363 lines
12 KiB
363 lines
12 KiB
namespace ManiaControl\ManiaExchange;
use FML\Controls\Control;
use FML\Controls\Entry;
use FML\Controls\Frame;
use FML\Controls\Label;
use FML\Controls\Labels\Label_Button;
use FML\Controls\Labels\Label_Text;
use FML\Controls\Quad;
use FML\Controls\Quads\Quad_BgsPlayerCard;
use FML\Controls\Quads\Quad_Icons64x64_1;
use FML\ManiaLink;
use FML\Script\Script;
use ManiaControl\Callbacks\CallbackListener;
use ManiaControl\Callbacks\CallbackManager;
use ManiaControl\Formatter;
use ManiaControl\ManiaControl;
use ManiaControl\Manialinks\IconManager;
use ManiaControl\Manialinks\ManialinkManager;
use ManiaControl\Manialinks\ManialinkPageAnswerListener;
use ManiaControl\Maps\MapCommands;
use ManiaControl\Maps\MapManager;
use ManiaControl\Players\Player;
* ManiaExchange List Widget Class
* @author steeffeen & kremsy
class ManiaExchangeList implements CallbackListener, ManialinkPageAnswerListener {
* Constants
const ACTION_ADD_MAP = 'ManiaExchangeList.AddMap';
const ACTION_SEARCH_MAPNAME = 'ManiaExchangeList.SearchMapName';
const ACTION_SEARCH_AUTHOR = 'ManiaExchangeList.SearchAuthor';
const ACTION_GET_MAPS_FROM_AUTHOR = 'ManiaExchangeList.GetMapsFromAuthor';
const MAX_MX_MAPS_PER_PAGE = 14;
* Private Properties
private $maniaControl = null;
private $mapListShown = array();
* Create a new MapList Instance
* @param ManiaControl $maniaControl
public function __construct(ManiaControl $maniaControl) {
$this->maniaControl = $maniaControl;
// Register for Callbacks
$this->maniaControl->callbackManager->registerCallbackListener(ManialinkManager::CB_MAIN_WINDOW_CLOSED, $this, 'closeWidget');
$this->maniaControl->callbackManager->registerCallbackListener(ManialinkManager::CB_MAIN_WINDOW_OPENED, $this, 'handleWidgetOpened');
$this->maniaControl->callbackManager->registerCallbackListener(CallbackManager::CB_MP_PLAYERMANIALINKPAGEANSWER, $this, 'handleManialinkPageAnswer');
$this->maniaControl->manialinkManager->registerManialinkPageAnswerListener(self::ACTION_SEARCH_MAPNAME, $this, 'showManiaExchangeList');
$this->maniaControl->manialinkManager->registerManialinkPageAnswerListener(self::ACTION_SEARCH_AUTHOR, $this, 'showManiaExchangeList');
public function showList(array $chatCallback, Player $player) {
$this->showManiaExchangeList($chatCallback, $player);
* Display the Mania Exchange List
* @param array $chatCallback
* @param Player $player
public function showManiaExchangeList(array $chatCallback, Player $player) {
$this->mapListShown[$player->login] = true;
$params = explode(' ', $chatCallback[1][2]);
$searchString = '';
$author = '';
$environment = '';
if (count($params) >= 1) {
foreach($params as $param) {
if ($param == '/xlist' || $param == MapCommands::ACTION_OPEN_XLIST) {
if ($param == self::ACTION_SEARCH_MAPNAME) {
$searchString = $chatCallback[1][3][0]['Value'];
} else if ($param == self::ACTION_SEARCH_AUTHOR) {
$author = $chatCallback[1][3][0]['Value'];
} else if (strtolower(substr($param, 0, 5)) == 'auth:') {
$author = substr($param, 5);
} else if (strtolower(substr($param, 0, 4)) == 'env:') {
$environment = substr($param, 4);
} else {
if ($searchString == '') {
$searchString = $param;
} else { // concatenate words in name
$searchString .= '%20' . $param;
// search for matching maps
$maps = $this->maniaControl->mapManager->mxManager->getMaps($searchString, $author, $environment);
// check if there are any results
if ($maps == null) {
$this->maniaControl->chat->sendError('No maps found, or MX is down!', $player->login);
$maniaLink = new ManiaLink(ManialinkManager::MAIN_MLID);
$frame = $this->maniaControl->manialinkManager->styleManager->defaultListFrame();
// Create script and features
$script = new Script();
// Start offsets
$width = $this->maniaControl->manialinkManager->styleManager->getListWidgetsWidth();
$height = $this->maniaControl->manialinkManager->styleManager->getListWidgetsHeight();
$x = -$width / 2;
$y = $height / 2;
// Pagers
// Config
$pagerSize = 6.;
$pagesId = 'MxListPages';
$pagerPrev = new Quad_Icons64x64_1();
$pagerPrev->setPosition($width * 0.42, $height * -0.44, 2);
$pagerPrev->setSize($pagerSize, $pagerSize);
$pagerNext = new Quad_Icons64x64_1();
$pagerNext->setPosition($width * 0.45, $height * -0.44, 2);
$pagerNext->setSize($pagerSize, $pagerSize);
$script->addPager($pagerPrev, -1, $pagesId);
$script->addPager($pagerNext, 1, $pagesId);
$pageCountLabel = new Label_Text();
$pageCountLabel->setPosition($width * 0.40, $height * -0.44, 1);
$script->addPageLabel($pageCountLabel, $pagesId);
// Predefine Description Label
$descriptionLabel = new Label();
$descriptionLabel->setAlign(Control::LEFT, Control::TOP);
$descriptionLabel->setPosition($x + 10, -$height / 2 + 5);
$descriptionLabel->setSize($width * 0.7, 4);
// Headline
$headFrame = new Frame();
$headFrame->setY($y - 12);
$array = array('$oMx Id' => $x + 5, '$oName' => $x + 17, '$oAuthor' => $x + 65, '$oType' => $x + 100, '$oMood' => $x + 115, '$oLast Update' => $x + 130);
$this->maniaControl->manialinkManager->labelLine($headFrame, $array);
$i = 0;
$y = $height / 2 - 16;
$pageFrames = array();
foreach($maps as $map) { //TODO order possabilities
if (!isset($pageFrame)) {
$pageFrame = new Frame();
if (!empty($pageFrames)) {
array_push($pageFrames, $pageFrame);
$y = $height / 2 - 16;
$script->addPage($pageFrame, count($pageFrames), $pagesId);
// Map Frame
$mapFrame = new Frame();
if ($i % 2 == 0) {
$lineQuad = new Quad_BgsPlayerCard();
$lineQuad->setSize($width, 4);
/** @var MxMapInfo $map */
$time = Formatter::time_elapsed_string(strtotime($map->updated));
$array = array($map->id => $x + 5, $map->name => $x + 17, $map->author => $x + 65, str_replace("Arena", "", $map->maptype) => $x + 100, $map->mood => $x + 115, $time => $x + 130);
$labels = $this->maniaControl->manialinkManager->labelLine($mapFrame, $array);
/** @var Label_Text $authorLabel */
$authorLabel = $labels[2];
$authorLabel->setAction(self::ACTION_GET_MAPS_FROM_AUTHOR . '.' . $map->author);
$mxQuad = new Quad();
$mxQuad->setSize(3, 3);
$mxQuad->setX($x + 62);
$script->addTooltip($mxQuad, $descriptionLabel, array(Script::OPTION_TOOLTIP_TEXT => "View " . $map->name . " on Mania-Exchange"));
//TODO permission Clear Jukebox
if ($this->maniaControl->authenticationManager->checkPermission($player, MapManager::SETTING_PERMISSION_ADD_MAP)) {
$addQuad = new Quad_Icons64x64_1();
$addQuad->setX($x + 59);
$addQuad->setSize(4, 4);
$addQuad->setAction(self::ACTION_ADD_MAP . '.' . $map->id);
$script->addTooltip($addQuad, $descriptionLabel, array(Script::OPTION_TOOLTIP_TEXT => 'Add-Map: $<' . $map->name . '$>'));
//Award Quad
if ($map->awards > 0) {
$awardQuad = new Quad_Icons64x64_1();
$awardQuad->setSize(3, 3);
$awardQuad->setX($x + 93);
$awardLabel = new Label_Text();
$awardLabel->setX($x + 94.5);
$y -= 4;
if ($i % self::MAX_MX_MAPS_PER_PAGE == 0) {
$label = new Label_Text();
$label->setPosition(-$width / 2 + 5, $height / 2 - 5);
$entry = new Entry();
$entry->setPosition(-$width / 2 + 15, $height / 2 - 5);
$entry->setSize($width * 0.25, 4);
//Search for Map-Name
$label = new Label_Button();
$label->setPosition(-$width / 2 + 63, $height / 2 - 5);
$quad = new Quad_BgsPlayerCard();
$quad->setPosition(-$width / 2 + 63, $height / 2 - 5, 0.01);
$quad->setSize(18, 5);
//Search for Author
$label = new Label_Button();
$label->setPosition(-$width / 2 + 82, $height / 2 - 5);
$quad = new Quad_BgsPlayerCard();
$quad->setPosition(-$width / 2 + 82, $height / 2 - 5, 0.01);
$quad->setSize(18, 5);
// render and display xml
$this->maniaControl->manialinkManager->displayWidget($maniaLink, $player, 'ManiaExchangeList');
* Handle ManialinkPageAnswer Callback
* @param array $callback
public function handleManialinkPageAnswer(array $callback) {
$actionId = $callback[1][2];
$actionArray = explode('.', $actionId);
if (count($actionArray) <= 2) {
$action = $actionArray[0] . '.' . $actionArray[1];
$login = $callback[1][1];
$player = $this->maniaControl->playerManager->getPlayer($login);
$mapId = (int)$actionArray[2];
switch($action) {
$callback[1][2] = 'auth:' . $actionArray[2];
$this->showManiaExchangeList($callback, $player);
case self::ACTION_ADD_MAP:
$this->maniaControl->mapManager->addMapFromMx($mapId, $player->login);
* Unset the player if he opened another Main Widget
* @param array $callback
public function handleWidgetOpened(array $callback) {
$player = $callback[1];
$openedWidget = $callback[2];
//unset when another main widget got opened
if ($openedWidget != 'ManiaExchangeList') {
* Closes the widget
* @param array $callback
public function closeWidget(array $callback) {
$player = $callback[1];