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2022-06-15 21:55:09 +02:00
* Official Knockout mode with delayed countdown (Finish Timeout)
2023-09-25 18:24:25 +02:00
#Extends "Modes/Nadeo/Trackmania/Base/TrackmaniaRoundsBase.Script.txt"
2022-06-15 21:55:09 +02:00
#Const CompatibleMapTypes "TrackMania\\TM_Race,TM_Race"
2023-09-25 18:24:25 +02:00
#Const Version "2023-09-25"
2022-06-15 21:55:09 +02:00
#Const ScriptName "Modes/TrackMania/TM_Knockout_Online.Script.txt"
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
// Libraries
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
#Include "TextLib" as TL
#Include "MathLib" as ML
2023-09-25 18:24:25 +02:00
#Include "Libs/Nadeo/CMGame/Utils/Semver.Script.txt" as Semver
#Include "Libs/Nadeo/CMGame/Modes/Utils.Script.txt" as ModeUtils
#Include "Libs/Nadeo/Trackmania/Modes/Knockout/StateManager.Script.txt" as StateMgr
#Include "Libs/Nadeo/Trackmania/MainMenu/Constants.Script.txt" as MenuConsts
#Include "Libs/Nadeo/Trackmania/Modes/Knockout/UIModules/KnockoutInfo_Server.Script.txt" as UIModules_KnockoutInfo
#Include "Libs/Nadeo/TMGame/Modes/Base/UIModules/ScoresTable_Server.Script.txt" as UIModules_ScoresTable
#Include "Libs/Nadeo/Trackmania/Modes/TimeAttack/UIModules/BestRaceViewer_Server.Script.txt" as UIModules_BestRaceViewer
#Include "Libs/Nadeo/Trackmania/Modes/Knockout/UIModules/KnockedOutPlayers_Server.Script.txt" as UIModules_KnockedOutPlayers
#Include "Libs/Nadeo/TMGame/Modes/Base/UIModules/BigMessage_Server.Script.txt" as UIModules_BigMessage
#Include "Libs/Nadeo/Trackmania/Modes/Knockout/UIModules/KnockoutReward_Server.Script.txt" as UIModules_KnockoutReward
#Include "Libs/Nadeo/TMGame/Modes/Base/UIModules/PauseMenuOnline_Server.Script.txt" as UIModules_PauseMenu_Online
#Include "Libs/Nadeo/TMGame/Modes/Base/UIModules/Checkpoint_Server.Script.txt" as UIModules_Checkpoint
2022-06-15 21:55:09 +02:00
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
// Settings
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
#Setting S_FinishTimeout 5 as _("Finish timeout")
2023-09-25 18:24:25 +02:00
#Setting S_RoundsPerMap -1 as _("Number of rounds per map") ///< Number of round to play on one map before going to the next one
2022-06-15 21:55:09 +02:00
#Setting S_WarmUpNb 0 as _("Number of warm up")
#Setting S_WarmUpDuration 0 as _("Duration of one warm up")
#Setting S_WarmUpTimeout -1 as _("Warm up timeout")
#Setting S_ChatTime 6
//L16N [Knockout] Setting for the KO mode, for exemple if the setting is "4,16,16" it means : "4 players eliminated per round until 16 players are left (16 is written twice, so two extra players are eliminated), then 2 players eliminated per round until 4 players are left (one extra player), then 1 player eliminated per round (default)".
#Setting S_EliminatedPlayersNbRanks "4,16,16" as _("Nb of players above which one extra elim. /round")
#Setting S_RoundsWithoutElimination 1 as _("Rounds without elimination")
#Setting S_EarlyEndMatchCallback True as "<hidden>"
#Setting S_MatchPosition -1 as "<hidden>" // Use to display player's final rank in CotD
#Setting S_FinishTimeoutPercent 100 as "Percent of finisher to start finish timeout"
#Setting S_FinishTimeoutPercentOnSurvivors True as "Apply percentage only on survivors"
/* About S_EliminatedPlayersNbRanks
* Example : "8,16"
* 1 to 8 players -> 1 elimination per round
* 9 to 16 players -> 2 eliminations per round
* 17 or more players -> 3 eliminations per round
* Example : "8,16,16"
* 1 to 8 players -> 1 eliminations per round
* 9 to 16 players -> 2 eliminations per round
* 17 or more players -> 4 eliminations per round
* Example : "0,8"
* 1 to 8 players -> 2 eliminations per round
* 9 or more players -> 3 eliminations per round
* Example : ""
* 1 or more players -> 1 elimination per round
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
// Constants
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
#Const C_ModeName "Knockout"
//L16N [Knockout] Description of the mode
#Const Description _("$zIn $<$t$6F9Knockout$> mode, the goal is to be the last player standing. \n\nYou play a series of races as in Round mode. $<$t$6F9At the end of each race, the last players are eliminated$>!\n\nThe winner is the player who eliminates all of their opponents.")
#Const C_HudModulePath "" //< Path to the hud module
2023-09-25 18:59:38 +02:00
#Const C_ManiaAppUrl "file://Media/ManiaApps/Nadeo/Trackmania/Modes/Knockout.Script.txt" //< Url of the mania app
2022-06-15 21:55:09 +02:00
#Const C_FakeUsersNb 0
#Const C_Callback_Elimination "Trackmania.Knockout.Elimination"
// [Knockout] Time remaining before the first round begins (in seconds). %1 is a marker to apply typography. %2 is a digit. e.g. "Next round in 3s"
#Const C_Text_NextRoundTimer _("%1Next round in %2s")
#Const C_UploadRecord True
#Const C_DisplayRecordGhost False
#Const C_DisplayRecordMedal False
#Const C_CelebrateRecordGhost True
#Const C_CelebrateRecordMedal True
#Struct K_MatchInfo {
Boolean RegistrationClosed;
Integer[Text] PlayerRanks; // from 1 to ParticipantsNb, 0 means still alive, -1 means player never played but mode tried to eliminate them
Integer KOPlayersNb;
Integer ParticipantsNb;
#Struct K_Callback_Elimination {
Text[] accountids;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
// Extends
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
Log::RegisterScript(ScriptName, Version);
Log::RegisterScript(Semver::ScriptName, Semver::Version);
Log::RegisterScript(ModeUtils::ScriptName, ModeUtils::Version);
Log::RegisterScript(StateMgr::ScriptName, StateMgr::Version);
// Not used for now but can be useful for players
XmlRpc::RegisterCallback(C_Callback_Elimination, """
* Name: {{{C_Callback_Elimination}}}
* Type: CallbackArray
* Description: Callback sent at the end of each round with the accountid of eliminated players.
* Data:
- Version >=2.0.0:
"accountids": [
MB_Settings_UseDefaultHud = (C_HudModulePath == "");
MB_Settings_UseDefaultPodiumSequence = False;
if (C_HudModulePath != "") Hud_Load(C_HudModulePath);
ClientManiaAppUrl = C_ManiaAppUrl;
foreach (Event in PendingEvents) {
switch (Event.Type) {
// Initialize players when they join the server
case CSmModeEvent::EType::OnPlayerAdded: {
// Manage XmlRpc events
foreach (Event in XmlRpc.PendingEvents) {
if (Event.Type == CXmlRpcEvent::EType::CallbackArray) {
if (Event.ParamArray1 == "Club.Match.Start") { //@TODO @QG
declare Boolean Match_SkipWarmup for This = False;
Match_SkipWarmup = True;
} else if (Event.ParamArray1 == "Club.Match.Completed") { //@TODO @QG
declare Boolean Match_SkipWarmup for This = False;
Match_SkipWarmup = False;
// Initialize mode
declare Integer Match_CurrentRoundNb;
declare Boolean Match_MatchIsOver;
declare Text[] Match_WinnersLogins;
declare Text[] Match_WinnersAccountIds;
declare Boolean Match_SkipWarmup for This = False; // Must survive CServerPlugin.RestartMap()
Match_CurrentRoundNb = 0;
Match_WinnersLogins = [];
Match_WinnersAccountIds = [];
declare K_MatchInfo Server_MatchInfo for This = K_MatchInfo {};
Server_MatchInfo = K_MatchInfo {};
foreach(Player in Players) {
if (Player != Null) RegisterPlayer(Player);
declare Boolean Map_DisplayCustom321Go;
UpdateScoresTableFooter(Match_CurrentRoundNb, GetTotalRoundNb(Match_CurrentRoundNb, GetAlivePlayers()));
Map_DisplayCustom321Go = True;
// Add bot when necessary
//Users_SetNbFakeUsers(C_FakeUsersNb, 0);
// Warm up
if (!Match_SkipWarmup) { // Warmup only before daily match starts
MB_WarmUp(S_WarmUpNb, S_WarmUpDuration * 1000, S_WarmUpTimeout * 1000);
declare Text[] Round_EliminatedPlayers = []; // accountids
declare Integer Round_EliminatedPlayersNb;
declare Boolean NeedInfoDisplayUpdate;
declare Integer NBFinished = 0;
declare Integer MinimumFinishers = 0;
// Register new players while registration are open
if (RegistrationsAreOpen()) {
foreach(Player in Players) {
if (!PlayerIsRegistered(Player.User.WebServicesUserId)) RegisterPlayer(Player);
Match_CurrentRoundNb += 1;
declare Integer AlivePlayersNb = GetAlivePlayers();
Round_EliminatedPlayersNb = GetEliminationsNb(AlivePlayersNb, Match_CurrentRoundNb);
if (Round_EliminatedPlayersNb <= 0) {
} else {
1 => Race::C_DossardColor_Default,
AlivePlayersNb - Round_EliminatedPlayersNb + 1 => <0.7, 0., 0.>
UpdateKnockoutInfoDisplay(Match_CurrentRoundNb, Round_EliminatedPlayersNb, GetAlivePlayers());
2023-06-21 15:00:54 +02:00
declare Text ObjectiveMessage = "";
2022-06-15 21:55:09 +02:00
if (Round_EliminatedPlayersNb > 1) {
//L16N [Knockout] Announce the number of players that will be eliminated at the end of the round. %1 will be replaced by a number greater than 1. eg: "2 players will be eliminated".
ObjectiveMessage = TL::Compose(_("%1 players will be eliminated"), "$t$i$fff"^TL::ToText(Round_EliminatedPlayersNb));
} else if (Round_EliminatedPlayersNb == 1){
//L16N [Knockout] Announce the number of players that will be eliminated at the end of the round. %1 will be replaced by the digit 1. eg: "1 player will be eliminated".
ObjectiveMessage = TL::Compose(_("%1 player will be eliminated"), "$t$i$fff"^TL::ToText(Round_EliminatedPlayersNb));
} else {
//L16N [Knockout] Announce the number of players that will be eliminated at the end of the round. %1 will be replaced by a marker for Typography
ObjectiveMessage = TL::Compose(_("%1No elimination this round"), "$t$i$fff");
UIModules_BigMessage::SetMessage(ObjectiveMessage, 5500);
UIModules_BigMessage::SetOffset(<0., -40.>);
if (Map_DisplayCustom321Go) {
UIManager.UIAll.BigMessageSound = CUIConfig::EUISound::Default;
UIManager.UIAll.BigMessageSoundVariant = 0;
UIManager.UIAll.BigMessage = TL::Compose(C_Text_NextRoundTimer, "$i$t", "3");
UIManager.UIAll.BigMessage = TL::Compose(C_Text_NextRoundTimer, "$i$t", "2");
UIManager.UIAll.BigMessage = TL::Compose(C_Text_NextRoundTimer, "$i$t", "1");
UIManager.UIAll.BigMessage = "";
StartTime = Now + Race::C_SpawnDuration;
// Reset spawn permissions for players and spectators according to Rounds rules
foreach (Score in Scores) {
if (Score == Null) continue;
2023-06-21 15:00:54 +02:00
declare Boolean ModeRounds_CanSpawn for Score = True;
declare Boolean Knockout_SpawnPermissionRequested for Score = False;
2022-06-15 21:55:09 +02:00
Knockout_SpawnPermissionRequested = False;
if (MM_IsMatchServer()) {
2023-06-21 15:00:54 +02:00
declare CSmPlayer Player <=> GetPlayer(Score.User.WebServicesUserId);
2022-06-15 21:55:09 +02:00
ModeRounds_CanSpawn = MM_PlayerIsAllowedToPlay(Player);
} else {
ModeRounds_CanSpawn = True;
// Check spawn permissions for players according to KO rules
foreach (Player in Players) {
if (
Player != Null &&
Player.Score != Null
) {
2023-06-21 15:00:54 +02:00
declare Boolean Knockout_SpawnPermissionRequested for Player.Score = False;
2022-06-15 21:55:09 +02:00
if (!Knockout_SpawnPermissionRequested) {
Knockout_SpawnPermissionRequested = True;
NeedInfoDisplayUpdate = True;
if (NeedInfoDisplayUpdate) {
UpdateKnockoutInfoDisplay(Match_CurrentRoundNb, Round_EliminatedPlayersNb, GetAlivePlayers());
NeedInfoDisplayUpdate = False;
// Update UI
foreach (Score in Scores) {
SetFinishedRace(Score, False);
TagDNF(Score, False);
TagAlive(Score, PlayerIsAlive(Score.User.WebServicesUserId));
UpdateKnockoutInfoDisplay(Match_CurrentRoundNb, Round_EliminatedPlayersNb, GetAlivePlayers());
NeedInfoDisplayUpdate = False;
// Define minimum finishers
NBFinished = 0;
declare Integer Minus = 0;
if (S_FinishTimeoutPercentOnSurvivors) {
Minus = Round_EliminatedPlayersNb;
MinimumFinishers = ML::Max(1, ML::FloorInteger((GetAlivePlayers() - Minus) * (ML::ToReal(S_FinishTimeoutPercent) / 100)));
// Spawn allowed players
foreach (Player in Players) {
if (
Player != Null &&
Player.Score != Null
) {
2023-06-21 15:00:54 +02:00
declare Boolean Knockout_SpawnPermissionRequested for Player.Score = False;
2022-06-15 21:55:09 +02:00
if (!Knockout_SpawnPermissionRequested) {
Knockout_SpawnPermissionRequested = True;
NeedInfoDisplayUpdate = True;
2023-06-21 15:00:54 +02:00
declare Boolean ModeRounds_CanSpawn for Player.Score = True;
2022-06-15 21:55:09 +02:00
if (
Player.SpawnStatus == CSmPlayer::ESpawnStatus::NotSpawned &&
MB_RoundIsRunning() &&
ModeRounds_CanSpawn &&
) {
Race::Start(Player, StartTime);
ModeRounds_CanSpawn = False;
TagDNF(Player.Score, False);
if (NeedInfoDisplayUpdate) {
UpdateKnockoutInfoDisplay(Match_CurrentRoundNb, Round_EliminatedPlayersNb, GetAlivePlayers());
NeedInfoDisplayUpdate = False;
foreach (Event in PendingEvents) {
if (Event.Type == CSmModeEvent::EType::OnPlayerAdded) {
if (Event.Player != Null) {
UIModules_BestRaceViewer::SetPrevDisplay(Event.Player, False);
// Manage race events
2023-06-21 15:00:54 +02:00
declare Events::K_RaceEvent[] RacePendingEvents = Race::GetPendingEvents();
2022-06-15 21:55:09 +02:00
foreach (Event in RacePendingEvents) {
// Waypoint
if (Event.Type == Events::C_Type_Waypoint) {
if (Event.Player != Null) {
if (Event.IsEndRace) {
2023-06-21 15:00:54 +02:00
2022-06-15 21:55:09 +02:00
// Start the countdown if enough players finished
NBFinished += 1 ;
if (EndTime <= 0 && (MinimumFinishers <= NBFinished)) {
EndTime = GetFinishTimeout();
SetFinishedRace(Event.Player.Score, True);
UIModules_BestRaceViewer::SetPrevDisplay(Event.Player, True);
if (Event.IsEndLap) {
2023-06-21 15:00:54 +02:00
2022-06-15 21:55:09 +02:00
// GiveUp
if (Event.Type == Events::C_Type_GiveUp) {
if (Event.Player != Null && Event.Player.Score != Null) {
TagDNF(Event.Player.Score, True);
// Manage mode events
foreach (Event in PendingEvents) {
if (Event.HasBeenPassed || Event.HasBeenDiscarded) continue;
// Trigger Endtime if some players DC, go as Spectator or Give Up
if (Now % 5000 == 0) {
if (EndTime <= 0 && MinimumFinishers <= GetAlivePlayers() - PlayersNbAlive) {
EndTime = GetFinishTimeout();
EndTime = -1;
if (Semver::Compare(XmlRpc::GetApiVersion(), ">=", "2.1.1")) {
Scores::XmlRpc_SendScores(Scores::C_Section_PreEndRound, "");
if (Round_ForceEndRound || Round_SkipPauseRound) {
// Cancel points
foreach (Score in Scores) {
Scores::SetPlayerRoundPoints(Score, 0);
// Do not launch the forced end round sequence after a pause
if (!Round_SkipPauseRound) {
} else {
// Eliminate players that did not finish in time
declare Ident[] EliminatedPlayersScoresIds = []; // Score.Id
if (Match_CurrentRoundNb > S_RoundsWithoutElimination) {
// Close registrations. Players can join the game any time during no elimination rounds
if (RegistrationsAreOpen()) CloseRegistrations();
// Eliminate last players
2023-06-21 15:00:54 +02:00
declare Integer EliminationsNb = GetEliminationsNb(GetAlivePlayers(), Match_CurrentRoundNb);
2022-06-15 21:55:09 +02:00
declare Ident[] ReversedEliminatedPlayersScoresIds;
if (Scores.count > 0) {
for (I, 0, Scores.count-1) {
2023-06-21 15:00:54 +02:00
declare CSmScore Score <=> Scores[Scores.count-1 - I];
2022-06-15 21:55:09 +02:00
if (Score != Null) {
if (PlayerIsAlive(Score.User.WebServicesUserId)) {
if (!GetFinishedRace(Score)) {
EliminationsNb -= 1;
TagDNF(Score, True);
} else if (EliminationsNb > 0) {
EliminationsNb -= 1;
foreach (ScoreId in ReversedEliminatedPlayersScoresIds) {
if (
Scores.existskey(ScoreId) &&
Scores[ScoreId] != Null
) {
// Check if match is over
if (MatchIsOver(Match_CurrentRoundNb)) {
Match_MatchIsOver = True;
declare K_MatchInfo Server_MatchInfo for This = K_MatchInfo {};
Match_WinnersAccountIds = [];
Match_WinnersLogins = [];
foreach (AccountId => Status in Server_MatchInfo.PlayerRanks) {
if (Status == 0) Match_WinnersAccountIds.add(AccountId);
if (Match_WinnersAccountIds.count > 0) {
declare Ident[] LeaderScoresIds;
foreach (Score in Scores) {
if (
Score != Null &&
) {
EliminatePlayers(LeaderScoresIds); // Only one player will be considered as winner
// Send Trophies, uses Round_EliminatedPlayers array
UpdateScoresTableFooter(Match_CurrentRoundNb, GetTotalRoundNb(Match_CurrentRoundNb, GetAlivePlayers()));
UIModules_KnockedOutPlayers::DisplayEliminatedPlayer(Round_EliminatedPlayers, GetPlayerRanks(Round_EliminatedPlayers));
2023-06-21 15:00:54 +02:00
declare Integer PagesToShow = Round_EliminatedPlayers.count/4;
if (Round_EliminatedPlayers.count % 4 != 0) PagesToShow += 1;
MB_Sleep(ML::Max(1100 + 350 * Round_EliminatedPlayers.count + 1600 * PagesToShow + 250, 6000 + 250));
2022-06-15 21:55:09 +02:00
UIModules_KnockedOutPlayers::DisplayEliminatedPlayer([], []);
declare K_Callback_Elimination Callback_Elimination;
foreach(AccountId in Round_EliminatedPlayers) {
XmlRpc::SendCallback(C_Callback_Elimination, [Callback_Elimination.tojson()]);
foreach (ScoreId in EliminatedPlayersScoresIds) {
if (
Scores.existskey(ScoreId) &&
Scores[ScoreId] != Null
) {
2023-06-21 15:00:54 +02:00
declare CSmPlayer Player = GetPlayer(Scores[ScoreId].User.Login);
2022-06-15 21:55:09 +02:00
if (Player != Null) {
UIModules_KnockoutReward::SetPlayerEliminated(Player, True);
foreach (Login in Match_WinnersLogins) {
2023-06-21 15:00:54 +02:00
declare CSmPlayer Player = GetPlayer(Login);
2022-06-15 21:55:09 +02:00
if (Player != Null) {
UIModules_KnockoutReward::SetPlayerEliminated(Player, True); // Winner
if (MapIsOver(Match_CurrentRoundNb)) MB_StopMap();
if (MatchIsOver(Match_CurrentRoundNb)) {
} else {
if (!MB_MapIsRunning() && MB_MatchIsRunning()) MB_SkipPodiumSequence();
if (!MB_Private_SkipPodiumSequence) {
ModeUtils::PlaySound(CUIConfig::EUISound::EndRound, 0);
2023-06-21 15:00:54 +02:00
declare CSmScore WinnerScore <=> Scores::GetPlayerWinner();
if (WinnerScore == Null) {
2022-06-15 21:55:09 +02:00
2023-06-21 15:00:54 +02:00
} else {
UIModules_BigMessage::SetMessage(_("$<%1$> wins the match!"), WinnerScore.User.WebServicesUserId);
2022-06-15 21:55:09 +02:00
// Send the EndMatch callback sooner to speed up the API update
if (S_EarlyEndMatchCallback) {
Scores::XmlRpc_SendScores(Scores::C_Section_EndMatch, ""); // send "Trackmania.Scores"
Log::Log("Send early end match callback");
2023-06-21 15:00:54 +02:00
declare CUIConfig::EUISequence PrevUISequence = UIManager.UIAll.UISequence;
2022-06-15 21:55:09 +02:00
UIManager.UIAll.UISequence = CUIConfig::EUISequence::Podium;
UIManager.UIAll.ScoreTableVisibility = CUIConfig::EVisibility::ForcedVisible;
UIManager.UIAll.ScoreTableVisibility = CUIConfig::EVisibility::Normal;
UIManager.UIAll.UISequence = PrevUISequence;
if (!MB_Private_SkipPodiumSequence) {
// End Match and delete data
declare K_MatchInfo Server_MatchInfo for This = K_MatchInfo {};
Server_MatchInfo = K_MatchInfo {};
foreach (Score in Scores) {
if (Score == Null) continue;
TagDNF(Score, False);
TagAlive(Score, False);
UpdateScoresTableFooter(Match_CurrentRoundNb, GetTotalRoundNb(Match_CurrentRoundNb, GetAlivePlayers()));
foreach (Player in AllPlayers) {
if (Player != Null) {
UIModules_KnockoutReward::SetPlayerEliminated(Player, False);
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
// Functions
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
/** Whether the player is registered or not
*@return True if the player is registered
* False Otherwise
Boolean PlayerIsRegistered(Text _AccountId) {
if (_AccountId == "") return False;
2023-06-21 15:00:54 +02:00
declare K_MatchInfo Server_MatchInfo for This = K_MatchInfo {};
2022-06-15 21:55:09 +02:00
return Server_MatchInfo.PlayerRanks.existskey(_AccountId);
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
/** Whether the player has been eliminated or not
*@return True if the player has been eliminated
* False Otherwise
Boolean PlayerIsAlive(Text _AccountId) {
if (_AccountId == "") return False;
2023-06-21 15:00:54 +02:00
declare K_MatchInfo Server_MatchInfo for This = K_MatchInfo {};
2022-06-15 21:55:09 +02:00
return (
PlayerIsRegistered(_AccountId) &&
Server_MatchInfo.PlayerRanks[_AccountId] == 0
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
/** Tag a score as finished curr race or not
* @param _Score
* @param _IsAlive
Void TagAlive(CSmScore _Score, Boolean _IsAlive) {
if (_Score == Null) return;
declare netwrite Boolean Net_Knockout_PlayerIsAlive for _Score = False;
Net_Knockout_PlayerIsAlive = _IsAlive;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
/** Tag a score as DNF
* @param _Score
* @param _DNF
Void TagDNF(CSmScore _Score, Boolean _DNF) {
if (_Score == Null) return;
declare netwrite Boolean Net_Knockout_DNF for _Score = False;
Net_Knockout_DNF = _DNF;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
/** Number of players still playing
* @return Number of players still playing
Integer GetAlivePlayers() {
declare K_MatchInfo Server_MatchInfo for This = K_MatchInfo {};
return (Server_MatchInfo.ParticipantsNb - Server_MatchInfo.KOPlayersNb);
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
/** Init player at the begining of the match
* @param _Player Player to init
Void RegisterPlayer(CSmPlayer _Player) {
if (_Player == Null) return;
declare K_MatchInfo Server_MatchInfo for This = K_MatchInfo {};
if (Server_MatchInfo.RegistrationClosed) return;
if (
!Server_MatchInfo.PlayerRanks.existskey(_Player.User.WebServicesUserId) &&
) {
Server_MatchInfo.PlayerRanks[_Player.User.WebServicesUserId] = 0;
Server_MatchInfo.ParticipantsNb += 1;
TagAlive(_Player.Score, True);
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
/** Players can join the match after this function is called
Void OpenNewRegistrations() {
2023-06-21 15:00:54 +02:00
declare K_MatchInfo Server_MatchInfo for This = K_MatchInfo {};
2022-06-15 21:55:09 +02:00
Server_MatchInfo = K_MatchInfo {
RegistrationClosed = False,
PlayerRanks = [],
KOPlayersNb = 0,
ParticipantsNb = 0
foreach (Score in Scores) {
foreach (Player in AllPlayers) {
if (Player != Null) {
UIModules_KnockoutReward::SetPlayerEliminated(Player, False);
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
/** Whether the player can join match or not
*@return True if the player can join
* False Otherwise
Boolean RegistrationsAreOpen() {
2023-06-21 15:00:54 +02:00
declare K_MatchInfo Server_MatchInfo for This = K_MatchInfo {};
2022-06-15 21:55:09 +02:00
return !Server_MatchInfo.RegistrationClosed;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
/** Players can't join the match anymore after this function is called
Void CloseRegistrations() {
declare K_MatchInfo Server_MatchInfo for This = K_MatchInfo {};
Server_MatchInfo.RegistrationClosed = True;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
/** Eliminate players and assign them their final ranks
* according to the _ScoreIds list order. 1st player is the best ranked
* @param _ScoreIds Score Ids of Players to Eliminate
Void EliminatePlayers(Ident[] _ScoreIds) {
if (_ScoreIds.count == 0) return;
declare K_MatchInfo Server_MatchInfo for This = K_MatchInfo {};
if (!Server_MatchInfo.RegistrationClosed) return; // Cannot eliminate players if registrations are still open
foreach (ScoreId in _ScoreIds) {
if (Scores.existskey(ScoreId)) {
2023-06-21 15:00:54 +02:00
declare CSmScore Score <=> Scores[ScoreId];
declare Text AccountId = Score.User.WebServicesUserId;
2022-06-15 21:55:09 +02:00
if (!PlayerIsRegistered(AccountId)) {
Server_MatchInfo.PlayerRanks[AccountId] = -1;
UIModules_KnockoutReward::SaveRank(Score, -1);
UIModules_KnockoutReward::SaveCupRank(Score, -1, -1);
} else if (PlayerIsAlive(AccountId)) {
Server_MatchInfo.KOPlayersNb += 1;
2023-06-21 15:00:54 +02:00
declare Integer Rank = Server_MatchInfo.ParticipantsNb - Server_MatchInfo.KOPlayersNb + 1;
Server_MatchInfo.PlayerRanks[AccountId] = Rank;
UIModules_KnockoutReward::SaveRank(Score, Rank);
UIModules_KnockoutReward::SaveCupRank(Score, S_MatchPosition, Rank);
2022-06-15 21:55:09 +02:00
TagAlive(Score, False);
Integer[] GetEliminationsMilestones() {
2023-06-21 15:00:54 +02:00
declare Text[] Text_Milestones = TL::Split(",", S_EliminatedPlayersNbRanks);
2022-06-15 21:55:09 +02:00
declare Integer[] Milestones = [1];
foreach (Text_Milestone in Text_Milestones) {
2023-06-21 15:00:54 +02:00
declare Integer Milestone = TL::ToInteger(Text_Milestone);
2022-06-15 21:55:09 +02:00
if (Milestone > 0) Milestones.add(Milestone);
else if (Milestone == 0) Milestones.add(1);
return Milestones;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
/** Players Nb at which Emilinations Nb per round decreases
* @param _AlivePlayers Number of players still playing
* @return Players Nb of the milestone
Integer GetNextMilestone(Integer _AlivePlayers) {
if (_AlivePlayers <= 0) return 0;
declare Integer[] Milestones = GetEliminationsMilestones();
2023-06-21 15:00:54 +02:00
declare Integer NextMilestone = 0;
2022-06-15 21:55:09 +02:00
foreach (Milestone in Milestones) {
if (Milestone < _AlivePlayers) {
NextMilestone = Milestone;
return NextMilestone;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
/** Number of players to eliminate this round
* @param _AlivePlayers Number of players still playing
* @return Number of eliminations this round
Integer GetEliminationsNb(Integer _AlivePlayers, Integer _RoundNb) {
if (_AlivePlayers <= 1) return 0;
if (_RoundNb <= S_RoundsWithoutElimination) return 0;
2023-06-21 15:00:54 +02:00
declare Integer[] Milestones = GetEliminationsMilestones();
declare Integer RoundMinEliminations = Milestones.count + 1;
2022-06-15 21:55:09 +02:00
foreach (Index => Milestone in Milestones) {
if (Milestone < _AlivePlayers) {
RoundMinEliminations = Index + 1;
return ML::Min(RoundMinEliminations, _AlivePlayers-1);
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
/** Estimated number of rounds
* @return Estimated number of rounds
Integer GetTotalRoundNb(Integer _CurrentRoundNb, Integer _AlivePlayers) {
2023-06-21 15:00:54 +02:00
declare Integer RoundsWithEliminationsLeft = 0;
declare Integer AlivePlayers = _AlivePlayers;
declare Integer[] Milestones = GetEliminationsMilestones();
2022-06-15 21:55:09 +02:00
for (Index, 0, Milestones.count-1) {
2023-06-21 15:00:54 +02:00
declare Integer ReverseIndex = Milestones.count-1 - Index;
declare Integer Milestone = Milestones[ReverseIndex];
2022-06-15 21:55:09 +02:00
if (AlivePlayers > Milestone && AlivePlayers > 1) {
2023-06-21 15:00:54 +02:00
declare Integer ElimNbPerRound = ReverseIndex + 1;
declare Integer TotalElimNb = AlivePlayers - Milestone;
2022-06-15 21:55:09 +02:00
if (TotalElimNb % ElimNbPerRound > 0) TotalElimNb += ElimNbPerRound - TotalElimNb % ElimNbPerRound;
RoundsWithEliminationsLeft += TotalElimNb / ElimNbPerRound;
AlivePlayers -= TotalElimNb;
return ML::Max(_CurrentRoundNb, S_RoundsWithoutElimination + 1) + ML::Max(0, RoundsWithEliminationsLeft -1);
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
/** Whether the player finished the race or not
* @param _Score Player's score
* @param _HasFinished True if player finished race
Void SetFinishedRace(CSmScore _Score, Boolean _HasFinished) {
2023-06-21 15:00:54 +02:00
declare Boolean Knockout_FinishedRace for _Score = False;
2022-06-15 21:55:09 +02:00
Knockout_FinishedRace = _HasFinished;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
/** Whether the player finished the race or not
* @param _Score Player's score
* @return True if player finished race
Boolean GetFinishedRace(CSmScore _Score) {
2023-06-21 15:00:54 +02:00
declare Boolean Knockout_FinishedRace for _Score = False;
2022-06-15 21:55:09 +02:00
return Knockout_FinishedRace;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
/** Player rank in match
* @param _AccountIds Account Ids
* @return Ranks in same order
Integer[] GetPlayerRanks(Text[] _AccountIds) {
declare K_MatchInfo Server_MatchInfo for This = K_MatchInfo {};
declare Integer[] Result = [];
foreach (AccountId in _AccountIds) {
if (Server_MatchInfo.PlayerRanks.existskey(AccountId)) {
} else {
return Result;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
/** Whether the player can be spwaned or not, according to KO rules only
*@param _Player The Player
*@return True if the player can be spwaned
* False Otherwise
Boolean RequestSpawnPermission(CSmPlayer _Player) {
if (_Player == Null || _Player.Score == Null) return False;
2023-06-21 15:00:54 +02:00
declare Boolean ModeRounds_CanSpawn for _Player.Score = True;
2022-06-15 21:55:09 +02:00
if (
RegistrationsAreOpen() &&
) {
ModeRounds_CanSpawn = (
ModeRounds_CanSpawn &&
return ModeRounds_CanSpawn;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
/** Update the Scores Table with hidden custom points
Void UpdateCustomRanking() {
declare Text[] AccountIdsToDisplay = [];
declare Text[Text] CustomRanks = [];
declare Text[][Text] CustomPoints = [];
declare Integer[Text] CustomTimes = [];
declare K_MatchInfo Server_MatchInfo for This = K_MatchInfo {};
foreach (Index => Score in Scores) {
if (Score == Null) continue;
if (PlayerIsRegistered(Score.User.WebServicesUserId)) {
if (PlayerIsAlive(Score.User.WebServicesUserId)) {
Scores::SetPlayerMatchPoints(Score, Scores.count + Server_MatchInfo.ParticipantsNb - Index);
CustomRanks[Score.User.WebServicesUserId] = "-";
if (!GetFinishedRace(Score)) {
CustomTimes[Score.User.WebServicesUserId] = 0; //@ prev race is updated automatically at the moment (22/10/20) so we need to use this
} else {
2023-06-21 15:00:54 +02:00
declare Integer FinalRank = -1;
2022-06-15 21:55:09 +02:00
if (Server_MatchInfo.PlayerRanks.existskey(Score.User.WebServicesUserId)) {
FinalRank = Server_MatchInfo.PlayerRanks[Score.User.WebServicesUserId];
Scores::SetPlayerMatchPoints(Score, Server_MatchInfo.ParticipantsNb - FinalRank);
CustomRanks[Score.User.WebServicesUserId] = ""^FinalRank;
} else {
Scores::SetPlayerMatchPoints(Score, 0);
CustomRanks[Score.User.WebServicesUserId] = "-";
//L16N [Knockout] Do not translate if K.O. is understandable. This is the player status.
CustomPoints[Score.User.WebServicesUserId] = [_("|Status|K.O."), "f00"];
if (FinalRank == 1) {
//L16N [Knockout]
CustomPoints[Score.User.WebServicesUserId] = [_("|Status|Winner"), "0f0"];
UIModules_ScoresTable::DisplayOnly(AccountIdsToDisplay); // Display only registered players
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
/** Get the time left to the players to finish the round after the first player
* @return The time left in ms
Integer GetFinishTimeout() {
2023-06-21 15:00:54 +02:00
declare Integer FinishTimeout = 0;
2022-06-15 21:55:09 +02:00
if (S_FinishTimeout >= 0) {
FinishTimeout = S_FinishTimeout * 1000;
} else {
FinishTimeout = 5000;
if (Map.TMObjective_IsLapRace && Race::GetLapsNb() > 0 && Map.TMObjective_NbLaps > 0) {
FinishTimeout += ((Map.TMObjective_AuthorTime / Map.TMObjective_NbLaps) * Race::GetLapsNb()) / 6;
} else {
FinishTimeout += Map.TMObjective_AuthorTime / 6;
return Now + FinishTimeout;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
/** Check if we should go to the next match
* @param _RoundNb Current round number
* @return True if it is the case, false otherwise
Boolean MatchIsOver(Integer _RoundNb) {
if (_RoundNb < S_RoundsWithoutElimination || RegistrationsAreOpen() || GetAlivePlayers() > 1) return False;
return True;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
/** Check if we should go to the next map
* @param _RoundNb Current round number
* @return True if it is the case, false otherwise
Boolean MapIsOver(Integer _RoundNb) {
if (MatchIsOver(_RoundNb)) return True;
if (S_RoundsPerMap > 0 && MB_GetRoundCount() >= S_RoundsPerMap) return True; //< There is a rounds limit and it is reached
return False;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
/** Update the scores table footer text
* @param _TotalRounds The estimated number of rounds
* @param _AlivePlayers The number of Alive Players
* @param _RoundKOs The number players to eliminate this round
* @param _Milestone Next number of players at which one less player is eliminated per round
Void UpdateScoresTableFooter(Integer _CurrentRoundNb, Integer _TotalRoundsNb) {
//L16N [Knockout]
2023-06-21 15:00:54 +02:00
declare Text Message = "";
2022-06-15 21:55:09 +02:00
if (MatchIsOver(_CurrentRoundNb)) {
Message = _("Match is over");
} else {
2023-06-21 15:00:54 +02:00
declare Integer AlivePlayersNb = GetAlivePlayers();
declare Integer Milestone = GetNextMilestone(AlivePlayersNb);
declare Integer CurrentRound = _CurrentRoundNb;
2022-06-15 21:55:09 +02:00
if (CurrentRound == 0) CurrentRound = 1;
2023-06-21 15:00:54 +02:00
declare Integer TotalRoundsNb = _TotalRoundsNb;
2022-06-15 21:55:09 +02:00
if (CurrentRound > TotalRoundsNb) TotalRoundsNb = CurrentRound;
2023-06-21 15:00:54 +02:00
declare Integer EliminationsNb = GetEliminationsNb(AlivePlayersNb, _CurrentRoundNb);
2022-06-15 21:55:09 +02:00
if (EliminationsNb == 0 || Milestone <= 1) {
if (EliminationsNb <= 0) {
if (AlivePlayersNb <= 1) {
//L16N [Knockout] Scores table footer. %1 is the number of current round. %2 the total number of rounds. %3 the number of players playing the round, and is always 1 OR LESS "No K.O. this round" means that no players will be eliminated, KO stands for "Knockouts". \n is a new line.
Message = TL::Compose(_("Round %1/%2\n%3 Player racing\nNo K.O. this round"), ""^CurrentRound, ""^TotalRoundsNb, ""^AlivePlayersNb);
} else {
//L16N [Knockout] Scores table footer. %1 is the number of current round. %2 the total number of rounds. %3 the number of players playing the round, and is always 2 OR MORE "No K.O. this round" means that no players will be eliminated, KO stands for "Knockouts". \n is a new line.
Message = TL::Compose(_("Round %1/%2\n%3 Players racing\nNo K.O. this round"), ""^CurrentRound, ""^TotalRoundsNb, ""^AlivePlayersNb);
} else if (EliminationsNb == 1) {
if (AlivePlayersNb <= 1) {
//L16N [Knockout] Scores table footer. %1 is the number of current round. %2 the total number of rounds. %3 the number of players playing the round, and is always 1 OR LESS. "1 K.O. per round" is the number of eliminated players, KO stands for "Knockouts". \n is a new line.
Message = TL::Compose(_("Round %1/%2\n%3 Player\n1 K.O. per round"), ""^CurrentRound, ""^TotalRoundsNb, ""^AlivePlayersNb);
} else {
//L16N [Knockout] Scores table footer. %1 is the number of current round. %2 the total number of rounds. %3 the number of players playing the round, and is always 2 OR MORE. "1 K.O. per round" is the number of eliminated players, KO stands for "Knockouts". \n is a new line.
Message = TL::Compose(_("Round %1/%2\n%3 Players\n1 K.O. per round"), ""^CurrentRound, ""^TotalRoundsNb, ""^AlivePlayersNb);
2023-06-21 15:00:54 +02:00
} else if (AlivePlayersNb <= 1) {
//L16N [Knockout] Scores table footer. %1 is the number of current round. %2 the total number of rounds. %3 the number of players playing the round, and is always 1 OR LESS. %4 the number of eliminated players, stands for "Knockouts", always greater than 1. \n is a new line.
Message = TL::Compose(_("Round %1/%2\n%3 Player\n%4 K.O. per round"), ""^CurrentRound, ""^TotalRoundsNb, ""^AlivePlayersNb, ""^EliminationsNb);
}else {
//L16N [Knockout] Scores table footer. %1 is the number of current round. %2 the total number of rounds. %3 the number of players playing the round, and is always 2 OR MORE. %4 the number of eliminated players, stands for "Knockouts", always greater than 1. \n is a new line.
Message = TL::Compose(_("Round %1/%2\n%3 Players\n%4 K.O. per round"), ""^CurrentRound, ""^TotalRoundsNb, ""^AlivePlayersNb, ""^EliminationsNb);
2022-06-15 21:55:09 +02:00
} else {
//L16N [Knockout] Scores table footer. %1 is the number of current round. %2 the total number of rounds. %3 the number of players playing the round (assumed greater than 1). %4 the number of eliminated players, stands for "Knockouts", greater than 1. %5 is the next number of players at which one less player is eliminated per round. \n is a new line.
Message = TL::Compose(_("Round %1/%2, %3 Players\n%4 K.O. per round until %5 players"), ""^CurrentRound, ""^TotalRoundsNb, ""^AlivePlayersNb, ""^EliminationsNb, ""^Milestone);
Void UpdateKnockoutInfoDisplay(Integer _CurrentRoundNb, Integer _Round_EliminatedPlayersNb, Integer _AlivePlayers) {
2023-06-21 15:00:54 +02:00
declare Integer TotalRoundsNb = GetTotalRoundNb(_CurrentRoundNb, _AlivePlayers);
2022-06-15 21:55:09 +02:00
UIModules_KnockoutInfo::SetMapRoundNb(ML::Min(S_RoundsPerMap, MB_GetRoundCount()), ML::Min(S_RoundsPerMap, TotalRoundsNb));
UIModules_KnockoutInfo::SetRoundNb(_CurrentRoundNb, TotalRoundsNb);
UIModules_KnockoutInfo::SetKOsNumber(_Round_EliminatedPlayersNb, GetNextMilestone(_AlivePlayers));
UpdateScoresTableFooter(_CurrentRoundNb, TotalRoundsNb);