xpath('//' . $setting); if (empty($settings)) { return false; } else { foreach ($settings as $setting) { return self::toBool((string) $setting[0]); } } } /** * Check if the given data describes a player * * @param array $player * @return bool */ public static function isPlayer($player) { if (!$player || !is_array($player)) return false; if (!array_key_exists('PlayerId', $player) || !is_int($player['PlayerId']) || $player['PlayerId'] <= 0) return false; return true; } /** * Convert the given time int to mysql timestamp * * @param int $time * @return string */ public static function timeToTimestamp($time) { return date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $time); } /** * Add alignment attributes to an xml element * * @param simple_xml_element $xml * @param string $halign * @param string $valign */ public static function addAlignment($xml, $halign = 'center', $valign = 'center2') { if (!is_object($xml) || !method_exists($xml, 'addAttribute')) return; if (!property_exists($xml, 'halign')) $xml->addAttribute('halign', $halign); if (!property_exists($xml, 'valign')) $xml->addAttribute('valign', $valign); } /** * Add translate attribute to an xml element * * @param simple_xml_element $xml * @param bool $translate */ public static function addTranslate($xml, $translate = true) { if (!is_object($xml) || !method_exists($xml, 'addAttribute')) return; if (!property_exists($xml, 'translate')) $xml->addAttribute('translate', ($translate ? 1 : 0)); } /** * Load a remote file * * @param string $url * @return string || null */ public static function loadFile($url) { if (!$url) return false; $urlData = parse_url($url); $port = (isset($urlData['port']) ? $urlData['port'] : 80); $fsock = fsockopen($urlData['host'], $port); stream_set_timeout($fsock, 3); $query = 'GET ' . $urlData['path'] . ' HTTP/1.0' . PHP_EOL; $query .= 'Host: ' . $urlData['host'] . PHP_EOL; $query .= 'Content-Type: UTF-8' . PHP_EOL; $query .= 'User-Agent: mControl v' . mControl::VERSION . PHP_EOL; $query .= PHP_EOL; fwrite($fsock, $query); $buffer = ''; $info = array('timed_out' => false); while (!feof($fsock) && !$info['timed_out']) { $buffer .= fread($fsock, 1024); $info = stream_get_meta_data($fsock); } fclose($fsock); if ($info['timed_out'] || !$buffer) { return null; } if (substr($buffer, 9, 3) != "200") { return null; } $result = explode("\r\n\r\n", $buffer, 2); if (count($result) < 2) { return null; } return $result[1]; } /** * Formats the given time (milliseconds) * * @param int $time * @return string */ public static function formatTime($time) { if (!is_int($time)) $time = (int) $time; $milliseconds = $time % 1000; $seconds = floor($time / 1000); $minutes = floor($seconds / 60); $hours = floor($minutes / 60); $minutes -= $hours * 60; $seconds -= $hours * 60 + $minutes * 60; $format = ($hours > 0 ? $hours . ':' : ''); $format .= ($hours > 0 && $minutes < 10 ? '0' : '') . $minutes . ':'; $format .= ($seconds < 10 ? '0' : '') . $seconds . ':'; $format .= ($milliseconds < 100 ? '0' : '') . ($milliseconds < 10 ? '0' : '') . $milliseconds; return $format; } /** * Convert given data to real boolean * * @param * mixed data */ public static function toBool($var) { if ($var === true) return true; if ($var === false) return false; if ($var === null) return false; if (is_object($var)) { $var = (string) $var; } if (is_int($var)) { return ($var > 0); } else if (is_string($var)) { $text = strtolower($var); if ($text === 'true' || $text === 'yes') { return true; } else if ($text === 'false' || $text === 'no') { return false; } else { return ((int) $text > 0); } } else { return (bool) $var; } } /** * Converts the given boolean to an int representation * * @param bool $bool * @return int */ public static function boolToInt($bool) { return ($bool ? 1 : 0); } /** * Build new simple xml element * * @param string $name * @param string $id * @return \SimpleXMLElement */ public static function newManialinkXml($id = null) { $xml = new \SimpleXMLElement(''); $xml->addAttribute('version', '1'); if ($id) $xml->addAttribute('id', $id); return $xml; } /** * Load config xml-file * * @param string $fileName * @return \SimpleXMLElement */ public static function loadConfig($fileName) { // Load config file from configs folder $fileLocation = mControl . '/configs/' . $fileName; if (!file_exists($fileLocation)) { trigger_error("Config file doesn't exist! (" . $fileName . ")", E_USER_ERROR); } return simplexml_load_file($fileLocation); } /** * Send the given manialink to players * * @param string $manialink * @param array $logins */ public static function sendManialinkPage($client, $manialink, $logins = null, $timeout = 0, $hideOnClick = false) { if (!$client || !$manialink) return; if (!$logins) { // Send manialink to all players $client->query('SendDisplayManialinkPage', $manialink, $timeout, $hideOnClick); } else if (is_array($logins)) { // Send manialink to players foreach ($logins as $login) { $client->query('SendDisplayManialinkPageToLogin', $login, $manialink, $timeout, $hideOnClick); } } else if (is_string($logins)) { // Send manialink to player $client->query('SendDisplayManialinkPageToLogin', $logins, $manialink, $timeout, $hideOnClick); } } } ?>