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The CommuncationListening of the Communcation Manager can be enabled in the ingame Settings.
2015-06-21 21:45:52 +02:00
There the following settings are existing:
-- Enable Socket Listening (Let the CommunicationManager listen for incoming calls)
-- Passsword (Password which get used to encrypt and decrypt the messages for the openssl connection)
-- Listening port for every server (this is the port the CommunicationManager listens at)
For the description of the available implemented communcation Methods check the CommunicationMethods interface.
Sample ManiaControl Implementation (for ManiaControl to ManiaControl connections)
##php code begin
$communication = $this->maniaControl->getCommunicationManager()->createCommunication(IP/Domain, PORT, 'YOUR_PASSWORD');
}, CommunicationMethods::GET_SERVER_CHAT);
##php code end
Sample Web Implementation (to call ManiaControl from a website)
##php code begin
2015-06-21 21:45:52 +02:00
$errno = null;
$errstr = null;
$socket = fsockopen("", xxxxx, $errno, $errstr, 2);
echo "ok?" . $errno . " - " . $errstr . "\n";
$data = array("method" => "getServerChat", "data" => "");
// Encode and Encrypt the Data
$data = json_encode(array("method" => "getServerChat", "data" => ""));
$data = openssl_encrypt($data, 'aes-192-cbc', 'YOUR_PASSWORD', OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, 'kZ2Kt0CzKUjN2MJX');
// Write the Data on the Socket
fwrite($socket, strlen($data) . "\n" . $data);
// Read Answer Data
$len = (int)fgets($socket);
echo $len;
2015-06-21 22:24:10 +02:00
$buff = '';
2015-06-21 21:45:52 +02:00
while (!feof($socket) && strlen($buff) < $len) {
$buff .= fgets($socket, $len - strlen($buff) + 1);
// Decrypt and Decode the Response Data
$data = openssl_decrypt($buff, 'aes-192-cbc', 'YOUR_PASSWORD', OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, 'kZ2Kt0CzKUjN2MJX');
echo json_decode($data);
//Close the Socket
##php code end