includes[$namespace] = $file; return $this; } /** * Set a Constant of the Script * * @param string $name Variable Name of the Constant * @param string $value Constant Value * @return \FML\Script\Script */ public function setConstant($name, $value) { $this->constants[$name] = $value; return $this; } /** * Set a Function of the Script * * @param string $name Function Name * @param string $coding Complete Function Implementation including Declaration * @return \FML\Script\Script */ public function setFunction($name, $coding) { $this->functions[$name] = $coding; return $this; } /** * Add a Tooltip Behavior * * @param Control $hoverControl The Control that shows the Tooltip * @param Control $tooltipControl The Tooltip to display * @param string $options,... (optional) Unlimited Number of Tooltip Options * @return \FML\Script\Script */ public function addTooltip(Control $hoverControl, Control $tooltipControl) { if (!($hoverControl instanceof Scriptable)) { trigger_error('Scriptable Control needed as HoverControl for Tooltips!'); return $this; } $tooltipControl->checkId(); $tooltipControl->setVisible(false); $hoverControl->checkId(); $hoverControl->setScriptEvents(true); $hoverControl->addClass(self::CLASS_TOOLTIP); $hoverControl->addClass(self::CLASS_TOOLTIP . '-' . $tooltipControl->getId()); $options = $this->spliceParameters(func_get_args(), 2); foreach ($options as $option => $value) { if ($option == self::OPTION_TOOLTIP_TEXT) { if (!($tooltipControl instanceof Label)) { trigger_error('Label needed for Tooltip Text Option!'); continue; } $hoverId = $hoverControl->getId(); $tooltipId = $tooltipControl->getId(); if (!isset($this->tooltipTexts[$tooltipId])) { $this->tooltipTexts[$tooltipId] = array(); } $this->tooltipTexts[$tooltipId][$hoverId] = $value; continue; } if ($option == self::OPTION_TOOLTIP_INVERT) { $tooltipControl->setVisible(true); } $hoverControl->addClass($option); } $this->tooltips = true; return $this; } /** * Add a Menu Behavior * * @param Control $clickControl The Control showing the Menu * @param Control $menuControl The Menu to show * @param string $menuId (optional) An identifier to specify the Menu Group * @return \FML\Script\Script */ public function addMenu(Control $clickControl, Control $menuControl, $menuId = null) { if (!($clickControl instanceof Scriptable)) { trigger_error('Scriptable Control needed as ClickControl for Menus!'); return $this; } if (!$menuId) $menuId = '_'; $menuControl->checkId(); $menuControl->addClass(self::CLASS_MENU); $menuControl->addClass($menuId); $clickControl->setScriptEvents(true); $clickControl->addClass(self::CLASS_MENUBUTTON); $clickControl->addClass($menuId . '-' . $menuControl->getId()); $this->menus = true; return $this; } /** * Add a Page for a Paging Behavior * * @param Control $pageControl The Page to display * @param int $pageNumber The Number of the Page * @param string $pagesId (optional) An identifier to specify the Pages Group * @return \FML\Script\Script */ public function addPage(Control $pageControl, $pageNumber, $pagesId = null) { $pageNumber = (int) $pageNumber; if (!$pagesId) $pagesId = '_'; $pageControl->addClass(self::CLASS_PAGE); $pageControl->addClass($pagesId); $pageControl->addClass(self::CLASS_PAGE . '-P' . $pageNumber); return $this; } /** * Add a Pager Button for a Paging Behavior * * @param Control $pagerControl The Control to leaf through the Pages * @param int $pagingAction The Number of Pages the Pager leafs * @param string $pagesId (optional) An identifier to specify the Pages Group * @return \FML\Script\Script */ public function addPager(Control $pagerControl, $pagingAction, $pagesId = null) { if (!($pagerControl instanceof Scriptable)) { trigger_error('Scriptable Control needed as PagerControl for Pages!'); return $this; } $pagingAction = (int) $pagingAction; if (!$pagesId) $pagesId = '_'; $pagerControl->setScriptEvents(true); $pagerControl->addClass(self::CLASS_PAGER); $pagerControl->addClass(self::CLASS_PAGER . '-I' . $pagesId); $pagerControl->addClass(self::CLASS_PAGER . '-A' . $pagingAction); $this->pages = true; return $this; } /** * Add a Label that shows the current Page Number * * @param Label $pageLabel The Label showing the Number of the currently displayed Page * @param string $pagesId * @return \FML\Script\Script */ public function addPageLabel(Label $pageLabel, $pagesId = null) { if (!$pagesId) $pagesId = '_'; $pageLabel->addClass(self::CLASS_PAGELABEL); $pageLabel->addClass($pagesId); return $this; } /** * Add a Button Behavior that will open the Built-In Player Profile * (Works only for Server ManiaLinks) * * @param Control $profileControl The Control opening a Profile * @param string $playerLogin The Player Login * @return \FML\Script\Script */ public function addProfileButton(Control $profileControl, $playerLogin) { if (!($profileControl instanceof Scriptable)) { trigger_error('Scriptable Control needed as ClickControl for Profiles!'); return $this; } $profileControl->setScriptEvents(true); $profileControl->addClass(self::CLASS_PROFILE); $playerLogin = (string) $playerLogin; $profileControl->addClass(self::CLASS_PROFILE . '-' . $playerLogin); $this->profile = true; return $this; } /** * Add a Button Behavior that will open the Built-In Map Info * (Works only on a Server) * * @param Control $mapInfoControl The Control opening the Map Info * @return \FML\Script\Script */ public function addMapInfoButton(Control $mapInfoControl) { if (!($mapInfoControl instanceof Scriptable)) { trigger_error('Scriptable Control needed as ClickControl for Map Info!'); return $this; } $mapInfoControl->setScriptEvents(true); $mapInfoControl->addClass(self::CLASS_MAPINFO); $this->mapInfo = true; return $this; } /** * Add a Sound Playing for the Control * (Works only for Server ManiaLinks) * * @param Control $control The Control playing a Sound * @param string $soundName The Sound to play * @param int $soundVariant (optional) Sound Variant * @param float $soundVolume (optional) Sound Volume * @param string $eventLabel (optional) The Event Label on which the Sound should be played * @return \FML\Script\Script */ public function addSound(Control $control, $soundName, $soundVariant = 0, $soundVolume = 1., $eventLabel = self::LABEL_MOUSECLICK) { if (!($control instanceof Scriptable)) { trigger_error('Scriptable Control needed as ClickControl for Sounds!'); return $this; } $control->setScriptEvents(true); $control->checkId(); $control->addClass(self::CLASS_SOUND); $soundData = array(); $soundData['soundName'] = $soundName; $soundData['soundVariant'] = $soundVariant; $soundData['soundVolume'] = $soundVolume; $soundData['controlId'] = $control->getId(); $soundData['eventLabel'] = $eventLabel; array_push($this->sounds, $soundData); return $this; } /** * Add a Toggling Behavior * * @param Control $clickControl The Control that toggles another Control on Click * @param Control $toggleControl The Control to toggle * @param string $mode (optional) Whether the Visibility should be toggled or only en-/disabled * @return \FML\Script\Script */ public function addToggle(Control $clickControl, Control $toggleControl, $option = null) { if (!($clickControl instanceof Scriptable)) { trigger_error('Scriptable Control needed as ClickControl for Toggles!'); return $this; } $toggleControl->checkId(); if ($option == self::OPTION_TOGGLE_HIDE) { $toggleControl->setVisible(true); $clickControl->addClass($option); } else if ($option == self::OPTION_TOGGLE_SHOW) { $toggleControl->setVisible(false); $clickControl->addClass($option); } $clickControl->setScriptEvents(true); $clickControl->addClass(self::CLASS_TOGGLE); $clickControl->addClass(self::CLASS_TOGGLE . '-' . $toggleControl->getId()); $this->toggles = true; return $this; } /** * Add a Spectate Button Behavior * * @param Control $clickControl The Control that works as Spectate Button * @param string $spectateTargetLogin The Login of the Player to Spectate * @return \FML\Script\Script */ public function addSpectateButton(Control $clickControl, $spectateTargetLogin) { if (!($clickControl instanceof Scriptable)) { trigger_error('Scriptable Control needed as ClickControl for Spectating!'); return $this; } $clickControl->setScriptEvents(true); $clickControl->addClass(self::CLASS_SPECTATE); $spectateTargetLogin = (string) $spectateTargetLogin; $clickControl->addClass(self::CLASS_SPECTATE . '-' . $spectateTargetLogin); $this->spectate = true; return $this; } /** * Create the Script XML Tag * * @param \DOMDocument $domDocument DOMDocument for which the XML Element should be created * @return \DOMElement */ public function render(\DOMDocument $domDocument) { $scriptXml = $domDocument->createElement($this->tagName); $scriptText = $this->buildScriptText(); $scriptComment = $domDocument->createComment($scriptText); $scriptXml->appendChild($scriptComment); return $scriptXml; } /** * Build the complete Script Text * * @return string */ private function buildScriptText() { $mainFunction = $this->getMainFunction(); $labels = $this->getLabels(); $functions = $this->getFunctions(); $constants = $this->getConstants(); $includes = $this->getIncludes(); $headerComment = $this->getHeaderComment(); $scriptText = PHP_EOL; $scriptText .= $headerComment; $scriptText .= $includes; $scriptText .= $constants; $scriptText .= $functions; $scriptText .= $labels; $scriptText .= $mainFunction; return $scriptText; } /** * Get the Header Comment * * @return string */ private function getHeaderComment() { $headerComment = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/Parts/Header.txt'); return $headerComment; } /** * Get the Includes * * @return string */ private function getIncludes() { $includesText = PHP_EOL; foreach ($this->includes as $namespace => $file) { $includesText .= "#Include \"{$file}\" as {$namespace}" . PHP_EOL; } return $includesText; } /** * Get the Constants * * @return string */ private function getConstants() { $this->buildTooltipConstants(); $constantsText = PHP_EOL; foreach ($this->constants as $name => $value) { $constantsText .= "#Const {$name} {$value}" . PHP_EOL; } return $constantsText; } /** * Build the Constants needed for tooltips */ private function buildTooltipConstants() { if (!$this->tooltips) return; $constantText = '['; $index = 0; $count = count($this->tooltipTexts); if ($count > 0) { foreach ($this->tooltipTexts as $tooltipId => $tooltipTexts) { $constantText .= '"' . $tooltipId . '" => ['; $subIndex = 0; $subCount = count($tooltipTexts); if ($subCount > 0) { foreach ($tooltipTexts as $hoverId => $text) { $constantText .= '"' . $hoverId . '" => "' . $text . '"'; if ($subIndex < $subCount - 1) $constantText .= ', '; $subIndex++; } } else { $constantText .= '""'; } $constantText .= ']'; if ($index < $count - 1) $constantText .= ', '; $index++; } } else { $constantText .= '"" => ["" => ""]'; } $constantText .= ']'; $this->setConstant(self::CONSTANT_TOOLTIPTEXTS, $constantText); } /** * Get the Functions * * @return string */ private function getFunctions() { $this->buildTooltipFunctions(); $functionsText = PHP_EOL; foreach ($this->functions as $name => $coding) { $functionsText .= $coding; } return $functionsText; } /** * Build the Functions needed for Tooltips */ private function buildTooltipFunctions() { if (!$this->tooltips) return; $this->setInclude('TextLib', 'TextLib'); $setFunctionText = " Void " . self::FUNCTION_SETTOOLTIPTEXT . "(CMlControl _TooltipControl, CMlControl _HoverControl) { if (!_TooltipControl.Visible) return; declare TooltipId = _TooltipControl.ControlId; declare HoverId = _HoverControl.ControlId; if (!" . self::CONSTANT_TOOLTIPTEXTS . ".existskey(TooltipId)) return; if (!" . self::CONSTANT_TOOLTIPTEXTS . "[TooltipId].existskey(HoverId)) return; declare Label = (_TooltipControl as CMlLabel); Label.Value = " . self::CONSTANT_TOOLTIPTEXTS . "[TooltipId][HoverId]; }"; $this->setFunction(self::FUNCTION_SETTOOLTIPTEXT, $setFunctionText); $getFunctionText = " Text " . self::FUNCTION_GETTOOLTIPCONTROLID . "(Text _ControlClass) { declare ClassParts = TextLib::Split(\"-\", _ControlClass); if (ClassParts.count < 2) return \"\"; if (ClassParts[0] != \"" . self::CLASS_TOOLTIP . "\") return \"\"; return ClassParts[1]; }"; $this->setFunction(self::FUNCTION_GETTOOLTIPCONTROLID, $getFunctionText); } /** * Get Labels * * @return string */ private function getLabels() { $labelsText = PHP_EOL; $labelsText .= $this->getTooltipLabels(); $labelsText .= $this->getMenuLabels(); $labelsText .= $this->getPagesLabels(); $labelsText .= $this->getProfileLabels(); $labelsText .= $this->getMapInfoLabels(); $labelsText .= $this->getSoundLabels(); $labelsText .= $this->getToggleLabels(); $labelsText .= $this->getSpectateLabels(); return $labelsText; } /** * Get the Tooltip Labels * * @return string */ private function getTooltipLabels() { if (!$this->tooltips) return ''; $mouseOverScript = " if (Event.Control.HasClass(\"" . self::CLASS_TOOLTIP . "\")) { declare Invert = Event.Control.HasClass(\"" . self::OPTION_TOOLTIP_INVERT . "\"); foreach (ControlClass in Event.Control.ControlClasses) { declare ControlId = " . self::FUNCTION_GETTOOLTIPCONTROLID . "(ControlClass); if (ControlId == \"\") continue; declare TooltipControl <=> Page.GetFirstChild(ControlId); if (TooltipControl == Null) continue; TooltipControl.Visible = !Invert; " . self::FUNCTION_SETTOOLTIPTEXT . "(TooltipControl, Event.Control); } }"; $mouseOutScript = " if (Event.Control.HasClass(\"" . self::CLASS_TOOLTIP . "\")) { declare FML_Clicked for Event.Control = False; declare StayOnClick = Event.Control.HasClass(\"" . self::OPTION_TOOLTIP_STAYONCLICK . "\"); if (!StayOnClick || !FML_Clicked) { declare Invert = Event.Control.HasClass(\"" . self::OPTION_TOOLTIP_INVERT . "\"); foreach (ControlClass in Event.Control.ControlClasses) { declare ControlId = " . self::FUNCTION_GETTOOLTIPCONTROLID . "(ControlClass); if (ControlId == \"\") continue; declare TooltipControl <=> Page.GetFirstChild(ControlId); if (TooltipControl == Null) continue; TooltipControl.Visible = Invert; " . self::FUNCTION_SETTOOLTIPTEXT . "(TooltipControl, Event.Control); } } }"; $mouseClickScript = " if (Event.Control.HasClass(\"" . self::CLASS_TOOLTIP . "\")) { declare Handle = True; declare Show = False; declare StayOnClick = Event.Control.HasClass(\"" . self::OPTION_TOOLTIP_STAYONCLICK . "\"); if (StayOnClick) { declare FML_Clicked for Event.Control = False; FML_Clicked = !FML_Clicked; if (FML_Clicked) { Handle = False; } else { Show = False; } } else { Handle = False; } if (Handle) { declare Invert = Event.Control.HasClass(\"" . self::OPTION_TOOLTIP_INVERT . "\"); foreach (ControlClass in Event.Control.ControlClasses) { declare ControlId = " . self::FUNCTION_GETTOOLTIPCONTROLID . "(ControlClass); if (ControlId == \"\") continue; declare TooltipControl <=> Page.GetFirstChild(ControlId); if (TooltipControl == Null) continue; TooltipControl.Visible = Show && !Invert; " . self::FUNCTION_SETTOOLTIPTEXT . "(TooltipControl, Event.Control); } } }"; $tooltipsLabels = Builder::getLabelImplementationBlock(self::LABEL_MOUSEOVER, $mouseOverScript); $tooltipsLabels .= Builder::getLabelImplementationBlock(self::LABEL_MOUSEOUT, $mouseOutScript); $tooltipsLabels .= Builder::getLabelImplementationBlock(self::LABEL_MOUSECLICK, $mouseClickScript); return $tooltipsLabels; } /** * Get the Menu Labels * * @return string */ private function getMenuLabels() { if (!$this->menus) return ''; $this->setInclude('TextLib', 'TextLib'); $mouseClickScript = " if (Event.Control.HasClass(\"" . self::CLASS_MENUBUTTON . "\")) { declare Text MenuIdClass; declare Text MenuControlId; foreach (ControlClass in Event.Control.ControlClasses) { declare ClassParts = TextLib::Split(\"-\", ControlClass); if (ClassParts.count < 2) continue; MenuIdClass = ClassParts[0]; MenuControlId = ClassParts[1]; break; } Page.GetClassChildren(MenuIdClass, Page.MainFrame, True); foreach (MenuControl in Page.GetClassChildren_Result) { if (!MenuControl.HasClass(\"" . self::CLASS_MENU . "\")) continue; MenuControl.Visible = (MenuControlId == MenuControl.ControlId); } }"; $menuLabels = Builder::getLabelImplementationBlock(self::LABEL_MOUSECLICK, $mouseClickScript); return $menuLabels; } /** * Get the Pages Labels * * @return string */ private function getPagesLabels() { if (!$this->pages) return ""; $this->setInclude('TextLib', 'TextLib'); $pagesNumberPrefix = self::CLASS_PAGE . '-P'; $pagesNumberPrefixLength = strlen($pagesNumberPrefix); $pagesScript = " if (Event.Control.HasClass(\"" . self::CLASS_PAGER . "\")) { declare Text PagesId; declare Integer PagingAction; foreach (ControlClass in Event.Control.ControlClasses) { declare ClassParts = TextLib::Split(\"-\", ControlClass); if (ClassParts.count < 2) continue; if (ClassParts[0] != \"" . self::CLASS_PAGER . "\") continue; switch (TextLib::SubText(ClassParts[1], 0, 1)) { case \"I\": { PagesId = TextLib::SubText(ClassParts[1], 1, 99); } case \"A\": { PagingAction = TextLib::ToInteger(TextLib::SubText(ClassParts[1], 1, 99)); } } } declare FML_PagesLastScriptStart for This = FML_ScriptStart; declare FML_MinPageNumber for This = Integer[Text]; declare FML_MaxPageNumber for This = Integer[Text]; declare FML_PageNumber for This = Integer[Text]; if (FML_PagesLastScriptStart != FML_ScriptStart || !FML_PageNumber.existskey(PagesId) || !FML_MinPageNumber.existskey(PagesId) || !FML_MaxPageNumber.existskey(PagesId)) { Page.GetClassChildren(PagesId, Page.MainFrame, True); foreach (PageControl in Page.GetClassChildren_Result) { if (!PageControl.HasClass(\"" . self::CLASS_PAGE . "\")) continue; foreach (ControlClass in PageControl.ControlClasses) { if (TextLib::SubText(ControlClass, 0, {$pagesNumberPrefixLength}) != \"{$pagesNumberPrefix}\") continue; declare PageNumber = TextLib::ToInteger(TextLib::SubText(ControlClass, {$pagesNumberPrefixLength}, 99)); if (!FML_MinPageNumber.existskey(PagesId) || PageNumber < FML_MinPageNumber[PagesId]) { FML_MinPageNumber[PagesId] = PageNumber; } if (!FML_MaxPageNumber.existskey(PagesId) || PageNumber > FML_MaxPageNumber[PagesId]) { FML_MaxPageNumber[PagesId] = PageNumber; } break; } } FML_PageNumber[PagesId] = FML_MinPageNumber[PagesId]; } FML_PageNumber[PagesId] += PagingAction; if (FML_PageNumber[PagesId] < FML_MinPageNumber[PagesId]) { FML_PageNumber[PagesId] = FML_MinPageNumber[PagesId]; } if (FML_PageNumber[PagesId] > FML_MaxPageNumber[PagesId]) { FML_PageNumber[PagesId] = FML_MaxPageNumber[PagesId]; } FML_PagesLastScriptStart = FML_ScriptStart; Page.GetClassChildren(PagesId, Page.MainFrame, True); foreach (PageControl in Page.GetClassChildren_Result) { if (!PageControl.HasClass(\"" . self::CLASS_PAGE . "\")) continue; declare PageNumber = -1; foreach (ControlClass in PageControl.ControlClasses) { if (TextLib::SubText(ControlClass, 0, {$pagesNumberPrefixLength}) != \"{$pagesNumberPrefix}\") continue; PageNumber = TextLib::ToInteger(TextLib::SubText(ControlClass, {$pagesNumberPrefixLength}, 99)); break; } PageControl.Visible = (PageNumber == FML_PageNumber[PagesId]); } Page.GetClassChildren(\"" . self::CLASS_PAGELABEL . "\", Page.MainFrame, True); foreach (PageControl in Page.GetClassChildren_Result) { if (!PageControl.HasClass(PagesId)) continue; declare PageLabel <=> (PageControl as CMlLabel); PageLabel.Value = FML_PageNumber[PagesId]^\"/\"^FML_MaxPageNumber[PagesId]; } }"; $pagesLabels = Builder::getLabelImplementationBlock(self::LABEL_MOUSECLICK, $pagesScript); return $pagesLabels; } /** * Get the Profile Labels * * @return string */ private function getProfileLabels() { if (!$this->profile) return ""; $this->setInclude('TextLib', 'TextLib'); $profileScript = " if (Event.Control.HasClass(\"" . self::CLASS_PROFILE . "\")) { declare Login = LocalUser.Login; foreach (ControlClass in Event.Control.ControlClasses) { declare ClassParts = TextLib::Split(\"-\", ControlClass); if (ClassParts.count < 2) continue; if (ClassParts[0] != \"" . self::CLASS_PROFILE . "\") continue; Login = \"\"; for (Index, 1, ClassParts.count - 1) { Login ^= ClassParts[Index]; if (Index < ClassParts.count - 1) Login ^= \"-\"; } break; } ShowProfile(Login); }"; $profileLabels = Builder::getLabelImplementationBlock(self::LABEL_MOUSECLICK, $profileScript); return $profileLabels; } /** * Get the Map Info Labels * * @return string */ private function getMapInfoLabels() { if (!$this->mapInfo) return ""; $mapInfoScript = " if (Event.Control.HasClass(\"" . self::CLASS_MAPINFO . "\")) { ShowCurChallengeCard(); }"; $mapInfoLabels = Builder::getLabelImplementationBlock(self::LABEL_MOUSECLICK, $mapInfoScript); return $mapInfoLabels; } /** * Get the Sound Labels * * @return string */ private function getSoundLabels() { if (!$this->sounds) return ''; $labelScripts = array(); foreach ($this->sounds as $soundData) { $volume = Builder::getReal($soundData['soundVolume']); $labelScript = " case \"{$soundData['controlId']}\": { PlayUiSound(CMlScriptIngame::EUISound::{$soundData['soundName']}, {$soundData['soundVariant']}, {$volume}); }"; if (!isset($labelScripts[$soundData['eventLabel']])) { $labelScripts[$soundData['eventLabel']] = ''; } $labelScripts[$soundData['eventLabel']] .= $labelScript; } $soundScript = ''; foreach ($labelScripts as $label => $scriptPart) { $labelScript = " if (Event.Control.HasClass(\"" . self::CLASS_SOUND . "\")) { switch (Event.Control.ControlId) { {$scriptPart} } }"; $soundScript .= Builder::getLabelImplementationBlock($label, $labelScript); } return $soundScript; } /** * Get the Toggle Labels * * @return string */ private function getToggleLabels() { if (!$this->toggles) return ''; $this->setInclude('TextLib', 'TextLib'); $toggleScript = " if (Event.Control.HasClass(\"" . self::CLASS_TOGGLE . "\")) { declare HasShow = Event.Control.HasClass(\"" . self::OPTION_TOGGLE_SHOW . "\"); declare HasHide = Event.Control.HasClass(\"" . self::OPTION_TOGGLE_HIDE . "\"); declare Toggle = True; declare Show = True; if (HasShow || HasHide) { Toggle = False; Show = HasShow; } declare PrefixLength = TextLib::Length(\"" . self::CLASS_TOGGLE . "\"); foreach (ControlClass in Event.Control.ControlClasses) { declare ClassParts = TextLib::Split(\"-\", ControlClass); if (ClassParts.count < 2) continue; if (ClassParts[0] != \"" . self::CLASS_TOGGLE . "\") continue; declare ToggleControl <=> Page.GetFirstChild(ClassParts[1]); if (ToggleControl == Null) continue; if (Toggle) { ToggleControl.Visible = !ToggleControl.Visible; } else { ToggleControl.Visible = Show; } } }"; $toggleScript = Builder::getLabelImplementationBlock(self::LABEL_MOUSECLICK, $toggleScript); return $toggleScript; } /** * Get the Spectate labels * * @return string */ private function getSpectateLabels() { if (!$this->spectate) return ''; $this->setInclude('TextLib', 'TextLib'); $spectateScript = " if (Event.Control.HasClass(\"" . self::CLASS_SPECTATE . "\")) { declare Login = \"\"; foreach (ControlClass in Event.Control.ControlClass) { declare ClassParts = TextLib::Split(\"-\", ControlClass); if (ClassParts.count < 2) continue; if (ClassParts[0] != \"" . self::CLASS_SPECTATE . "\") continue; for (Index, 1, ClassParts.count - 1) { Login ^= ClassParts[Index]; if (Index < ClassParts.count - 1) Login ^= \"-\"; } } if (Login != \"\") { SetSpectateTarget(Login); } }"; $spectateScript = Builder::getLabelImplementationBlock(self::LABEL_MOUSECLICK, $spectateScript); return $spectateScript; } /** * Get the Main Function * * @return string */ private function getMainFunction() { $mainFunction = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/Parts/Main.txt'); return $mainFunction; } /** * Return the Array of additional optional Parameters * * @param array $args The Array of Function Parameters * @param int $offset The Number of obligatory Parameters * @return array */ private function spliceParameters(array $params, $offset) { $args = array_splice($params, $offset); if (!$args) return $args; $parameters = array(); foreach ($args as $arg) { if (is_array($arg)) { foreach ($arg as $key => $value) { $parameters[$key] = $value; } } else { $parameters[$arg] = true; } } return $parameters; } }