<?php namespace ManiaControl\Communication; use ManiaControl\Callbacks\CallbackListener; use ManiaControl\Callbacks\Callbacks; use ManiaControl\Callbacks\Listening; use ManiaControl\General\UsageInformationAble; use ManiaControl\General\UsageInformationTrait; use ManiaControl\Logger; use ManiaControl\ManiaControl; use ManiaControl\Settings\Setting; use ManiaControl\Settings\SettingManager; use React\EventLoop\Factory; use React\EventLoop\LoopInterface; use React\Socket\Connection; use React\Socket\ConnectionException; use React\Socket\Server; /** * Class for managing Socket Callbacks * * @author ManiaControl Team <mail@maniacontrol.com> * @copyright 2014-2020 ManiaControl Team * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ GNU General Public License, Version 3 */ class CommunicationManager implements CallbackListener, UsageInformationAble { use UsageInformationTrait; /** Constants */ const SETTING_SOCKET_ENABLED = "Activate Socket"; const SETTING_SOCKET_PASSWORD = "Password for the Socket Connection"; const SETTING_SOCKET_HOST = "Socket Host for Server "; const SETTING_SOCKET_PORT = "Socket Port for Server "; const ENCRYPTION_IV = "kZ2Kt0CzKUjN2MJX"; const ENCRYPTION_METHOD = "aes-192-cbc"; /** @var ManiaControl $maniaControl */ private $maniaControl = null; /** @var LoopInterface $loop */ private $loop = null; /** @var Listening[] $communicationListenings */ private $communicationListenings = array(); /** @var Server $socket */ private $socket = null; /** @var Communication[] $communcations */ private $communications = array(); /** * Create a new Communication Handler Instance * * @param ManiaControl $maniaControl */ public function __construct(ManiaControl $maniaControl) { $this->maniaControl = $maniaControl; $this->maniaControl->getCallbackManager()->registerCallbackListener(SettingManager::CB_SETTING_CHANGED, $this, 'updateSettings'); $this->maniaControl->getCallbackManager()->registerCallbackListener(Callbacks::AFTERINIT, $this, 'initCommunicationManager'); $this->maniaControl->getCallbackManager()->registerCallbackListener(Callbacks::ONRESTART, $this, 'onShutDown'); $this->maniaControl->getCallbackManager()->registerCallbackListener(Callbacks::ONSHUTDOWN, $this, 'onShutDown'); } /** * Creates a Communication to another ManiaControl * * @param $ip * @param $port * @return \ManiaControl\Communication\Communication */ public function createCommunication($ip, $port, $encryptionKey) { $communication = new Communication($ip, $port, $encryptionKey); $communication->createConnection(); $this->communications[] = $communication; return $communication; } /** * Closes a opened Communication * Does not necessarily need be called, all connections get destroyed on ManiaControl Shutdown * * @param Communication $communication * @return bool */ public function closeCommunication($communication) { $key = array_search($communication, $this->communications); if (isset($this->communications[$key])) { $this->communications[$key]->closeConnection(); unset($this->communications[$key]); return true; } return false; } /** Close all Sockets on maniaControl Shutdown */ public function onShutDown() { if ($this->socket && $this->socket->master) { //Stop the Socket Listening $this->socket->shutdown(); $this->socket = null; } foreach ($this->communications as $communication) { $this->closeCommunication($communication); } } /** * Register a new Communication Listener * * @param string $communicationName * @param CommunicationListener $listener * @param string $method * @return bool */ public function registerCommunicationListener($communicationName, CommunicationListener $listener, $method) { if (!Listening::checkValidCallback($listener, $method)) { $listenerClass = get_class($listener); trigger_error("Given Listener '{$listenerClass}' can't handle Callback '{$communicationName}': No callable Method '{$method}'!"); return false; } if (!array_key_exists($communicationName, $this->communicationListenings)) { $this->communicationListenings[$communicationName] = new Listening($listener, $method); } else { //TODO say which is already listening and other stuff trigger_error("Only one Listener can listen on a specific Communication Message"); } return true; } /** * Trigger a specific Callback * * @param mixed $callback */ public function triggerCommuncationCallback($callbackName) { if (!array_key_exists($callbackName, $this->communicationListenings)) { return null; } $params = func_get_args(); $params = array_slice($params, 1, null, true); $listening = $this->communicationListenings[$callbackName]; /** @var Listening $listening */ return $listening->triggerCallbackWithParams($params); } /** * Unregister a Communication Listener * * @param CommunicationListener $listener * @return bool */ public function unregisterCommunicationListener(CommunicationListener $listener) { return $this->removeCommunicationListener($this->communicationListenings, $listener); } /** * Remove the Communication Listener from the given Listeners Array * * @param Listening[] $listeningsArray * @param CommunicationListener $listener * @return bool */ private function removeCommunicationListener(array &$listeningsArray, CommunicationListener $listener) { $removed = false; foreach ($listeningsArray as $key => &$listening) { if($listening->listener === $listener){ unset($listeningsArray[$key]); } } return $removed; } /** * Inits the Communication Manager after ManiaControl Startup */ public function initCommunicationManager() { $this->maniaControl->getSettingManager()->initSetting($this, self::SETTING_SOCKET_ENABLED, false); $this->maniaControl->getSettingManager()->initSetting($this, self::SETTING_SOCKET_PASSWORD, ""); $servers = $this->maniaControl->getServer()->getAllServers(); foreach ($servers as $server) { $this->maniaControl->getSettingManager()->initSetting($this, self::SETTING_SOCKET_HOST . $server->login, ""); $this->maniaControl->getSettingManager()->initSetting($this, self::SETTING_SOCKET_PORT . $server->login, 31500 + $server->index); } $this->createListeningSocket(); } /** * Update Setting * * @param Setting $setting */ public function updateSettings(Setting $setting) { if (!$setting->belongsToClass($this)) { return; } $socketEnabled = $this->maniaControl->getSettingManager()->getSettingValue($this, self::SETTING_SOCKET_ENABLED); if ($socketEnabled && !$this->socket) { $this->createListeningSocket(); } if (!$socketEnabled) { $this->socket = null; } } /** * Creates The Socket */ private function createListeningSocket() { $socketEnabled = $this->maniaControl->getSettingManager()->getSettingValue($this, self::SETTING_SOCKET_ENABLED); if ($socketEnabled) { Logger::log("[CommunicationManager] Trying to create Socket"); // Check for MySQLi $message = '[CommunicationManager] Checking for installed openssl ... '; if (!extension_loaded('openssl')) { Logger::log($message . 'NOT FOUND!'); Logger::log(" -- You don't have openssl installed! Check: http://www.php.net/manual/en/openssl.installation.php"); return; } else { Logger::log($message . 'FOUND!'); } $serverLogin = $this->maniaControl->getServer()->login; $socketHost = $this->maniaControl->getSettingManager()->getSettingValue($this, self::SETTING_SOCKET_HOST . $serverLogin); $socketPort = $this->maniaControl->getSettingManager()->getSettingValue($this, self::SETTING_SOCKET_PORT . $serverLogin); $password = $this->maniaControl->getSettingManager()->getSettingValue($this, self::SETTING_SOCKET_PASSWORD); try { $this->loop = Factory::create(); $this->socket = new Server($this->loop); $this->socket->on('error', function ($e) { Logger::log("[CommunicationManager] Socket Error" . $e); }); $this->socket->on('connection', function (Connection $connection) use ($password) { $buffer = ''; $connection->on('data', function ($data) use (&$buffer, &$connection, $password) { $buffer .= $data; $arr = explode("\n", $buffer, 2); while (count($arr) == 2 && strlen($arr[1]) >= (int) $arr[0]) { // received full message $len = (int) $arr[0]; $msg = substr($arr[1], 0, $len); // clip msg $buffer = substr($buffer, strlen((string) $len) + 1 /* newline */ + $len); // clip buffer // Decode Message $data = openssl_decrypt($msg, self::ENCRYPTION_METHOD, $password, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, self::ENCRYPTION_IV); $data = json_decode($data); if ($data == null) { Logger::log("[CommunicationManager] Error: Data is not provided as an valid AES-196 encrypted JSON"); $data = array("error" => true, "data" => "Data is not provided as an valid AES-196 encrypted JSON"); } else if (!property_exists($data, "method") || !property_exists($data, "data")) { Logger::log("[CommunicationManager] Invalid Communication Message Received"); $data = array("error" => true, "data" => "Invalid Message"); } else { $answer = $this->triggerCommuncationCallback($data->method, $data->data); //Prepare Response if (!$answer) { $data = new CommunicationAnswer("No listener or response on the given Message", true); } else { $data = $answer; } } //Encode, Encrypt and Send Response $data = json_encode($data); $data = openssl_encrypt($data, self::ENCRYPTION_METHOD, $password, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, self::ENCRYPTION_IV); $connection->write(strlen($data) . "\n" . $data); // next msg $arr = explode("\n", $buffer, 2); } }); }); //TODO check if port is closed $this->socket->listen($socketPort, $socketHost); Logger::log("[CommunicationManager] Socket " . $this->socket->getHost() . ":" . $this->socket->getPort() . " Successfully created!"); } catch (ConnectionException $e) { Logger::log("[CommunicationManager] Exception: " . $e->getMessage()); } } } /** * Processes Data on every ManiaControl Tick, don't call this Method */ public function tick() { if ($this->loop) { $this->loop->tick(); } foreach ($this->communications as $communication) { $communication->tick(); } } }