<?php namespace FML\Script; /** * Builder Class offering Methods to build ManiaScript * * @author steeffeen * @copyright FancyManiaLinks Copyright © 2014 Steffen Schröder * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ GNU General Public License, Version 3 */ abstract class Builder { /** * Build a Label Implementation Block * * @param string $labelName Name of the Label * @param string $implementationCode Label Implementation Coding (without declaration) * @param bool $isolate Whether the Code should be isolated in an own Block * @return string */ public static function getLabelImplementationBlock($labelName, $implementationCode, $isolate = true) { if ($isolate) { $implementationCode = 'if(True){' . $implementationCode . '}'; } $labelText = PHP_EOL . "***{$labelName}***" . PHP_EOL . "***{$implementationCode}***" . PHP_EOL; return $labelText; } /** * Escape dangerous Characters in the given Text * * @param string $text Text to escape * @param bool $addApostrophes (optional) Whether to add Apostrophes before and after the Text * @return string */ public static function escapeText($text, $addApostrophes = false) { $dangers = array('\\', '"', "\n"); $replacements = array('\\\\', '\\"', '\\n'); $escapedText = str_ireplace($dangers, $replacements, $text); if ($addApostrophes) { $escapedText = '"' . $escapedText . '"'; } return $escapedText; } /** * Get the Real String-Representation of the given Value * * @param float $value The Float Value to convert to a ManiaScript Real * @return string */ public static function getReal($value) { $value = (float) $value; $stringVal = (string) $value; if (!fmod($value, 1)) { $stringVal .= '.'; } return $stringVal; } /** * Get the Boolean String-Representation of the given Value * * @param bool $value The Value to convert to a ManiaScript Boolean * @return string */ public static function getBoolean($value) { $bool = (bool) $value; if ($bool) { return "True"; } return "False"; } /** * Get the String-Representation of the given Array * * @param array $array Array to convert to a ManiaScript Array * @param bool $associative (optional) Whether the Array should be associative * @return string */ public static function getArray(array $array, $associative = false) { $arrayText = '['; $index = 0; $count = count($array); foreach ($array as $key => $value) { if ($associative) { if (is_string($key)) { $arrayText .= '"' . self::escapeText($key) . '"'; } else { $arrayText .= $key; } $arrayText .= ' => '; } if (is_string($value)) { $arrayText .= '"' . self::escapeText($value) . '"'; } else { $arrayText .= $value; } if ($index < $count - 1) { $arrayText .= ', '; $index++; } } $arrayText .= ']'; return $arrayText; } /** * Get the Include Command for the given File and Namespace * * @param string $file Include File * @param string $namespace Include Namespace * @return string */ public static function getInclude($file, $namespace) { $includeText = "#Include \"{$file}\" as {$namespace}" . PHP_EOL; return $includeText; } /** * Get the Constant Command for the given Name and Value * * @param string $name Constant Name * @param string $value Constant Value * @return string */ public static function getConstant($name, $value) { if (is_string($value)) { $value = '"' . $value . '"'; } $constantText = "#Const {$name} {$value}" . PHP_EOL; return $constantText; } }