maniaControl = $maniaControl; $this->maniaControl->callbackManager->registerCallbackListener(CallbackManager::CB_MC_5_SECOND, $this, 'each5Seconds'); $this->maniaControl->callbackManager->registerCallbackListener(CallbackManager::CB_MP_BILLUPDATED, $this, 'handleBillUpdated'); $this->maniaControl->callbackManager->registerCallbackListener(CallbackManager::CB_MP_PLAYERCHAT, $this, 'handleChatCallback'); // Register basic commands $commands = array('help', 'version', 'shutdown', 'shutdownserver', 'systeminfo', 'setservername', 'getplanets', 'donate', 'pay', 'kick', 'nextmap', 'restartmap', 'addmap', 'removemap'); foreach ($commands as $command) { $this->registerCommandListener($command, $this, 'command_' . $command); } } /** * Register a command listener * * @param string $commandName * @param CommandListener $listener * @param string $method * @return bool */ public function registerCommandListener($commandName, CommandListener $listener, $method) { $command = strtolower($commandName); if (!method_exists($listener, $method)) { trigger_error("Given listener can't handle command '{$command}' (no method '{$method}')!"); return false; } if (!array_key_exists($command, $this->commandListeners) || !is_array($this->commandListeners[$command])) { // Init listeners array $this->commandListeners[$command] = array(); } // Register command listener array_push($this->commandListeners[$command], array($listener, $method)); return true; } /** * Handle chat callback * * @param array $callback * @return bool */ public function handleChatCallback(array $callback) { // Check for command if (!$callback[1][3]) { return false; } // Check for valid player $player = $this->maniaControl->playerManager->getPlayer($callback[1][1]); if (!$player) { return false; } // Handle command $command = explode(" ", substr($callback[1][2], 1)); $command = strtolower($command[0]); if (!array_key_exists($command, $this->commandListeners) || !is_array($this->commandListeners[$command])) { // No command handler registered return true; } // Inform command handlers foreach ($this->commandListeners[$command] as $listener) { call_user_func(array($listener[0], $listener[1]), $callback, $player); } return true; } /** * Handle bill updated callback * * @param array $callback * @return bool */ public function handleBillUpdated(array $callback) { $bill = $callback[1]; if (!array_key_exists($bill[0], $this->openBills)) { return false; } $login = $this->openBills[$bill[0]]; switch ($bill[1]) { case 4: { // Payed $message = 'Success! Thanks.'; $this->maniaControl->chat->sendSuccess($message, $login); unset($this->openBills[$bill[0]]); break; } case 5: { // Refused $message = 'Transaction cancelled.'; $this->maniaControl->chat->sendError($message, $login); unset($this->openBills[$bill[0]]); break; } case 6: { // Error $this->maniaControl->chat->sendError($bill[2], $login); unset($this->openBills[$bill[0]]); break; } } return true; } /** * Send ManiaControl version * * @param array $chat * @return bool */ private function command_version(array $chat) { $login = $chat[1][1]; $message = 'This server is using ManiaControl v' . ManiaControl::VERSION . '!'; return $this->maniaControl->chat->sendInformation($message, $login); } /** * Send help list * * @param array $chat * @return bool */ private function command_help(array $chat) { $login = $chat[1][1]; // TODO: improve help command // TODO: enable help for specific commands $list = 'Available commands: '; $commands = array_keys($this->commandHandlers); $count = count($commands); for ($index = 0; $index < $count; $index++) { if (!$this->maniaControl->authentication->checkRight($login, $this->getRightsLevel($commands[$index], 'superadmin'))) { unset($commands[$index]); } } $count = count($commands); $index = 0; foreach ($commands as $command) { $list .= $command; if ($index < $count - 1) { $list .= ', '; } $index++; } return $this->maniaControl->chat->sendInformation($list, $login); } /** * Handle getplanets command * * @param array $chat * @param Player $player * @return bool */ private function command_getplanets(array $chat, Player $player) { if (!$this->maniaControl->authentication->checkRight($player, Authentication::AUTH_LEVEL_ADMIN)) { $this->maniaControl->authentication->sendNotAllowed($player); return false; } if (!$this->maniaControl->client->query('GetServerPlanets')) { trigger_error("Couldn't retrieve server planets. " . $this->maniaControl->getClientErrorText()); return false; } $planets = $this->maniaControl->client->getResponse(); $message = "This Server has {$planets} Planets!"; return $this->maniaControl->chat->sendInformation($message, $player->login); } /** * Handle donate command * * @param array $chat * @param Player $player * @return bool */ private function command_donate(array $chat, Player $player) { $params = explode(' ', $chat[1][2]); if (count($params) < 2) { // TODO: send usage information return false; } $amount = (int) $params[1]; if (!$amount || $amount <= 0) { // TODO: send usage information return false; } if (count($params) >= 3) { $receiver = $params[2]; $receiverPlayer = $this->maniaControl->playerHandler->getPlayer($receiver); $receiverName = ($receiverPlayer ? $receiverPlayer['NickName'] : $receiver); } else { $receiver = ''; $receiverName = $this->maniaControl->server->getName(); } $message = 'Donate ' . $amount . ' Planets to $<' . $receiverName . '$>?'; if (!$this->maniaControl->client->query('SendBill', $pl, $amount, $message, $receiver)) { trigger_error( "Couldn't create donation of {$amount} planets from '{$player->login}' for '{$receiver}'. " . $this->maniaControl->getClientErrorText()); $this->maniaControl->chat->sendError("Creating donation failed.", $player->login); return false; } $bill = $this->maniaControl->client->getResponse(); $this->openBills[$bill] = $player->login; return true; } /** * Handle pay command * * @param array $chat * @param Player $player * @return bool */ private function command_pay(array $chat, Player $player) { if (!$this->maniaControl->authentication->checkRight($player, Authentication::AUTH_LEVEL_SUPERADMIN)) { $this->maniaControl->authentication->sendNotAllowed($player); return false; } $params = explode(' ', $chat[1][2]); if (count($params) < 2) { // TODO: send usage information return false; } $amount = (int) $params[1]; if (!$amount || $amount <= 0) { // TODO: send usage information return false; } if (count($params) >= 3) { $receiver = $params[2]; } else { $receiver = $player->login; } $message = 'Payout from $<' . $this->maniaControl->server->getName() . '$>.'; if (!$this->maniaControl->client->query('Pay', $receiver, $amount, $message)) { trigger_error( "Couldn't create payout of {$amount} planets by '{$player->login}' for '{$receiver}'. " . $this->maniaControl->getClientErrorText()); $this->maniaControl->chat->sendError("Creating payout failed.", $player->login); return false; } $bill = $this->maniaControl->client->getResponse(); $this->openBills[$bill] = $player->login; return true; } /** * Handle systeminfo command * * @param array $chat * @param Player $player * @return bool */ private function command_systeminfo(array $chat, Player $player) { if (!$this->maniaControl->authentication->checkRight($player, Authentication::AUTH_LEVEL_SUPERADMIN)) { $this->maniaControl->authentication->sendNotAllowed($player); return false; } $systemInfo = $this->maniaControl->server->getSystemInfo(); $message = 'SystemInfo: ip=' . $systemInfo['PublishedIp'] . ', port=' . $systemInfo['Port'] . ', p2pPort=' . $systemInfo['P2PPort'] . ', title=' . $systemInfo['TitleId'] . ', login=' . $systemInfo['ServerLogin'] . ', '; return $this->maniaControl->chat->sendInformation($message, $player->login); } /** * Handle shutdown command * * @param array $chat * @param Player $player * @return bool */ private function command_shutdown(array $chat, Player $player) { if (!$this->maniaControl->authentication->checkRight($player, Authentication::AUTH_LEVEL_SUPERADMIN)) { $this->maniaControl->authentication->sendNotAllowed($player); return false; } return $this->maniaControl->quit("ManiaControl shutdown requested by '{$player->login}'"); } /** * Handle server shutdown command * * @param array $chat * @param Player $player * @return bool */ private function command_shutdownserver(array $chat, Player $player) { if (!$this->maniaControl->authentication->checkRight($player, Authentication::AUTH_LEVEL_SUPERADMIN)) { $this->maniaControl->authentication->sendNotAllowed($player); return false; } // Check for delayed shutdown $params = explode(' ', $chat[1][2]); if (count($params) >= 2) { $param = $params[1]; if ($param == 'empty') { $this->serverShutdownEmpty = !$this->serverShutdownEmpty; if ($this->serverShutdownEmpty) { $this->maniaControl->chat->sendInformation("The server will shutdown as soon as it's empty!", $player->login); return true; } $this->maniaControl->chat->sendInformation("Empty-shutdown cancelled!", $player->login); return true; } $delay = (int) $param; if ($delay <= 0) { // Cancel shutdown $this->serverShutdownTime = -1; $this->maniaControl->chat->sendInformation("Delayed shutdown cancelled!", $player->login); return true; } // Trigger delayed shutdown $this->serverShutdownTime = time() + $delay * 60.; $this->maniaControl->chat->sendInformation("The server will shut down in {$delay} minutes!", $player->login); return true; } return $this->shutdownServer($player->login); } /** * Handle kick command * * @param array $chat * @param Player $player * @return bool */ private function command_kick(array $chat, Player $player) { if (!$this->maniaControl->authentication->checkRight($player, Authentication::AUTH_LEVEL_OPERATOR)) { $this->maniaControl->authentication->sendNotAllowed($player); return false; } $params = explode(' ', $chat[1][2], 3); if (count($params) < 2) { // TODO: show usage return false; } $target = $params[1]; $target = $this->maniaControl->playerHandler->getPlayer($target); if (!$target) { $this->maniaControl->chat->sendError("Invalid player login.", $player->login); return false; } $message = ''; if (isset($params[2])) { $message = $params[2]; } return $this->maniaControl->client->query('Kick', $target->login, $message); } /** * Handle removemap command * * @param array $chat * @param Player $player * @return bool */ private function command_removemap(array $chat, Player $player) { if (!$this->maniaControl->authentication->checkRight($player, Authentication::AUTH_LEVEL_OPERATOR)) { $this->maniaControl->authentication->sendNotAllowed($player); return false; } // Get map name $map = $this->maniaControl->server->getMap(); if (!$map) { $this->maniaControl->chat->sendError("Couldn't remove map.", $player->login); return false; } $mapName = $map['FileName']; // Remove map if (!$this->maniaControl->client->query('RemoveMap', $mapName)) { trigger_error("Couldn't remove current map. " . $this->maniaControl->getClientErrorText()); $this->maniaControl->chat->sendError("Couldn't remove map.", $player->login); return false; } $this->maniaControl->chat->sendSuccess('Map removed.', $player->login); return true; } /** * Handle addmap command * * @param array $chat * @param Player $player * @return bool */ private function command_addmap(array $chat, Player $player) { if (!$this->maniaControl->authentication->checkRight($player, Authentication::AUTH_LEVEL_OPERATOR)) { $this->maniaControl->authentication->sendNotAllowed($player); return false; } $params = explode(' ', $chat[1][2], 2); if (count($params) < 2) { // TODO: show usage return false; } // Check if ManiaControl can even write to the maps dir if (!$this->maniaControl->client->query('GetMapsDirectory')) { trigger_error("Couldn't get map directory. " . $this->maniaControl->getClientErrorText()); $this->maniaControl->chat->sendError("ManiaControl couldn't retrieve the maps directory.", $player->login); return false; } $mapDir = $this->maniaControl->client->getResponse(); if (!is_dir($mapDir)) { trigger_error("ManiaControl doesn't have have access to the maps directory in '{$mapDir}'."); $this->maniaControl->chat->sendError("ManiaControl doesn't have access to the maps directory.", $player->login); return false; } $downloadDirectory = $this->maniaControl->settingManager->getSetting($this, 'MapDownloadDirectory', 'mx'); // Create download directory if necessary if (!is_dir($mapDir . $downloadDirectory) && !mkdir($mapDir . $downloadDirectory)) { trigger_error("ManiaControl doesn't have to rights to save maps in '{$mapDir}{$downloadDirectory}'."); $this->maniaControl->chat->sendError("ManiaControl doesn't have the rights to save maps.", $player->login); return false; } $mapDir .= $downloadDirectory . '/'; // Download the map $mapId = $params[1]; if (is_numeric($mapId)) { // Load from MX $serverInfo = $this->maniaControl->server->getSystemInfo(); $title = strtolower(substr($serverInfo['TitleId'], 0, 2)); // Check if map exists $url = "http://{$title}{$mapId}?format=json"; $mapInfo = FileUtil::loadFile($url); if (!$mapInfo || strlen($mapInfo) <= 0) { // Invalid id $this->maniaControl->chat->sendError('Invalid MX-Id!', $player->login); return false; } $mapInfo = json_decode($mapInfo, true); $url = "http://{$title}{$mapId}"; $file = FileUtil::loadFile($url); if (!$file) { // Download error $this->maniaControl->chat->sendError('Download failed!', $player->login); return false; } // Save map $fileName = $mapDir . $mapInfo['TrackID'] . '_' . $mapInfo['Name'] . '.Map.Gbx'; if (!file_put_contents($fileName, $file)) { // Save error $this->maniaControl->chat->sendError('Saving map failed!', $player->login); return false; } // Check for valid map if (!$this->maniaControl->client->query('CheckMapForCurrentServerParams', $fileName)) { trigger_error("Couldn't check if map is valid. " . $this->maniaControl->getClientErrorText()); $this->maniaControl->chat->sendError('Error checking map!', $player->login); return false; } $response = $this->maniaControl->client->getResponse(); if (!$response) { // Inalid map type $this->maniaControl->chat->sendError("Invalid map type.", $player->login); return false; } // Add map to map list if (!$this->maniaControl->client->query('InsertMap', $fileName)) { $this->maniaControl->chat->sendError("Couldn't add map to match settings!", $player->login); return false; } $this->maniaControl->chat->sendSuccess('Map $<' . $mapInfo['Name'] . '$> added!'); return true; } // TODO: add local map by filename // TODO: load map from direct url } /** * Handle nextmap command * * @param array $chat * @param \ManiaControl\Players\Player $player * @return bool */ private function command_nextmap(array $chat, Player $player) { if (!$this->maniaControl->authentication->checkRight($player, Authentication::AUTH_LEVEL_OPERATOR)) { $this->maniaControl->authentication->sendNotAllowed($player); return false; } return $this->maniaControl->client->query('NextMap'); } /** * Handle retartmap command * * @param array $chat * @param Player $player * @return bool */ private function command_restartmap(array $chat, Player $player) { if (!$this->maniaControl->authentication->checkRight($player, Authentication::AUTH_LEVEL_OPERATOR)) { $this->maniaControl->authentication->sendNotAllowed($player); return false; } return $this->maniaControl->client->query('RestartMap'); } /** * Handle setservername command * * @param array $chat * @param Player $player * @return bool */ private function command_setservername(array $chat, Player $player) { if (!$this->maniaControl->authentication->checkRight($player, Authentication::AUTH_LEVEL_ADMIN)) { $this->maniaControl->authentication->sendNotAllowed($player); return false; } $params = explode(' ', $chat[1][2], 2); if (count($params) < 2) { // TODO: show usage return false; } $serverName = $params[1]; if (!$this->maniaControl->client->query('SetServerName', $serverName)) { trigger_error("Couldn't set server name. " . $this->maniaControl->getClientErrorText()); $this->maniaControl->chat->sendError("Error setting server name!", $player->login); return false; } $serverName = $this->maniaControl->server->getName(); $this->maniaControl->chat->sendInformation("New Name: " . $serverName, $player->login); return true; } /** * Check stuff each 5 seconds * * @param array $callback * @return bool */ public function each5Seconds(array $callback) { // Empty shutdown if ($this->serverShutdownEmpty) { $players = $this->maniaControl->server->getPlayers(); if (count($players) <= 0) { return $this->shutdownServer('empty'); } } // Delayed shutdown if ($this->serverShutdownTime > 0) { if (time() >= $this->serverShutdownTime) { return $this->shutdownServer('delayed'); } } } /** * Perform server shutdown * * @param string $login * @return bool */ private function shutdownServer($login = '#') { if (!$this->maniaControl->client->query('StopServer')) { trigger_error("Server shutdown command from '{login}' failed. " . $this->maniaControl->getClientErrorText()); return false; } $this->maniaControl->quit("Server shutdown requested by '{$login}'"); return true; } } ?>