mControl = $mControl; // Load config $this->config = Tools::loadConfig('karma.plugin.xml'); if (!Tools::toBool($this->config->enabled)) return; // Init database $this->initDatabase(); // Register for callbacks $this->iControl->callbacks->registerCallbackHandler(Callbacks::CB_IC_ONINIT, $this, 'handleOnInitCallback'); $this->iControl->callbacks->registerCallbackHandler(Callbacks::CB_IC_BEGINMAP, $this, 'handleBeginMapCallback'); $this->iControl->callbacks->registerCallbackHandler(Callbacks::CB_MP_PLAYERCONNECT, $this, 'handlePlayerConnectCallback'); $this->iControl->callbacks->registerCallbackHandler(Callbacks::CB_MP_PLAYERMANIALINKPAGEANSWER, $this, 'handleManialinkPageAnswerCallback'); error_log('Karma Pugin v' . self::VERSION . ' ready!'); } /** * Repetitive actions */ public function loop() { if ($this->sendManialinkRequested > 0 && $this->sendManialinkRequested <= time()) { $this->sendManialinkRequested = -1; // Send manialink to all players $players = $this->iControl->server->getPlayers(); foreach ($players as $player) { $login = $player['Login']; $manialink = $this->buildManialink($login); if (!$manialink) { // Skip and retry $this->sendManialinkRequested = time() + 5; continue; } Tools::sendManialinkPage($this->iControl->client, $manialink->asXml(), $login); } } } /** * Handle OnInit mControl callback * * @param array $callback */ public function handleOnInitCallback($callback) { // Send manialink to all players once $this->sendManialinkRequested = time() + 3; } /** * Handle mControl BeginMap callback * * @param array $callback */ public function handleBeginMapCallback($callback) { // Send manialink to all players once $this->sendManialinkRequested = time() + 2; } /** * Handle PlayerConnect callback * * @param array $callback */ public function handlePlayerConnectCallback($callback) { $login = $callback[1][0]; $manialink = $this->buildManialink($login); if (!$manialink) return; Tools::sendManialinkPage($this->iControl->client, $manialink->asXml(), $login); } /** * Create necessary tables */ private function initDatabase() { $query = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" . self::TABLE_KARMA . "` ( `index` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `mapIndex` int(11) NOT NULL, `playerIndex` int(11) NOT NULL, `vote` tinyint(1) NOT NULL, `changed` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (`index`), UNIQUE KEY `player_map_vote` (`mapIndex`, `playerIndex`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='Save players map votes' AUTO_INCREMENT=1;"; $result = $this->iControl->database->query($query); if ($this->iControl->database->mysqli->error) { trigger_error('MySQL Error on creating karma table. ' . $this->iControl->database->mysqli->error, E_USER_ERROR); } } /** * Handle ManialinkPageAnswer callback * * @param array $callback */ public function handleManialinkPageAnswerCallback($callback) { $action = $callback[1][2]; if (substr($action, 0, strlen(self::MLID_KARMA)) !== self::MLID_KARMA) return; // Get vote $action = substr($action, -4); $vote = null; switch ($action) { case '.pos': { $vote = 1; break; } case '.neu': { $vote = 0; break; } case '.neg': { $vote = -1; break; } default: { return; } } // Save vote $login = $callback[1][1]; $playerIndex = $this->iControl->database->getPlayerIndex($login); $map = $this->iControl->server->getMap(); $mapIndex = $this->iControl->database->getMapIndex($map['UId']); $query = "INSERT INTO `" . self::TABLE_KARMA . "` ( `mapIndex`, `playerIndex`, `vote` ) VALUES ( " . $mapIndex . ", " . $playerIndex . ", " . $vote . " ) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `vote` = VALUES(`vote`);"; $result = $this->iControl->database->query($query); if (!$result) return; // Send success message $this->iControl->chat->sendSuccess('Vote successfully updated!', $login); // Send updated manialink $this->sendManialinkRequested = time() + 1; } /** * Build karma voting manialink xml for the given login */ private function buildManialink($login) { // Get config $title = (string) $this->config->title; $pos_x = (float) $this->config->pos_x; $pos_y = (float) $this->config->pos_y; $mysqli = $this->iControl->database->mysqli; // Get indezes $playerIndex = $this->iControl->database->getPlayerIndex($login); if ($playerIndex === null) return null; $map = $this->iControl->server->getMap(); if (!$map) return null; $mapIndex = $this->iControl->database->getMapIndex($map['UId']); if ($mapIndex === null) return null; // Get votings $query = "SELECT (SELECT `vote` FROM `" . self::TABLE_KARMA . "` WHERE `mapIndex` = " . $mapIndex . " AND `playerIndex` = " . $playerIndex . ") as `playerVote`, (SELECT COUNT(`vote`) FROM `" . self::TABLE_KARMA . "` WHERE `mapIndex` = " . $mapIndex . " AND `vote` = 1) AS `positiveVotes`, (SELECT COUNT(`vote`) FROM `" . self::TABLE_KARMA . "` WHERE `mapIndex` = " . $mapIndex . " AND `vote` = 0) AS `neutralVotes`, (SELECT COUNT(`vote`) FROM `" . self::TABLE_KARMA . "` WHERE `mapIndex` = " . $mapIndex . " AND `vote` = -1) AS `negativeVotes` FROM `" . self::TABLE_KARMA . "`;"; $result = $mysqli->query($query); if ($mysqli->error) { trigger_error('MySQL ERROR: ' . $mysqli->error); } $votes = $result->fetch_assoc(); if (!$votes) { $votes = array('playerVote' => null, 'positiveVotes' => 0, 'neutralVotes' => 0, 'negativeVotes' => 0); } // Build manialink $xml = Tools::newManialinkXml(self::MLID_KARMA); $frameXml = $xml->addChild('frame'); $frameXml->addAttribute('posn', $pos_x . ' ' . $pos_y); // Title $labelXml = $frameXml->addChild('label'); Tools::addAlignment($labelXml); $labelXml->addAttribute('posn', '0 4.5 -1'); $labelXml->addAttribute('sizen', '22 0'); $labelXml->addAttribute('style', 'TextTitle1'); $labelXml->addAttribute('textsize', '1'); $labelXml->addAttribute('text', $title); // Background $quadXml = $frameXml->addChild('quad'); Tools::addAlignment($quadXml); $quadXml->addAttribute('sizen', '23 15 -2'); $quadXml->addAttribute('style', 'Bgs1InRace'); $quadXml->addAttribute('substyle', 'BgTitleShadow'); // Votes for ($i = 1; $i >= -1; $i--) { $x = $i * 7.; // Vote button $quadXml = $frameXml->addChild('quad'); Tools::addAlignment($quadXml); $quadXml->addAttribute('posn', $x . ' 0 0'); $quadXml->addAttribute('sizen', '6 6'); $quadXml->addAttribute('style', 'Icons64x64_1'); // Vote count $labelXml = $frameXml->addChild('label'); Tools::addAlignment($labelXml); $labelXml->addAttribute('posn', $x . ' -4.5 0'); $labelXml->addAttribute('style', 'TextTitle1'); $labelXml->addAttribute('textsize', '2'); if ((string) $i === $votes['playerVote']) { // Player vote X $voteQuadXml = $frameXml->addChild('quad'); Tools::addAlignment($voteQuadXml); $voteQuadXml->addAttribute('posn', $x . ' 0 1'); $voteQuadXml->addAttribute('sizen', '6 6'); $voteQuadXml->addAttribute('style', 'Icons64x64_1'); $voteQuadXml->addAttribute('substyle', 'Close'); } switch ($i) { case 1: { // Positive $quadXml->addAttribute('substyle', 'LvlGreen'); $quadXml->addAttribute('action', self::MLID_KARMA . '.pos'); $labelXml->addAttribute('text', $votes['positiveVotes']); break; } case 0: { // Neutral $quadXml->addAttribute('substyle', 'LvlYellow'); $quadXml->addAttribute('action', self::MLID_KARMA . '.neu'); $labelXml->addAttribute('text', $votes['neutralVotes']); break; } case -1: { // Negative $quadXml->addAttribute('substyle', 'LvlRed'); $quadXml->addAttribute('action', self::MLID_KARMA . '.neg'); $labelXml->addAttribute('text', $votes['negativeVotes']); break; } } } return $xml; } } ?>