-1, 'User' => 0, 'Admin' => 1, 'SuperAdmin' => 2 ]; /** @var Xmlrpc\GbxRemote */ protected $xmlrpcClient; /** @var string */ protected $user; /** @var callable[] */ private $multicallHandlers = []; public function __construct( $host = '', $port = 5000, $timeout = 5, $user = 'SuperAdmin', $password = 'SuperAdmin', $apiVersion = self::API_2013_04_16 ) { $this->xmlrpcClient = new Xmlrpc\GbxRemote($host, $port, $timeout); $this->authenticate($user, $password); $this->setApiVersion($apiVersion); } /** * Allow user authentication by specifying a login and a password, to gain access to the set of functionalities corresponding to this authorization level. * @param string $user * @param string $password * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function authenticate($user, $password) { if (!is_string($user) || !isset(self::$levels[$user])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('user = ' . print_r($user, true)); } if (self::$levels[$this->user] >= self::$levels[$user]) { return true; } if (!is_string($password)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('password = ' . print_r($password, true)); } $res = $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$user, $password]); if ($res) { $this->user = $user; } return $res; } /** * Add a call in queue. It will be executed by the next Call from the user to executeMulticall * @param string $methodName * @param mixed[] $params * @param bool|callable $multicall True to queue the request or false to execute it immediately * @return mixed */ public function execute($methodName, $params = [], $multicall = false) { if ($multicall) { $this->xmlrpcClient->addCall($methodName, $params); $this->multicallHandlers[] = $multicall; } else { return $this->xmlrpcClient->query($methodName, $params); } } /** * Define the wanted api. * @param string $version * @param bool $multicall * @return bool */ public function setApiVersion(string $version, $multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$version], $multicall); } /** * Close the current socket connexion * Never call this method, use instead DedicatedApi::delete($host, $port) */ public function terminate() { $this->xmlrpcClient->terminate(); } /** * Change client timeouts * @param int $read read timeout (in ms), 0 to leave unchanged * @param int $write write timeout (in ms), 0 to leave unchanged */ public function setTimeouts($read = null, $write = null) { $this->xmlrpcClient->setTimeouts($read, $write); } /** * @return int Network idle time in seconds */ public function getIdleTime() { return $this->xmlrpcClient->getIdleTime(); } /** * Return pending callbacks * @return mixed[] */ public function executeCallbacks() { return $this->xmlrpcClient->getCallbacks(); } /** * Execute the calls in queue and return the result * @return mixed[] */ public function executeMulticall() { $responses = $this->xmlrpcClient->multiquery(); foreach ($responses as $i => &$response) { if (!($response instanceof Xmlrpc\FaultException) && is_callable($this->multicallHandlers[$i])) { $response = call_user_func($this->multicallHandlers[$i], $response); } } $this->multicallHandlers = []; return $responses; } /** * Change the password for the specified login/user. * Only available to SuperAdmin. * @param string $user * @param string $password * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function changeAuthPassword(string $user, string $password, $multicall = false) { if (!isset(self::$levels[$user])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('user = ' . print_r($user, true)); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$user, $password], $multicall); } /** * Allow the GameServer to call you back. * @param bool $enable * @param bool $multicall * @return bool */ public function enableCallbacks(bool $enable = true, $multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$enable], $multicall); } /** * Returns a struct with the Name, TitleId, Version, Build and ApiVersion of the application remotely controlled. * @param bool $multicall * @return Structures\Version */ public function getVersion($multicall = false) { if ($multicall) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $this->structHandler('Version')); } return Structures\Version::fromArray($this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__))); } /** * @param string $struct * @param bool $array * @return callable */ private function structHandler($struct, $array = false) { return ['\\' . __NAMESPACE__ . '\Structures\\' . $struct, 'fromArray' . ($array ? 'OfArray' : '')]; } /** * Returns the current status of the server. * @param bool $multicall * @return Structures\Status */ public function getStatus($multicall = false) { if ($multicall) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $this->structHandler('Status')); } return Structures\Status::fromArray($this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__))); } /** * Quit the application. * Only available to SuperAdmin. * @param bool $multicall * @return bool */ public function quitGame($multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $multicall); } /** * Call a vote to kick a player. * You can additionally supply specific parameters for this vote: a ratio, a time out and who is voting. * Only available to Admin. * @param mixed $player A player object or a login * @param float $ratio In range [0,1] or -1 for default ratio * @param int $timeout In milliseconds, 0 for default timeout, 1 for indefinite * @param int $voters 0: active players, 1: any player, 2: everybody including pure spectators * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function callVoteKick($player, $ratio = 0.5, $timeout = 0, $voters = 1, $multicall = false) { $login = $this->getLogin($player); if ($login === false) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('player = ' . print_r($player, true)); } $vote = new Structures\Vote(Structures\VoteRatio::COMMAND_KICK, [$login]); return $this->callVote($vote, $ratio, $timeout, $voters, $multicall); } /** * Returns the login of the given player * @param mixed $player * @return string|bool */ private function getLogin($player, $allowEmpty = false) { if (is_object($player)) { if (property_exists($player, 'login')) { $player = $player->login; } else { return false; } } if (empty($player)) { return $allowEmpty ? '' : false; } if (is_string($player)) { return $player; } return false; } /** * Call a vote for a command. * You can additionally supply specific parameters for this vote: a ratio, a time out and who is voting. * Only available to Admin. * @param Structures\Vote $vote * @param float $ratio In range [0,1] or -1 for default ratio * @param int $timeout In milliseconds, 0 for default timeout, 1 for indefinite * @param int $voters 0: active players, 1: any player, 2: everybody including pure spectators * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function callVote($vote, $ratio = -1., $timeout = 0, $voters = 1, $multicall = false) { if (!($vote instanceof Structures\Vote && $vote->isValid())) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('vote = ' . print_r($vote, true)); } if (!Structures\VoteRatio::isRatio($ratio)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('ratio = ' . print_r($ratio, true)); } if (!is_int($timeout)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('timeout = ' . print_r($timeout, true)); } if (!is_int($voters) || $voters < 0 || $voters > 2) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('voters = ' . print_r($voters, true)); } $xml = Xmlrpc\Request::encode($vote->cmdName, $vote->cmdParam, false); return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__) . 'Ex', [$xml, $ratio, $timeout, $voters], $multicall); } /** * Call a vote to ban a player. * You can additionally supply specific parameters for this vote: a ratio, a time out and who is voting. * Only available to Admin. * @param mixed $player A player object or a login * @param float $ratio In range [0,1] or -1 for default ratio * @param int $timeout In milliseconds, 0 for default timeout, 1 for indefinite * @param int $voters 0: active players, 1: any player, 2: everybody including pure spectators * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function callVoteBan($player, $ratio = 0.6, $timeout = 0, $voters = 1, $multicall = false) { $login = $this->getLogin($player); if ($login === false) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('player = ' . print_r($player, true)); } $vote = new Structures\Vote(Structures\VoteRatio::COMMAND_BAN, [$login]); return $this->callVote($vote, $ratio, $timeout, $voters, $multicall); } /** * Call a vote to restart the current map. * You can additionally supply specific parameters for this vote: a ratio, a time out and who is voting. * Only available to Admin. * @param float $ratio In range [0,1] or -1 for default ratio * @param int $timeout In milliseconds, 0 for default timeout, 1 for indefinite * @param int $voters 0: active players, 1: any player, 2: everybody including pure spectators * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function callVoteRestartMap($ratio = 0.5, $timeout = 0, $voters = 1, $multicall = false) { $vote = new Structures\Vote(Structures\VoteRatio::COMMAND_RESTART_MAP); return $this->callVote($vote, $ratio, $timeout, $voters, $multicall); } /** * Call a vote to go to the next map. * You can additionally supply specific parameters for this vote: a ratio, a time out and who is voting. * Only available to Admin. * @param float $ratio In range [0,1] or -1 for default ratio * @param int $timeout In milliseconds, 0 for default timeout, 1 for indefinite * @param int $voters 0: active players, 1: any player, 2: everybody including pure spectators * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function callVoteNextMap($ratio = 0.5, $timeout = 0, $voters = 1, $multicall = false) { $vote = new Structures\Vote(Structures\VoteRatio::COMMAND_NEXT_MAP); return $this->callVote($vote, $ratio, $timeout, $voters, $multicall); } /** * Cancel the current vote. * Only available to Admin. * @param bool $multicall * @return bool */ public function cancelVote($multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $multicall); } /** * Returns the vote currently in progress. * @param $multicall * @return Structures\Vote */ public function getCurrentCallVote($multicall = false) { if ($multicall) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $this->structHandler('Vote')); } return Structures\Vote::fromArray($this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__))); } /** * Set a new timeout for waiting for votes. * Only available to Admin. * @param int $timeout In milliseconds, 0 to disable votes * @param bool $multicall * @return bool */ public function setCallVoteTimeOut(int $timeout, $multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$timeout], $multicall); } /** * Get the current and next timeout for waiting for votes. * @param $multicall * @return int[] {int CurrentValue, int NextValue} */ public function getCallVoteTimeOut($multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $multicall); } /** * Set a new default ratio for passing a vote. * Only available to Admin. * @param float $ratio In range [0,1] or -1 to disable votes * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function setCallVoteRatio($ratio, $multicall = false) { if (!Structures\VoteRatio::isRatio($ratio)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('ratio = ' . print_r($ratio, true)); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$ratio], $multicall); } /** * Get the current default ratio for passing a vote. * @param bool $multicall * @return float */ public function getCallVoteRatio($multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $multicall); } /** * Set the ratios list for passing specific votes, extended version with parameters matching. * Only available to Admin. * @param Structures\VoteRatio[] $ratios * @param bool $replaceAll True to override the whole ratios list or false to modify only specified ratios * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function setCallVoteRatios(array $ratios, bool $replaceAll = true, $multicall = false) { foreach ($ratios as $i => &$ratio) { if (!($ratio instanceof Structures\VoteRatio && $ratio->isValid())) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('ratios[' . $i . '] = ' . print_r($ratios, true)); } $ratio = $ratio->toArray(); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__) . 'Ex', [$replaceAll, $ratios], $multicall); } /** * Get the current ratios for passing votes, extended version with parameters matching. * @param bool $multicall * @return Structures\VoteRatio[] */ public function getCallVoteRatios($multicall = false) { if ($multicall) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__) . 'Ex', [], $this->structHandler('VoteRatio', true)); } return Structures\VoteRatio::fromArrayOfArray($this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__) . 'Ex')); } /** * Send a text message, possibly localised to a specific login or to everyone, without the server login. * Only available to Admin. * @param string|string[][] $message Single string or array of structures {Lang='xx', Text='...'}: * if no matching language is found, the last text in the array is used * @param mixed $recipient Login, player object or array; null for all * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function chatSendServerMessage($message, $recipient = null, $multicall = false) { $logins = $this->getLogins($recipient, true); if ($logins === false) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('recipient = ' . print_r($recipient, true)); } if (is_array($message)) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__) . 'ToLanguage', [$message, $logins], $multicall); } if (is_string($message)) { if ($logins) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__) . 'ToLogin', [$message, $logins], $multicall); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$message], $multicall); } // else throw new InvalidArgumentException('message = ' . print_r($message, true)); } /** * Returns logins of given players * @param mixed $players * @return string|bool */ private function getLogins($players, $allowEmpty = false) { if (is_array($players)) { $logins = []; foreach ($players as $player) { $login = $this->getLogin($player); if ($login === false) { return false; } $logins[] = $login; } return implode(',', $logins); } return $this->getLogin($players, $allowEmpty); } /** * Send a text message, possibly localised to a specific login or to everyone. * Only available to Admin. * @param string|string[][] $message Single string or array of structures {Lang='xx', Text='...'}: * if no matching language is found, the last text in the array is used * @param mixed $recipient Login, player object or array; null for all * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function chatSend($message, $recipient = null, $multicall = false) { $logins = $this->getLogins($recipient, true); if ($logins === false) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('recipient = ' . print_r($recipient, true)); } if (is_array($message)) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__) . 'ToLanguage', [$message, $logins], $multicall); } if (is_string($message)) { if ($logins) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__) . 'ToLogin', [$message, $logins], $multicall); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$message], $multicall); } // else throw new InvalidArgumentException('message = ' . print_r($message, true)); } /** * Returns the last chat lines. Maximum of 40 lines. * Only available to Admin. * @param bool $multicall * @return string[] */ public function getChatLines($multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $multicall); } /** * The chat messages are no longer dispatched to the players, they only go to the rpc callback and the controller has to manually forward them. * Only available to Admin. * @param bool $enable * @param bool $excludeServer Allows all messages from the server to be automatically forwarded. * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function chatEnableManualRouting(bool $enable = true, bool $excludeServer = false, $multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$enable, $excludeServer], $multicall); } /** * Send a message to the specified recipient (or everybody if empty) on behalf of sender. * Only available if manual routing is enabled. * Only available to Admin. * @param string $message * @param mixed $sender Login or player object * @param mixed $recipient Login, player object or array; empty for all * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function chatForward(string $message, $sender, $recipient = null, $multicall = false) { $senderLogin = $this->getLogin($sender); if ($senderLogin === false) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('sender = ' . print_r($sender, true)); } $recipientLogins = $this->getLogins($recipient, true); if ($recipientLogins === false) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('recipient = ' . print_r($recipient, true)); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__) . 'ToLogin', [$message, $senderLogin, $recipientLogins], $multicall); } /** * Display a notice on all clients. * Only available to Admin. * @param mixed $recipient Login, player object or array; empty for all * @param string $message * @param mixed $avatar Login or player object whose avatar will be displayed; empty for none * @param int $variant 0: normal, 1: sad, 2: happy * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function sendNotice($recipient, $message, $avatar = null, $variant = 0, $multicall = false) { $logins = $this->getLogins($recipient, true); if ($logins === false) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('recipient = ' . print_r($recipient, true)); } if (!is_string($message)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('message = ' . print_r($message, true)); } $avatarLogin = $this->getLogin($avatar, true); if ($avatarLogin === false) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('avatar = ' . print_r($avatar, true)); } if (!is_int($variant) || $variant < 0 || $variant > 2) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('variant = ' . print_r($variant, true)); } if ($logins) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__) . 'ToLogin', [$logins, $message, $avatarLogin, $variant], $multicall); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$message, $avatar, $variant], $multicall); } /** * Display a manialink page on all clients. * Only available to Admin. * @param mixed $recipient Login, player object or array; empty for all * @param string $manialinks XML string * @param int $timeout Seconds before autohide, 0 for permanent * @param bool $hideOnClick Hide as soon as the user clicks on a page option * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function sendDisplayManialinkPage($recipient, string $manialinks, int $timeout = 0, bool $hideOnClick = false, $multicall = false) { $logins = $this->getLogins($recipient, true); if ($logins === false) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('recipient = ' . print_r($recipient, true)); } if ($logins) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__) . 'ToLogin', [$logins, $manialinks, $timeout, $hideOnClick], $multicall); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$manialinks, $timeout, $hideOnClick], $multicall); } /** * Hide the displayed manialink page. * Only available to Admin. * @param mixed $recipient Login, player object or array; empty for all * @param bool $multicall * @return bool */ public function sendHideManialinkPage($recipient = null, $multicall = false) { $logins = $this->getLogins($recipient, true); if ($logins === false) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('recipient = ' . print_r($recipient, true)); } if ($logins) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__) . 'ToLogin', [$logins], $multicall); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $multicall); } /** * Returns the latest results from the current manialink page as an array of structs {string Login, int PlayerId, int Result}: * - Result == 0 -> no answer * - Result > 0 -> answer from the player. * @param bool $multicall * @return Structures\PlayerAnswer[] */ public function getManialinkPageAnswers($multicall = false) { if ($multicall) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $this->structHandler('PlayerAnswer', true)); } return Structures\PlayerAnswer::fromArrayOfArray($this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__))); } /** * Opens a link in the client with the specified login. * Only available to Admin. * @param mixed $recipient Login, player object or array * @param string $link URL to open * @param int $linkType 0: in the external browser, 1: in the internal manialink browser * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function sendOpenLink($recipient, string $link, $linkType, $multicall = false) { $logins = $this->getLogins($recipient); if ($logins === false) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('recipient = ' . print_r($recipient, true)); } if (!is_string($link)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('link = ' . print_r($link, true)); } if ($linkType !== 0 && $linkType !== 1) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('linkType = ' . print_r($linkType, true)); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__) . 'ToLogin', [$logins, $link, $linkType], $multicall); } /** * Prior to loading next map, execute SendToServer url '#qjoin=login@title' * Only available to Admin. * Available since ManiaPlanet 4 * @param $link * @param bool $multicall * @return bool */ public function sendToServerAfterMatchEnd(string $link, $multicall = false) { $link = str_replace("maniaplanet://", "", $link); return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$link], $multicall); } /** * Kick the player with the specified login, with an optional message. * Only available to Admin. * @param mixed $player Login or player object * @param string $message * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function kick($player, $message = '', $multicall = false) { $login = $this->getLogin($player); if ($login === false) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('player = ' . print_r($player, true)); } if (!is_string($message)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('message = ' . print_r($message, true)); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$login, $message], $multicall); } /** * Ban the player with the specified login, with an optional message. * Only available to Admin. * @param mixed $player Login or player object * @param string $message * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function ban($player, $message = '', $multicall = false) { $login = $this->getLogin($player); if ($login === false) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('player = ' . print_r($player, true)); } if (!is_string($message)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('message = ' . print_r($message, true)); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$login, $message], $multicall); } /** * Ban the player with the specified login, with a message. * Add it to the black list, and optionally save the new list. * Only available to Admin. * @param mixed $player Login or player object * @param string $message * @param bool $save * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function banAndBlackList($player, string $message = '', bool $save = false, $multicall = false) { $login = $this->getLogin($player); if ($login === false) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('player = ' . print_r($player, true)); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$player, $message, $save], $multicall); } /** * Unban the player with the specified login. * Only available to Admin. * @param mixed $player Login or player object * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function unBan($player, $multicall = false) { $login = $this->getLogin($player); if ($login === false) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('player = ' . print_r($player, true)); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$login], $multicall); } /** * Clean the ban list of the server. * Only available to Admin. * @param bool $multicall * @return bool */ public function cleanBanList($multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $multicall); } /** * Returns the list of banned players. * @param int $length Maximum number of infos to be returned * @param int $offset Starting index in the list * @param bool $multicall * @return Structures\PlayerBan[] */ public function getBanList(int $length = -1, int $offset = 0, $multicall = false) { if ($multicall) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$length, $offset], $this->structHandler('PlayerBan', true)); } return Structures\PlayerBan::fromArrayOfArray($this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$length, $offset])); } /** * Blacklist the player with the specified login. * Only available to SuperAdmin. * @param mixed $player Login or player object * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function blackList($player, $multicall = false) { $login = $this->getLogin($player); if ($login === false) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('player = ' . print_r($player, true)); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$login], $multicall); } /** * UnBlackList the player with the specified login. * Only available to SuperAdmin. * @param mixed $player Login or player object * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function unBlackList($player, $multicall = false) { $login = $this->getLogin($player); if ($login === false) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('player = ' . print_r($player, true)); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$login], $multicall); } /** * Clean the blacklist of the server. * Only available to SuperAdmin. * @param bool $multicall * @return bool */ public function cleanBlackList($multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $multicall); } /** * Returns the list of blacklisted players. * @param int $length Maximum number of infos to be returned * @param int $offset Starting index in the list * @param bool $multicall * @return Structures\Player[] */ public function getBlackList(int $length = -1, int $offset = 0, $multicall = false) { if ($multicall) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$length, $offset], $this->structHandler('Player', true)); } return Structures\Player::fromArrayOfArray($this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$length, $offset])); } /** * Load the black list file with the specified file name. * Only available to Admin. * @param string $filename Empty for default filename (blacklist.txt) * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function loadBlackList(string $filename = '', $multicall = false) { $filename = $this->secureUtf8($filename); return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$filename], $multicall); } /** * @param string|string[] $filename * @return string|string[] */ private function secureUtf8($filename) { if (is_string($filename)) { $filename = $this->stripBom($filename); if (preg_match('/[^\x09\x0A\x0D\x20-\x7E]/', $filename)) { return "\xEF\xBB\xBF" . $filename; } return $filename; } return array_map([$this, 'secureUtf8'], $filename); } /** * @param string|string[] $str * @return string|string[] */ private function stripBom($str) { if (is_string($str)) { return str_replace("\xEF\xBB\xBF", '', $str); } return array_map([$this, 'stripBom'], $str); } /** * Save the black list in the file with specified file name. * Only available to Admin. * @param string $filename Empty for default filename (blacklist.txt) * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function saveBlackList(string $filename = '', $multicall = false) { $filename = $this->secureUtf8($filename); return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$filename], $multicall); } /** * Add the player with the specified login on the guest list. * Only available to Admin. * @param mixed $player Login or player object * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function addGuest($player, $multicall = false) { $login = $this->getLogin($player); if ($login === false) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('player = ' . print_r($player, true)); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$login], $multicall); } /** * Remove the player with the specified login from the guest list. * Only available to Admin. * @param mixed $player Login or player object * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function removeGuest($player, $multicall = false) { $login = $this->getLogin($player); if ($login === false) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('player = ' . print_r($player, true)); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$login], $multicall); } /** * Clean the guest list of the server. * Only available to Admin. * @param bool $multicall * @return bool */ public function cleanGuestList($multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $multicall); } /** * Returns the list of players on the guest list. * @param int $length Maximum number of infos to be returned * @param int $offset Starting index in the list * @param bool $multicall * @return Structures\Player[] */ public function getGuestList(int $length = -1, int $offset = 0, $multicall = false) { if ($multicall) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$length, $offset], $this->structHandler('Player', true)); } return Structures\Player::fromArrayOfArray($this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$length, $offset])); } /** * Load the guest list file with the specified file name. * Only available to Admin. * @param string $filename Empty for default filename (guestlist.txt) * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function loadGuestList(string $filename = '', $multicall = false) { $filename = $this->secureUtf8($filename); return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$filename], $multicall); } /** * Save the guest list in the file with specified file name. * Only available to Admin. * @param string $filename Empty for default filename (guestlist.txt) * @param bool $multicall * @return bool */ public function saveGuestList(string $filename = '', $multicall = false) { $filename = $this->secureUtf8($filename); return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$filename], $multicall); } /** * Sets whether buddy notifications should be sent in the chat. * Only available to Admin. * @param mixed $player Login or player object; empty for global setting * @param bool $enable * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function setBuddyNotification($player, bool $enable, $multicall = false) { $login = $this->getLogin($player, true); if ($login === false) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('player = ' . print_r($player, true)); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$login, $enable], $multicall); } /** * Gets whether buddy notifications are enabled. * @param mixed $player Login or player object; empty for global setting * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function getBuddyNotification($player = null, $multicall = false) { $login = $this->getLogin($player, true); if ($login === false) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('player = ' . print_r($player, true)); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$login], $multicall); } /** * Write the data to the specified file. * Only available to Admin. * @param string $filename Relative to the Maps path * @param string $data * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function writeFile(string $filename, string $data, $multicall = false) { $filename = $this->secureUtf8($filename); $data = new Xmlrpc\Base64($data); return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$filename, $data], $multicall); } /** * Send the data to the specified player. Login can be a single login or a list of comma-separated logins. * Only available to Admin. * @param mixed $recipient Login or player object or array * @param string $filename * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function tunnelSendDataFromFile($recipient, $filename, $multicall = false) { if (!file_exists($filename)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('filename = ' . print_r($filename, true)); } $contents = file_get_contents($filename); return $this->tunnelSendData($recipient, $contents, $multicall); } /** * Send the data to the specified player. Login can be a single login or a list of comma-separated logins. * Only available to Admin. * @param mixed $recipient Login, player object or array * @param string $data * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function tunnelSendData($recipient, $data, $multicall = false) { $logins = $this->getLogins($recipient); if ($logins === false) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('recipient = ' . print_r($recipient, true)); } if (!is_string($data)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('data = ' . print_r($data, true)); } $data = new Xmlrpc\Base64($data); return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__) . 'ToLogin', [$logins, $data], $multicall); } /** * Just log the parameters and invoke a callback. * Can be used to talk to other xmlrpc clients connected, or to make custom votes. * If used in a callvote, the first parameter will be used as the vote message on the clients. * Only available to Admin. * @param string $message * @param string $callback * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function dedicatedEcho($message, $callback = '', $multicall = false) { if (!is_string($message)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('message = ' . print_r($message, true)); } if (!is_string($callback)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('callback = ' . print_r($callback, true)); } return $this->execute('Echo', [$message, $callback], $multicall); } /** * Ignore the player with the specified login. * Only available to Admin. * @param mixed $player Login or player object * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function ignore($player, $multicall = false) { $login = $this->getLogin($player); if ($login === false) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('player = ' . print_r($player, true)); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$login], $multicall); } /** * Unignore the player with the specified login. * Only available to Admin. * @param mixed $player Login or player object * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function unIgnore($player, $multicall = false) { $login = $this->getLogin($player); if ($login === false) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('player = ' . print_r($player, true)); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$login], $multicall); } /** * Clean the ignore list of the server. * Only available to Admin. * @param bool $multicall * @return bool */ public function cleanIgnoreList($multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $multicall); } /** * Returns the list of ignored players. * @param int $length Maximum number of infos to be returned * @param int $offset Starting index in the list * @param bool $multicall * @return Structures\Player[] * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function getIgnoreList($length = -1, $offset = 0, $multicall = false) { if (!is_int($length)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('length = ' . print_r($length, true)); } if (!is_int($offset)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('offset = ' . print_r($offset, true)); } if ($multicall) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$length, $offset], $this->structHandler('Player', true)); } return Structures\Player::fromArrayOfArray($this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$length, $offset])); } /** * Pay planets from the server account to a player. * The creation of the transaction itself may cost planets, so you need to have planets on the server account. * Only available to Admin. * @param mixed $payee Login or player object * @param int $amount * @param string $message * @param bool $multicall * @return int BillId * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function pay($payee, $amount, $message = '', $multicall = false) { $login = $this->getLogin($payee); if ($login === false) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('payee = ' . print_r($payee, true)); } if (!is_int($amount) || $amount < 1) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('amount = ' . print_r($amount, true)); } if (!is_string($message)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('message = ' . print_r($message, true)); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$login, $amount, $message], $multicall); } /** * Create a bill, send it to a player, and return the BillId. * The creation of the transaction itself may cost planets, so you need to have planets on the server account. * Only available to Admin. * @param mixed $payer Login or player object * @param int $amount * @param string $message * @param mixed $payee Login or player object; empty for server account * @param bool $multicall * @return int BillId * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function sendBill($payer, $amount, $message = '', $payee = null, $multicall = false) { $payerLogin = $this->getLogin($payer); if ($payerLogin === false) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('payer = ' . print_r($payer, true)); } if (!is_int($amount) || $amount < 1) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('amount = ' . print_r($amount, true)); } if (!is_string($message)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('message = ' . print_r($message, true)); } $payeeLogin = $this->getLogin($payee, true); if ($payeeLogin === false) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('payee = ' . print_r($payee, true)); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$payerLogin, $amount, $message, $payeeLogin], $multicall); } /** * Returns the current state of a bill. * @param int $billId * @param bool $multicall * @return Structures\Bill * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function getBillState($billId, $multicall = false) { if (!is_int($billId)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('billId = ' . print_r($billId, true)); } if ($multicall) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$billId], $this->structHandler('Bill')); } return Structures\Bill::fromArray($this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$billId])); } /** * Returns the current number of planets on the server account. * @param bool $multicall * @return int */ public function getServerPlanets($multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $multicall); } /** * Get some system infos, including connection rates (in kbps). * @param bool $multicall * @return Structures\SystemInfos */ public function getSystemInfo($multicall = false) { if ($multicall) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $this->structHandler('SystemInfos')); } return Structures\SystemInfos::fromArray($this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__))); } /** * Set the download and upload rates (in kbps). * @param int $downloadRate * @param int $uploadRate * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function setConnectionRates($downloadRate, $uploadRate, $multicall = false) { if (!is_int($downloadRate)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('downloadRate = ' . print_r($downloadRate, true)); } if (!is_int($uploadRate)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('uploadRate = ' . print_r($uploadRate, true)); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$downloadRate, $uploadRate], $multicall); } /** * Returns the list of tags and associated values set on this server. * Only available to Admin. * @param bool $multicall * @return Structures\Tag[] */ public function getServerTags($multicall = false) { if ($multicall) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $this->structHandler('Tag', true)); } return Structures\Tag::fromArrayOfArray($this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__))); } /** * Set a tag and its value on the server. * Only available to Admin. * @param string $key * @param string $value * @param bool $multicall * @return bool */ public function setServerTag(string $key, string $value, $multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$key, $value], $multicall); } /** * Unset the tag with the specified name on the server. * Only available to Admin. * @param string $key * @param bool $multicall * @return bool */ public function unsetServerTag(string $key, $multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$key], $multicall); } /** * Reset all tags on the server. * Only available to Admin. * @param bool $multicall * @return bool */ public function resetServerTags($multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $multicall); } /** * Set a new server name in utf8 format. * Only available to Admin. * @param string $name * @param bool $multicall * @return bool */ public function setServerName(string $name, $multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$name], $multicall); } /** * Get the server name in utf8 format. * @param bool $multicall * @return string */ public function getServerName($multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $multicall); } /** * Set a new server comment in utf8 format. * Only available to Admin. * @param string $comment * @param bool $multicall * @return bool */ public function setServerComment(string $comment, $multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$comment], $multicall); } /** * Get the server comment in utf8 format. * @param bool $multicall * @return string */ public function getServerComment($multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $multicall); } /** * Set whether the server should be hidden from the public server list. * Only available to Admin. * @param int $visibility 0: visible, 1: always hidden, 2: hidden from nations * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function setHideServer($visibility, $multicall = false) { if (!is_int($visibility) || $visibility < 0 || $visibility > 2) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('visibility = ' . print_r($visibility, true)); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$visibility], $multicall); } /** * Get whether the server wants to be hidden from the public server list. * @param bool $multicall * @return int */ public function getHideServer($multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Returns true if this is a relay server. * @param bool $multicall * @return bool */ public function isRelayServer($multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $multicall); } /** * Set a new password for the server. * Only available to Admin. * @param string $password * @param bool $multicall * @return bool */ public function setServerPassword(string $password, $multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$password], $multicall); } /** * Get the server password if called as Admin or Super Admin, else returns if a password is needed or not. * @param bool $multicall * @return string|bool */ public function getServerPassword($multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $multicall); } /** * Set a new password for the spectator mode. * Only available to Admin. * @param string $password * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function setServerPasswordForSpectator(string $password, $multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$password], $multicall); } /** * Get the password for spectator mode if called as Admin or Super Admin, else returns if a password is needed or not. * @param bool $multicall * @return string|bool */ public function getServerPasswordForSpectator($multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $multicall); } /** * Set a new maximum number of players. * Only available to Admin. * Requires a map restart to be taken into account. * @param int $maxPlayers * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function setMaxPlayers(int $maxPlayers, $multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$maxPlayers], $multicall); } /** * Get the current and next maximum number of players allowed on server. * @param bool $multicall * @return int[] {int CurrentValue, int NextValue} */ public function getMaxPlayers($multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $multicall); } /** * Set a new maximum number of spectators. * Only available to Admin. * Requires a map restart to be taken into account. * @param int $maxSpectators * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function setMaxSpectators(int $maxSpectators, $multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$maxSpectators], $multicall); } /** * Get the current and next maximum number of Spectators allowed on server. * @param bool $multicall * @return int[] {int CurrentValue, int NextValue} */ public function getMaxSpectators($multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $multicall); } /** * Declare if the server is a lobby, the number and maximum number of players currently managed by it, and the average level of the players. * Only available to Admin. * @param bool $isLobby * @param int $currentPlayers * @param int $maxPlayers * @param float $averageLevel * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function setLobbyInfo($isLobby, $currentPlayers, $maxPlayers, $averageLevel, $multicall = false) { if (!is_bool($isLobby)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('isLobby = ' . print_r($isLobby, true)); } if (!is_int($currentPlayers)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('currentPlayers = ' . print_r($currentPlayers, true)); } if (!is_int($maxPlayers)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('maxPlayers = ' . print_r($maxPlayers, true)); } if (!is_float($averageLevel)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('averageLevel = ' . print_r($averageLevel, true)); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$isLobby, $currentPlayers, $maxPlayers, $averageLevel], $multicall); } /** * Get whether the server if a lobby, the number and maximum number of players currently managed by it. * @param bool $multicall * @return Structures\LobbyInfo */ public function getLobbyInfo($multicall = false) { if ($multicall) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $this->structHandler('LobbyInfo')); } return Structures\LobbyInfo::fromArray($this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__))); } /** * Customize the clients 'leave server' dialog box. * Only available to Admin. * @param string $manialink * @param string $sendToServer Server URL, eg. '#qjoin=login@title' * @param bool $askFavorite * @param int $quitButtonDelay In milliseconds * @param bool $multicall * @return bool */ public function customizeQuitDialog(string $manialink, string $sendToServer = '', bool $askFavorite = true, int $quitButtonDelay = 0, $multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$manialink, $sendToServer, $askFavorite, $quitButtonDelay], $multicall); } /** * Set whether, when a player is switching to spectator, the server should still consider him a player and keep his player slot, or not. * Only available to Admin. * @param bool $keep * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function keepPlayerSlots(bool $keep = true, $multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$keep], $multicall); } /** * Get whether the server keeps player slots when switching to spectator. * @param bool $multicall * @return bool */ public function isKeepingPlayerSlots($multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Enable or disable peer-to-peer upload from server. * Only available to Admin. * @param bool $enable * @param bool $multicall * @return bool */ public function enableP2PUpload(bool $enable = true, $multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$enable], $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Returns if the peer-to-peer upload from server is enabled. * @param bool $multicall * @return bool */ public function isP2PUpload($multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Enable or disable peer-to-peer download for server. * Only available to Admin. * @param bool $enable * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function enableP2PDownload($enable = true, $multicall = false) { if (!is_bool($enable)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('enable = ' . print_r($enable, true)); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$enable], $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Returns if the peer-to-peer download for server is enabled. * @param bool $multicall * @return bool */ public function isP2PDownload($multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $multicall); } /** * Allow clients to download maps from the server. * Only available to Admin. * @param bool $allow * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function allowMapDownload($allow = true, $multicall = false) { if (!is_bool($allow)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('allow = ' . print_r($allow, true)); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$allow], $multicall); } /** * Returns if clients can download maps from the server. * @param bool $multicall * @return bool */ public function isMapDownloadAllowed($multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $multicall); } /** * Returns the path of the game datas directory. * Only available to Admin. * @param bool $multicall * @return string */ public function gameDataDirectory($multicall = false) { if ($multicall) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], [$this, 'stripBom']); } return $this->stripBom($this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__))); } /** * Returns the path of the maps directory. * Only available to Admin. * @param bool $multicall * @return string */ public function getMapsDirectory($multicall = false) { if ($multicall) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], [$this, 'stripBom']); } return $this->stripBom($this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__))); } /** * Returns the path of the skins directory. * Only available to Admin. * @param bool $multicall * @return string */ public function getSkinsDirectory($multicall = false) { if ($multicall) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], [$this, 'stripBom']); } return $this->stripBom($this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__))); } /** * @deprecated since version 2013-04-11 * Set Team names and colors. * Only available to Admin. * @param string $name1 * @param float $color1 * @param string $path1 * @param string $name2 * @param float $color2 * @param string $path2 * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ function setTeamInfo($name1, $color1, $path1, $name2, $color2, $path2, $multicall=false) { if(!is_string($name1)) throw new InvalidArgumentException('name1 = '.print_r($name1, true)); if(!is_float($color1)) throw new InvalidArgumentException('color1 = '.print_r($color1, true)); if(!is_string($path1)) throw new InvalidArgumentException('path1 = '.print_r($path1, true)); if(!is_string($name2)) throw new InvalidArgumentException('name2 = '.print_r($name2, true)); if(!is_float($color2)) throw new InvalidArgumentException('color2 = '.print_r($color2, true)); if(!is_string($path2)) throw new InvalidArgumentException('path2 = '.print_r($path2, true)); return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), array('unused', 0., 'World', $name1, $color1, $path1, $name2, $color2, $path2), $multicall); } /** * Return info for a given team. * Only available to Admin. * @param int $team 0: no clan, 1 or 2 * @param bool $multicall * @return Structures\Team * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function getTeamInfo($team, $multicall = false) { if (!is_int($team) || $team < 0 || $team > 2) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('team = ' . print_r($team, true)); } if ($multicall) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$team], $this->structHandler('Team')); } return Structures\Team::fromArray($this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$team])); } /** * Set the clublinks to use for the two teams. * Only available to Admin. * @param string $team1 * @param string $team2 * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function setForcedClubLinks(string $team1, string $team2, $multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$team1, $team2], $multicall); } /** * Get the forced clublinks. * @param bool $multicall * @return string[] */ public function getForcedClubLinks($multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $multicall); } /** * (debug tool) Connect a fake player to the server and returns the login. * Only available to Admin. * @param bool $multicall * @return string */ public function connectFakePlayer($multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $multicall); } /** * (debug tool) Disconnect a fake player. * Only available to Admin. * @param string $login Fake player login or '*' for all * @param bool $multicall * @return bool */ public function disconnectFakePlayer(string $login, $multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$login], $multicall); } /** * Returns the token infos for a player. * @param mixed $player Login or player object * @param bool $multicall * @return Structures\TokenInfos * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function getDemoTokenInfosForPlayer($player, $multicall = false) { $login = $this->getLogin($player); if ($login === false) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('player = ' . print_r($player, true)); } if ($multicall) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$login], $this->structHandler('TokenInfos')); } return Structures\TokenInfos::fromArray($this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$login])); } /** * Disable player horns. * Only available to Admin. * @param bool $disable * @param bool $multicall * @return bool */ public function disableHorns(bool $disable = true, $multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$disable], $multicall); } /** * Returns whether the horns are disabled. * @param bool $multicall * @return bool */ public function areHornsDisabled($multicall = false): bool { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $multicall); } /** * Disable the automatic mesages when a player connects/disconnects from the server. * Only available to Admin. * @param bool $disable * @param bool $multicall * @return bool */ public function disableServiceAnnounces(bool $disable = true, $multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$disable], $multicall); } /** * Returns whether the automatic mesages are disabled. * @param bool $multicall * @return bool */ public function areServiceAnnouncesDisabled($multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $multicall); } /** * Enable the autosaving of all replays (vizualisable replays with all players, but not validable) on the server. * Only available to SuperAdmin. * @param bool $enable * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function autoSaveReplays(bool $enable = true, $multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$enable], $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Enable the autosaving on the server of validation replays, every time a player makes a new time. * Only available to SuperAdmin. * @param bool $enable * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function autoSaveValidationReplays($enable = true, $multicall = false) { if (!is_bool($enable)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('enable = ' . print_r($enable, true)); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$enable], $multicall); } /** * Returns if autosaving of all replays is enabled on the server. * @param bool $multicall * @return bool */ public function isAutoSaveReplaysEnabled($multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Returns if autosaving of validation replays is enabled on the server. * @param bool $multicall * @return bool */ public function isAutoSaveValidationReplaysEnabled($multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $multicall); } /** * Saves the current replay (vizualisable replays with all players, but not validable). * Only available to Admin. * @param string $filename Empty for automatic filename * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function saveCurrentReplay(string $filename = '', $multicall = false) { $filename = $this->secureUtf8($filename); return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$filename], $multicall); } /** * Saves a replay with the ghost of all the players' best race. * Only available to Admin. * @param mixed $player Login or player object; empty for all * @param string $filename Empty for automatic filename * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function saveBestGhostsReplay($player = null, string $filename = '', $multicall = false) { $login = $this->getLogin($player, true); if ($login === false) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('player = ' . print_r($player, true)); } $filename = $this->secureUtf8($filename); return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$login, $filename], $multicall); } /** * Returns a replay containing the data needed to validate the current best time of the player. * @param mixed $player Login or player object * @param bool $multicall * @return string * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function getValidationReplay($player, $multicall = false) { $login = $this->getLogin($player); if ($login === false) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('player = ' . print_r($player, true)); } if ($multicall) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$login], function ($v) { return $v->scalar; }); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$login])->scalar; } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Set a new ladder mode. * Only available to Admin. * Requires a map restart to be taken into account. * @param int $mode 0: disabled, 1: forced * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function setLadderMode($mode, $multicall = false) { if ($mode !== 0 && $mode !== 1) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('mode = ' . print_r($mode, true)); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$mode], $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Get the current and next ladder mode on server. * @param bool $multicall * @return int[] {int CurrentValue, int NextValue} */ public function getLadderMode($multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Get the ladder points limit for the players allowed on this server. * @param bool $multicall * @return Structures\LadderLimits */ public function getLadderServerLimits($multicall = false) { if ($multicall) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $this->structHandler('LadderLimits')); } return Structures\LadderLimits::fromArray($this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__))); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Set the network vehicle quality. * Only available to Admin. * Requires a map restart to be taken into account. * @param int $quality 0: fast, 1: high * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function setVehicleNetQuality($quality, $multicall = false) { if ($quality !== 0 && $quality !== 1) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('quality = ' . print_r($quality, true)); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$quality], $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Get the current and next network vehicle quality on server. * @param bool $multicall * @return int[] {int CurrentValue, int NextValue} */ public function getVehicleNetQuality($multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $multicall); } /** * Set new server options using the struct passed as parameters. * Mandatory fields: * Name, Comment, Password, PasswordForSpectator, NextCallVoteTimeOut and CallVoteRatio. * Ignored fields: * LadderServerLimitMin, LadderServerLimitMax and those starting with Current. * All other fields are optional and can be set to null to be ignored. * Only available to Admin. * A change of any field starting with Next requires a map restart to be taken into account. * @param Structures\ServerOptions $options * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ function setServerOptions(\Structures\ServerOptions $options, $multicall = false) { if ($options->isValid() === false) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('options = ' . print_r($options, true)); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$options->toSetterArray()], $multicall); } /** * Returns a struct containing the server options * @param bool $multicall * @return Structures\ServerOptions */ public function getServerOptions($multicall = false) { if ($multicall) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $this->structHandler('ServerOptions')); } return Structures\ServerOptions::fromArray($this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__))); } /** * Set whether the players can choose their side or if the teams are forced by the server (using ForcePlayerTeam()). * Only available to Admin. * @param bool $enable * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function setForcedTeams($enable, $multicall = false) { if (!is_bool($enable)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('enable = ' . print_r($enable, true)); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$enable], $multicall); } /** * Returns whether the players can choose their side or if the teams are forced by the server. * @param bool $multicall * @return bool */ public function getForcedTeams($multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $multicall); } /** * Defines the packmask of the server. * Only maps matching the packmask will be allowed on the server, so that player connecting to it know what to expect. * Only available when the server is stopped. * Only available in 2011-08-01 API version. * Only available to Admin. * @param string $packMask * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function setServerPackMask($packMask, $multicall = false) { if (!is_string($packMask)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('packMask = ' . print_r($packMask, true)); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$packMask], $multicall); } /** * Get the packmask of the server. * Only available in 2011-08-01 API version. * @param bool $multicall * @return string */ public function getServerPackMask($multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $multicall); } /** * Set the mods to apply on the clients. * Only available to Admin. * Requires a map restart to be taken into account. * @param bool $override If true, even the maps with a mod will be overridden by the server setting * @param Structures\Mod|Structures\Mod[] $mods Array of structures [{string Env, string Url}, ...] * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function setForcedMods($override, $mods, $multicall = false) { if (!is_bool($override)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('override = ' . print_r($override, true)); } if (is_array($mods)) { foreach ($mods as $i => &$mod) { if (!($mod instanceof Structures\Mod)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('mods[' . $i . '] = ' . print_r($mod, true)); } $mod = $mod->toArray(); } } elseif ($mods instanceof Structures\Mod) { $mods = [$mods->toArray()]; } else { throw new InvalidArgumentException('mods = ' . print_r($mods, true)); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$override, $mods], $multicall); } /** * Get the mods settings. * @param bool $multicall * @return array {bool Override, Structures\Mod[] Mods} */ public function getForcedMods($multicall = false) { if ($multicall) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], function ($v) { $v['Mods'] = Structures\Mod::fromArrayOfArray($v['Mods']); return $v; }); } $result = $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__)); $result['Mods'] = Structures\Mod::fromArrayOfArray($result['Mods']); return $result; } /** * Set the music to play on the clients. * Only available to Admin. * Requires a map restart to be taken into account. * @param bool $override If true, even the maps with a custom music will be overridden by the server setting * @param string $music Url or filename relative to the GameData path * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function setForcedMusic(bool $override, string $music, $multicall = false) { if (!preg_match('~^.+?://~', $music)) { $music = $this->secureUtf8($music); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$override, $music], $multicall); } /** * Get the music setting. * @param bool $multicall * @return Structures\Music */ public function getForcedMusic($multicall = false) { if ($multicall) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $this->structHandler('Music')); } return Structures\Music::fromArray($this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__))); } /** * Defines a list of remappings for player skins. * Will only affect players connecting after the value is set. * Only available to Admin. * @param Structures\ForcedSkin|Structures\ForcedSkin[] $skins List of structs {Orig, Name, Checksum, Url}: * - Orig is the name of the skin to remap, or '*' for any other * - Name, Checksum, Url define the skin to use (you may set value '' for any of those, all 3 null means same as Orig). * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function setForcedSkins($skins, $multicall = false) { if (is_array($skins)) { foreach ($skins as $i => &$skin) { if (!($skin instanceof Structures\ForcedSkin)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('skins[' . $i . '] = ' . print_r($skin, true)); } $skin = $skin->toArray(); } } elseif ($skins instanceof Structures\ForcedSkin) { $skins = [$skins->toArray()]; } else { throw new InvalidArgumentException('skins = ' . print_r($skins, true)); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$skins], $multicall); } /** * Get the current forced skins. * @param bool $multicall * @return Structures\ForcedSkin[] */ public function getForcedSkins($multicall = false) { if ($multicall) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $this->structHandler('ForcedSkin', true)); } return Structures\ForcedSkin::fromArrayOfArray($this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__))); } /** * Returns the last error message for an internet connection. * Only available to Admin. * @param bool $multicall * @return string */ public function getLastConnectionErrorMessage($multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Set a new password for the referee mode. * Only available to Admin. * @param string $password * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function setRefereePassword(string $password, $multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$password], $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Get the password for referee mode if called as Admin or Super Admin, else returns if a password is needed or not. * @param bool $multicall * @return string|bool */ public function getRefereePassword($multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Set the referee validation mode. * Only available to Admin. * @param int $mode 0: validate the top3 players, 1: validate all players * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function setRefereeMode($mode, $multicall = false) { if ($mode !== 0 && $mode !== 1) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('mode = ' . print_r($mode, true)); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$mode], $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Get the referee validation mode. * @param bool $multicall * @return int */ public function getRefereeMode($multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Set whether the game should use a variable validation seed or not. * Only available to Admin. * Requires a map restart to be taken into account. * @param bool $enable * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function setUseChangingValidationSeed($enable, $multicall = false) { if (!is_bool($enable)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('enable = ' . print_r($enable, true)); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$enable], $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Get the current and next value of UseChangingValidationSeed. * @param bool $multicall * @return bool[] {bool CurrentValue, bool NextValue} */ public function getUseChangingValidationSeed($multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $multicall); } /** * Set the maximum time the server must wait for inputs from the clients before dropping data, or '0' for auto-adaptation. * Only used by ShootMania. * Only available to Admin. * @param int $latency * @param bool $multicall * @return bool */ public function setClientInputsMaxLatency(int $latency, $multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$latency], $multicall); } /** * Get the current ClientInputsMaxLatency. * Only used by ShootMania. * @param bool $multicall * @return int */ public function getClientInputsMaxLatency($multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Sets whether the server is in warm-up phase or not. * Only available to Admin. * @param bool $enable * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function setWarmUp($enable, $multicall = false) { if (!is_bool($enable)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('enable = ' . print_r($enable, true)); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$enable], $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Returns whether the server is in warm-up phase. * @param bool $multicall * @return bool */ public function getWarmUp($multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $multicall); } /** * Get the current mode script. * @param bool $multicall * @return string */ public function getModeScriptText($multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $multicall); } /** * Set the mode script and restart. * Only available to Admin. * @param string $script * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function setModeScriptText($script, $multicall = false) { if (!is_string($script)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('script = ' . print_r($script, true)); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$script], $multicall); } /** * Returns the description of the current mode script. * @param bool $multicall * @return Structures\ScriptInfo */ public function getModeScriptInfo($multicall = false) { if ($multicall) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $this->structHandler('ScriptInfo')); } return Structures\ScriptInfo::fromArray($this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__))); } /** * Returns the current settings of the mode script. * @param bool $multicall * @return array {mixed , ...} */ public function getModeScriptSettings($multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $multicall); } /** * Change the settings of the mode script. * Only available to Admin. * @param mixed[] $settings {mixed , ...} * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function setModeScriptSettings($settings, $multicall = false) { if (!is_array($settings) || !$settings) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('settings = ' . print_r($settings, true)); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$settings], $multicall); } /** * Send commands to the mode script. * Only available to Admin. * @param mixed[] $commands {mixed , ...} * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function sendModeScriptCommands($commands, $multicall = false) { if (!is_array($commands) || !$commands) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('commands = ' . print_r($commands, true)); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$commands], $multicall); } /** * Change the settings and send commands to the mode script. * Only available to Admin. * @param mixed[] $settings {mixed , ...} * @param mixed[] $commands {mixed , ...} * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function setModeScriptSettingsAndCommands($settings, $commands, $multicall = false) { if (!is_array($settings) || !$settings) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('settings = ' . print_r($settings, true)); } if (!is_array($commands) || !$commands) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('commands = ' . print_r($commands, true)); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$settings, $commands], $multicall); } /** * Returns the current xml-rpc variables of the mode script. * @param bool $multicall * @return array {mixed , ...} */ public function getModeScriptVariables($multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $multicall); } /** * Set the xml-rpc variables of the mode script. * Only available to Admin. * @param mixed[] $variables {mixed , ...} * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function setModeScriptVariables($variables, $multicall = false) { if (!is_array($variables) || !$variables) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('variables = ' . print_r($variables, true)); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$variables], $multicall); } /** * Send an event to the mode script. * Only available to Admin. * @param string $event * @param string|string[] $params * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function triggerModeScriptEvent(string $event, $params = '', $multicall = false) { if (is_string($params)) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$event, $params], $multicall); } if (is_array($params)) { foreach ($params as $param) { if (!is_string($param)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('argument must be a string: param = ' . print_r($param, true)); } } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__) . 'Array', [$event, $params], $multicall); } // else throw new InvalidArgumentException('argument must be string or string[]: params = ' . print_r($params, true)); } /** * Set the ServerPlugin settings. * Only available to Admin. * @param boolean $forceReload * @param string $filename * @param array $settings * @param bool $multicall * @return bool */ function setServerPlugin($forceReload, $filename='', $settings=array(), $multicall=false) { if (count($settings) === 0) return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), array($forceReload, $filename), $multicall); return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), array($forceReload, $filename, $settings), $multicall); } /** * Get the ServerPlugin current settings. * Only available to Admin. * @param bool $multicall * @return bool */ function getServerPlugin($multicall=false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), array(), $multicall); } /** * Returns the current xml-rpc variables of the server script. * Only available to Admin. * @param bool $multicall * @return bool */ function getServerPluginVariables($multicall=false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), array(), $multicall); } /** * Set the xml-rpc variables of the server script. * Only available to Admin. * @param mixed[] $variables {mixed , ...} * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ function setServerPluginVariables($variables, $multicall=false) { if(!is_array($variables) || !$variables) throw new InvalidArgumentException('variables = '.print_r($variables, true)); return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), array($variables), $multicall); } /** * Send an event to the server script. * Only available to Admin. * @param string $event * @param string|string[] $params * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ function triggerServerPluginEvent($event, $params='', $multicall=false) { if(!is_string($event)) throw new InvalidArgumentException('event name must be a string: event = '.print_r($event, true)); if(is_string($params)) return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), array($event, $params), $multicall); if(is_array($params)){ foreach($params as $param){ if(!is_string($param)){ throw new InvalidArgumentException('argument must be a string: param = '.print_r($param, true)); } } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__).'Array', array($event, $params), $multicall); } // else throw new InvalidArgumentException('argument must be string or string[]: params = '.print_r($params, true)); } /** * Get the script cloud variables of given object. * Only available to Admin. * @param string $type * @param string $id * @param bool $multicall * @return array {mixed , ...} * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function getScriptCloudVariables($type, $id, $multicall = false) { if (!is_string($type)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('type = ' . print_r($type, true)); } if (!is_string($id)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('id = ' . print_r($id, true)); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$type, $id], $multicall); } /** * Set the script cloud variables of given object. * Only available to Admin. * @param string $type * @param string $id * @param mixed[] $variables {mixed , ...} * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function setScriptCloudVariables($type, $id, $variables, $multicall = false) { if (!is_string($type)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('type = ' . print_r($type, true)); } if (!is_string($id)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('id = ' . print_r($id, true)); } if (!is_array($variables) || !$variables) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('variables = ' . print_r($variables, true)); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$type, $id, $variables], $multicall); } /** * Restarts the map. * Only available to Admin. * @param bool $dontClearCupScores Only available in legacy cup mode * @param bool $multicall * @return bool */ public function restartMap($dontClearCupScores = false, $multicall = false) { if (!is_bool($dontClearCupScores)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('dontClearCupScores = ' . print_r($dontClearCupScores, true)); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$dontClearCupScores], $multicall); } /** * Switch to next map. * Only available to Admin. * @param bool $dontClearCupScores Only available in legacy cup mode * @param bool $multicall * @return bool */ public function nextMap($dontClearCupScores = false, $multicall = false) { if (!is_bool($dontClearCupScores)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('dontClearCupScores = ' . print_r($dontClearCupScores, true)); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$dontClearCupScores], $multicall); } /** * Attempt to balance teams. * Only available to Admin. * @param bool $multicall * @return bool */ public function autoTeamBalance($multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $multicall); } /** * Stop the server. * Only available to SuperAdmin. * @param bool $multicall * @return bool */ public function stopServer($multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * In legacy Rounds or Laps mode, force the end of round without waiting for all players to giveup/finish. * Only available to Admin. * @param bool $multicall * @return bool */ public function forceEndRound($multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Set new game settings using the struct passed as parameters. * Only available to Admin. * Requires a map restart to be taken into account. * @param Structures\GameInfos $gameInfos * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function setGameInfos($gameInfos, $multicall = false) { if (!($gameInfos instanceof Structures\GameInfos)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('gameInfos = ' . print_r($gameInfos, true)); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$gameInfos->toArray()], $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Returns a struct containing the current game settings. * @param bool $multicall * @return Structures\GameInfos */ public function getCurrentGameInfo($multicall = false) { if ($multicall) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $this->structHandler('GameInfos')); } return Structures\GameInfos::fromArray($this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__))); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Returns a struct containing the game settings for the next map. * @param bool $multicall * @return Structures\GameInfos */ public function getNextGameInfo($multicall = false) { if ($multicall) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $this->structHandler('GameInfos')); } return Structures\GameInfos::fromArray($this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__))); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Returns a struct containing two other structures, the first containing the current game settings and the second the game settings for next map. * @param bool $multicall * @return Structures\GameInfos[] {Structures\GameInfos CurrentGameInfos, Structures\GameInfos NextGameInfos} */ public function getGameInfos($multicall = false) { if ($multicall) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $this->structHandler('GameInfos', true)); } return Structures\GameInfos::fromArrayOfArray($this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__))); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Set a new game mode. * Only available to Admin. * Requires a map restart to be taken into account. * @param int $gameMode 0: Script, 1: Rounds, 2: TimeAttack, 3: Team, 4: Laps, 5: Cup, 6: Stunt * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function setGameMode($gameMode, $multicall = false) { if (!is_int($gameMode) || $gameMode < 0 || $gameMode > 6) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('gameMode = ' . print_r($gameMode, true)); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$gameMode], $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Get the current game mode. * @param bool $multicall * @return int */ public function getGameMode($multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Set a new chat time value (actually the duration of the podium). * Only available to Admin. * @param int $chatTime In milliseconds, 0: no podium displayed * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function setChatTime($chatTime, $multicall = false) { if (!is_int($chatTime)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('chatTime = ' . print_r($chatTime, true)); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$chatTime], $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Get the current and next chat time. * @param bool $multicall * @return int[] {int CurrentValue, int NextValue} */ public function getChatTime($multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Set a new finish timeout value for legacy laps and rounds based modes. * Only available to Admin. * Requires a map restart to be taken into account. * @param int $timeout In milliseconds, 0: default, 1: adaptative to the map duration * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function setFinishTimeout($timeout, $multicall = false) { if (!is_int($timeout)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('timeout = ' . print_r($timeout, true)); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$timeout], $multicall); } /** * Get the current and next FinishTimeout. * @param bool $multicall * @return int[] {int CurrentValue, int NextValue} */ public function getFinishTimeout($multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Set whether to enable the automatic warm-up phase in all modes. * Only available to Admin. * Requires a map restart to be taken into account. * @param int $duration 0: disable, number of rounds in rounds based modes, number of times the gold medal time otherwise * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function setAllWarmUpDuration($duration, $multicall = false) { if (!is_int($duration)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('duration = ' . print_r($duration, true)); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$duration], $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Get whether the automatic warm-up phase is enabled in all modes. * @param bool $multicall * @return int[] {int CurrentValue, int NextValue} */ public function getAllWarmUpDuration($multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Set whether to disallow players to respawn. * Only available to Admin. * Requires a map restart to be taken into account. * @param bool $disable * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function setDisableRespawn($disable, $multicall = false) { if (!is_bool($disable)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('disable = ' . print_r($disable, true)); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$disable], $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Get whether players are disallowed to respawn. * @param bool $multicall * @return bool[] {bool CurrentValue, bool NextValue} */ public function getDisableRespawn($multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $multicall); } /** * Set whether to override the players preferences and always display all opponents. * Only available to Admin. * Requires a map restart to be taken into account. * @param int $opponents 0: no override, 1: show all, else: minimum number of opponents * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function setForceShowAllOpponents($opponents, $multicall = false) { if (!is_int($opponents)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('opponents = ' . print_r($opponents, true)); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$opponents], $multicall); } /** * Get whether players are forced to show all opponents. * @param bool $multicall * @return int[] {int CurrentValue, int NextValue} */ public function getForceShowAllOpponents($multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $multicall); } /** * Set a new mode script name for script mode. * Only available to Admin. * Requires a map restart to be taken into account. * @param string $script * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function setScriptName($script, $multicall = false) { if (!is_string($script)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('script = ' . print_r($script, true)); } $script = $this->secureUtf8($script); return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$script], $multicall); } /** * Get the current and next mode script name for script mode. * @param bool $multicall * @return string[] {string CurrentValue, string NextValue} */ public function getScriptName($multicall = false) { if ($multicall) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], [$this, 'stripBom']); } return $this->stripBom($this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__))); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Set a new time limit for legacy time attack mode. * Only available to Admin. * Requires a map restart to be taken into account. * @param int $limit In milliseconds * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ function setTimeAttackLimit($limit, $multicall=false) { if(!is_int($limit)) throw new InvalidArgumentException('limit = '.print_r($limit, true)); return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), array($limit), $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Get the current and next time limit for legacy time attack mode. * @param bool $multicall * @return int[] {int CurrentValue, int NextValue} */ function getTimeAttackLimit($multicall=false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), array(), $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Set a new synchronized start period for legacy time attack mode. * Only available to Admin. * Requires a map restart to be taken into account. * @param int $synch * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ function setTimeAttackSynchStartPeriod($synch, $multicall=false) { if(!is_int($synch)) throw new InvalidArgumentException('synch = '.print_r($synch, true)); return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), array($synch), $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Get the current and synchronized start period for legacy time attack mode. * @param bool $multicall * @return int[] {int CurrentValue, int NextValue} */ function getTimeAttackSynchStartPeriod($multicall=false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), array(), $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Set a new time limit for legacy laps mode. * Only available to Admin. * Requires a map restart to be taken into account. * @param int $limit * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ function setLapsTimeLimit($limit, $multicall=false) { if(!is_int($limit)) throw new InvalidArgumentException('limit = '.print_r($limit, true)); return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), array($limit), $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Get the current and next time limit for legacy laps mode. * @param bool $multicall * @return int[] {int CurrentValue, int NextValue} */ function getLapsTimeLimit($multicall=false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), array(), $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Set a new number of laps for legacy laps mode. * Only available to Admin. * Requires a map restart to be taken into account. * @param int $laps * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ function setNbLaps($laps, $multicall=false) { if(!is_int($laps)) throw new InvalidArgumentException('laps = '.print_r($laps, true)); return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), array($laps), $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Get the current and next number of laps for legacy laps mode. * @param bool $multicall * @return int[] {int CurrentValue, int NextValue} */ function getNbLaps($multicall=false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), array(), $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Set a new number of laps for legacy rounds mode. * Only available to Admin. * Requires a map restart to be taken into account. * @param int $laps 0: map default * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ function setRoundForcedLaps($laps, $multicall=false) { if(!is_int($laps)) throw new InvalidArgumentException('laps = '.print_r($laps, true)); return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), array($laps), $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Get the current and next number of laps for rounds mode. * @param bool $multicall * @return int[] {int CurrentValue, int NextValue} */ function getRoundForcedLaps($multicall=false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), array(), $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Set a new points limit for legacy rounds mode (value set depends on UseNewRulesRound). * Only available to Admin. * Requires a map restart to be taken into account. * @param int $limit * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ function setRoundPointsLimit($limit, $multicall=false) { if(!is_int($limit)) throw new InvalidArgumentException('limit = '.print_r($limit, true)); return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), array($limit), $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Get the current and next points limit for rounds mode (values returned depend on UseNewRulesRound). * @param bool $multicall * @return int[] {int CurrentValue, int NextValue} */ function getRoundPointsLimit($multicall=false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), array(), $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Set the points used for the scores in legacy rounds mode. * Only available to Admin. * @param int[] $points Array of decreasing integers for the players from the first to last * @param bool $relax True to relax the constraint checking on the scores * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ function setRoundCustomPoints($points, $relax=false, $multicall=false) { if(!is_array($points)) throw new InvalidArgumentException('points = '.print_r($points, true)); if(!is_bool($relax)) throw new InvalidArgumentException('relax = '.print_r($relax, true)); return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), array($points, $relax), $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Gets the points used for the scores in legacy rounds mode. * @param bool $multicall * @return int[] */ function getRoundCustomPoints($multicall=false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), array(), $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Set if new rules are used for legacy rounds mode. * Only available to Admin. * Requires a map restart to be taken into account. * @param bool $newRules * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ function setUseNewRulesRound($newRules, $multicall=false) { if(!is_bool($newRules)) throw new InvalidArgumentException('newRules = '.print_r($newRules, true)); return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), array($newRules), $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Get if the new rules are used for legacy rounds mode (Current and next values). * @param bool $multicall * @return bool[] {bool CurrentValue, bool NextValue} */ function getUseNewRulesRound($multicall=false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), array(), $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Set a new points limit for team mode (value set depends on UseNewRulesTeam). * Only available to Admin. * Requires a map restart to be taken into account. * @param int $limit * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ function setTeamPointsLimit($limit, $multicall=false) { if(!is_int($limit)) throw new InvalidArgumentException('limit = '.print_r($limit, true)); return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), array($limit), $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Get the current and next points limit for team mode (values returned depend on UseNewRulesTeam). * @param bool $multicall * @return int[] {int CurrentValue, int NextValue} */ function getTeamPointsLimit($multicall=false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), array(), $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Set a new number of maximum points per round for team mode. * Only available to Admin. * Requires a map restart to be taken into account. * @param int $max * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ function setMaxPointsTeam($max, $multicall=false) { if(!is_int($max)) throw new InvalidArgumentException('max = '.print_r($max, true)); return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), array($max), $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Get the current and next number of maximum points per round for team mode. * @param bool $multicall * @return int[] {int CurrentValue, int NextValue} */ function getMaxPointsTeam($multicall=false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), array(), $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Set if new rules are used for team mode. * Only available to Admin. * Requires a map restart to be taken into account. * @param bool $newRules * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ function setUseNewRulesTeam($newRules, $multicall=false) { if(!is_bool($newRules)) throw new InvalidArgumentException('newRules = '.print_r($newRules, true)); return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), array($newRules), $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Get if the new rules are used for team mode (Current and next values). * @param bool $multicall * @return bool[] {bool CurrentValue, bool NextValue} */ function getUseNewRulesTeam($multicall=false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), array(), $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Set the points needed for victory in Cup mode. * Only available to Admin. * Requires a map restart to be taken into account. * @param int $limit * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ function setCupPointsLimit($limit, $multicall=false) { if(!is_int($limit)) throw new InvalidArgumentException('limit = '.print_r($limit, true)); return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), array($limit), $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Get the points needed for victory in Cup mode. * @param bool $multicall * @return int[] {int CurrentValue, int NextValue} */ function getCupPointsLimit($multicall=false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), array(), $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Sets the number of rounds before going to next map in Cup mode. * Only available to Admin. * Requires a map restart to be taken into account. * @param int $rounds * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ function setCupRoundsPerMap($rounds, $multicall=false) { if(!is_int($rounds)) throw new InvalidArgumentException('rounds = '.print_r($rounds, true)); return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), array($rounds), $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Get the number of rounds before going to next map in Cup mode. * @param bool $multicall * @return int[] {int CurrentValue, int NextValue} */ function getCupRoundsPerMap($multicall=false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), array(), $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Set whether to enable the automatic warm-up phase in Cup mode. * Only available to Admin. * Requires a map restart to be taken into account. * @param int $duration Number of rounds, 0: no warm-up * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ function setCupWarmUpDuration($duration, $multicall=false) { if(!is_int($duration)) throw new InvalidArgumentException('duration = '.print_r($duration, true)); return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), array($duration), $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Get whether the automatic warm-up phase is enabled in Cup mode. * @param bool $multicall * @return int[] {int CurrentValue, int NextValue} */ function getCupWarmUpDuration($multicall=false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), array(), $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Set the number of winners to determine before the match is considered over. * Only available to Admin. * Requires a map restart to be taken into account. * @param int $winners * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ function setCupNbWinners($winners, $multicall=false) { if(!is_int($winners)) throw new InvalidArgumentException('winners = '.print_r($winners, true)); return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), array($winners), $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Get the number of winners to determine before the match is considered over. * @param bool $multicall * @return int[] {int CurrentValue, int NextValue} */ function getCupNbWinners($multicall=false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), array(), $multicall); } /** * Returns the current map index in the selection, or -1 if the map is no longer in the selection. * @param bool $multicall * @return int */ public function getCurrentMapIndex($multicall = false): int { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $multicall); } /** * Returns the map index in the selection that will be played next (unless the current one is restarted...) * @param bool $multicall * @return int */ public function getNextMapIndex($multicall = false): int { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $multicall); } /** * Sets the map index in the selection that will be played next (unless the current one is restarted...) * @param int $index * @param bool $multicall * @return bool */ public function setNextMapIndex(int $index, $multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$index], $multicall); } /** * Sets the map in the selection that will be played next (unless the current one is restarted...) * @param string $ident * @param bool $multicall * @return bool */ public function setNextMapIdent(string $ident, $multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$ident], $multicall); } /** * Immediately jumps to the map designated by the index in the selection. * @param int $index * @param bool $multicall * @return bool */ public function jumpToMapIndex(int $index, $multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$index], $multicall); } /** * Immediately jumps to the map designated by its identifier (it must be in the selection). * @param string $ident * @param bool $multicall * @return bool */ public function jumpToMapIdent(string $ident, $multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$ident], $multicall); } /** * Returns a struct containing the infos for the current map. * @param bool $multicall * @return Structures\Map */ public function getCurrentMapInfo($multicall = false) { if ($multicall) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $this->structHandler('Map')); } return Structures\Map::fromArray($this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__))); } /** * Returns a struct containing the infos for the next map. * @param bool $multicall * @return Structures\Map */ public function getNextMapInfo($multicall = false) { if ($multicall) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $this->structHandler('Map')); } return Structures\Map::fromArray($this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__))); } /** * Returns a struct containing the infos for the map with the specified filename. * @param string $filename Relative to the Maps path * @param bool $multicall * @return Structures\Map * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function getMapInfo(string $filename, $multicall = false) { $filename = $this->secureUtf8($filename); if ($multicall) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$filename], $this->structHandler('Map')); } return Structures\Map::fromArray($this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$filename])); } /** * Returns a boolean if the map with the specified filename matches the current server settings. * @param string $filename Relative to the Maps path * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function checkMapForCurrentServerParams(string $filename, $multicall = false) { $filename = $this->secureUtf8($filename); return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$filename], $multicall); } /** * Returns a list of maps among the current selection of the server. * @param int $length Maximum number of infos to be returned * @param int $offset Starting index in the list * @param bool $multicall * @return Structures\Map[] */ public function getMapList(int $length = -1, int $offset = 0, $multicall = false) { if ($multicall) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$length, $offset], $this->structHandler('Map', true)); } return Structures\Map::fromArrayOfArray($this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$length, $offset])); } /** * Add the map with the specified filename at the end of the current selection. * Only available to Admin. * @param string $filename Relative to the Maps path * @param bool $multicall * @return bool */ public function addMap(string $filename, $multicall = false) { $filename = $this->secureUtf8($filename); return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$filename], $multicall); } /** * Add the list of maps with the specified filenames at the end of the current selection. * Only available to Admin. * @param string[] $filenames Relative to the Maps path * @param bool $multicall * @return int Number of maps actually added * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function addMapList($filenames, $multicall = false) { if (!is_array($filenames)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('filenames = ' . print_r($filenames, true)); } $filenames = $this->secureUtf8($filenames); return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$filenames], $multicall); } /** * Remove the map with the specified filename from the current selection. * Only available to Admin. * @param string $filename Relative to the Maps path * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function removeMap($filename, $multicall = false) { if (!is_string($filename) || !strlen($filename)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('filename = ' . print_r($filename, true)); } $filename = $this->secureUtf8($filename); return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$filename], $multicall); } /** * Remove the list of maps with the specified filenames from the current selection. * Only available to Admin. * @param string[] $filenames Relative to the Maps path * @param bool $multicall * @return int Number of maps actually removed * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function removeMapList($filenames, $multicall = false) { if (!is_array($filenames)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('filenames = ' . print_r($filenames, true)); } $filenames = $this->secureUtf8($filenames); return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$filenames], $multicall); } /** * Insert the map with the specified filename after the current map. * Only available to Admin. * @param string $filename Relative to the Maps path * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function insertMap($filename, $multicall = false) { if (!is_string($filename) || !strlen($filename)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('filename = ' . print_r($filename, true)); } $filename = $this->secureUtf8($filename); return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$filename], $multicall); } /** * Insert the list of maps with the specified filenames after the current map. * Only available to Admin. * @param string[] $filenames Relative to the Maps path * @param bool $multicall * @return int Number of maps actually inserted * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function insertMapList($filenames, $multicall = false) { if (!is_array($filenames)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('filenames = ' . print_r($filenames, true)); } $filenames = $this->secureUtf8($filenames); return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$filenames], $multicall); } /** * Set as next map the one with the specified filename, if it is present in the selection. * Only available to Admin. * @param string $filename Relative to the Maps path * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function chooseNextMap($filename, $multicall = false) { if (!is_string($filename) || !strlen($filename)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('filename = ' . print_r($filename, true)); } $filename = $this->secureUtf8($filename); return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$filename], $multicall); } /** * Set as next maps the list of maps with the specified filenames, if they are present in the selection. * Only available to Admin. * @param string[] $filenames Relative to the Maps path * @param bool $multicall * @return int Number of maps actually chosen * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function chooseNextMapList($filenames, $multicall = false) { if (!is_array($filenames)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('filenames = ' . print_r($filenames, true)); } $filenames = $this->secureUtf8($filenames); return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$filenames], $multicall); } /** * Set a list of maps defined in the playlist with the specified filename as the current selection of the server, and load the gameinfos from the same file. * Only available to Admin. * @param string $filename Relative to the Maps path * @param bool $multicall * @return int Number of maps in the new list * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function loadMatchSettings($filename, $multicall = false) { if (!is_string($filename) || !strlen($filename)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('filename = ' . print_r($filename, true)); } $filename = $this->secureUtf8($filename); return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$filename], $multicall); } /** * Add a list of maps defined in the playlist with the specified filename at the end of the current selection. * Only available to Admin. * @param string $filename Relative to the Maps path * @param bool $multicall * @return int Number of maps actually added * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function appendPlaylistFromMatchSettings($filename, $multicall = false) { if (!is_string($filename) || !strlen($filename)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('filename = ' . print_r($filename, true)); } $filename = $this->secureUtf8($filename); return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$filename], $multicall); } /** * Save the current selection of map in the playlist with the specified filename, as well as the current gameinfos. * Only available to Admin. * @param string $filename Relative to the Maps path * @param bool $multicall * @return int Number of maps in the saved playlist * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function saveMatchSettings($filename, $multicall = false) { if (!is_string($filename) || !strlen($filename)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('filename = ' . print_r($filename, true)); } $filename = $this->secureUtf8($filename); return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$filename], $multicall); } /** * Insert a list of maps defined in the playlist with the specified filename after the current map. * Only available to Admin. * @param string $filename Relative to the Maps path * @param bool $multicall * @return int Number of maps actually inserted * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function insertPlaylistFromMatchSettings($filename, $multicall = false) { if (!is_string($filename) || !strlen($filename)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('filename = ' . print_r($filename, true)); } $filename = $this->secureUtf8($filename); return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$filename], $multicall); } /** * Returns the list of players on the server. * @param int $length Maximum number of infos to be returned * @param int $offset Starting index in the list * @param int $compatibility 0: united, 1: forever, 2: forever including servers * @param bool $multicall * @return Structures\PlayerInfo[] * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function getPlayerList($length = -1, $offset = 0, $compatibility = 1, $multicall = false) { if (!is_int($length)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('length = ' . print_r($length, true)); } if (!is_int($offset)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('offset = ' . print_r($offset, true)); } if (!is_int($compatibility) || $compatibility < 0 || $compatibility > 2) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('compatibility = ' . print_r($compatibility, true)); } if ($multicall) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$length, $offset, $compatibility], $this->structHandler('PlayerInfo', true)); } return Structures\PlayerInfo::fromArrayOfArray($this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$length, $offset, $compatibility])); } /** * Returns a struct containing the infos on the player with the specified login. * @param mixed $player Login or player object * @param int $compatibility 0: united, 1: forever * @param bool $multicall * @return Structures\PlayerInfo * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function getPlayerInfo($player, $compatibility = 1, $multicall = false) { $login = $this->getLogin($player); if ($login === false) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('player = ' . print_r($player, true)); } if ($compatibility !== 0 && $compatibility !== 1) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('compatibility = ' . print_r($compatibility, true)); } if ($multicall) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$login, $compatibility], $this->structHandler('PlayerInfo')); } return Structures\PlayerInfo::fromArray($this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$login, $compatibility])); } /** * Returns a struct containing the infos on the player with the specified login. * @param mixed $player Login or player object * @param bool $multicall * @return Structures\PlayerDetailedInfo * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function getDetailedPlayerInfo($player, $multicall = false) { $login = $this->getLogin($player); if ($login === false) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('player = ' . print_r($player, true)); } if ($multicall) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$login], $this->structHandler('PlayerDetailedInfo')); } return Structures\PlayerDetailedInfo::fromArray($this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$login])); } /** * Returns a struct containing the player infos of the game server * (ie: in case of a basic server, itself; in case of a relay server, the main server) * @param int $compatibility 0: united, 1: forever * @param bool $multicall * @return Structures\PlayerInfo * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function getMainServerPlayerInfo($compatibility = 1, $multicall = false) { if (!is_int($compatibility)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('compatibility = ' . print_r($compatibility, true)); } if ($multicall) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$compatibility], $this->structHandler('PlayerInfo')); } return Structures\PlayerInfo::fromArray($this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$compatibility])); } /** * Returns the current rankings for the match in progress. * In script modes, scores aren't returned. * In team modes, the scores for the two teams are returned. * In other modes, it's the individual players' scores. * @param int $length Maximum number of infos to be returned * @param int $offset Starting index in the list * @param bool $multicall * @return Structures\PlayerRanking[] * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function getCurrentRanking($length = -1, $offset = 0, $multicall = false) { if (!is_int($length)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('length = ' . print_r($length, true)); } if (!is_int($offset)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('offset = ' . print_r($offset, true)); } if ($multicall) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$length, $offset], $this->structHandler('PlayerRanking', true)); } return Structures\PlayerRanking::fromArrayOfArray($this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$length, $offset])); } /** * Returns the current ranking of the player with the specified login (or list of comma-separated logins) for the match in progress. * In script modes, scores aren't returned. * In other modes, it's the individual players' scores. * @param mixed $players Login, player object or array * @param bool $multicall * @return Structures\PlayerRanking[] * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function getCurrentRankingForLogin($players, $multicall = false) { $logins = $this->getLogins($players); if ($logins === false) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('players = ' . print_r($players, true)); } if ($multicall) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$logins], $this->structHandler('PlayerRanking', true)); } return Structures\PlayerRanking::fromArrayOfArray($this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$logins])); } /** * Returns the current winning team for the race in progress. * @param bool $multicall * @return int -1: if not in team mode or draw match, 0 or 1 otherwise */ public function getCurrentWinnerTeam($multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $multicall); } /** * Force the scores of the current game. * Only available in rounds and team mode. * Only available to Admin/SuperAdmin. * @param int[][] $scores Array of structs {int PlayerId, int Score} * @param bool $silent True to update silently (only available for SuperAdmin) * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function forceScores($scores, $silent, $multicall = false) { if (!is_array($scores)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('scores = ' . print_r($scores, true)); } foreach ($scores as $i => $score) { if (!is_array($score)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('score[' . $i . '] = ' . print_r($score, true)); } if (!isset($score['PlayerId']) || !is_int($score['PlayerId'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('score[' . $i . ']["PlayerId"] = ' . print_r($score, true)); } if (!isset($score['Score']) || !is_int($score['Score'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('score[' . $i . ']["Score"] = ' . print_r($score, true)); } } if (!is_bool($silent)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('silent = ' . print_r($silent, true)); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$scores, $silent], $multicall); } /** * Force the team of the player. * Only available in team mode. * Only available to Admin. * @param mixed $player Login or player object * @param int $team 0 or 1 * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function forcePlayerTeam($player, $team, $multicall = false) { $login = $this->getLogin($player); if ($login === false) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('player = ' . print_r($player, true)); } if ($team !== 0 && $team !== 1) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('team = ' . print_r($team, true)); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$login, $team], $multicall); } /** * Force the spectating status of the player. * Only available to Admin. * @param mixed $player Login or player object * @param int $mode 0: user selectable, 1: spectator, 2: player, 3: spectator but keep selectable * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function forceSpectator($player, $mode, $multicall = false) { $login = $this->getLogin($player); if ($login === false) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('player = ' . print_r($player, true)); } if (!is_int($mode) || $mode < 0 || $mode > 3) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('mode = ' . print_r($mode, true)); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$login, $mode], $multicall); } /** * Force spectators to look at a specific player. * Only available to Admin. * @param mixed $spectator Login or player object; empty for all * @param mixed $target Login or player object; empty for automatic * @param int $camera -1: leave unchanged, 0: replay, 1: follow, 2: free * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function forceSpectatorTarget($spectator, $target, $camera, $multicall = false) { $spectatorLogin = $this->getLogin($spectator, true); if ($spectatorLogin === false) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('player = ' . print_r($spectator, true)); } $targetLogin = $this->getLogin($target, true); if ($targetLogin === false) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('target = ' . print_r($target, true)); } if (!is_int($camera) || $camera < -1 || $camera > 2) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('camera = ' . print_r($camera, true)); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$spectatorLogin, $targetLogin, $camera], $multicall); } /** * Pass the login of the spectator. * A spectator that once was a player keeps his player slot, so that he can go back to player mode. * Calling this function frees this slot for another player to connect. * Only available to Admin. * @param mixed $player Login or player object * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function spectatorReleasePlayerSlot($player, $multicall = false) { $login = $this->getLogin($player); if ($login === false) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('player = ' . print_r($player, true)); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$login], $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Enable control of the game flow: the game will wait for the caller to validate state transitions. * Only available to Admin. * @param bool $enable * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function manualFlowControlEnable($enable = true, $multicall = false) { if (!is_bool($enable)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('enable = ' . print_r($enable, true)); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [$enable], $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Allows the game to proceed. * Only available to Admin. * @param bool $multicall * @return bool */ public function manualFlowControlProceed($multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Returns whether the manual control of the game flow is enabled. * Only available to Admin. * @param bool $multicall * @return int 0: no, 1: yes by the xml-rpc client making the call, 2: yes by some other xml-rpc client */ public function manualFlowControlIsEnabled($multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Returns the transition that is currently blocked, or '' if none. * (That's exactly the value last received by the callback.) * Only available to Admin. * @param bool $multicall * @return string */ public function manualFlowControlGetCurTransition($multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Returns the current match ending condition. * @param bool $multicall * @return string 'Playing', 'ChangeMap' or 'Finished' */ public function checkEndMatchCondition($multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $multicall); } /** * Returns a struct containing the networks stats of the server. * Only available to SuperAdmin. * @param bool $multicall * @return Structures\NetworkStats */ public function getNetworkStats($multicall = false) { if ($multicall) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $this->structHandler('NetworkStats')); } return Structures\NetworkStats::fromArray($this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__))); } /** * Start a server on lan, using the current configuration. * Only available to SuperAdmin. * @param bool $multicall * @return bool */ public function startServerLan($multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $multicall); } /** * Start a server on internet, using the current configuration. * Only available to SuperAdmin. * @param bool $multicall * @return bool */ public function startServerInternet($multicall = false) { return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [], $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Join the server on lan. * Only available on client. * Only available to Admin. * @param string $host IPv4 with optionally a port (eg. '') * @param string $password * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function joinServerLan($host, $password = '', $multicall = false) { if (!is_string($host)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('host = ' . print_r($host, true)); } if (!is_string($password)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('password = ' . print_r($password, true)); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [['Server' => $host, 'ServerPassword' => $password]], $multicall); } /** * @deprecated since version 2022-03-21 * Join the server on internet. * Only available on client. * Only available to Admin. * @param string $host Server login or IPv4 with optionally a port (eg. '') * @param string $password * @param bool $multicall * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function joinServerInternet($host, $password = '', $multicall = false) { if (!is_string($host)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('host = ' . print_r($host, true)); } if (!is_string($password)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('password = ' . print_r($password, true)); } return $this->execute(ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), [['Server' => $host, 'ServerPassword' => $password]], $multicall); } } /** * Exception Dedicated to Invalid Argument Error on Request Call */ class InvalidArgumentException extends \Exception { }