* @copyright FancyManiaLinks Copyright © 2017 Steffen Schröder * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ GNU General Public License, Version 3 */ class ManiaLink { /* * Constants */ const MANIALINK_VERSION = 3; const BACKGROUND_0 = "0"; const BACKGROUND_1 = "1"; const BACKGROUND_STARS = "stars"; const BACKGROUND_STATIONS = "stations"; const BACKGROUND_TITLE = "title"; /** * @var string $maniaLinkId ManiaLink ID */ protected $maniaLinkId = null; /** * @var int $version ManiaLink version */ protected $version = 1; /** * @var string $name ManiaLink name */ protected $name = null; /** * @var string $background Background */ protected $background = null; /** * @var bool $navigable3d 3d navigable */ protected $navigable3d = true; /** * @var int $timeout Timeout */ protected $timeout = null; /** * @var Renderable[] $children Children */ protected $children = array(); /** * @var Dico $dico Dictionary */ protected $dico = null; /** * @var Stylesheet $stylesheet Style sheet */ protected $stylesheet = null; /** * @var Script $script Script */ protected $script = null; /** * Create a new ManiaLink * * @api * @param string $maniaLinkId (optional) ManiaLink ID * @param int $version (optional) Version * @param string $name (optional) Name * @param Renderable[] $children (optional) Children * @return static */ public static function create($maniaLinkId = null, $version = null, $name = null, array $children = null) { return new static($maniaLinkId, $version, $name, $children); } /** * Construct a new ManiaLink * * @api * @param string $maniaLinkId (optional) ManiaLink ID * @param int $version (optional) Version * @param string $name (optional) Name * @param Renderable[] $children (optional) Children */ public function __construct($maniaLinkId = null, $version = null, $name = null, array $children = null) { if (is_string($version)) { // backwards-compatibility (version has been introduced later) $children = $name; $name = $version; $version = null; } if ($maniaLinkId) { $this->setId($maniaLinkId); } $this->setVersion(self::MANIALINK_VERSION); if ($version) { $this->setVersion($version); } if ($name) { $this->setName($name); } if ($children) { $this->setChildren($children); } $this->createScript(); } /** * Get the ID * * @api * @return string */ public function getId() { return $this->maniaLinkId; } /** * Set the ID * * @api * @param string $maniaLinkId ManiaLink ID * @return static */ public function setId($maniaLinkId) { $this->maniaLinkId = (string)$maniaLinkId; if ($this->maniaLinkId && !$this->name) { $this->setName($this->maniaLinkId); } return $this; } /** * Get the version * * @api * @return int */ public function getVersion() { return $this->version; } /** * Set the version * * @api * @param int $version ManiaLink version * @return static */ public function setVersion($version) { $this->version = (int)$version; return $this; } /** * Get the name * * @api * @return string */ public function getName() { return $this->name; } /** * Set the name * * @api * @param string $name ManiaLink Name * @return static */ public function setName($name) { $this->name = (string)$name; return $this; } /** * Get the background * * @api * @return string */ public function getBackground() { return $this->background; } /** * Set the background * * @api * @param string $background Background value * @return static */ public function setBackground($background) { $this->background = (string)$background; return $this; } /** * Get navigable3d * * @api * @return bool */ public function getNavigable3d() { return $this->navigable3d; } /** * Set navigable3d * * @api * @param bool $navigable3d If the ManiaLink should be 3d navigable * @return static */ public function setNavigable3d($navigable3d) { $this->navigable3d = (bool)$navigable3d; return $this; } /** * Get the timeout * * @api * @return int */ public function getTimeout() { return $this->timeout; } /** * Set the timeout * * @api * @param int $timeout Timeout duration * @return static */ public function setTimeout($timeout) { $this->timeout = (int)$timeout; return $this; } /** * Get children * * @api * @return Renderable[] */ public function getChildren() { return $this->children; } /** * Add a child * * @api * @param Renderable $child Child Element to add * @return static * @deprecated use addChild() instead */ public function add(Renderable $child) { return $this->addChild($child); } /** * Add a child * * @api * @param Renderable $child Child Element to add * @return static */ public function addChild(Renderable $child) { if (!in_array($child, $this->children, true)) { array_push($this->children, $child); } return $this; } /** * Set children * * @api * @param Renderable[] $children Child Elements * @return static */ public function setChildren(array $children) { $this->children = array(); foreach ($children as $child) { $this->addChild($child); } return $this; } /** * Remove all children * * @api * @return static * @deprecated use removeAllChildren() instead */ public function removeChildren() { return $this->removeAllChildren(); } /** * Remove all children * * @api * @return static */ public function removeAllChildren() { $this->children = array(); return $this; } /** * Get the Dictionary * * @api * @return Dico */ public function getDico() { return $this->dico; } /** * Set the Dictionary * * @api * @param Dico $dico Dictionary * @return static */ public function setDico(Dico $dico = null) { $this->dico = $dico; return $this; } /** * Get the Stylesheet * * @api * @return Stylesheet */ public function getStylesheet() { return $this->stylesheet; } /** * Set the Stylesheet * * @api * @param Stylesheet $stylesheet Stylesheet * @return static */ public function setStylesheet(Stylesheet $stylesheet = null) { $this->stylesheet = $stylesheet; return $this; } /** * Get the Script * * @api * @return Script */ public function getScript() { return $this->script; } /** * Set the Script * * @api * @param Script $script Script * @return static */ public function setScript(Script $script = null) { $this->script = $script; return $this; } /** * Create and assign a new Script if necessary * * @api * @return Script */ public function createScript() { if ($this->script) { return $this->script; } $script = new Script(); $this->setScript($script); return $this->script; } /** * Render the ManiaLink * * @param bool $echo (optional) If the XML text should be echoed and the Content-Type header should be set * @param \DOMDocument $domDocument (optional) DOMDocument for which the ManiaLink should be rendered * @return \DOMDocument */ public function render($echo = false, $domDocument = null) { $isChild = (bool)$domDocument; if (!$isChild) { $domDocument = new \DOMDocument("1.0", "utf-8"); $domDocument->xmlStandalone = true; } $maniaLink = $domDocument->createElement("manialink"); if (!$isChild) { $domDocument->appendChild($maniaLink); } if ($this->maniaLinkId) { $maniaLink->setAttribute("id", $this->maniaLinkId); } if ($this->version > 0) { $maniaLink->setAttribute("version", $this->version); } if ($this->name) { $maniaLink->setAttribute("name", $this->name); } if ($this->background) { $maniaLink->setAttribute("background", $this->background); } if (!$this->navigable3d) { $maniaLink->setAttribute("navigable3d", "0"); } if ($this->timeout) { $timeoutXml = $domDocument->createElement("timeout", $this->timeout); $maniaLink->appendChild($timeoutXml); } if ($this->dico) { $dicoXml = $this->dico->render($domDocument); $maniaLink->appendChild($dicoXml); } $scriptFeatures = array(); foreach ($this->children as $child) { $childXml = $child->render($domDocument); $maniaLink->appendChild($childXml); if ($child instanceof ScriptFeatureable) { $scriptFeatures = array_merge($scriptFeatures, $child->getScriptFeatures()); } } if ($this->stylesheet) { $stylesheetXml = $this->stylesheet->render($domDocument); $maniaLink->appendChild($stylesheetXml); } if ($scriptFeatures) { $this->createScript() ->loadFeatures($scriptFeatures); } if ($this->script) { if ($this->script->needsRendering()) { $scriptXml = $this->script->render($domDocument); $maniaLink->appendChild($scriptXml); } $this->script->resetGenericScriptLabels(); } if ($isChild) { return $maniaLink; } if ($echo) { header("Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8;"); echo $domDocument->saveXML(); } return $domDocument; } /** * Get the string representation * * @return string */ public function __toString() { return $this->render() ->saveXML(); } }