<?php namespace FML\Script\Features; use FML\Controls\Control; use FML\Controls\Label; use FML\Script\Builder; use FML\Script\Script; use FML\Script\ScriptInclude; use FML\Script\ScriptLabel; /** * Script Feature realising a mechanism for browsing through Pages * * @author steeffeen <mail@steeffeen.com> * @copyright FancyManiaLinks Copyright © 2014 Steffen Schröder * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ GNU General Public License, Version 3 */ class Paging extends ScriptFeature { /* * Constants */ const VAR_CURRENT_PAGE = 'FML_Paging_CurrentPage'; const FUNCTION_UPDATE_CURRENT_PAGE = 'FML_UpdateCurrentPage'; /* * Protected properties */ /** @var PagingPage[] $pages */ protected $pages = array(); /** @var PagingButton[] $buttons */ protected $buttons = array(); /** @var Label $label */ protected $label = null; protected $startPageNumber = null; protected $customMaxPageNumber = null; protected $previousChunkAction = null; protected $nextChunkAction = null; protected $chunkActionAppendsPageNumber = null; /** * Construct a new Paging Script Feature * * @param Label $label (optional) Page number Label */ public function __construct(Label $label = null) { if (!is_null($label)) { $this->setLabel($label); } } /** * Add a new Page Control * * @param Control $pageControl Page Control * @param string $pageNumber (optional) Page number * @return static */ public function addPage(Control $pageControl, $pageNumber = null) { if (is_null($pageNumber)) { $pageNumber = count($this->pages) + 1; } $page = new PagingPage($pageControl, $pageNumber); $this->appendPage($page); return $this; } /** * Append a Page * * @param PagingPage $page Paging Page * @return static */ public function appendPage(PagingPage $page) { if (!in_array($page, $this->pages, true)) { array_push($this->pages, $page); } return $this; } /** * Add a new Button to browse through the Pages * * @param Control $buttonControl Button used for browsing * @param int $browseAction (optional) Number of browsed Pages per click * @return static */ public function addButton(Control $buttonControl, $browseAction = null) { if (is_null($browseAction)) { $buttonCount = count($this->buttons); if ($buttonCount % 2 === 0) { $browseAction = $buttonCount / 2 + 1; } else { $browseAction = $buttonCount / -2 - 1; } } $button = new PagingButton($buttonControl, $browseAction); $this->appendButton($button); return $this; } /** * Append a Button to browse through Pages * * @param PagingButton $button Paging Button * @return static */ public function appendButton(PagingButton $button) { if (!in_array($button, $this->buttons, true)) { array_push($this->buttons, $button); } return $this; } /** * Set the Label showing the Page number * * @param Label $label Page number Label * @return static */ public function setLabel(Label $label) { $this->label = $label->checkId(); return $this; } /** * Set the Start Page number * * @param int $startPageNumber Page number to start with * @return static */ public function setStartPageNumber($startPageNumber) { $this->startPageNumber = (int)$startPageNumber; } /** * Set a custom maximum Page number for using chunks * * @param int $maxPageNumber Custom maximum Page number * @return static */ public function setCustomMaxPageNumber($maxPageNumber) { $this->customMaxPageNumber = (int)$maxPageNumber; return $this; } /** * Set the action triggered when the previous chunk is needed * * @param string $previousChunkAction Triggered action * @return static */ public function setPreviousChunkAction($previousChunkAction) { $this->previousChunkAction = (string)$previousChunkAction; return $this; } /** * Set the action triggered when the next chunk is needed * * @param string $nextChunkAction Triggered action * @return static */ public function setNextChunkAction($nextChunkAction) { $this->nextChunkAction = (string)$nextChunkAction; return $this; } /** * Set the actions triggered when another chunk is needed * * @param string $chunkAction Triggered action * @return static */ public function setChunkActions($chunkAction) { $this->setNextChunkAction($chunkAction); $this->setPreviousChunkAction($chunkAction); return $this; } /** * Set if the chunk action should get the needed Page number appended * * @param bool $appendPageNumber Whether to append the needed Page number * @return static */ public function setChunkActionAppendsPageNumber($appendPageNumber) { $this->chunkActionAppendsPageNumber = (bool)$appendPageNumber; return $this; } /** * @see \FML\Script\Features\ScriptFeature::prepare() */ public function prepare(Script $script) { if (empty($this->pages)) { return $this; } $script->setScriptInclude(ScriptInclude::TEXTLIB); $currentPageVariable = self::VAR_CURRENT_PAGE; $updatePageFunction = self::FUNCTION_UPDATE_CURRENT_PAGE; $minPageNumber = 1; $startPageNumber = (is_int($this->startPageNumber) ? $this->startPageNumber : $minPageNumber); $maxPage = $this->getMaxPage(); $maxPageNumber = $this->customMaxPageNumber; if (!is_int($maxPageNumber)) { $maxPageNumber = $maxPage->getPageNumber(); } $pagingId = $maxPage->getControl()->getId(true, true); $pageLabelId = '""'; if ($this->label) { $pageLabelId = $this->label->getId(true, true); } $pagesArrayText = $this->getPagesArrayText(); $pageButtonsArrayText = $this->getPageButtonsArrayText(); $previousChunkAction = Builder::escapeText($this->previousChunkAction, true); $nextChunkAction = Builder::escapeText($this->nextChunkAction, true); $chunkActionAppendsPageNumber = Builder::getBoolean($this->chunkActionAppendsPageNumber); // Init $initScriptText = " declare {$currentPageVariable} for This = Integer[Text]; {$currentPageVariable}[{$pagingId}] = {$startPageNumber}; {$updatePageFunction}({$pagingId}, {$pageLabelId}, 0, {$minPageNumber}, {$maxPageNumber}, {$pagesArrayText}, {$previousChunkAction}, {$nextChunkAction}, {$chunkActionAppendsPageNumber});"; $script->appendGenericScriptLabel(ScriptLabel::ONINIT, $initScriptText, true); // MouseClick $clickScriptText = " declare PageButtons = {$pageButtonsArrayText}; if (PageButtons.existskey(Event.Control.ControlId)) { declare BrowseAction = PageButtons[Event.Control.ControlId]; {$updatePageFunction}({$pagingId}, {$pageLabelId}, BrowseAction, {$minPageNumber}, {$maxPageNumber}, {$pagesArrayText}, {$previousChunkAction}, {$nextChunkAction}, {$chunkActionAppendsPageNumber}); }"; $script->appendGenericScriptLabel(ScriptLabel::MOUSECLICK, $clickScriptText, true); // Update function $functionText = " Void {$updatePageFunction}(Text _PagingId, Text _PageLabelId, Integer _BrowseAction, Integer _MinPageNumber, Integer _MaxPageNumber, Text[Integer] _Pages, Text _PreviousChunkAction, Text _NextChunkAction, Boolean _ChunkActionAppendPageNumber) { declare {$currentPageVariable} for This = Integer[Text]; if (!{$currentPageVariable}.existskey(_PagingId)) return; declare CurrentPage = {$currentPageVariable}[_PagingId] + _BrowseAction; if (CurrentPage < _MinPageNumber) { CurrentPage = _MinPageNumber; } else if (CurrentPage > _MaxPageNumber) { CurrentPage = _MaxPageNumber; } {$currentPageVariable}[_PagingId] = CurrentPage; declare PageFound = False; foreach (PageNumber => PageId in _Pages) { declare PageControl <=> Page.GetFirstChild(PageId); PageControl.Visible = (CurrentPage == PageNumber); if (PageControl.Visible) { PageFound = True; } } if (!PageFound && _BrowseAction != 0) { declare Text ChunkAction; if (_BrowseAction < 0) { ChunkAction = _PreviousChunkAction; } else { ChunkAction = _NextChunkAction; } if (_ChunkActionAppendPageNumber) { ChunkAction ^= CurrentPage; } TriggerPageAction(ChunkAction); } if (_PageLabelId == " . Builder::EMPTY_STRING . ") return; declare PageLabel <=> (Page.GetFirstChild(_PageLabelId) as CMlLabel); if (PageLabel == Null) return; PageLabel.Value = CurrentPage^\"/\"^_MaxPageNumber; }"; $script->addScriptFunction($updatePageFunction, $functionText); return $this; } /** * Get the minimum Page * * @return \FML\Script\Features\PagingPage */ protected function getMinPage() { $minPageNumber = null; $minPage = null; foreach ($this->pages as $page) { $pageNumber = $page->getPageNumber(); if (is_null($minPageNumber) || $pageNumber < $minPageNumber) { $minPageNumber = $pageNumber; $minPage = $page; } } return $minPage; } /** * Get the maximum Page * * @return \FML\Script\Features\PagingPage */ protected function getMaxPage() { $maxPageNumber = null; $maxPage = null; foreach ($this->pages as $page) { $pageNumber = $page->getPageNumber(); if (is_null($maxPageNumber) || $pageNumber > $maxPageNumber) { $maxPageNumber = $pageNumber; $maxPage = $page; } } return $maxPage; } /** * Build the array text for the Pages * * @return string */ protected function getPagesArrayText() { if (empty($this->pages)) { return Builder::getArray(array(0 => ''), true); } $pages = array(); foreach ($this->pages as $page) { $pages[$page->getPageNumber()] = $page->getControl()->getId(); } return Builder::getArray($pages, true); } /** * Build the array text for the Page Buttons * * @return string */ protected function getPageButtonsArrayText() { if (empty($this->buttons)) { return Builder::getArray(array('' => 0), true); } $pageButtons = array(); foreach ($this->buttons as $pageButton) { $pageButtons[$pageButton->getControl()->getId()] = $pageButton->getBrowseAction(); } return Builder::getArray($pageButtons, true); } }