* @copyright 2014-2020 ManiaControl Team * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ GNU General Public License, Version 3 */ class CommandManager implements CallbackListener, UsageInformationAble { use UsageInformationTrait; /* * Private properties */ /** @var ManiaControl $maniaControl */ private $maniaControl = null; /** @var HelpManager $helpManager */ private $helpManager = array(); /** @var Listening[][] $commandListenings */ private $commandListenings = array(); /** @var CommandListener[][] $disabledCommands */ private $disabledCommands = array(); /** @var Listening[][] $adminCommandListenings */ private $adminCommandListenings = array(); /** @var CommandListener[][] $disabledAdminCommands */ private $disabledAdminCommands = array(); /** * Construct a new Commands Manager * * @param ManiaControl $maniaControl */ public function __construct(ManiaControl $maniaControl) { $this->maniaControl = $maniaControl; // Children $this->helpManager = new HelpManager($this->maniaControl); // Callbacks $this->maniaControl->getCallbackManager()->registerCallbackListener(CallbackManager::CB_MP_PLAYERCHAT, $this, 'handleChatCallback'); } /** * Return the help manager instance * * @return HelpManager */ public function getHelpManager() { return $this->helpManager; } /** * Register a Command Listener * * @param string $commandName * @param CommandListener $listener * @param string $method * @param bool $adminCommand * @param string $description * @return bool */ public function registerCommandListener($commandName, CommandListener $listener, $method, $adminCommand = false, $description = "No Description.") { if (is_array($commandName)) { $success = false; foreach ($commandName as $command) { if ($this->registerCommandListener($command, $listener, $method, $adminCommand, $description)) { $success = true; } } return $success; } if (!Listening::checkValidCallback($listener, $method)) { $listenerClass = get_class($listener); trigger_error("Given Listener '{$listenerClass}' can't handle Command '{$commandName}': No callable Method '{$method}'!"); return false; } $command = strtolower($commandName); $listening = new Listening($listener, $method); if ($adminCommand) { $this->addListening($this->adminCommandListenings, $listening, $command); } else { $this->addListening($this->commandListenings, $listening, $command); } // TODO: description(?) if ($description) { $this->helpManager->registerCommand($command, $adminCommand, $description, get_class($listener) . '\\' . $method); } return true; } /** * Add a Listening to the given Listenings Array * * @param array $listeningsArray * @param Listening $listening * @param string $command */ private function addListening(array &$listeningsArray, Listening $listening, $command) { if (!array_key_exists($command, $listeningsArray) || !is_array($listeningsArray[$command])) { // Init listenings array $listeningsArray[$command] = array(); } // Register command listening array_push($listeningsArray[$command], $listening); } /** * Disable the command(s) by the given listener. * The specific listener has to also manually reenable the commands, before the command can be used again. * @param mixed $commandName * @param bool $adminCommand * @param CommandListener $listener */ public function disableCommand($commandName, $adminCommand, CommandListener $listener) { if (is_array($commandName)) { foreach ($commandName as $command) { $this->disableCommand($command, $adminCommand, $listener); } return; } $command = strtolower(trim($commandName)); // first, check if the command actually exists if (!array_key_exists($command, $this->commandListenings) && !array_key_exists($command, $this->adminCommandListenings)) { return; } $disabledCommands = null; if ($adminCommand) { $disabledCommands = &$this->disabledAdminCommands; } else { $disabledCommands = &$this->disabledCommands; } if (!array_key_exists($command, $disabledCommands)) { $disabledCommands[$command] = array(); } if (!in_array($listener, $disabledCommands[$command])) { array_push($disabledCommands[$command], $listener); } } /** * Enable the command(s) by the given listener. * @param mixed $commandName * @param bool $adminCommand * @param CommandListener $listener */ public function enableCommand($commandName, $adminCommand, CommandListener $listener) { if (is_array($commandName)) { foreach ($commandName as $command) { $this->enableCommand($command, $adminCommand, $listener); } return; } $command = strtolower(trim($commandName)); $disabledCommands = null; if ($adminCommand) { $disabledCommands = &$this->disabledAdminCommands; } else { $disabledCommands = &$this->disabledCommands; } if (!array_key_exists($command, $disabledCommands)) { return; } if (($key = array_search($listener, $disabledCommands[$command])) !== false) { unset($disabledCommands[$command][$key]); if (empty($disabledCommands[$command])) { unset($disabledCommands[$command]); } } } /** * Checks if a command is enabled. * @param mixed $commandName * @param bool $adminCommand * @return bool|array */ public function isCommandEnabled($commandName, $adminCommand) { if (is_array($commandName)) { $results = array(); foreach ($commandName as $command) { array_push($results, $this->isCommandEnabled($command, $adminCommand)); } $resultsUnique = array_unique($results); if (count($resultsUnique) === 1) { return $resultsUnique[0]; } return $results; } $command = strtolower(trim($commandName)); $disabledCommands = null; if ($adminCommand) { $disabledCommands = &$this->disabledAdminCommands; } else { $disabledCommands = &$this->disabledCommands; } if (!array_key_exists($command, $disabledCommands)) { return true; } // if the command is disabled, there should be at least one listener in the array assert(!empty($disabledCommands[$command])); return false; } /** * Removes the given CommandListener blocking commands. * * @param array &$disabledCommands * @param CommandListener $listener * @return bool */ private function removeDisabledCommandListener(array &$disabledCommands, CommandListener $listener) { $removed = false; foreach ($disabledCommands as $command => $disableListeners) { if (($key = array_search($listener, $disableListeners)) !== false) { unset($disabledCommands[$command][$key]); $removed = true; if (empty($disabledCommands[$command])) { unset($disabledCommands[$command]); } } } return $removed; } /** * Unregister a Command Listener * * @param CommandListener $listener * @return bool */ public function unregisterCommandListener(CommandListener $listener) { $removed = false; if ($this->removeCommandListener($this->commandListenings, $listener)) { $removed = true; } if ($this->removeCommandListener($this->adminCommandListenings, $listener)) { $removed = true; } if ($this->removeDisabledCommandListener($this->disabledCommands, $listener)) { $removed = true; } if ($this->removeDisabledCommandListener($this->disabledAdminCommands, $listener)) { $removed = true; } return $removed; } /** * Remove the Command Listener from the given Listenings Array * * @param array $listeningsArray * @param CommandListener $listener * @return bool */ private function removeCommandListener(array &$listeningsArray, CommandListener $listener) { $removed = false; foreach ($listeningsArray as &$listenings) { foreach ($listenings as $key => &$listening) { if ($listening->listener === $listener) { unset($listenings[$key]); $removed = true; } } } return $removed; } /** * Handle Chat Callback * * @param array $callback */ public function handleChatCallback(array $callback) { // Check for command if (!$this->isCommandMessage($callback)) { return; } // Check for valid player $login = $callback[1][1]; $player = $this->maniaControl->getPlayerManager()->getPlayer($login); if (!$player) { return; } // Parse command $message = $callback[1][2]; $commandArray = explode(' ', $message); $command = ltrim(strtolower($commandArray[0]), '/'); if (!$command) { return; } $isAdminCommand = null; if (substr($message, 0, 2) === '//' || $command === 'admin') { // Admin command $isAdminCommand = true; $commandListenings = $this->adminCommandListenings; if ($command === 'admin') { // Strip 'admin' keyword if (isset($commandArray[1])) { $command = $commandArray[1]; unset($commandArray[1]); } } unset($commandArray[0]); // Compose uniformed message $message = '//' . $command . ' ' . implode(' ', $commandArray); $callback[1][2] = $message; } else { // User command $isAdminCommand = false; $commandListenings = $this->commandListenings; } if (!array_key_exists($command, $commandListenings) || !is_array($commandListenings[$command])) { // No command listener registered return; } if (!$this->isCommandEnabled($command, $isAdminCommand)) { $prefix = $isAdminCommand ? '//' : '/'; $message = $this->maniaControl->getChat()->formatMessage( 'The command %s%s is currently disabled!', $prefix, $command ); $this->maniaControl->getChat()->sendError($message, $player); return; } // Inform command listeners foreach ($commandListenings[$command] as $listening) { /** @var Listening $listening */ $listening->triggerCallback($callback, $player); } } /** * Check if the given Chat Callback is a Command Message * * @param array $chatCallback * @return bool */ private function isCommandMessage(array $chatCallback) { return (bool) $chatCallback[1][3]; } }