->maniaControl->commandManager->registerCommandListener('delrec', $this, 'deleteRecord', true, 'Removes a record from the database.');
@ -348,75 +353,60 @@ class LocalRecordsPlugin implements CallbackListener, CommandListener, TimerList
* Handle PlayerCheckpoint callback
* Handle Checkpoint Callback
* @param array $callback
* @param RecordCallback $callback
public function handlePlayerCheckpoint(array $callback) {
$data = $callback[1];
$login = $data[1];
$time = $data[2];
// TODO: lap
// $lap = $data[3];
$cpIndex = $data[4];
if (!isset($this->checkpoints[$login]) || $cpIndex <= 0) {
$this->checkpoints[$login] = array();
public function handleCheckpointCallback(RecordCallback $callback) {
if ($callback->isLegacyCallback) {
$this->checkpoints[$login][$cpIndex] = $time;
if (!isset($this->checkpoints[$callback->login])) {
$this->checkpoints[$callback->login] = array();
$this->checkpoints[$callback->login][$callback->lapCheckpoint] = $callback->lapTime;
* Handle PlayerConnect callback
* Handle LapFinish Callback
* @param Player $player
* @param RecordCallback $callback
public function handlePlayerConnect(Player $player) {
$this->updateManialink = true;
public function handleLapFinishCallback(RecordCallback $callback) {
* Handle BeginMap callback
* Handle Finish Callback
* @param Map $map
* @param RecordCallback $callback
public function handleMapBegin(Map $map) {
$this->updateManialink = true;
public function handleFinishCallback(RecordCallback $callback) {
if ($callback->isLegacyCallback) {
* Handle PlayerFinish callback
* @param array $callback
public function handlePlayerFinish(array $callback) {
$data = $callback[1];
if ($data[0] <= 0 || $data[2] <= 0) {
// Invalid player or time
if ($callback->time <= 0) {
// Invalid time
$login = $data[1];
$player = $this->maniaControl->playerManager->getPlayer($login);
if (!$player) {
// Invalid player
$time = $data[2];
$map = $this->maniaControl->mapManager->getCurrentMap();
$checkpointsString = $this->getCheckpoints($callback->player->login);
$this->checkpoints[$callback->login] = array();
// Check old record of the player
$oldRecord = $this->getLocalRecord($map, $player);
$oldRecord = $this->getLocalRecord($map, $callback->player);
$oldRank = -1;
if ($oldRecord) {
$oldRank = $oldRecord->rank;
if ($oldRecord->time < $time) {
if ($oldRecord->time < $callback->time) {
// Not improved
if ($oldRecord->time == $time) {
if ($oldRecord->time == $callback->time) {
// Same time
$message = '$<$fff' . $player->nickname . '$> equalized his/her $<$ff0' . $oldRecord->rank . '.$> Local Record: $<$fff' . Formatter::formatTime($oldRecord->time) . '$>!';
$message = '$<$fff' . $callback->player->nickname . '$> equalized his/her $<$ff0' . $oldRecord->rank . '.$> Local Record: $<$fff' . Formatter::formatTime($oldRecord->time) . '$>!';
$this->maniaControl->chat->sendInformation('$3c0' . $message);
@ -431,9 +421,9 @@ class LocalRecordsPlugin implements CallbackListener, CommandListener, TimerList
`time` = VALUES(`time`),
`checkpoints` = VALUES(`checkpoints`);";
@ -445,7 +435,7 @@ class LocalRecordsPlugin implements CallbackListener, CommandListener, TimerList
$this->updateManialink = true;
// Announce record
$newRecord = $this->getLocalRecord($map, $player);
$newRecord = $this->getLocalRecord($map, $callback->player);
$notifyOnlyDriver = $this->maniaControl->settingManager->getSettingValue($this, self::SETTING_NOTIFY_ONLY_DRIVER);
$notifyOnlyBestRecords = $this->maniaControl->settingManager->getSettingValue($this, self::SETTING_NOTIFY_BEST_RECORDS);
@ -458,10 +448,10 @@ class LocalRecordsPlugin implements CallbackListener, CommandListener, TimerList
if ($oldRecord) {
$message .= ' ($<$ff0' . $oldRank . '$>$<$fff-' . Formatter::formatTime(($oldRecord->time - $newRecord->time)) . '$>!';
$this->maniaControl->chat->sendInformation('$3c0' . $message . '!', $player->login);
$this->maniaControl->chat->sendInformation('$3c0' . $message . '!', $callback->player->login);
} else {
$improvement = ((!$oldRecord || $newRecord->rank < $oldRecord->rank) ? 'gained the' : 'improved the');
$message = '$<$fff' . $player->nickname . '$> ' . $improvement . ' $<$ff0' . $newRecord->rank . '.$> Local Record: $<$fff' . Formatter::formatTime($newRecord->time) . '$>';
$message = '$<$fff' . $callback->player->nickname . '$> ' . $improvement . ' $<$ff0' . $newRecord->rank . '.$> Local Record: $<$fff' . Formatter::formatTime($newRecord->time) . '$>';
if ($oldRecord) {
$oldRank = ($improvement == 'improved the') ? '' : $oldRecord->rank . '. ';
@ -474,6 +464,27 @@ class LocalRecordsPlugin implements CallbackListener, CommandListener, TimerList
$this->maniaControl->callbackManager->triggerCallback(self::CB_LOCALRECORDS_CHANGED, $newRecord);
* Get current checkpoint string for dedimania record
* @param string $login
* @return string
private function getCheckpoints($login) {
if (!$login || !isset($this->checkpoints[$login])) {
return null;
$string = '';
$count = count($this->checkpoints[$login]);
foreach ($this->checkpoints[$login] as $index => $check) {
$string .= $check;
if ($index < $count - 1) {
$string .= ',';
return $string;
* Retrieve the local record for the given map and login
@ -499,24 +510,21 @@ class LocalRecordsPlugin implements CallbackListener, CommandListener, TimerList
* Get current checkpoint string for dedimania record
* Handle PlayerConnect callback
* @param string $login
* @return string
* @param Player $player
private function getCheckpoints($login) {
if (!$login || !isset($this->checkpoints[$login])) {
return null;
public function handlePlayerConnect(Player $player) {
$this->updateManialink = true;
$string = '';
$count = count($this->checkpoints[$login]);
foreach ($this->checkpoints[$login] as $index => $check) {
$string .= $check;
if ($index < $count - 1) {
$string .= ',';
return $string;
* Handle BeginMap callback
* @param Map $map
public function handleMapBegin(Map $map) {
$this->updateManialink = true;
@ -530,7 +538,7 @@ class LocalRecordsPlugin implements CallbackListener, CommandListener, TimerList
$login = $callback[1][1];
$player = $this->maniaControl->playerManager->getPlayer($login);
if ($actionId == self::ACTION_SHOW_RECORDSLIST) {
if ($actionId === self::ACTION_SHOW_RECORDSLIST) {
$this->showRecordsList(array(), $player);
@ -626,7 +634,11 @@ class LocalRecordsPlugin implements CallbackListener, CommandListener, TimerList
$chatCommand = explode(' ', $chat[1][2]);
$recordId = (int)$chatCommand[1];
if (is_integer($recordId)) {
if ($recordId <= 0) {
$this->maniaControl->chat->sendError('No Record ID given!', $player);
$currentMap = $this->maniaControl->mapManager->getCurrentMap();
$records = $this->getLocalRecords($currentMap);
if (count($records) < $recordId) {
@ -644,8 +656,5 @@ class LocalRecordsPlugin implements CallbackListener, CommandListener, TimerList
$this->maniaControl->callbackManager->triggerCallback(self::CB_LOCALRECORDS_CHANGED, null);
$this->maniaControl->chat->sendInformation('Record no. $<$fff' . $recordId . '$> has been removed!');
} else {
$this->maniaControl->chat->sendError('Cannot remove record $<$fff' . $recordId . '$>, because it\'s not an integer!', $player);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user