* @copyright 2014-2015 ManiaControl Team * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ GNU General Public License, Version 3 */ class ManiaExchangeMapSearch { //Search orders (prior parameter) http://api.mania-exchange.com/documents/enums#orderings const SEARCH_ORDER_NONE = -1; const SEARCH_ORDER_TRACK_NAME = 0; const SEARCH_ORDER_AUTHOR = 1; const SEARCH_ORDER_UPLOADED_NEWEST = 2; const SEARCH_ORDER_UPLOADED_OLDEST = 3; const SEARCH_ORDER_UPDATED_NEWEST = 4; const SEARCH_ORDER_UPDATED_OLDEST = 5; const SEARCH_ORDER_ACTIVITY_LATEST = 6; const SEARCH_ORDER_ACTIVITY_OLDEST = 7; const SEARCH_ORDER_AWARDS_MOST = 8; const SEARCH_ORDER_AWARDS_LEAST = 9; const SEARCH_ORDER_COMMENTS_MOST = 10; const SEARCH_ORDER_COMMENTS_LEAST = 11; const SEARCH_ORDER_DIFFICULTY_EASIEST = 12; const SEARCH_ORDER_DIFFICULTY_HARDEST = 13; const SEARCH_ORDER_LENGTH_SHORTEST = 14; const SEARCH_ORDER_LENGTH_LONGEST = 15; const SEARCH_ORDER_TRACK_VALUE_LTH = 24; const SEARCH_ORDER_TRACK_VALUE_HTL = 25; const SEARCH_ORDER_ONLINE_RATING_LTH = 26; const SEARCH_ORDER_ONLINE_RATING_HTL = 27; //Special Search Orders (mode parameter): http://api.mania-exchange.com/documents/enums#modes const SEARCH_ORDER_SPECIAL_DEFAULT = 0; const SEARCH_ORDER_SPECIAL_USER_TRACKS = 1; const SEARCH_ORDER_SPECIAL_LATEST_TRACKS = 2; const SEARCH_ORDER_SPECIAL_RECENTLY_AWARDED = 3; const SEARCH_ORDER_SPECIAL_BEST_OF_WEEK_AWARDS = 4; const SEARCH_ORDER_SPECIAL_BEST_OF_MONTH_AWARDS = 5; const SEARCH_ORDER_SPECIAL_MX_SUPPORTER_TRACKS = 10; const SEARCH_ORDER_SPECIAL_DUO_ACCOUNT_TRACKS = 11; const SEARCH_ORDER_SPECIAL_MOST_COMPETITIVE_WEEK = 19; const SEARCH_ORDER_SPECIAL_MOST_COMPETITIVE_MONTH = 20; const SEARCH_ORDER_SPECIAL_BEST_ONLINE_RATING_WEEK = 21; const SEARCH_ORDER_SPECIAL_BEST_ONLINE_RATING_MONTH = 22; //Private Properties private $url = ""; private $titlePrefix = ""; private $mode = null; private $trackName = null; private $authorName = null; private $mod = null; private $authorId = null; private $maniaScriptType = null; private $titlePack = null; private $replayType = null; private $style = null; private $length = null; private $lengthOperator = null; private $priorityOrder = null; private $secondaryOrder = null; private $environments = null; private $vehicles = null; private $page = null; private $limit = null; private $unreleased = null; private $mapGroup = null; private $commentsMinLength = null; private $customScreenshot = null; private $minExeBuild = null; private $envMix = null; private $ghostBlocks = null; private $embeddedObjects = null; /** @var ManiaControl $maniaControl */ private $maniaControl = null; //TODO test class //TODO test booleans //TODO use class by maniaexchangemanager and mxlist /** * Construct map manager * * @param \ManiaControl\ManiaControl $maniaControl */ public function __construct(ManiaControl $maniaControl) { $this->maniaControl = $maniaControl; $titleId = $this->maniaControl->getServer()->titleId; $this->titlePrefix = $this->maniaControl->getMapManager()->getCurrentMap()->getGame(); $this->url = 'http://' . $this->titlePrefix . '.mania-exchange.com/tracksearch2/search?api=on'; //Set some defaults: $this->limit = 100; $this->priorityOrder = self::SEARCH_ORDER_UPDATED_NEWEST; //Set Min Exe Build Default for games which are not Trackmania if ($this->titlePrefix !== "tm") { $this->minExeBuild = ManiaExchangeManager::MIN_EXE_BUILD; } //Set MapTypes try { $scriptInfos = $this->maniaControl->getClient()->getModeScriptInfo(); $mapTypes = $scriptInfos->compatibleMapTypes; $this->maniaScriptType = $mapTypes; } catch (GameModeException $e) { } //Set Environments on Trackmania $game = explode('@', $titleId); $envNumber = $this->getEnvironment($game[0]); //TODO enviroment as constant if ($envNumber > -1) { $this->environments = $envNumber; } } /** * Fetch a MapList Asynchronously * * @param callable $function */ public function fetchMapsAsync(callable $function) { // compile search URL $parameters = ""; if ($this->mode) { $parameters .= "&mode=" . $this->mode; } if ($this->trackName) { $parameters .= "&trackname=" . str_replace(" ", "%20", $this->trackName); //TODO test without the str_replace (URLENCODE) } if ($this->authorName) { $parameters .= "&author=" . $this->authorName; } if ($this->mod) { $parameters .= "&mod=" . $this->mod; } if ($this->authorId) { $parameters .= "&authorid= " . $this->authorId; } if ($this->maniaScriptType) { $parameters .= "&mtype=" . $this->maniaScriptType; } if ($this->titlePack) { $parameters .= "&tpack=" . $this->titlePack; } if ($this->replayType) { $parameters .= "&rytpe=" . $this->replayType; } if ($this->style) { $parameters .= "&style=" . $this->style; } if ($this->length) { $parameters .= "&length=" . $this->length; } if ($this->lengthOperator) { $parameters .= "&lengthop=" . $this->lengthOperator; } if ($this->priorityOrder) { $parameters .= "&priord=" . $this->priorityOrder; } if ($this->secondaryOrder) { $parameters .= "&secord=" . $this->secondaryOrder; } if ($this->environments) { $parameters .= "&environemtns=" . $this->environments; } if ($this->vehicles) { $parameters .= "&vehicles=" . $this->vehicles; } if ($this->page) { $parameters .= "&page=" . $this->page; } if ($this->limit) { $parameters .= "&limit=" . $this->limit; } if (isset($this->unreleased)) { $parameters .= "&unreleased=" . $this->unreleased; } if ($this->mapGroup) { $parameters .= "&mapgroup=" . $this->mapGroup; } if ($this->commentsMinLength) { $parameters .= "&commentsminlength=" . $this->commentsMinLength; } if (isset($this->customScreenshot)) { $parameters .= "&customscreenshot=" . $this->customScreenshot; } if ($this->minExeBuild) { $parameters .= "&minexebuild=" . $this->minExeBuild; } if (isset($this->envMix)) { $parameters .= "&envmix=" . (int) $this->envMix; } if (isset($this->ghostBlocks)) { $parameters .= "&ghostblocks=" . (int) $this->ghostBlocks; } if (isset($this->embeddedObjects)) { $parameters .= "&embeddedObjects" . (int) $this->embeddedObjects; } $this->maniaControl->getFileReader()->loadFile($this->url . $parameters, function ($mapInfo, $error) use (&$function) { if ($error) { trigger_error($error); return; } $mxMapList = json_decode($mapInfo); if (!isset($mxMapList->results)) { trigger_error('Cannot decode searched JSON data'); return; } $mxMapList = $mxMapList->results; if ($mxMapList === null) { trigger_error('Cannot decode searched JSON data'); return; } $maps = array(); foreach ($mxMapList as $map) { if (!empty($map)) { array_push($maps, new MXMapInfo($this->titlePrefix, $map)); } } call_user_func($function, $maps); }, AsynchronousFileReader::CONTENT_TYPE_JSON); } /** * Get the Current Environment by String * * @param string $env * @return int */ private function getEnvironment($env) { switch ($env) { case 'TMCanyon': return 1; case 'TMStadium': return 2; case 'TMValley': return 3; default: return -1; } } /** * @param int $mode */ public function setMode($mode) { $this->mode = $mode; } /** * @param string $trackName */ public function setTrackName($trackName) { $this->trackName = $trackName; } /** * @param string $authorName */ public function setAuthorName($authorName) { $this->authorName = $authorName; } /** * @param int $authorId */ public function setAuthorId($authorId) { $this->authorId = $authorId; } /** * @param string $maniaScriptType */ public function setManiaScriptType($maniaScriptType) { $this->maniaScriptType = $maniaScriptType; } /** * @param string $mod */ public function setMod($mod) { $this->mod = $mod; } /** * @param string $titlePack */ public function setTitlePack($titlePack) { $this->titlePack = $titlePack; } /** * @param int $replayType */ public function setReplayType($replayType) { $this->replayType = $replayType; } /** * @param int $length */ public function setLength($length) { $this->length = $length; } /** * @param int $style */ public function setStyle($style) { $this->style = $style; } /** * @param int $lengthOperator */ public function setLengthOperator($lengthOperator) { $this->lengthOperator = $lengthOperator; } /** * @param int $secondaryOrder */ public function setSecondaryOrder($secondaryOrder) { $this->secondaryOrder = $secondaryOrder; } /** * @param int $priorityOrder */ public function setPriorityOrder($priorityOrder) { $this->priorityOrder = $priorityOrder; } /** * @param string $environments */ public function setEnvironments($environments) { $this->environments = $environments; } /** * @param int $page */ public function setPage($page) { $this->page = $page; } /** * @param string $vehicles */ public function setVehicles($vehicles) { $this->vehicles = $vehicles; } /** * @param bool $unreleased */ public function setUnreleased($unreleased) { $this->unreleased = $unreleased; } /** * @param int $mapGroup */ public function setMapGroup($mapGroup) { $this->mapGroup = $mapGroup; } /** * @param int $commentsMinLength */ public function setCommentsMinLength($commentsMinLength) { $this->commentsMinLength = $commentsMinLength; } /** * @param bool $customScreenshot */ public function setCustomScreenshot($customScreenshot) { $this->customScreenshot = $customScreenshot; } /** * @param bool $envMix */ public function setEnvMix($envMix) { $this->envMix = $envMix; } /** * @param string $minExeBuild */ public function setMinExeBuild($minExeBuild) { $this->minExeBuild = $minExeBuild; } /** * @param bool $ghostBlocks */ public function setGhostBlocks($ghostBlocks) { $this->ghostBlocks = $ghostBlocks; } /** * @param bool $embeddedObjects */ public function setEmbeddedObjects($embeddedObjects) { $this->embeddedObjects = $embeddedObjects; } }