Support toogle UI
This commit is contained in:
@ -296,6 +296,30 @@ Void SetML() {
return True;
Void ToggleUI() {
declare CMlFrame Frame_Global <=> (Page.GetFirstChild("frame-global") as CMlFrame);
declare CMlFrame Frame_UI <=> (Page.GetFirstChild("frame-UI") as CMlFrame);
declare CMlQuad Quad_Toggle <=> (Page.GetFirstChild("Toggle_SettingButton") as CMlQuad);
declare Real GlobalEndPosX;
if (Frame_UI.Visible) {
Quad_Toggle.RelativePosition_V3.X = 5.;
GlobalEndPosX = -220.;
AnimMgr.Add(Frame_UI, "<frame hidden=\"1\" />", Now, 250, CAnimManager::EAnimManagerEasing::Linear);
} else {
Quad_Toggle.RelativePosition_V3.X = 0.;
GlobalEndPosX = -160.;
Frame_UI.Visible = True;
AnimMgr.Add(Frame_Global, "<frame pos=\"" ^GlobalEndPosX^" "^Frame_Global.RelativePosition_V3.Y^ "\" />", Now, 250, CAnimManager::EAnimManagerEasing::Linear);
Void UpdateSliderValues() {
declare Slider_Cruise <=> (Page.GetFirstChild("Cruise_Slider") as CMlSlider);
declare Slider_AccelCoef <=> (Page.GetFirstChild("AccelCoef_Slider") as CMlSlider);
@ -495,33 +519,39 @@ Void SetML() {
foreach(Event in PendingEvents) {
DevLog("[PendingEvents] Event.Type: " ^ Event.Type);
if (Owner != Null /*&& Owner.SpawnStatus == CSmPlayer::ESpawnStatus::Spawned*/) {
if (Event.Type == CMlScriptEvent::Type::MouseClick && TL::Find("_EffectButton", Event.ControlId, True, True)) {
declare Text Effect = TL::Replace(Event.ControlId, "_EffectButton", "");
declare Text Target;
if (Net_PlayerIsAdmin && Last_ControledByAdmins) Target = "all";
else Target = Owner.User.Login;
DevLog("[PendingEvents] Request of " ^ Effect ^ " to " ^ Target);
if (GetValueOfAnEffect(Last_PlayerPhysics, Effect) == "1") SendCustomEvent("Request.PlayerPhysics." ^ Effect, [Target, "0"]);
else SendCustomEvent("Request.PlayerPhysics." ^ Effect, [Target, "1"]);
log("[DEBUG] GUIPlayer.SpawnStatus: " ^ GUIPlayer.SpawnStatus ^ " / InputPlayer.SpawnStatus: " ^ InputPlayer.SpawnStatus);
if (Event.Type == CMlScriptEvent::Type::MouseClick ) {
if (TL::Find("_EffectButton", Event.ControlId, True, True)) {
declare Text Effect = TL::Replace(Event.ControlId, "_EffectButton", "");
declare Text Target;
if (Net_PlayerIsAdmin && Last_ControledByAdmins) Target = "all";
else Target = Owner.User.Login;
DevLog("[PendingEvents] Request of " ^ Effect ^ " to " ^ Target);
if (GetValueOfAnEffect(Last_PlayerPhysics, Effect) == "1") SendCustomEvent("Request.PlayerPhysics." ^ Effect, [Target, "0"]);
else SendCustomEvent("Request.PlayerPhysics." ^ Effect, [Target, "1"]);
} else if (Event.Type == CMlScriptEvent::Type::MouseClick && TL::Find("_Slider", Event.ControlId, True, True)) {
Timer_NeedToSendCommandSlider = Now + 100;
Last_SliderValueToSend = Event.ControlId;
} else if (Event.ControlId == "AllowSpectatorsControl_SettingButton") {
DevLog("[PendingEvents] Request ControlBySpectators " ^ !Last_PlayerAllowToBeControledBySpectators ^ " to " ^ Owner.User.Login);
if (Last_PlayerAllowToBeControledBySpectators) SendCustomEvent("Request.ControlBySpectators", [Owner.User.Login, "0"]);
else SendCustomEvent("Request.ControlBySpectators", [Owner.User.Login, "1"]);
} else if (Event.ControlId == "ControledByAdmins_SettingButton") {
DevLog("[PendingEvents] Request ControledByAdmins " ^ !Last_ControledByAdmins ^ " by " ^ Owner.User.Login);
if (Last_ControledByAdmins) SendCustomEvent("Request.AdminLock", ["", "0"]); // TODO: Secure with a token
else SendCustomEvent("Request.AdminLock", ["", "1"]);
} else if (Event.ControlId == "Toggle_SettingButton") {
DevLog("[PendingEvents] Toggle UI by " ^ Owner.User.Login);
} else if (Event.Type == CMlScriptEvent::Type::MouseOver && TL::Find("_EffectButton", Event.ControlId, True, True)) {
declare Quad <=> (Page.GetFirstChild(Event.ControlId) as CMlQuad);
Quad.Opacity = 0.7;
} else if (Event.Type == CMlScriptEvent::Type::MouseOut && TL::Find("_EffectButton", Event.ControlId, True, True)) {
declare Quad <=> (Page.GetFirstChild(Event.ControlId) as CMlQuad);
Quad.Opacity = 0.5;
} else if (Event.Type == CMlScriptEvent::Type::MouseClick && TL::Find("_Slider", Event.ControlId, True, True)) {
Timer_NeedToSendCommandSlider = Now + 100;
Last_SliderValueToSend = Event.ControlId;
} else if (Event.Type == CMlScriptEvent::Type::MouseClick && Event.ControlId == "AllowSpectatorsControl_SettingButton") {
DevLog("[PendingEvents] Request ControlBySpectators " ^ !Last_PlayerAllowToBeControledBySpectators ^ " to " ^ Owner.User.Login);
if (Last_PlayerAllowToBeControledBySpectators) SendCustomEvent("Request.ControlBySpectators", [Owner.User.Login, "0"]);
else SendCustomEvent("Request.ControlBySpectators", [Owner.User.Login, "1"]);
} else if (Event.Type == CMlScriptEvent::Type::MouseClick && Event.ControlId == "ControledByAdmins_SettingButton") {
DevLog("[PendingEvents] Request ControledByAdmins " ^ !Last_ControledByAdmins ^ " by " ^ Owner.User.Login);
if (Last_ControledByAdmins) SendCustomEvent("Request.AdminLock", ["", "0"]); // TODO: Secure with a token
else SendCustomEvent("Request.AdminLock", ["", "1"]);
} else {
UpdateUISlider(Last_PlayerPhysics); // To update Slider Right Value
@ -547,103 +577,108 @@ Void SetML() {
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<label class="text-suffix" pos="30 -5" textsize="3" z-index="0" size="50 10" text="Physics Control"/>
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<frame id="frame-UI">
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<label class="text-suffix" pos="30 -5" textsize="3" z-index="0" size="50 10" text="Physics Control"/>
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<frame pos="33 0">
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<frame pos="44 0">
<quad class=quad-effects pos="7.5 -7.5" z-index="1" size="7 7" opacity="0.7" image=""/>
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<frame pos="0 -20">
<frame pos="0 0">
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<frame pos="11 0">
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<frame pos="33 0">
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<frame pos="44 0">
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<frame pos="0 -9">
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<label class="text-label" pos="0 0" z-index="0" size="22 5" text="Cruise" />
<slider id="Cruise_Slider" class="slider" pos="34 -0.3" value="0." range="-999 999" size="21 5" z-index="1" scriptevents="1" tooltip="test"/>
<label id="Cruise_Label" class="text-value" pos="53 0" z-index="0" size="10 5" text="0" />
<label class="text-suffix" pos="55 0" z-index="0" size="4 4" text="kph" />
<frame pos="11 0">
<quad class=quad-effects pos="7.5 -7.5" z-index="1" size="7 7" opacity="0.7" image="" rot=180 />
<quad id="Boost2Up_EffectButton" class=quad-effects pos="7.5 -7.5" z-index="0" size="9 9" opacity="0.5" style="UICommon64_1" substyle="BgFrame1" modulatecolor="000" scriptevents="1"/>
<frame pos="0 -7">
<label class="text-label" pos="0 0" z-index="0" size="22 5" text="Acceleration" />
<slider id="AccelCoef_Slider" class="slider" pos="34 -0.3" value="1." range="0.01 1." size="21 5" z-index="1" scriptevents="1" tooltip="test"/>
<label id="AccelCoef_Label" class="text-value" pos="53 0" z-index="0" size="10 5" text="100" />
<label class="text-suffix" pos="55 0" z-index="0" size="4 4" text="%" />
<frame pos="22 0">
<quad class=quad-effects pos="7.5 -7.5" z-index="1" size="7 7" opacity="0.7" image="" rot=180 />
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<frame pos="0 -14">
<label class="text-label" pos="0 0" z-index="0" size="22 5" text="Adherence" />
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<label id="AdherenceCoef_Label" class="text-value" pos="53 0" z-index="0" size="10 5" text="100" />
<label class="text-suffix" pos="55 0" z-index="0" size="10 5" text="%" />
<frame pos="33 0">
<quad class=quad-effects pos="7.5 -7.5" z-index="1" size="7 7" opacity="0.7" image="" />
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<frame pos="0 -21">
<label class="text-label" pos="0 0" z-index="0" size="22 5" text="Control" />
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<label id="ControlCoef_Label" class="text-value" pos="53 0" z-index="0" size="10 5" text="100" />
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<label id="GravityCoef_Label" class="text-value" pos="53 0" z-index="0" size="10 5" text="100" />
<label class="text-suffix" pos="55 0" z-index="0" size="10 5" text="%" />
<frame pos="0 -20">
<frame pos="0 0">
<quad class=quad-effects pos="7.5 -7.5" z-index="1" size="7 7" opacity="0.7" image=""/>
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<frame id="AllowSpectatorsControl_Frame" hidden=1 pos="5 -79">
<quad id="AllowSpectatorsControl_SettingButton" pos="0 0.5" z-index="1" size="5 5" bgcolor="FFF" halign="center" valign="center" style="UICommon64_1" substyle="CheckboxCircle_light" scriptevents="1" opacity="0.7" styleselected="1"/>
<label class="text-label" halign="left" pos="5 0.5" z-index="1" size="50 10" textprefix="$i" text="Allow a spectator to control your physics" autonewline="1"/>
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<label class="text-label" halign="left" pos="5 0.5" z-index="1" size="50 10" textprefix="$i" text="Control all players physics (admin only)" autonewline="1"/>
<frame pos="11 0">
<quad class=quad-effects pos="7.5 -7.5" z-index="1" size="7 7" opacity="0.7" image="" />
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<frame pos="22 0">
<quad class=quad-effects pos="7.5 -7.5" z-index="1" size="7 7" opacity="0.7" image="" />
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<frame pos="33 0">
<quad class=quad-effects pos="7.5 -7.5" z-index="1" size="7 7" opacity="0.7" image="" />
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<frame pos="44 0">
<quad class=quad-effects pos="7.5 -7.5" z-index="1" size="7 7" opacity="0.7" image="" />
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<frame pos="2 -42">
<frame pos="0 0">
<label class="text-label" pos="0 0" z-index="0" size="22 5" text="Cruise" />
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<label id="Cruise_Label" class="text-value" pos="53 0" z-index="0" size="10 5" text="0" />
<label class="text-suffix" pos="55 0" z-index="0" size="4 4" text="kph" />
<frame pos="0 -7">
<label class="text-label" pos="0 0" z-index="0" size="22 5" text="Acceleration" />
<slider id="AccelCoef_Slider" class="slider" pos="34 -0.3" value="1." range="0.01 1." size="21 5" z-index="1" scriptevents="1" tooltip="test"/>
<label id="AccelCoef_Label" class="text-value" pos="53 0" z-index="0" size="10 5" text="100" />
<label class="text-suffix" pos="55 0" z-index="0" size="4 4" text="%" />
<frame pos="0 -14">
<label class="text-label" pos="0 0" z-index="0" size="22 5" text="Adherence" />
<slider id="AdherenceCoef_Slider" class="slider" pos="34 -0.3" value="1." range="0.01 1." size="21 5" z-index="1" scriptevents="1" tooltip="test"/>
<label id="AdherenceCoef_Label" class="text-value" pos="53 0" z-index="0" size="10 5" text="100" />
<label class="text-suffix" pos="55 0" z-index="0" size="10 5" text="%" />
<frame pos="0 -21">
<label class="text-label" pos="0 0" z-index="0" size="22 5" text="Control" />
<slider id="ControlCoef_Slider" class="slider" pos="34 -0.3" value="1." range="0.01 1." size="21 5" z-index="1" scriptevents="1" tooltip="test"/>
<label id="ControlCoef_Label" class="text-value" pos="53 0" z-index="0" size="10 5" text="100" />
<label class="text-suffix" pos="55 0" z-index="0" size="10 5" text="%" />
<frame pos="0 -28">
<label class="text-label" pos="0 0" z-index="0" size="22 5" text="Gravity" />
<slider id="GravityCoef_Slider" class="slider" pos="34 -0.3" value="1." range="0.01 1." size="21 5" z-index="1" scriptevents="1" tooltip="test"/>
<label id="GravityCoef_Label" class="text-value" pos="53 0" z-index="0" size="10 5" text="100" />
<label class="text-suffix" pos="55 0" z-index="0" size="10 5" text="%" />
<frame id="AllowSpectatorsControl_Frame" hidden=1 pos="5 -79">
<quad id="AllowSpectatorsControl_SettingButton" pos="0 0.5" z-index="1" size="5 5" bgcolor="FFF" halign="center" valign="center" style="UICommon64_1" substyle="CheckboxCircle_light" scriptevents="1" opacity="0.7" styleselected="1"/>
<label class="text-label" halign="left" pos="5 0.5" z-index="1" size="50 10" textprefix="$i" text="Allow a spectator to control your physics" autonewline="1"/>
<frame id="Admin_Frame" hidden=1 pos="0 -88">
<quad pos="0 0" z-index="-1" size="60 10" bgcolor="000" opacity="0.5"/>
<frame pos="5 -5.5">
<quad id="ControledByAdmins_SettingButton" pos="0 0.5" z-index="1" size="5 5" bgcolor="FFF" halign="center" valign="center" style="UICommon64_1" substyle="CheckboxCircle_light" scriptevents="1" opacity="0.7" />
<label class="text-label" halign="left" pos="5 0.5" z-index="1" size="50 10" textprefix="$i" text="Control all players physics (admin only)" autonewline="1"/>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user