includes[$scriptInclude->getNamespace()] = $scriptInclude; return $this; } /** * Add a Script Constant * * @param string $name Constant Name * @param string $value Constant Value * @return \FML\Script\Script */ public function addScriptConstant($name, $value = null) { if (is_object($name) && ($name instanceof ScriptConstant)) { $scriptConstant = $name; } else { $scriptConstant = new ScriptConstant($name, $value); } array_push($this->constants, $scriptConstant); return $this; } /** * Add a Script Function * * @param string $name Function Name * @param string $text Function Text * @return \FML\Script\Script */ public function addScriptFunction($name, $text = null) { if (is_object($name) && ($name instanceof ScriptFunction)) { $scriptFunction = $name; } else { $scriptFunction = new ScriptFunction($name, $text); } $this->functions[$scriptFunction->getName()] = $scriptFunction; return $this; } /** * Add a custom Script Text * * @param string $name Label Name * @param string $text Script Text * @return \FML\Script\Script */ public function addCustomScriptLabel($name, $text = null) { if (is_object($name) && ($name instanceof ScriptLabel)) { $scriptLabel = $name; } else { $scriptLabel = new ScriptLabel($name, $text); } array_push($this->customLabels, $scriptLabel); return $this; } /** * Append a generic Script Text for the next Rendering * * @param string $name Label Name * @param string $text Script Text * @param bool $isolated (optional) Whether to isolate the Label Script * @return \FML\Script\Script */ public function appendGenericScriptLabel($name, $text = null, $isolated = false) { if (is_object($name) && ($name instanceof ScriptLabel)) { $scriptLabel = $name; } else { $scriptLabel = new ScriptLabel($name, $text, $isolated); } array_push($this->genericLabels, $scriptLabel); return $this; } /** * Remove all generic Script Texts * * @return \FML\Script\Script */ public function resetGenericScriptLabels() { $this->genericLabels = array(); return $this; } /** * Add an own Script Feature * * @param ScriptFeature $feature Script Feature * @return \FML\Script\Script */ public function addFeature(ScriptFeature $feature) { array_push($this->features, $feature); return $this; } /** * Load the given Script Feature * * @param ScriptFeature $scriptFeature Script Feature to load * @return \FML\Script\Script */ public function loadFeature(ScriptFeature $scriptFeature) { $scriptFeature->prepare($this); return $this; } /** * Load the given Script Features * * @param array $scriptFeatures Script Features to load * @return \FML\Script\Script */ public function loadFeatures(array $scriptFeatures) { foreach ($scriptFeatures as $scriptFeature) { $this->loadFeature($scriptFeature); } return $this; } /** * Check if the Script has Stuff so that it needs to be rendered * * @return bool */ public function needsRendering() { if ($this->features || $this->customLabels || $this->genericLabels) { return true; } return false; } /** * Build the complete Script Text * * @return string */ public function buildScriptText() { $scriptText = PHP_EOL; $scriptText .= $this->getHeaderComment(); $scriptText .= $this->getIncludes(); $scriptText .= $this->getConstants(); $scriptText .= $this->getFunctions(); $scriptText .= $this->getLabels(); $scriptText .= $this->getMainFunction(); return $scriptText; } /** * Create the Script XML Tag * * @param \DOMDocument $domDocument DOMDocument for which the XML Element should be created * @return \DOMElement */ public function render(\DOMDocument $domDocument) { $this->loadFeatures($this->features); $scriptXml = $domDocument->createElement($this->tagName); $scriptText = $this->buildScriptText(); $scriptComment = $domDocument->createComment($scriptText); $scriptXml->appendChild($scriptComment); return $scriptXml; } /** * Get the Header Comment * * @return string */ protected function getHeaderComment() { $headerComment = '/**************************************************** * FancyManiaLinks v' . FML_VERSION . ' by steeffeen * * * ****************************************************/ '; return $headerComment; } /** * Get the Includes * * @return string */ protected function getIncludes() { $includesText = implode(PHP_EOL, $this->includes); return $includesText; } /** * Get the Constants * * @return string */ protected function getConstants() { $constantsText = implode(PHP_EOL, $this->constants); return $constantsText; } /** * Get the Functions * * @return string */ protected function getFunctions() { $functionsText = implode(PHP_EOL, $this->functions); return $functionsText; } /** * Get the Labels * * @return string */ protected function getLabels() { $customLabelsText = implode(PHP_EOL, $this->customLabels); $genericLabelsText = implode(PHP_EOL, $this->genericLabels); return $customLabelsText . $genericLabelsText; } /** * Get the Main Function * * @return string */ protected function getMainFunction() { $mainFunction = ' Void FML_Dummy() {} main() { declare ' . self::VAR_ScriptStart . ' = Now; +++' . ScriptLabel::ONINIT . '+++ declare ' . self::VAR_LoopCounter . ' = 0; declare ' . self::VAR_LastTick . ' = 0; while (True) { yield; foreach (Event in PendingEvents) { switch (Event.Type) { case CMlEvent::Type::EntrySubmit: { +++' . ScriptLabel::ENTRYSUBMIT . '+++ } case CMlEvent::Type::KeyPress: { +++' . ScriptLabel::KEYPRESS . '+++ } case CMlEvent::Type::MouseClick: { +++' . ScriptLabel::MOUSECLICK . '+++ } case CMlEvent::Type::MouseOut: { +++' . ScriptLabel::MOUSEOUT . '+++ } case CMlEvent::Type::MouseOver: { +++' . ScriptLabel::MOUSEOVER . '+++ } } } +++' . ScriptLabel::LOOP . '+++ ' . self::VAR_LoopCounter . ' += 1; if (' . self::VAR_LastTick . ' + ' . self::TICKINTERVAL . ' > Now) continue; +++' . ScriptLabel::TICK . '+++ ' . self::VAR_LastTick . ' = Now; } }'; return $mainFunction; } }