
namespace ManiaControl\Callbacks\Structures;

use ManiaControl\ManiaControl;
use ManiaControl\Players\Player;

 * Structure Class for the Player Hit Callback
 * @author    ManiaControl Team <mail@maniacontrol.com>
 * @copyright 2014-2017 ManiaControl Team
 * @license   http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ GNU General Public License, Version 3
class PlayerHitStructure {
	 * Private properties
	private $shooter;
	private $victim;
	private $damage;
	private $shooterPoints;
	private $weapon;
	private $hitDistance;
	private $shooterPosition     = 0;
	private $victimPosition      = 0;
	private $shooterAimDirection = 0;
	private $victimAimDirection  = 0;

	/** @var ManiaControl $maniaControl */
	private $maniaControl;

	 * Construct new Player Hit Structure
	 * @param ManiaControl $maniaControl
	 * @param array        $data
	public function __construct(ManiaControl $maniaControl, array $data) {
		$this->maniaControl  = $maniaControl;
		$this->shooter       = $data[0];
		$this->victim        = $data[1];
		$this->damage        = $data[2];
		$this->weapon        = $data[3];
		$this->shooterPoints = $data[4];
		$this->hitDistance   = $data[5];

		//TODO remove key check in some months (got implemented 2015-05-03)
		if (array_key_exists(6, $data)) {
			$this->shooterPosition = $data[6];

		if (array_key_exists(7, $data)) {
			$this->victimPosition = $data[7];

		if (array_key_exists(8, $data)) {
			$this->shooterAimDirection = $data[8];

		if (array_key_exists(9, $data)) {
			$this->victimAimDirection = $data[9];

	 * Get the shooter
	 * @return Player
	public function getShooter() {
		return $this->maniaControl->getPlayerManager()->getPlayer($this->shooter);

	 * Get the victim
	 * @return Player
	public function getVictim() {
		return $this->maniaControl->getPlayerManager()->getPlayer($this->victim);

	 * Get the damage
	 * @return int
	public function getDamage() {
		return intval($this->damage);

	 * Get the shooter points
	 * @return int
	public function getShooterPoints() {
		return intval($this->shooterPoints);

	 * Get the weapon
	 * @return int
	public function getWeapon() {
		// TODO: any way of returning type "Weapon?"
		return $this->weapon;

	 * Get The Hit Distance
	 * @return double
	public function getHitDistance() {
		return doubleval($this->hitDistance);