* @copyright 2014 ManiaControl Team * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ GNU General Public License, Version 3 */ class TimerListening { /* * Public Properties */ public $listener = null; public $method = null; public $deltaTime = null; public $oneTime = null; public $lastTrigger = null; public $instantCall = null; /** * Construct a new Timer Listening * * @param TimerListener $listener * @param string $method * @param float $deltaTime * @param bool $oneTime * @param bool $instantCall */ public function __construct(TimerListener $listener, $method, $deltaTime, $oneTime = false, $instantCall = true) { $this->listener = $listener; $this->method = $method; $this->deltaTime = $deltaTime / 1000.; $this->oneTime = (bool)$oneTime; $this->instantCall = (bool)$instantCall; if (!$this->instantCall) { $this->lastTrigger = microtime(true); } } /** * Increase last Trigger Time */ public function tick() { if ($this->lastTrigger === null) { $this->lastTrigger = microtime(true); } else { $this->lastTrigger += $this->deltaTime; } } /** * Trigger the Listener's Method * * @param float $time */ public function triggerCallback($time) { call_user_func($this->getUserFunction(), $time); } /** * Get the Callable User Function * * @return callable */ public function getUserFunction() { if (is_callable($this->method)) { return $this->method; } return array($this->listener, $this->method); } /** * Check if the desired Time is reached * * @param float $time * @return bool */ public function isTimeReached($time = null) { if ($this->lastTrigger === null) { return true; } if (!$time) { $time = microtime(true); } return ($this->lastTrigger + $this->deltaTime <= $time); } }