
34 lines
1.6 KiB

<title>VirtIT ft</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php print(_HTTP_PATH . "style.css"); ?> ">
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="<?php print(_HTTP_PATH . "script.js"); ?> "></script>
<h1>File Transfer</h1>
<div id=dragzone class=dragndrop ondrop="upload_file(event);" ondragover="return false" ondragenter="change_color_ondrag('ondragenter');" ondragleave="change_color_ondrag('ondragleave');" >
Drag and Drop your file or <input type="button" value="Select File" onclick="file_explorer();">
<input type="file" id="uploadfile" hidden>
<div id=divresponse></div><button id=copytoclipboard style="visibility: hidden;" onclick="copytoclipboard();">Copy to clipboard</button>
<div class=infobox>
This tool is usable with <b>curl</b> or <b>wget</b>.<br><br>
To upload : <br>
<li> curl --upload-file ./hello.txt <?php print(_HTTP_PROTO . '://' . _HTTP_DOMAIN . _HTTP_PATH . 'index.php');?><br>
<li> wget -q --body-file='./hello.txt' --method=PUT -O - <?php print(_HTTP_PROTO . '://' . _HTTP_DOMAIN . _HTTP_PATH . 'index.php');?><br><br>
To download file :<br>
<li> curl -o hello.txt <?php print(_HTTP_PROTO . '://' . _HTTP_DOMAIN . _HTTP_PATH . _DATA_DIR . '/99999/file');?><br>
<li> wget -O hello.txt <?php print(_HTTP_PROTO . '://' . _HTTP_DOMAIN . _HTTP_PATH . _DATA_DIR . '/99999/file');?>
<div class=footer>
File transfer was created by <a href="https://twitter.com/AmazingBeu">@AmazingBeu</a>. You can find sources <a href="https://git.virtit.fr/VirtIT/web-ft">here</a>.