maniaControl = $maniaControl; } /** * Store Map Info from MX and store the mxid in the database and the mx info in the map object * * @param $mxMapInfos */ public function updateMapObjectsWithManiaExchangeIds($mxMapInfos) { $mysqli = $this->maniaControl->database->mysqli; // Save map data $saveMapQuery = "UPDATE `" . MapManager::TABLE_MAPS . "` SET `mxid` = ? WHERE `uid` = ?;"; $saveMapStatement = $mysqli->prepare($saveMapQuery); if($mysqli->error) { trigger_error($mysqli->error); return; } foreach($mxMapInfos as $mxMapInfo) { /** @var MXMapInfo $mxMapInfo */ $saveMapStatement->bind_param('is', $mxMapInfo->id, $mxMapInfo->uid); $saveMapStatement->execute(); if($saveMapStatement->error) { trigger_error($saveMapStatement->error); } //Take the uid out of the vektor if(isset($this->mxIdUidVector[$mxMapInfo->id])) { $uid = $this->mxIdUidVector[$mxMapInfo->id]; } else { $uid = $mxMapInfo->uid; } $map = $this->maniaControl->mapManager->getMapByUid($uid); /** @var Map $map */ $map->mx = $mxMapInfo; } $saveMapStatement->close(); } /** * Fetch Map Information from Mania Exchange */ public function fetchManiaExchangeMapInformations() { $maps = $this->maniaControl->mapManager->getMaps(); $mysqli = $this->maniaControl->database->mysqli; $mapIdString = ''; // Fetch mx ids $fetchMapQuery = "SELECT `mxid`, `changed` FROM `" . MapManager::TABLE_MAPS . "` WHERE `index` = ?;"; $fetchMapStatement = $mysqli->prepare($fetchMapQuery); if($mysqli->error) { trigger_error($mysqli->error); return; } $id = 0; foreach($maps as $map) { /** @var Map $map */ $fetchMapStatement->bind_param('i', $map->index); $fetchMapStatement->execute(); if($fetchMapStatement->error) { trigger_error($fetchMapStatement->error); continue; } $fetchMapStatement->store_result(); $fetchMapStatement->bind_result($mxId, $changed); $fetchMapStatement->fetch(); $fetchMapStatement->free_result(); //Set changed time into the map object $map->lastUpdate = strtotime($changed); if($mxId != 0) { $appendString = $mxId . ','; //Set the mx id to the mxidmapvektor $this->mxIdUidVector[$mxId] = $map->uid; } else { $appendString = $map->uid . ','; } $id++; //If Max Maplimit is reached, or string gets too long send the request if(($id % self::MAPS_PER_MX_FETCH == 0) || ((strlen($mapIdString) + strlen($appendString)) > self::MX_CHAR_LIMIT)) { $maps = $this->getMaplistByMixedUidIdString($mapIdString); $this->updateMapObjectsWithManiaExchangeIds($maps); $mapIdString = ''; $id = 0; } $mapIdString .= $appendString; } if($mapIdString != '') { $maps = $this->getMaplistByMixedUidIdString($mapIdString); $this->updateMapObjectsWithManiaExchangeIds($maps); } $fetchMapStatement->close(); } public function getMaplistByMixedUidIdString($string) { // Get Title Id $titleId = $this->maniaControl->server->titleId; $titlePrefix = strtolower(substr($titleId, 0, 2)); // compile search URL $url = '' . $titlePrefix . '/maps/' . $string; // $mapInfo = FileUtil::loadFile($url, "application/json"); //TODO use mc fileutil $mapInfo = $this->get_file($url); // TODO errors /* * if ($file === false) { $this->error = 'Connection or response error on ' . $url; return array(); } elseif ($file === -1) { $this->error = * 'Timed out while reading data from ' . $url; return array(); } elseif ($file == '') { if (empty($maps)) { $this->error = 'No data returned * from ' . $url; return array(); } else { break; } } */ $mxMapList = json_decode($mapInfo); if($mxMapList === null) { trigger_error('Cannot decode searched JSON data from ' . $url); return null; } $maps = array(); foreach($mxMapList as $map) { if(!empty($map)) { array_push($maps, new MXMapInfo($titlePrefix, $map)); } } return $maps; } /** * Gets a Maplist from Mania Exchange * * @param string $name * @param string $author * @param string $env * @param int $maxMapsReturned * @param int $searchOrder * @return array null */ public function getMaps($name = '', $author = '', $env = '', $maxMapsReturned = 100, $searchOrder = self::SEARCH_ORDER_UPDATED_NEWEST) { // Get Title Id $titleId = $this->maniaControl->server->titleId; $titlePrefix = strtolower(substr($titleId, 0, 2)); // Get MapTypes $this->maniaControl->client->query('GetModeScriptInfo'); $scriptInfos = $this->maniaControl->client->getResponse(); $mapTypes = $scriptInfos["CompatibleMapTypes"]; // compile search URL $url = 'http://' . $titlePrefix . ''; if($env != '') { $url .= '&environments=' . $this->getEnvironment($env); } if($name != '') { $url .= '&trackname=' . str_replace(" ", "%20", $name); } if($author != '') { $url .= '&author=' . $author; } $url .= '&priord=' . $searchOrder; $url .= '&limit=' . $maxMapsReturned; $url .= '&mtype=' . $mapTypes; // $mapInfo = FileUtil::loadFile($url, "application/json"); //TODO use mc fileutil $mapInfo = $this->get_file($url); // TODO errors /* * if ($file === false) { $this->error = 'Connection or response error on ' . $url; return array(); } elseif ($file === -1) { $this->error = * 'Timed out while reading data from ' . $url; return array(); } elseif ($file == '') { if (empty($maps)) { $this->error = 'No data returned * from ' . $url; return array(); } else { break; } } */ $mxMapList = json_decode($mapInfo); if($mxMapList === null) { trigger_error('Cannot decode searched JSON data from ' . $url); return null; } $maps = array(); foreach($mxMapList as $map) { if(!empty($map)) { array_push($maps, new MXMapInfo($titlePrefix, $map)); } } return $maps; } private function get_file($url) { $url = parse_url($url); $port = isset($url['port']) ? $url['port'] : 80; $query = isset($url['query']) ? "?" . $url['query'] : ""; $fp = @fsockopen($url['host'], $port, $errno, $errstr, 4); if(!$fp) { return false; } fwrite($fp, 'GET ' . $url['path'] . $query . " HTTP/1.0\r\n" . 'Host: ' . $url['host'] . "\r\n" . 'Content-Type: application/json' . "\r\n" . 'User-Agent: ManiaControl v' . ManiaControl::VERSION . "\r\n\r\n"); stream_set_timeout($fp, 2); $res = ''; $info['timed_out'] = false; while(!feof($fp) && !$info['timed_out']) { $res .= fread($fp, 512); $info = stream_get_meta_data($fp); } fclose($fp); if($info['timed_out']) { return -1; } else { if(substr($res, 9, 3) != '200') { return false; } $page = explode("\r\n\r\n", $res, 2); return trim($page[1]); } } // get_file private function getEnvironment($env) { switch($env) { case 'TMCanyon': case 'SMStorm': return 1; case 'TMStadium': return 2; case 'TMValley': return 3; default: return -1; } } } //TODO put in own file class MXMapInfo { public $prefix, $id, $uid, $name, $userid, $author, $uploaded, $updated, $type, $maptype; public $titlepack, $style, $envir, $mood, $dispcost, $lightmap, $modname, $exever; public $exebld, $routes, $length, $unlimiter, $laps, $diffic, $lbrating, $trkvalue; public $replaytyp, $replayid, $replaycnt, $acomment, $awards, $comments, $rating; public $ratingex, $ratingcnt, $pageurl, $replayurl, $imageurl, $thumburl, $dloadurl; /** * Returns map object with all available data from MX map data * * @param String $prefix MX URL prefix * @param Object $map The MX map data from MXInfoSearcher * @return MXMapInfo */ public function __construct($prefix, $mx) { $this->prefix = $prefix; if($mx) { if($this->prefix == 'tm') { $dir = 'tracks'; } else // 'sm' || 'qm' { $dir = 'maps'; } if($this->prefix == 'tm' || !property_exists($mx, "MapID")) { $this->id = $mx->TrackID; } else { $this->id = $mx->MapID; } $this->name = $mx->Name; $this->uid = isset($mx->MapUID) ? $mx->MapUID : ''; $this->userid = $mx->UserID; $this->author = $mx->Username; $this->uploaded = $mx->UploadedAt; $this->updated = $mx->UpdatedAt; $this->type = $mx->TypeName; $this->maptype = isset($mx->MapType) ? $mx->MapType : ''; $this->titlepack = isset($mx->TitlePack) ? $mx->TitlePack : ''; $this->style = isset($mx->StyleName) ? $mx->StyleName : ''; $this->envir = $mx->EnvironmentName; $this->mood = $mx->Mood; $this->dispcost = $mx->DisplayCost; $this->lightmap = $mx->Lightmap; $this->modname = isset($mx->ModName) ? $mx->ModName : ''; $this->exever = $mx->ExeVersion; $this->exebld = $mx->ExeBuild; $this->routes = isset($mx->RouteName) ? $mx->RouteName : ''; $this->length = isset($mx->LengthName) ? $mx->LengthName : ''; $this->unlimiter = isset($mx->UnlimiterRequired) ? $mx->UnlimiterRequired : false; $this->laps = isset($mx->Laps) ? $mx->Laps : 0; $this->diffic = $mx->DifficultyName; $this->lbrating = isset($mx->LBRating) ? $mx->LBRating : 0; $this->trkvalue = isset($mx->TrackValue) ? $mx->TrackValue : 0; $this->replaytyp = isset($mx->ReplayTypeName) ? $mx->ReplayTypeName : ''; $this->replayid = isset($mx->ReplayWRID) ? $mx->ReplayWRID : 0; $this->replaycnt = isset($mx->ReplayCount) ? $mx->ReplayCount : 0; $this->acomment = $mx->Comments; $this->awards = isset($mx->AwardCount) ? $mx->AwardCount : 0; $this->comments = $mx->CommentCount; $this->rating = isset($mx->Rating) ? $mx->Rating : 0.0; $this->ratingex = isset($mx->RatingExact) ? $mx->RatingExact : 0.0; $this->ratingcnt = isset($mx->RatingCount) ? $mx->RatingCount : 0; if($this->trkvalue == 0 && $this->lbrating > 0) { $this->trkvalue = $this->lbrating; } elseif($this->lbrating == 0 && $this->trkvalue > 0) { $this->lbrating = $this->trkvalue; } $search = array(chr(31), '[b]', '[/b]', '[i]', '[/i]', '[u]', '[/u]', '[url]', '[/url]'); $replace = array('
', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''); $this->acomment = str_ireplace($search, $replace, $this->acomment); $this->acomment = preg_replace('/\[url=.*\]/', '', $this->acomment); $this->pageurl = 'http://' . $this->prefix . '' . $dir . '/view/' . $this->id; $this->imageurl = 'http://' . $this->prefix . '' . $dir . '/screenshot/normal/' . $this->id; $this->thumburl = 'http://' . $this->prefix . '' . $dir . '/screenshot/small/' . $this->id; $this->dloadurl = 'http://' . $this->prefix . '' . $dir . '/download/' . $this->id; if($this->prefix == 'tm' && $this->replayid > 0) { $this->replayurl = 'http://' . $this->prefix . '' . $this->replayid; } else { $this->replayurl = ''; } } } // MXMapInfo } // class MXMapInfo