* @copyright FancyManiaLinks Copyright © 2017 Steffen Schröder * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ GNU General Public License, Version 3 */ class Style implements BackgroundColorable, BgColorable, Colorable, Renderable, Styleable, SubStyleable, TextFormatable { /** * @var string[] $styleIds Style Ids */ protected $styleIds = array(); /** * @var string[] $styleClasses Style classes */ protected $styleClasses = array(); /** * @var string $backgroundColor Background color */ protected $backgroundColor = null; /** * @var string $focusBackgroundColor Focus background color */ protected $focusBackgroundColor = null; /** * @var string $color Color */ protected $color = null; /** * @var string $style Style */ protected $style = null; /** * @var string $subStyle SubStyle */ protected $subStyle = null; /** * @var int $textSize Text size */ protected $textSize = null; /** * @var string $textFont Text font */ protected $textFont = null; /** * @var string $textColor Text color */ protected $textColor = null; /** * @var string $areaColor Area color */ protected $areaColor = null; /** * @var string $focusAreaColor Focus area color */ protected $focusAreaColor = null; /** * Create a new Style * * @api * @return static */ public static function create() { return new static(); } /** * Get style Ids * * @api * @return string[] */ public function getStyleIds() { return $this->styleIds; } /** * Add style Id * * @api * @param string $styleId Style Id * @return static */ public function addStyleId($styleId) { $styleId = (string)$styleId; if (!in_array($styleId, $this->styleIds)) { array_push($this->styleIds, $styleId); } return $this; } /** * Add style Ids * * @api * @param string[] $styleIds Style Ids * @return static */ public function addStyleIds(array $styleIds) { foreach ($styleIds as $styleId) { $this->addStyleId($styleId); } return $this; } /** * Set style Ids * * @api * @param string[] $styleIds Style Ids * @return static */ public function setStyleIds(array $styleIds) { return $this->removeAllStyleIds() ->addStyleIds($styleIds); } /** * Remove all style Ids * * @api * @return static */ public function removeAllStyleIds() { $this->styleIds = array(); return $this; } /** * Apply style to the given control using its Id * * @api * @param Control $control Control that should be styled * @return static */ public function applyToControl(Control $control) { return $this->addStyleId($control->checkId()); } /** * Get style classes * * @api * @return string[] */ public function getStyleClasses() { return $this->styleClasses; } /** * Add style class * * @api * @param string $styleClass Style class * @return static */ public function addStyleClass($styleClass) { $styleClass = (string)$styleClass; if (!in_array($styleClass, $this->styleClasses)) { array_push($this->styleClasses, $styleClass); } return $this; } /** * Add style classes * * @api * @param string[] $styleClasses Style classes * @return static */ public function addStyleClasses(array $styleClasses) { foreach ($styleClasses as $styleClass) { $this->addStyleClass($styleClass); } return $this; } /** * Set style classes * * @api * @param string[] $styleIds Style classes * @return static */ public function setStyleClasses(array $styleClasses) { return $this->removeAllStyleClasses() ->addStyleClasses($styleClasses); } /** * Remove all style classes * * @api * @return static */ public function removeAllStyleClasses() { $this->styleClasses = array(); return $this; } /** * Apply style to the given control using its classes * * @api * @param Control $control Control that should be styled * @return static */ public function applyToControlViaClasses(Control $control) { return $this->addStyleClasses($control->getClasses()); } /** * @see BackgroundColorable::getBackgroundColor() */ public function getBackgroundColor() { return $this->backgroundColor; } /** * @see BackgroundColorable::setBackgroundColor() */ public function setBackgroundColor($backgroundColor) { $this->backgroundColor = (string)$backgroundColor; return $this; } /** * @deprecated Use setBackgroundColor() * @see Style::setBackgroundColor() */ public function setBgColor($bgdColor) { return $this->setBackgroundColor($bgdColor); } /** * @see BackgroundColorable::getFocusBackgroundColor() */ public function getFocusBackgroundColor() { return $this->focusBackgroundColor; } /** * @see BackgroundColorable::setFocusBackgroundColor() */ public function setFocusBackgroundColor($focusBackgroundColor) { $this->focusBackgroundColor = (string)$focusBackgroundColor; return $this; } /** * @see Colorable::getColor */ public function getColor() { return $this->color; } /** * @see Colorable::setColor */ public function setColor($color) { $this->color = (string)$color; return $this; } /** * @see Styleable::getStyle() */ public function getStyle() { return $this->style; } /** * @see Styleable::setStyle() */ public function setStyle($style) { $this->style = (string)$style; return $this; } /** * @see Styleable::getSubStyle() */ public function getSubStyle() { return $this->subStyle; } /** * @see SubStyleable::setSubStyle() */ public function setSubStyle($subStyle) { $this->subStyle = (string)$subStyle; return $this; } /** * @see SubStyleable::setStyles() */ public function setStyles($style, $subStyle) { return $this->setStyle($style) ->setSubStyle($subStyle); } /** * @see TextFormatable::getTextSize() */ public function getTextSize() { return $this->textSize; } /** * @see TextFormatable::setTextSize() */ public function setTextSize($textSize) { $this->textSize = (float)$textSize; return $this; } /** * @see TextFormatable::getTextFont() */ public function getTextFont() { return $this->textFont; } /** * @see TextFormatable::setTextFont() */ public function setTextFont($textFont) { $this->textFont = (string)$textFont; return $this; } /** * @see TextFormatable::getTextColor() */ public function getTextColor() { return $this->textColor; } /** * @see TextFormatable::setTextColor() */ public function setTextColor($textColor) { $this->textColor = (string)$textColor; return $this; } /** * @see TextFormatable::getAreaColor() */ public function getAreaColor() { return $this->areaColor; } /** * @see TextFormatable::setAreaColor() */ public function setAreaColor($areaColor) { $this->areaColor = (string)$areaColor; return $this; } /** * @see TextFormatable::getAreaFocusColor() */ public function getAreaFocusColor() { return $this->focusAreaColor; } /** * @see TextFormatable::setAreaFocusColor() */ public function setAreaFocusColor($areaFocusColor) { $this->focusAreaColor = (string)$areaFocusColor; return $this; } /** * @see Renderable::render() */ public function render(\DOMDocument $domDocument) { $domElement = $domDocument->createElement("style"); if (!empty($this->styleIds)) { $domElement->setAttribute("id", implode(" ", $this->styleIds)); } if (!empty($this->styleClasses)) { $domElement->setAttribute("class", implode(" ", $this->styleClasses)); } if ($this->backgroundColor) { $domElement->setAttribute("bgcolor", $this->backgroundColor); } if ($this->focusBackgroundColor) { $domElement->setAttribute("bgcolorfocus", $this->focusBackgroundColor); } if ($this->color) { $domElement->setAttribute("color", $this->color); } if ($this->style) { $domElement->setAttribute("style", $this->style); } if ($this->subStyle) { $domElement->setAttribute("substyle", $this->subStyle); } if ($this->textSize) { $domElement->setAttribute("textsize", $this->textSize); } if ($this->textFont) { $domElement->setAttribute("textfont", $this->textFont); } if ($this->textColor) { $domElement->setAttribute("textcolor", $this->textColor); } if ($this->areaColor) { $domElement->setAttribute("focusareacolor1", $this->areaColor); } if ($this->focusAreaColor) { $domElement->setAttribute("focusareacolor2", $this->focusAreaColor); } return $domElement; } }