* @copyright FancyManiaLinks Copyright © 2017 Steffen Schröder * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ GNU General Public License, Version 3 */ class ManiaCode { /** * @var bool $disableConfirmation Disable the confirmation */ protected $disableConfirmation = null; /** * @var Element[] $elements ManiaCode Elements */ protected $elements = array(); /** * Create a new ManiaCode * * @api * @return static */ public static function create() { return new static(); } /** * Get if the confirmation is disabled * * @api * @return bool */ public function getDisableConfirmation() { return $this->disableConfirmation; } /** * Disable the showing of the confirmation at the end of the ManiaCode * * @api * @param bool $disableConfirmation If the confirmation should be disabled * @return static */ public function setDisableConfirmation($disableConfirmation) { $this->disableConfirmation = (bool)$disableConfirmation; return $this; } /** * Show a message * * @api * @param string $message Message text * @return static */ public function addShowMessage($message) { $messageElement = new ShowMessage($message); return $this->addElement($messageElement); } /** * Install a Macroblock * * @api * @param string $name Macroblock name * @param string $file Macroblock file * @param string $url Macroblock url * @return static */ public function addInstallMacroblock($name, $file, $url) { $macroblockElement = new InstallMacroblock($name, $file, $url); return $this->addElement($macroblockElement); } /** * Install a map * * @api * @param string $name Map name * @param string $url Map url * @return static */ public function addInstallMap($name, $url) { $mapElement = new InstallMap($name, $url); return $this->addElement($mapElement); } /** * Play a map * * @api * @param string $name Map name * @param string $url Map url * @return static */ public function addPlayMap($name, $url) { $mapElement = new PlayMap($name, $url); return $this->addElement($mapElement); } /** * Install a replay * * @api * @param string $name Replay name * @param string $url Replay url * @return static */ public function addInstallReplay($name, $url) { $replayElement = new InstallReplay($name, $url); return $this->addElement($replayElement); } /** * View a replay * * @api * @param string $name Replay name * @param string $url Replay url * @return static */ public function addViewReplay($name, $url) { $replayElement = new ViewReplay($name, $url); return $this->addElement($replayElement); } /** * Play a replay * * @api * @param string $name Replay name * @param string $url Replay url * @return static */ public function addPlayReplay($name, $url) { $replayElement = new PlayReplay($name, $url); return $this->addElement($replayElement); } /** * Install a skin * * @api * @param string $name Skin name * @param string $file Skin file * @param string $url Skin url * @return static */ public function addInstallSkin($name, $file, $url) { $skinElement = new InstallSkin($name, $file, $url); return $this->addElement($skinElement); } /** * Get a skin * * @api * @param string $name Skin name * @param string $file Skin file * @param string $url Skin url * @return static */ public function addGetSkin($name, $file, $url) { $skinElement = new GetSkin($name, $file, $url); return $this->addElement($skinElement); } /** * Add a buddy * * @api * @param string $login Buddy login * @return static */ public function addAddBuddy($login) { $buddyElement = new AddBuddy($login); return $this->addElement($buddyElement); } /** * Go to a link * * @api * @param string $link Goto link * @return static */ public function addGoto($link) { $gotoElement = new Go_To($link); return $this->addElement($gotoElement); } /** * Join a server * * @api * @param string $login Server login * @return static */ public function addJoinServer($login) { $serverElement = new JoinServer($login); return $this->addElement($serverElement); } /** * Add a server as favorite * * @api * @param string $login Server login * @return static */ public function addAddFavorite($login) { $favoriteElement = new AddFavorite($login); return $this->addElement($favoriteElement); } /** * Install a script * * @api * @param string $name Script name * @param string $file Script file * @param string $url Script url * @return static */ public function addInstallScript($name, $file, $url) { $scriptElement = new InstallScript($name, $file, $url); return $this->addElement($scriptElement); } /** * Install a title pack * * @api * @param string $name Pack name * @param string $file Pack file * @param string $url Pack url * @return static */ public function addInstallPack($name, $file, $url) { $packElement = new InstallPack($name, $file, $url); return $this->addElement($packElement); } /** * Get all Elements * * @api * @return Element[] */ public function getElements() { return $this->elements; } /** * Add a ManiaCode Element * * @api * @param Element $element Element to add * @return static */ public function addElement(Element $element) { if (!in_array($element, $this->elements, true)) { array_push($this->elements, $element); } return $this; } /** * Remove all ManiaCode Elements * * @api * @return static * @deprecated use removeAllElements() instead */ public function removeElements() { return $this->removeAllElements(); } /** * Remove all ManiaCode Elements * * @api * @return static */ public function removeAllElements() { $this->elements = array(); return $this; } /** * Render the ManiaCode * * @api * @param bool $echo (optional) If the XML text should be echoed and the Content-Type header should be set * @return \DOMDocument */ public function render($echo = false) { $domDocument = new \DOMDocument("1.0", "utf-8"); $domDocument->xmlStandalone = true; $domElement = $domDocument->createElement("maniacode"); $domDocument->appendChild($domElement); if ($this->disableConfirmation) { $domElement->setAttribute("noconfirmation", 1); } foreach ($this->elements as $element) { $childDomElement = $element->render($domDocument); $domElement->appendChild($childDomElement); } if ($echo) { header("Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8;"); echo $domDocument->saveXML(); } return $domDocument; } /** * Get the string representation * * @return string */ public function __toString() { return $this->render() ->saveXML(); } }