* @copyright 2014 ManiaControl Team * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ GNU General Public License, Version 3 */ class ServerOptionsMenu implements CallbackListener, ConfiguratorMenu, TimerListener { /* * Constants */ const CB_SERVER_OPTION_CHANGED = 'ServerOptionsMenu.OptionChanged'; const CB_SERVER_OPTIONS_CHANGED = 'ServerOptionsMenu.OptionsChanged'; const SETTING_PERMISSION_CHANGE_SERVER_OPTIONS = 'Change Server Options'; const TABLE_SERVER_OPTIONS = 'mc_server_options'; const ACTION_PREFIX_OPTION = 'ServerOptionsMenu.'; /** @deprecated */ const CB_SERVERSETTING_CHANGED = self::CB_SERVER_OPTION_CHANGED; /** @deprecated */ const CB_SERVERSETTINGS_CHANGED = self::CB_SERVER_OPTIONS_CHANGED; /* * Private properties */ /** @var ManiaControl $maniaControl */ private $maniaControl = null; /** * Construct a new server options menu instance * * @param ManiaControl $maniaControl */ public function __construct(ManiaControl $maniaControl) { $this->maniaControl = $maniaControl; $this->initTables(); // Callbacks $this->maniaControl->callbackManager->registerCallbackListener(Callbacks::ONINIT, $this, 'onInit'); $this->maniaControl->timerManager->registerTimerListening($this, 'saveCurrentServerOptions', 6 * 3600 * 1000); // Permissions $this->maniaControl->authenticationManager->definePermissionLevel(self::SETTING_PERMISSION_CHANGE_SERVER_OPTIONS, AuthenticationManager::AUTH_LEVEL_SUPERADMIN); } /** * Initialize necessary database tables * * @return bool */ private function initTables() { $mysqli = $this->maniaControl->database->mysqli; $query = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" . self::TABLE_SERVER_OPTIONS . "` ( `index` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `serverIndex` int(11) NOT NULL, `optionName` varchar(100) NOT NULL, `optionValue` varchar(500) NOT NULL, `changed` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (`index`), UNIQUE KEY `option` (`serverIndex`, `optionName`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci COMMENT='Server Options' AUTO_INCREMENT=1;"; $statement = $mysqli->prepare($query); if ($mysqli->error) { trigger_error($mysqli->error, E_USER_ERROR); return false; } $statement->execute(); if ($statement->error) { trigger_error($statement->error, E_USER_ERROR); return false; } $statement->close(); return true; } /** * @see \ManiaControl\Configurators\ConfiguratorMenu::getTitle() */ public static function getTitle() { return 'Server Options'; } /** * Save the current server options in case they have been changed by an external tool * * @return bool */ public function saveCurrentServerOptions() { $serverOptions = $this->maniaControl->client->getServerOptions(); return $this->saveServerOptions($serverOptions); } /** * Save the given server options in the database * * @param ServerOptions $serverOptions * @param bool $triggerCallbacks * @return bool */ private function saveServerOptions(ServerOptions $serverOptions, $triggerCallbacks = false) { $mysqli = $this->maniaControl->database->mysqli; $query = "INSERT INTO `" . self::TABLE_SERVER_OPTIONS . "` ( `serverIndex`, `optionName`, `optionValue` ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ? ) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `optionValue` = VALUES(`optionValue`);"; $statement = $mysqli->prepare($query); if ($mysqli->error) { trigger_error($mysqli->error); return false; } $optionName = null; $optionValue = null; $statement->bind_param('iss', $this->maniaControl->server->index, $optionName, $optionValue); $serverOptionsArray = $serverOptions->toArray(); foreach ($serverOptionsArray as $optionName => $optionValue) { if ($optionValue === null) { continue; } $statement->execute(); if ($statement->error) { trigger_error($statement->error); $statement->close(); return false; } if ($triggerCallbacks) { $this->maniaControl->callbackManager->triggerCallback(self::CB_SERVER_OPTION_CHANGED, array(self::CB_SERVER_OPTION_CHANGED, $optionName, $optionValue)); } } $statement->close(); return true; } /** * Handle OnInit callback */ public function onInit() { $this->loadOptionsFromDatabase(); } /** * Load options from database * * @return bool */ public function loadOptionsFromDatabase() { $mysqli = $this->maniaControl->database->mysqli; $query = "SELECT * FROM `" . self::TABLE_SERVER_OPTIONS . "` WHERE `serverIndex` = {$this->maniaControl->server->index};"; $result = $mysqli->query($query); if ($mysqli->error) { trigger_error($mysqli->error); return false; } $oldServerOptions = $this->maniaControl->client->getServerOptions(); $newServerOptions = new ServerOptions(); while ($row = $result->fetch_object()) { $optionName = lcfirst($row->optionName); if (!property_exists($oldServerOptions, $optionName)) { continue; } $newServerOptions->$optionName = $row->optionValue; settype($newServerOptions->$optionName, gettype($oldServerOptions->$optionName)); } $result->free(); $this->fillUpMandatoryOptions($newServerOptions, $oldServerOptions); $loaded = false; try { $loaded = $this->maniaControl->client->setServerOptions($newServerOptions); } catch (ServerOptionsException $exception) { $this->maniaControl->chat->sendExceptionToAdmins($exception); } if ($loaded) { Logger::logInfo('Server Options successfully loaded!'); } else { Logger::logError('Error loading Server Options!'); } return $loaded; } /** * Fill up the new server options object with the necessary options based on the old options object * * @param ServerOptions $newServerOptions * @param ServerOptions $oldServerOptions * @return ServerOptions */ private function fillUpMandatoryOptions(ServerOptions &$newServerOptions, ServerOptions $oldServerOptions) { $mandatoryOptions = array('name', 'comment', 'password', 'passwordForSpectator', 'nextCallVoteTimeOut', 'callVoteRatio'); foreach ($mandatoryOptions as $optionName) { if (!isset($newServerOptions->$optionName) && isset($oldServerOptions->$optionName)) { $newServerOptions->$optionName = $oldServerOptions->$optionName; } } return $newServerOptions; } /** * @see \ManiaControl\Configurators\ConfiguratorMenu::getMenu() */ public function getMenu($width, $height, Script $script, Player $player) { $paging = new Paging(); $script->addFeature($paging); $frame = new Frame(); $serverOptions = $this->maniaControl->client->getServerOptions(); $serverOptionsArray = $serverOptions->toArray(); // Config $pagerSize = 9.; $optionHeight = 5.; $labelTextSize = 2; // Pagers $pagerPrev = new Quad_Icons64x64_1(); $frame->add($pagerPrev); $pagerPrev->setPosition($width * 0.39, $height * -0.44, 2) ->setSize($pagerSize, $pagerSize) ->setSubStyle($pagerPrev::SUBSTYLE_ArrowPrev); $pagerNext = new Quad_Icons64x64_1(); $frame->add($pagerNext); $pagerNext->setPosition($width * 0.45, $height * -0.44, 2) ->setSize($pagerSize, $pagerSize) ->setSubStyle($pagerNext::SUBSTYLE_ArrowNext); $pageCountLabel = new Label_Text(); $frame->add($pageCountLabel); $pageCountLabel->setHAlign($pageCountLabel::RIGHT) ->setPosition($width * 0.35, $height * -0.44, 1) ->setStyle($pageCountLabel::STYLE_TextTitle1) ->setTextSize(2); $paging->addButton($pagerNext) ->addButton($pagerPrev) ->setLabel($pageCountLabel); // Pages $posY = 0.; $index = 0; $pageFrame = null; foreach ($serverOptionsArray as $name => $value) { // Continue on CurrentMaxPlayers... $pos = strpos($name, 'Current'); // TODO: display 'Current...' somewhere if ($pos !== false) { continue; } if ($index % 13 === 0) { $pageFrame = new Frame(); $frame->add($pageFrame); $posY = $height * 0.41; $paging->addPage($pageFrame); } $optionsFrame = new Frame(); $pageFrame->add($optionsFrame); $optionsFrame->setY($posY); $nameLabel = new Label_Text(); $optionsFrame->add($nameLabel); $nameLabel->setHAlign($nameLabel::LEFT) ->setX($width * -0.46) ->setSize($width * 0.4, $optionHeight) ->setStyle($nameLabel::STYLE_TextCardSmall) ->setTextSize($labelTextSize) ->setText($name) ->setTextColor('fff'); if (is_bool($value)) { // Boolean checkbox $quad = new Quad(); $quad->setPosition($width * 0.23, 0, -0.01) ->setSize(4, 4); $checkBox = new CheckBox(self::ACTION_PREFIX_OPTION . $name, $value, $quad); $optionsFrame->add($checkBox); } else { // Other $entry = new Entry(); $optionsFrame->add($entry); $entry->setStyle(Label_Text::STYLE_TextValueSmall) ->setX($width * 0.23) ->setTextSize(1) ->setSize($width * 0.48, $optionHeight * 0.9) ->setName(self::ACTION_PREFIX_OPTION . $name) ->setDefault($value); if ($name === 'Comment') { $entry->setSize($width * 0.48, $optionHeight * 3. + $optionHeight * 0.9) ->setAutoNewLine(true); $optionsFrame->setY($posY - $optionHeight * 1.5); $posY -= $optionHeight * 3.; $index += 3; } } $posY -= $optionHeight; $index++; } return $frame; } /** * @see \ManiaControl\Configurators\ConfiguratorMenu::saveConfigData() */ public function saveConfigData(array $configData, Player $player) { if (!$this->maniaControl->authenticationManager->checkPermission($player, self::SETTING_PERMISSION_CHANGE_SERVER_OPTIONS)) { $this->maniaControl->authenticationManager->sendNotAllowed($player); return; } if (!$configData[3] || strpos($configData[3][0]['Name'], self::ACTION_PREFIX_OPTION) !== 0) { return; } $prefixLength = strlen(self::ACTION_PREFIX_OPTION); $oldServerOptions = $this->maniaControl->client->getServerOptions(); $newServerOptions = new ServerOptions(); foreach ($configData[3] as $option) { $optionName = lcfirst(substr($option['Name'], $prefixLength)); $newServerOptions->$optionName = $option['Value']; settype($newServerOptions->$optionName, gettype($oldServerOptions->$optionName)); } $this->fillUpMandatoryOptions($newServerOptions, $oldServerOptions); $success = $this->applyNewServerOptions($newServerOptions, $player); if ($success) { $this->maniaControl->chat->sendSuccess('Server Options saved!', $player); } else { $this->maniaControl->chat->sendError('Server Options saving failed!', $player); } // Reopen the Menu $this->maniaControl->configurator->showMenu($player, $this); } /** * Apply the array of new Server Options * * @param ServerOptions $newServerOptions * @param Player $player * @return bool */ private function applyNewServerOptions(ServerOptions $newServerOptions, Player $player) { try { $this->maniaControl->client->setServerOptions($newServerOptions); } catch (ServerOptionsException $exception) { $this->maniaControl->chat->sendException($exception, $player); return false; } $this->saveServerOptions($newServerOptions, true); $this->maniaControl->callbackManager->triggerCallback(self::CB_SERVER_OPTIONS_CHANGED, array(self::CB_SERVER_OPTIONS_CHANGED)); return true; } }