* @copyright 2014-2017 ManiaControl Team * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ GNU General Public License, Version 3 */ class CustomUIManager implements CallbackListener, TimerListener, UsageInformationAble { use UsageInformationTrait; /* * Constants */ const CUSTOMUI_MLID = 'CustomUI.MLID'; /* * Private properties */ /** @var ManiaControl $maniaControl */ private $maniaControl = null; /** @var customUI $customUI */ private $customUI = null; private $updateManialink = false; /** * ShootMania UI Properties * * @var \ManiaControl\Callbacks\Structures\Common\UIPropertiesBaseStructure */ private $shootManiaUIProperties; /** * Create a custom UI manager instance * * @param ManiaControl $maniaControl */ public function __construct(ManiaControl $maniaControl) { $this->maniaControl = $maniaControl; $this->prepareManialink(); // Callbacks $this->maniaControl->getCallbackManager()->registerCallbackListener(PlayerManager::CB_PLAYERCONNECT, $this, 'handlePlayerJoined'); $this->maniaControl->getTimerManager()->registerTimerListening($this, 'handle1Second', 1000); //Initilize on Init the Properties $this->maniaControl->getCallbackManager()->registerCallbackListener(Callbacks::AFTERINIT, $this, function () { $this->maniaControl->getModeScriptEventManager()->getShootmaniaUIProperties(); }); //Update the Structure if its Changed $this->maniaControl->getCallbackManager()->registerCallbackListener(Callbacks::SM_UIPROPERTIES, $this, function (UIPropertiesBaseStructure $structure) { $this->shootManiaUIProperties = $structure; //var_dump("UI_PROP"); //var_dump($structure->getUiPropertiesXML()); }); } /** * Enable the Notices */ public function enableNotices() { //TODO what happens if you set severall at once, than you propably mistakly use the old JSON, so there is the need to update internal json $xml = str_replace("", "", $this->shootManiaUIProperties->getUiPropertiesXML()); $this->maniaControl->getModeScriptEventManager()->setShootmaniaUIProperties($xml); } /** * Disables the Notices */ public function disableNotices() { $xml = str_replace("", "", $this->shootManiaUIProperties->getUiPropertiesXML()); $this->maniaControl->getModeScriptEventManager()->setShootmaniaUIProperties($xml); } /** * Create the ManiaLink and CustomUI instances */ private function prepareManialink() { $this->customUI = new CustomUI(); } /** * Handle 1 Second Callback */ public function handle1Second() { if (!$this->updateManialink) { return; } $this->updateManialink = false; $this->updateManialink(); } /** * Update the CustomUI Manialink * * @param Player $player */ public function updateManialink(Player $player = null) { if ($player) { $this->maniaControl->getManialinkManager()->sendManialink($this->customUI, $player); return; } $this->maniaControl->getManialinkManager()->sendManialink($this->customUI); } /** * Handle PlayerJoined Callback * * @param Player $player */ public function handlePlayerJoined(Player $player) { $this->updateManialink($player); //TODO: validate necessity //send it again after 500ms $this->maniaControl->getTimerManager()->registerOneTimeListening($this, function () use (&$player) { $this->updateManialink($player); }, 500); } /** * Set Showing of Notices * * @see \ManiaControl\Manialinks\CustomUIManager::enableNotices() * @deprecated * @param bool $visible */ public function setNoticeVisible($visible) { $this->customUI->setNoticeVisible($visible); $this->updateManialink = true; } /** * Set Showing of the Challenge Info * * @param bool $visible */ public function setChallengeInfoVisible($visible) { $this->customUI->setChallengeInfoVisible($visible); $this->updateManialink = true; } /** * Set Showing of the Net Infos * * @param bool $visible */ public function setNetInfosVisible($visible) { $this->customUI->setNetInfosVisible($visible); $this->updateManialink = true; } /** * Set Showing of the Chat * * @param bool $visible */ public function setChatVisible($visible) { $this->customUI->setChatVisible($visible); $this->updateManialink = true; } /** * Set Showing of the Checkpoint List * * @param bool $visible */ public function setCheckpointListVisible($visible) { $this->customUI->setCheckpointListVisible($visible); $this->updateManialink = true; } /** * Set Showing of Round Scores * * @param bool $visible */ public function setRoundScoresVisible($visible) { $this->customUI->setRoundScoresVisible($visible); $this->updateManialink = true; } /** * Set Showing of the Scoretable * * @param bool $visible */ public function setScoretableVisible($visible) { $this->customUI->setScoretableVisible($visible); $this->updateManialink = true; } /** * Set Global Showing * * @param bool $visible */ public function setGlobalVisible($visible) { $this->customUI->setGlobalVisible($visible); $this->updateManialink = true; } /** * Get the Shootmania UI Properties * * @return \ManiaControl\Callbacks\Structures\Common\UIPropertiesBaseStructure */ public function getShootManiaUIProperties() { return $this->shootManiaUIProperties; } }