<?php namespace FML\Script\Features; use FML\Script\Builder; use FML\Script\Script; use FML\Script\ScriptLabel; /** * Script Feature for toggling the complete ManiaLink via Key Press * * @author steeffeen <mail@steeffeen.com> * @copyright FancyManiaLinks Copyright © 2017 Steffen Schröder * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ GNU General Public License, Version 3 */ class ToggleInterface extends ScriptFeature { /* * Constants */ const VAR_STATE = "FML_ToggleInterface_State"; /** * @var string $keyName Key name */ protected $keyName = null; /** * @var int $keyCode Key code */ protected $keyCode = null; /** * @var bool $rememberState Remember the current state */ protected $rememberState = true; /** * Construct a new ToggleInterface * * @api * @param string|int $keyNameOrCode (optional) Key name or code * @param bool $rememberState (optional) Remember the current state */ public function __construct($keyNameOrCode = null, $rememberState = true) { if (is_string($keyNameOrCode)) { $this->setKeyName($keyNameOrCode); } else if (is_int($keyNameOrCode)) { $this->setKeyCode($keyNameOrCode); } $this->setRememberState($rememberState); } /** * Get the key name * * @api * @return string */ public function getKeyName() { return $this->keyName; } /** * Set the key name * * @api * @param string $keyName Key name * @return static */ public function setKeyName($keyName) { $this->keyName = (string)$keyName; $this->keyCode = null; return $this; } /** * Get the key code * * @api * @return int */ public function getKeyCode() { return $this->keyCode; } /** * Set the key code * * @api * @param int $keyCode Key code * @return static */ public function setKeyCode($keyCode) { $this->keyCode = (int)$keyCode; $this->keyName = null; return $this; } /** * Get if the state should get remembered * * @api * @return bool */ public function getRememberState() { return $this->rememberState; } /** * Set if the state should get remembered * * @api * @param bool $rememberState Remember the current state * @return static */ public function setRememberState($rememberState) { $this->rememberState = (bool)$rememberState; return $this; } /** * @see ScriptFeature::prepare() */ public function prepare(Script $script) { $script->appendGenericScriptLabel(ScriptLabel::KEYPRESS, $this->getKeyPressScriptText()); if ($this->rememberState) { $script->appendGenericScriptLabel(ScriptLabel::ONINIT, $this->getOnInitScriptText()); } return $this; } /** * Get the on init script text * * @return string */ protected function getOnInitScriptText() { $stateVariableName = $this::VAR_STATE; return " declare persistent {$stateVariableName} as CurrentState for LocalUser = True; Page.MainFrame.Visible = CurrentState; "; } /** * Get the key press script text * * @return string */ protected function getKeyPressScriptText() { $keyProperty = null; $keyValue = null; if ($this->keyName) { $keyProperty = "KeyName"; $keyValue = Builder::getText($this->keyName); } else if ($this->keyCode) { $keyProperty = "KeyCode"; $keyValue = Builder::getInteger($this->keyCode); } $scriptText = " if (Event.{$keyProperty} == {$keyValue}) { Page.MainFrame.Visible = !Page.MainFrame.Visible; "; if ($this->rememberState) { $stateVariableName = $this::VAR_STATE; $scriptText .= " declare persistent {$stateVariableName} as CurrentState for LocalUser = True; CurrentState = Page.MainFrame.Visible; "; } return $scriptText . " }"; } }