* Add support of CustomTimes to sort player & interface
* Change how the points are distributed * Add a copy of the Rounds SmallScoresTable UI patched to support CustomTimes
This commit is contained in:
@ -22,13 +22,15 @@
#Include "Libs/Nadeo/ModeLibs/Common/Utils.Script.txt" as ModeUtils
#Include "Libs/Nadeo/TMNext/TrackMania/Menu/Constants.Script.txt" as MenuConsts
#Include "Libs/Nadeo/TMNext/TrackMania/Modes/Rounds/StateManager.Script.txt" as StateMgr
#Include "Libs/Nadeo/TMxSM/Race/StateManager.Script.txt" as StateMgr
#Include "ManiaApps/Nadeo/TMxSM/Race/UIModules/ScoresTable_Server.Script.txt" as UIModules_ScoresTable
#Include "ManiaApps/Nadeo/TMxSM/Race/UIModules/PauseMenuOnline_Server.Script.txt" as UIModules_PauseMenu_Online
#Include "ManiaApps/Nadeo/TMxSM/Race/UIModules/Checkpoint_Server.Script.txt" as UIModules_Checkpoint
#Include "ManiaApps/Nadeo/TMxSM/Race/UIModules/BigMessage_Server.Script.txt" as UIModules_BigMessage
#Include "ManiaApps/Nadeo/TMxSM/Race/UIModules/Chrono_Server.Script.txt" as UIModules_Chrono
// For the ML
#Include "Libs/Nadeo/ModeLibs/TrackMania/MV_Utils.Script.txt" as MV_Utils
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
// Settings
@ -54,7 +56,7 @@
#Const Description _("$zIn $<$t$6F9RoyalRounds$z$z$> mode, the goal is to win a maximum number of $<$t$6F9points.\n\n$z$>The rounds mode consists of $<$t$6F9a series of races$z$>.\nWhen you finish a race in a good $<$t$6F9position$z$>, you get $<$t$6F9points$z$>, added to your total.\n\nThe $<$t$6F9winner$z$> is the first player whose total reaches the $<$t$6F9point limit$z$> (30 for example).")
#Const C_HudModulePath "" //< Path to the hud module
#Const C_ManiaAppUrl "file://Media/ManiaApps/Nadeo/TMNext/TrackMania/Rounds/Rounds.Script.txt" //< Url of the mania app
#Const C_ManiaAppUrl "file://Media/ManiaApps/Nadeo/TMNext/TrackMania/TimeAttack/TimeAttack.Script.txt" //< Url of the mania app
#Const C_FakeUsersNb 0
@ -158,6 +160,8 @@ UIManager.UIAll.OverlayHideSpectatorControllers = True;
UIManager.UIAll.OverlayHideSpectatorInfos = True;
UIManager.UIAll.OverlayHideChrono = True;
UIManager.UIAll.OverlayHideCountdown = True;
@ -276,7 +280,8 @@ if (Map_Starts.count > 0) {
// the first step without the second.
declare Integer WaitingScreenDuration = S_RoundWaitingScreenDuration;
if (WaitingScreenDuration >= 0) {
ModeUtils::PushAndApplyUISequence(UIManager.UIAll, CUIConfig::EUISequence::RollingBackgroundIntro);
//ModeUtils::PushAndApplyUISequence(UIManager.UIAll, CUIConfig::EUISequence::RollingBackgroundIntro); <-- Block Cam 7 during the waiting
ModeUtils::PushAndApplyUISequence(UIManager.UIAll, CUIConfig::EUISequence::Playing); // <-- Allow Cam 7 during the waiting
// Wait for the connection of the first valid player to start the countdown
while (MB_MapIsRunning() && AllPlayers.count <= 0) {
@ -325,6 +330,8 @@ MB_WarmUp(S_WarmUpNb, S_WarmUpDuration * 1000, S_WarmUpTimeout * 1000);
declare Boolean Round_ForceEndRound = False;
declare Boolean Round_SkipPauseRound = False; //< Skip the current round after the pause
declare Boolean Round_Skipped = True; //< Round skipped for another reason
declare Integer[Text] CustomTimes for This = [];
@ -370,6 +377,8 @@ StateMgr::ForcePlayersStates([StateMgr::C_State_Playing]);
foreach (Player in Players) {
declare Integer CurrentSegment for Player.Score = 1;
CurrentSegment = 1;
declare Integer RealTime for Player.Score = 0;
RealTime = 0;
Player.LandmarkOrderSelector_Race = CurrentSegment;
declare Boolean ModeRounds_CanSpawn for Player.Score = Rounds_Settings_CanSpawnDefault;
ModeRounds_CanSpawn = False;
@ -432,9 +441,10 @@ foreach (Event in RacePendingEvents) {
declare Boolean ModeRounds_CanSpawn for Event.Player.Score = Rounds_Settings_CanSpawnDefault;
ModeRounds_CanSpawn = True;
} else {
declare Integer RealTime for Event.Player.Score = 0;
RealTime = Event.Player.StartTime - StartTime + Event.RaceTime;
if (EndTime <= 0) {
EndTime = GetFinishTimeout(S_FinishTimeout);
@ -523,7 +533,7 @@ if (Round_ForceEndRound || Round_SkipPauseRound || Round_Skipped) {
} else {
Map_ValidRoundsNb += 1;
// Get the last round points
UIManager.UIAll.ScoreTableVisibility = CUIConfig::EVisibility::ForcedVisible;
UIManager.UIAll.UISequence = CUIConfig::EUISequence::EndRound;
@ -540,6 +550,7 @@ if (Round_ForceEndRound || Round_SkipPauseRound || Round_Skipped) {
@ -617,30 +628,43 @@ Integer GetFinishTimeout(Integer _FinishTimeout) {
return Now + FinishTimeout;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
/// Compute the latest race scores
Void ComputeLatestRaceScores() {
// Points distributed between all players
declare Integer I = 0;
Void SetCustomTimes(Integer[Text] _CustomTimes) {
declare netwrite Integer[Text] Net_Rounds_SmallScoresTable_CustomTimes for Teams[0];
declare netwrite Integer Net_Rounds_SmallScoresTable_CustomTimesUpdate for Teams[0];
Net_Rounds_SmallScoresTable_CustomTimes = _CustomTimes;
Net_Rounds_SmallScoresTable_CustomTimesUpdate = Now;
/** Update the Scores Table with Real Time
* @param _Player The Player who end the round
Void UpdateCustomRanking(CSmPlayer _Player) {
declare Integer[Text] CustomTimes for This;
declare Integer[] PointsRepartition = PointsRepartition::GetPointsRepartition();
foreach (Score in Scores) {
if (Scores::GetPlayerPrevRaceTime(Score) > 0) {
if (_Player != Null) {
declare Integer RealTime for _Player.Score;
CustomTimes[_Player.User.WebServicesUserId] = RealTime;
if (PointsRepartition.count > 0) {
CustomTimes = CustomTimes.sort();
declare Integer I = 0;
foreach (ID => Time in CustomTimes) {
declare CSmPlayer Player = ModeUtils::GetPlayerFromAccountId(ID);
if (Player == Null) continue;
declare Integer Points = 0;
if (PointsRepartition.count > 0) {
if (PointsRepartition.existskey(I)) {
Points = PointsRepartition[I];
} else {
Points = PointsRepartition[PointsRepartition.count - 1];
if (PointsRepartition.existskey(I)) {
Points = PointsRepartition[I];
} else {
Points = PointsRepartition[PointsRepartition.count - 1];
Scores::SetPlayerRoundPoints(Score, Points);
Scores::SetPlayerRoundPoints(Player.Score, Points);
I += 1;
} else {
Scores::SetPlayerRoundPoints(Score, 0);
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
@ -750,4 +774,259 @@ Void ForcedEndRoundSequence() {
UIManager.UIAll.BigMessageSound = PrevBigMessageSound;
UIManager.UIAll.BigMessage = PrevBigMessage;
UIManager.UIAll.UISequence = PrevUISequence;
/** Set the UI
* @param _Player Malus Index
Void SetML(CSmPlayer _Player) {
declare TotalWidth = 44.5;
declare Text MLText = """
<manialink name="RoyalRounds_Small_Scoreboard" version="3">
// [ Extracted from ManiaApps/Nadeo/TMNext/TrackMania/Rounds/UIModules/SmallScoresTable_Client.Script.txt
#Include "TextLib" as TL
#Include "TextLib" as {{{MV_Utils::P}}}TL
#Include "MathLib" as ML
#Include "ColorLib" as CL
declare CMlFrame[] G_Frames_Player;
// SmallScoresTable_Client.Script.txt ]
// Extracted from Libs/Nadeo/ModeLibs/TrackMania/MV_Utils.Script.txt // <-- Edited to add the class "MV_Utils::"
CSmPlayer {{{MV_Utils::P}}}GetOwner() {
if (GUIPlayer != Null) return GUIPlayer;
return InputPlayer;
// Use to re scale UI modules in splitscreen
Void {{{MV_Utils::P}}}AutoScaleSplitScreen(CMlFrame _Frame_Global, Real _VerticalScale, Real _HorizontalScale) {
declare CTitleControl::ESplitScreenLayout SplitScreenLayout for System;
if (SplitScreenLayout == CTitleControl::ESplitScreenLayout::Vertical) {
_Frame_Global.RelativeScale = _VerticalScale;
} else if (SplitScreenLayout == CTitleControl::ESplitScreenLayout::Horizontal) {
_Frame_Global.RelativeScale = _HorizontalScale;
} else if (SplitScreenLayout == CTitleControl::ESplitScreenLayout::Four) {
_Frame_Global.RelativeScale = 0.5;
// MV_Utils.Script.txt ]
// [ Extracted from ManiaApps/Nadeo/TMNext/TrackMania/Rounds/UIModules/SmallScoresTable_Client.Script.txt
Void UpdateSlot(Integer _SlotNb, CSmScore _Score) {
if (!G_Frames_Player.existskey(_SlotNb)) return;
declare Frame_Player <=> G_Frames_Player[_SlotNb];
declare Label_Time <=> (Frame_Player.GetFirstChild("label-time") as CMlLabel);
declare Label_RoundPoints <=> (Frame_Player.GetFirstChild("label-roundpoints") as CMlLabel);
declare Label_Name <=> (Frame_Player.GetFirstChild("label-name") as CMlLabel);
declare Label_Rank <=> (Frame_Player.GetFirstChild("label-rank") as CMlLabel);
declare netread Integer[Text] Net_Rounds_SmallScoresTable_CustomTimes for Teams[0];// [Beu] Add netread variable
if (_Score != Null) {
if (!Frame_Player.Visible) Frame_Player.Visible = True;
Label_Rank.Value = ""^(_SlotNb+1);
if (Net_Rounds_SmallScoresTable_CustomTimes.existskey(_Score.User.WebServicesUserId)) { // [Beu] If customtimes, use it
Label_Time.Value = TL::TimeToText(Net_Rounds_SmallScoresTable_CustomTimes[_Score.User.WebServicesUserId], True, True);
} else {
if (_Score.PrevRaceTimes.count > 0 ) Label_Time.Value = TL::TimeToText(_Score.PrevRaceTimes[_Score.PrevRaceTimes.count -1], True, True);
if (_Score.RoundPoints > 0) Label_RoundPoints.Value = "+"^_Score.RoundPoints;
else if (_Score.RoundPoints == 0) Label_RoundPoints.Value = "";
else Label_RoundPoints.Value = TL::ToText(_Score.RoundPoints);
Label_Name.Value = "$<"^_Score.User.Name^"$>";
declare Owner <=> {{{MV_Utils::P}}}GetOwner();
if (Owner != Null && Owner.Score != Null && Owner.Score == _Score) {
Label_Time.TextColor = CL::HexToRgb("F9DC25");
Label_RoundPoints.TextColor = CL::HexToRgb("F9DC25");
} else {
Label_Time.TextColor = CL::HexToRgb("6EFAA0");
Label_RoundPoints.TextColor = CL::HexToRgb("ffffff");
} else {
if (Frame_Player.Visible) Frame_Player.Visible = False;
Void UpdateSmallScoresTable() {
declare Integer[CSmScore] FinishSort;
declare netread Integer[Text] Net_Rounds_SmallScoresTable_CustomTimes for Teams[0]; // [Beu] Add netread variable
foreach (Score in Scores) {
log("Net_Rounds_SmallScoresTable_CustomTimes.count" ^ Net_Rounds_SmallScoresTable_CustomTimes.count);
if (Net_Rounds_SmallScoresTable_CustomTimes.count >= 1) { // [Beu] If customtimes, use it
if (Net_Rounds_SmallScoresTable_CustomTimes.existskey(Score.User.WebServicesUserId)) {
log("FinishSort for " ^ Score.User.Name ^ ": " ^ Net_Rounds_SmallScoresTable_CustomTimes[Score.User.WebServicesUserId]);
FinishSort[Score] = Net_Rounds_SmallScoresTable_CustomTimes[Score.User.WebServicesUserId];
} else {
if (Score.PrevRaceTimes.count > 0 && Score.PrevRaceTimes[Score.PrevRaceTimes.count -1] >= 0) {
FinishSort[Score] = Score.PrevRaceTimes[Score.PrevRaceTimes.count - 1];
FinishSort = FinishSort.sort();
declare I = 0;
foreach (Score => Time in FinishSort) {
UpdateSlot(I, Score);
I += 1;
if (I > G_Frames_Player.count - 1) break;
for (J, I, G_Frames_Player.count - 1) {
UpdateSlot(J, Null);
// SmallScoresTable_Client.Script.txt ]
// [ Extracted from Libs/Nadeo/MenuLibs/Common/Manialink/ManiaView2.Script.txt
main() {
// [ Extracted from ManiaApps/Nadeo/TMNext/TrackMania/Rounds/UIModules/SmallScoresTable_Client.Script.txt (MainInit)
declare CMlFrame Frame_Global;
declare CMlFrame Frame_SmallScoresTable;
declare CMlFrame Frame_PlayersList;
// Need to do this to work in splitcreen
declare Integer SmallScoresTable_Update for Teams[0];
declare Integer Update;
declare Boolean DisplayModule;
// [Beu] Add variables
declare netread Integer[Text] Net_Rounds_SmallScoresTable_CustomTimes for Teams[0];
declare netread Integer Net_Rounds_SmallScoresTable_CustomTimesUpdate for Teams[0];
declare Integer CustomTimesUpdate;
// SmallScoresTable_Client.Script.txt (MainInit) ]
// [ Extracted from ManiaApps/Nadeo/TMNext/TrackMania/Rounds/UIModules/SmallScoresTable_Client.Script.txt (MainStart)
Frame_Global <=> (Page.GetFirstChild("frame-global") as CMlFrame);
Frame_SmallScoresTable <=> (Page.GetFirstChild("frame-small-scores-table") as CMlFrame);
Frame_PlayersList <=> (Page.GetFirstChild("frame-players-list") as CMlFrame);
foreach (Control in Frame_PlayersList.Controls) {
G_Frames_Player.add((Control as CMlFrame));
DisplayModule = Frame_Global.Visible;
SmallScoresTable_Update = 0;
Update = 0;
if (SplitScreenCount > 1) {{{MV_Utils::P}}}AutoScaleSplitScreen(Frame_Global, 0.5, 1.);
// SmallScoresTable_Client.Script.txt (MainStart) ]
while (True) {
// [ Extracted from ManiaApps/Nadeo/TMNext/TrackMania/Rounds/UIModules/SmallScoresTable_Client.Script.txt (MainLoop)
if (PageIsVisible) {
declare Owner <=> {{{MV_Utils::P}}}GetOwner();
if (Owner != Null) {
declare netread Boolean Net_Rounds_SmallScoresTable_IsVisible for Owner = True; // [Beu] True for compatibility
if (DisplayModule != Net_Rounds_SmallScoresTable_IsVisible) {
DisplayModule = Net_Rounds_SmallScoresTable_IsVisible;
Frame_Global.Visible = Net_Rounds_SmallScoresTable_IsVisible;
if (Owner == Null && DisplayModule) {
DisplayModule = False;
Frame_Global.Visible = DisplayModule;
if (Owner != Null) {
declare OneFinish = False;
if (CustomTimesUpdate != Net_Rounds_SmallScoresTable_CustomTimesUpdate) { // [Beu] Update scoreboard
CustomTimesUpdate = Net_Rounds_SmallScoresTable_CustomTimesUpdate;
SmallScoresTable_Update += 1;
foreach (Player in Players) {
if (Player.Score == Null) continue;
declare SmallScoresTable_PrevRaceTime for Player = -1;
declare SmallScoresTable_RoundPoints for Player = -1;
declare SmallScoresTable_PrevTeamNum for Player = -1;
if (Player.Score.PrevRaceTimes.count > 0 && SmallScoresTable_PrevRaceTime != Player.Score.PrevRaceTimes[Player.Score.PrevRaceTimes.count -1]) {
SmallScoresTable_PrevRaceTime = Player.Score.PrevRaceTimes[Player.Score.PrevRaceTimes.count -1];
SmallScoresTable_Update += 1;
if (SmallScoresTable_RoundPoints != Player.Score.RoundPoints) {
SmallScoresTable_RoundPoints = Player.Score.RoundPoints;
SmallScoresTable_Update += 1;
if (SmallScoresTable_PrevTeamNum != Player.Score.TeamNum){
SmallScoresTable_PrevTeamNum = Player.Score.TeamNum;
SmallScoresTable_Update += 1;
if (Player.Score.PrevRaceTimes.count > 0 && Player.Score.PrevRaceTimes[Player.Score.PrevRaceTimes.count -1] >= 0) OneFinish = True;
if (Update != SmallScoresTable_Update) {
Update = SmallScoresTable_Update;
if (OneFinish && !Frame_SmallScoresTable.Visible) Frame_SmallScoresTable.Visible = True;
else if (!OneFinish && Frame_SmallScoresTable.Visible) Frame_SmallScoresTable.Visible = False;
// SmallScoresTable_Client.Script.txt (MainLoop) ]
// ManiaView2.Script.txt]
<!-- [ Extracted from ManiaApps/Nadeo/TMNext/TrackMania/Rounds/UIModules/SmallScoresTable_Client.Script.txt (Completly modified by me, nothing changed here) -->
<style class="text-default" textsize="3" textfont="GameFontSemiBold"/>
<framemodel id="framemodel-player">
<label id="label-rank" pos="1 0" size="3.5 4" valign="center2" halign="center" textsize="1" textfont="GameFontBlack"/>
<label id="label-name" pos="5 0" size="18 4" valign="center2" textsize="1" textprefix="$t$i" class="text-default"/>
<label id="label-roundpoints" pos="25 0" size="6 4" valign="center2" textsize="1" textprefix="$i" class="text-default"/>
<label id="label-time" pos="47 0" size="13 4" halign="right" valign="center2" textcolor="6EFAA0" textsize="1" textprefix="$i" class="text-default"/>
<frame hidden="1" id="frame-global">
<frame id="RoyalRounds_Small_Scoreboard" pos="-158.5 40" scale="1" hidden="false">
<frame id="frame-small-scores-table">
<label pos="23.5 -6.5" z-index="2" size="46 5" halign="center" valign="center2" textprefix="$t$i" textfont="GameFontBlack" text="RACE RANKING" textsize="2"/>
<quad pos="-2 -2" z-index="1" size="50 46" opacity="0.4" bgcolor="000514"/>
<frame pos="0 -12" z-index="2" id="frame-players-list">
<frameinstance pos="0 0" modelid="framemodel-player" />
<frameinstance pos="0 -4.5" modelid="framemodel-player" />
<frameinstance pos="0 -9" modelid="framemodel-player" />
<frameinstance pos="0 -13,5" modelid="framemodel-player" />
<frameinstance pos="0 -18" modelid="framemodel-player" />
<frameinstance pos="0 -22,5" modelid="framemodel-player" />
<frameinstance pos="0 -27" modelid="framemodel-player" />
<frameinstance pos="0 -31,5" modelid="framemodel-player" />
<!-- SmallScoresTable_Client.Script.txt ] -->
Layers::Create("RoyalRounds_Small_Scoreboard", MLText);
Layers::SetType("RoyalRounds_Small_Scoreboard", CUILayer::EUILayerType::Normal);
if (_Player == Null) {
} else {
Layers::Attach("RoyalRounds_Small_Scoreboard", _Player);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user