Add initial support of the Warmup (#8) & fix bug that keep segment after round
This commit is contained in:
@ -37,9 +37,9 @@
#Setting S_AllowCam7DuringWaitingScreen False as ""
#Setting S_RoundWaitingScreenDuration 20 as _("Round waiting screen duration") //< Maximum time spent waiting for players at the beginning of each round
/*#Setting S_WarmUpNb 0 as _("Number of warm up") // (Impossible at the moment
#Setting S_WarmUpNb 0 as _("Number of warm up")
#Setting S_WarmUpDuration 0 as _("Duration of one warm up")
#Setting S_WarmUpTimeout -1 as _("Warm up timeout")*/
#Setting S_WarmUpTimeout -1 as _("Warm up timeout")
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
// Constants
@ -165,12 +165,16 @@ Server_SegmentsPerRound = S_SegmentsPerRound - 1;
declare netwrite Text Net_ScriptEnvironment for Teams[0] = S_ScriptEnvironment;
if (Net_ScriptEnvironment != S_ScriptEnvironment) {
Net_ScriptEnvironment = S_ScriptEnvironment;
declare Integer Map_ValidRoundsNb;
declare Boolean Map_Skipped;
UpdateScoresTableFooter(S_PointsLimit, S_RoundsPerMap, S_MapsPerMatch, Map_ValidRoundsNb, S_SegmentsPerRound);
declare CMapLandmark[] Map_Starts;
declare CMapLandmark[] Map_Starts for This;
declare Integer Map_NextEmptyArmorCheckTime;
// Find start blocks
@ -233,10 +237,48 @@ Map_Skipped = True;
StartTime = Now + Race::C_SpawnDuration;
// Warm up (Impossible at the moment
/*UIModules_ScoresTable::SetFooterInfo(_("Warm up"));
UIModules_ScoresTable::SetFooterInfo(_("Warm up"));
MB_WarmUp(S_WarmUpNb, S_WarmUpDuration * 1000, S_WarmUpTimeout * 1000);
declare netwrite Boolean Net_RoyalRounds_WarmUpUI_IsActive for Teams[0];
Net_RoyalRounds_WarmUpUI_IsActive = True;
// Manage Custom UI Events
foreach (Event in UIManager.PendingEvents) {
Log::Log("[UIManager] Event.CustomEventType: " ^ Event.CustomEventType);
if (TL::StartsWith("Request.WarmUp.Segment.", Event.CustomEventType)) {
declare Text Target = Event.CustomEventData[0];
declare CSmPlayer Player = GetPlayer(Target);
if (Player != Null) {
declare CMapLandmark[] Map_Starts for This;
declare netwrite Integer Net_RoyalRounds_WarmUpUI_SelectedSegment for Player = 1;
declare Integer NewSegment;
if (Event.CustomEventType == "Request.WarmUp.Segment.Minus") {
if (Net_RoyalRounds_WarmUpUI_SelectedSegment == 1) NewSegment = 5;
else NewSegment = Net_RoyalRounds_WarmUpUI_SelectedSegment - 1;
} else if (Event.CustomEventType == "Request.WarmUp.Segment.Plus") {
if (Net_RoyalRounds_WarmUpUI_SelectedSegment == 5) NewSegment = 1;
else NewSegment = Net_RoyalRounds_WarmUpUI_SelectedSegment + 1;
Player.LandmarkOrderSelector_Race = NewSegment;
Net_RoyalRounds_WarmUpUI_SelectedSegment = NewSegment;
Race::SetPlayerDefaultStart(Player, Map_Starts[NewSegment-1]);
declare netwrite Boolean Net_RoyalRounds_WarmUpUI_IsActive for Teams[0];
Net_RoyalRounds_WarmUpUI_IsActive = False;
@ -286,10 +328,10 @@ CurrentRanking[0] = Integer[Text]; // Init white section
declare Boolean IsStartRound = True;
// Reset players for the race
foreach (Player in Players) {
declare Integer CurrentSegment for Player.Score = -1;
foreach (Score in Scores) { // TODO Change segment for spectators alwell (Test if change works)
declare Integer CurrentSegment for Score = -1;
CurrentSegment = 1;
CurrentRanking[0][Player.User.WebServicesUserId] = 0;
CurrentRanking[0][Score.User.WebServicesUserId] = 0;
declare Integer UpdateRankingTimer = 1;
@ -424,6 +466,10 @@ if (
UpdateScoresTableFooter(S_PointsLimit, S_RoundsPerMap, S_MapsPerMatch, Map_ValidRoundsNb, S_SegmentsPerRound);
if (Net_ScriptEnvironment != S_ScriptEnvironment) {
Net_ScriptEnvironment = S_ScriptEnvironment;
if (Net_RoyalRounds_CheckpointUI_TotalNbSegments != S_SegmentsPerRound) {
Net_RoyalRounds_CheckpointUI_TotalNbSegments = S_SegmentsPerRound;
@ -726,8 +772,6 @@ Boolean MapIsOver(Boolean _UseTieBreak, Integer _PointsLimit, Integer _ValidRoun
* Set the UI
Void SetML() {
declare TotalWidth = 44.5;
declare Text MLText = """
<manialink name="ML_RoyalRounds_CheckpointUI" version="3">
@ -737,7 +781,7 @@ Boolean MapIsOver(Boolean _UseTieBreak, Integer _PointsLimit, Integer _ValidRoun
declare Integer TimeToDisplay = 0;
declare Integer LastUpdate = 0;
declare Quad_UI <=> (Page.GetFirstChild("quad-ui") as CMlQuad);
declare Frame_Global <=> (Page.GetFirstChild("frame-global") as CMlFrame);
declare Label_Rank <=> (Page.GetFirstChild("label-rank") as CMlLabel);
declare Label_Time <=> (Page.GetFirstChild("label-time") as CMlLabel);
declare Label_Segments <=> (Page.GetFirstChild("label-segments") as CMlLabel);
@ -759,7 +803,7 @@ Boolean MapIsOver(Boolean _UseTieBreak, Integer _PointsLimit, Integer _ValidRoun
Label_Time.Value = TL::TimeToText(GUIPlayer.RaceWaypointTimes[0], True, True);
Label_Rank.Value = TL::FormatRank(Net_RoyalRounds_CheckpointUI_Rank, False);
Label_Segments.Value = TL::Compose("Segment %1/%2", TL::ToText(Net_RoyalRounds_CheckpointUI_CurrentNbSegments), TL::ToText(Net_RoyalRounds_CheckpointUI_TotalNbSegments));
Quad_UI.Visible = True;
Frame_Global.Visible = True;
TimeToDisplay = Now + 3000;
} else {
TimeToDisplay = -1; // Force hide UI
@ -767,11 +811,11 @@ Boolean MapIsOver(Boolean _UseTieBreak, Integer _PointsLimit, Integer _ValidRoun
if (TimeToDisplay != 0 && TimeToDisplay < Now) {
Quad_UI.Visible = False;
Frame_Global.Visible = False;
TimeToDisplay = 0;
} else if (Quad_UI.Visible) {
Quad_UI.Visible = False;
} else if (Frame_Global.Visible) {
Frame_Global.Visible = False;
TimeToDisplay = 0;
@ -781,7 +825,7 @@ Boolean MapIsOver(Boolean _UseTieBreak, Integer _PointsLimit, Integer _ValidRoun
<style class="text-default" textfont="Oswald" textcolor="ffffff" textsize="3" />
<style class="text-number" textfont="OswaldMono" textcolor="ffffff" textsize="4" />
<frame z-index="-2" hidden="1" id="quad-ui" pos="-10 45">
<frame z-index="-2" hidden="1" id="frame-global" pos="-10 45">
<frame id="frame-checkpoint">
<frame pos="0 -12" id="frame-race">
<frame pos="0 5" id="frame-race-time" scale="0.9">
@ -804,4 +848,100 @@ Boolean MapIsOver(Boolean _UseTieBreak, Integer _PointsLimit, Integer _ValidRoun
Layers::Create("ML_RoyalRounds_CheckpointUI", MLText);
Layers::SetType("ML_RoyalRounds_CheckpointUI", CUILayer::EUILayerType::Normal);
MLText = """
<manialink name="ML_RoyalRounds_WarmUpUI" version="3">
#Include "TextLib" as TL
#Include "ColorLib" as CL
#Const C_SegmentColor ["fff", "1b2", "24c", "c33", "000" ]
#Const C_SegmentName ["white", "green", "blue", "red", "black" ]
Boolean InputPlayerIsSpectator() {
if (GUIPlayer != Null && InputPlayer != Null && GUIPlayer.User.Login == InputPlayer.User.Login) return False;
return True;
Void DevLog(Text _LogText) {
declare netread Text Net_ScriptEnvironment for Teams[0] = "production";
if (Net_ScriptEnvironment == "development") log(_LogText);
main() {
declare Integer TimeToDisplay = 0;
declare Integer LastUpdate = 0;
declare Frame_Global <=> (Page.GetFirstChild("frame-global") as CMlFrame);
declare Label_Text <=> (Page.GetFirstChild("label-text") as CMlLabel);
declare Quad_Left_Button <=> (Page.GetFirstChild("quad-left-button") as CMlQuad);
declare Quad_Left_Arrow <=> (Page.GetFirstChild("quad-left-arrow") as CMlQuad);
declare Quad_Right_Button <=> (Page.GetFirstChild("quad-right-button") as CMlQuad);
declare Quad_Right_Arrow <=> (Page.GetFirstChild("quad-right-arrow") as CMlQuad);
declare netread Boolean Net_RoyalRounds_WarmUpUI_IsActive for Teams[0];
declare Integer Last_SelectedSegment = 1;
while(True) {
if (Net_RoyalRounds_WarmUpUI_IsActive && GUIPlayer != Null) {
declare netread Integer Net_RoyalRounds_WarmUpUI_SelectedSegment for GUIPlayer = 1;
foreach(Event in PendingEvents) {
DevLog("[PendingEvents] Event.Type: " ^ Event.Type);
if (!InputPlayerIsSpectator() && Event.Type == CMlScriptEvent::Type::MouseClick && TL::Find("quad-", Event.ControlId, True, True) && TL::Find("-button", Event.ControlId, True, True)) {
if (Event.ControlId == "quad-left-button") {
DevLog("[PendingEvents] Player " ^ GUIPlayer.User.Name ^ " ask the previous segment");
SendCustomEvent("Request.WarmUp.Segment.Minus", [GUIPlayer.User.Login]);
} else {
DevLog("[PendingEvents] Player " ^ GUIPlayer.User.Name ^ " ask the next segment");
SendCustomEvent("Request.WarmUp.Segment.Plus", [GUIPlayer.User.Login]);
} else if (!InputPlayerIsSpectator() && Event.Type == CMlScriptEvent::Type::MouseOver && TL::Find("quad-", Event.ControlId, True, True) && TL::Find("-button", Event.ControlId, True, True)) {
declare Quad <=> (Page.GetFirstChild(Event.ControlId) as CMlQuad);
Quad.Opacity = 0.5;
} else if (Event.Type == CMlScriptEvent::Type::MouseOut && TL::Find("quad-", Event.ControlId, True, True) && TL::Find("-button", Event.ControlId, True, True)) {
declare Quad <=> (Page.GetFirstChild(Event.ControlId) as CMlQuad);
Quad.Opacity = 0.7;
if (Last_SelectedSegment != Net_RoyalRounds_WarmUpUI_SelectedSegment) {
Last_SelectedSegment = Net_RoyalRounds_WarmUpUI_SelectedSegment;
if (Last_SelectedSegment == 1) Quad_Left_Arrow.Colorize = CL::HexToRgb(C_SegmentColor[4]);
else Quad_Left_Arrow.Colorize = CL::Hex3ToRgb(C_SegmentColor[Last_SelectedSegment-2]);
Label_Text.Value = "You are on the $<$" ^ C_SegmentColor[Last_SelectedSegment-1] ^ C_SegmentName[Last_SelectedSegment-1] ^ "$> segment";
if (Last_SelectedSegment == 5) Quad_Right_Arrow.Colorize = CL::HexToRgb(C_SegmentColor[0]);
else Quad_Right_Arrow.Colorize = CL::Hex3ToRgb(C_SegmentColor[Last_SelectedSegment]);
if (!Frame_Global.Visible) {
Frame_Global.Visible = True;
} else if (Frame_Global.Visible) {
Frame_Global.Visible = False;
<frame id="frame-global" hidden=1 pos="0 85">
<quad pos="0.75 0" z-index="0" size="50 10" opacity="0.7" image="" colorize="ff6e00" halign="center"/>
<label pos="1 -5.5" z-index="1" size="38 10" text="WARMUP" textfont="GameFontBlack" halign="center" valign="center2" textprefix="$i" textsize="8"/>
<quad pos="-0.75 -10" z-index="0" size="50 10" opacity="0.7" image="" colorize="000" halign="center"/>
<label id="label-text" pos="-1 -15" z-index="1" size="45 10" text="You are on the $<$fffwhite$> segment" textfont="GameFontSemiBold" halign="center" valign="center2" textprefix="$i" textsize="1.5" textcolor="D8D8D8"/>
<quad id="quad-left-button" pos="-30 1.9" z-index="0" size="13 23" opacity="0.7" image="" colorize="000" halign="center" scriptevents="1"/>
<quad id="quad-left-arrow" pos="-30 -5" z-index="1" size="10 10" image="file://Media/Manialinks/Nadeo/TMNext/Menus/Icons/128x128/" halign="center" colorize="000"/>
<quad id="quad-right-button" pos="30.2 1.6" z-index="0" size="13 23.5" opacity="0.7" image="" colorize="000" halign="center" scriptevents="1"/>
<quad id="quad-right-arrow" pos="30 -5" z-index="1" size="10 10" image="file://Media/Manialinks/Nadeo/TMNext/Menus/Icons/128x128/" halign="center" colorize="1b2"/>
Layers::Create("ML_RoyalRounds_WarmUpUI", MLText);
Layers::SetType("ML_RoyalRounds_WarmUpUI", CUILayer::EUILayerType::Normal);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user