based on: * * * * * Derived from TMXInfoSearcher * * v1.6: Added Countable interface to searcher class * v1.5: Added MXInfo $titlepack (TM2/SM); add support for environment matching * v1.4: Fixed an error checking bug * v1.3: Added MXInfo $maptype (TM2/SM) * v1.2: Updated to use MX API v2.0 and add/fix support for SM; added MXInfo * $trkvalue (TM2, equals deprecated $lbrating), $unlimiter (TM2/SM), * $rating/$ratingex/$ratingcnt (SM) * v1.1: Added URLs to downloadable replays * v1.0: Initial release */ class MXInfoSearcher implements Iterator,Countable { public $error; protected $maps = array(); private $section; private $prefix; /** * Searches MX for maps matching name, author and/or environment; * or search MX for the 10 most recent maps * * @param String $game * MX section for 'TM2', 'SM', 'QM' * @param String $name * The map name to search for (partial, case-insensitive match) * @param String $author * The map author to search for (partial, case-insensitive match) * @param String $env * The environment to search for (exact case-sensitive match from: * TMCanyon, TMStadium, TMValley, SMStorm, ...) * @param Boolean $recent * If true, ignore search parameters and just return 10 newest maps * (max. one per author) * @return MXInfoSearcher * If ->valid() is false, no matching map was found; * otherwise, an iterator of MXInfo objects for a 'foreach' loop. * Returns at most 100 maps ($maxpage * 20). */ public function __construct($game, $name, $author, $env, $recent) { $this->section = $game; switch ($game) { case 'TM2': $this->prefix = 'tm'; break; case 'SM': $this->prefix = 'sm'; break; case 'QM': $this->prefix = 'qm'; break; default: $this->prefix = ''; return; } $this->error = ''; if ($recent) { $this->maps = $this->getRecent(); } else { $this->maps = $this->getList($name, $author, $env); } } // __construct // define standard Iterator functions public function rewind() { reset($this->maps); } public function current() { return new MXInfo($this->section, $this->prefix, current($this->maps)); } public function next() { return new MXInfo($this->section, $this->prefix, next($this->maps)); } public function key() { return key($this->maps); } public function valid() { return (current($this->maps) !== false); } // define standard Countable function public function count() { return count($this->maps); } private function getRecent() { // get 10 most recent maps if ($this->prefix == 'tm') $dir = 'tracks'; else // 'sm' || 'qm' $dir = 'maps'; $url = '' . $this->prefix . '/' . $dir . '/list/latest'; $file = $this->get_file($url); if ($file === false) { $this->error = 'Connection or response error on ' . $url; return array(); } elseif ($file === -1) { $this->error = 'Timed out while reading data from ' . $url; return array(); } elseif ($file == '') { $this->error = 'No data returned from ' . $url; return array(); } $mx = json_decode($file); if ($mx === null) { $this->error = 'Cannot decode recent JSON data from ' . $url; return array(); } // return list of maps as array of MX objects return $mx; } // getRecent private function getList($name, $author, $env) { $maxpage = 5; // max. 100 maps // compile search URL $url = 'http://' . $this->prefix . ''; if ($name != '') $url .= '&trackname=' . $name; if ($author != '') $url .= '&author=' . $author; switch ($env) { case 'TMCanyon': case 'SMStorm': $url .= '&environments=1'; break; case 'TMStadium': $url .= '&environments=2'; break; case 'TMValley': $url .= '&environments=3'; break; } $url .= '&page='; $maps = array(); $page = 1; $done = false; // get results 20 maps at a time while ($page <= $maxpage && !$done) { $file = $this->get_file($url . $page); if ($file === false) { $this->error = 'Connection or response error on ' . $url; return array(); } elseif ($file === -1) { $this->error = 'Timed out while reading data from ' . $url; return array(); } elseif ($file == '') { if (empty($maps)) { $this->error = 'No data returned from ' . $url; return array(); } else { break; } } $mx = json_decode($file); if ($mx === null) { $this->error = 'Cannot decode searched JSON data from ' . $url; return array(); } // check for results if (!empty($mx)) { $maps = array_merge($maps, $mx); $page++; } else { $done = true; } } // return list of maps as array of MX objects return $maps; } // getList // Simple HTTP Get function with timeout // ok: return string || error: return false || timeout: return -1 private function get_file($url) { $url = parse_url($url); $port = isset($url['port']) ? $url['port'] : 80; $query = isset($url['query']) ? "?" . $url['query'] : ""; $fp = @fsockopen($url['host'], $port, $errno, $errstr, 4); if (!$fp) return false; fwrite($fp, 'GET ' . $url['path'] . $query . " HTTP/1.0\r\n" . 'Host: ' . $url['host'] . "\r\n" . 'Content-Type: application/json' . "\r\n" . 'User-Agent: MXInfoSearcher (' . PHP_OS . ")\r\n\r\n"); stream_set_timeout($fp, 2); $res = ''; $info['timed_out'] = false; while (!feof($fp) && !$info['timed_out']) { $res .= fread($fp, 512); $info = stream_get_meta_data($fp); } fclose($fp); if ($info['timed_out']) { return -1; } else { if (substr($res, 9, 3) != '200') return false; $page = explode("\r\n\r\n", $res, 2); return trim($page[1]); } } // get_file } // class MXInfoSearcher