* @copyright 2014-2017 ManiaControl Team * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ GNU General Public License, Version 3 */ class PlayerDetailed { /* * Constants */ const STATS_PER_COLUMN = 13; /* * Private properties */ /** @var ManiaControl $maniaControl */ private $maniaControl = null; /** * Create a new Player Detailed Instance * * @param ManiaControl $maniaControl */ public function __construct(ManiaControl $maniaControl) { $this->maniaControl = $maniaControl; // Settings $this->width = $this->maniaControl->getManialinkManager()->getStyleManager()->getListWidgetsWidth(); $this->height = $this->maniaControl->getManialinkManager()->getStyleManager()->getListWidgetsHeight(); $this->quadStyle = $this->maniaControl->getManialinkManager()->getStyleManager()->getDefaultMainWindowStyle(); $this->quadSubstyle = $this->maniaControl->getManialinkManager()->getStyleManager()->getDefaultMainWindowSubStyle(); } /** * Show a Frame with detailed Information about the Target Player * * @param Player $player * @param string $targetLogin */ public function showPlayerDetailed(Player $player, $targetLogin) { /** @var Player $target */ $target = $this->maniaControl->getPlayerManager()->getPlayer($targetLogin); // Create ManiaLink $maniaLink = new ManiaLink(ManialinkManager::MAIN_MLID); $script = $maniaLink->getScript(); // Main frame $frame = $this->maniaControl->getManialinkManager()->getStyleManager()->getDefaultListFrame($script); $maniaLink->add($frame); // Create script and features $script = new Script(); $maniaLink->setScript($script); $posY = $this->height / 2 - 7; //Nation Quad $countryQuad = new Quad(); $frame->add($countryQuad); $countryQuad->setImage("file://ZoneFlags/Login/{$targetLogin}/country"); $countryQuad->setPosition(-$this->width / 2 + 10, $posY); $countryQuad->setSize(5, 5); $countryQuad->setZ(-0.1); $countryQuad->setHAlign($countryQuad::LEFT); //Nickname $label = new Label_Text(); $frame->add($label); $label->setPosition(-$this->width / 2 + 15, $posY); $label->setText($target->nickname); $label->setHAlign($label::LEFT); //Define MainLabel (Login) $posY -= 8; $mainLabel = new Label_Text(); $frame->add($mainLabel); $mainLabel->setPosition(-$this->width / 2 + 10, $posY); $mainLabel->setTextSize(1.2); $mainLabel->setHAlign($mainLabel::LEFT); $mainLabel->setText('Login: '); $posY -= 5; $label = clone $mainLabel; $frame->add($label); $label->setY($posY); $label->setText('Nation: '); $posY -= 5; $label = clone $mainLabel; $frame->add($label); $label->setY($posY); $label->setText('Province: '); $posY -= 5; $label = clone $mainLabel; $frame->add($label); $label->setY($posY); $label->setText('Authorization: '); $posY -= 5; $label = clone $mainLabel; $frame->add($label); $label->setY($posY); $label->setText("Ladder Rank:"); $posY -= 5; $label = clone $mainLabel; $frame->add($label); $label->setY($posY); $label->setText('Ladder Score: '); $posY -= 5; $label = clone $mainLabel; $frame->add($label); $label->setY($posY); $label->setText('Inscribed Zone: '); $posY -= 5; $label = clone $mainLabel; $frame->add($label); $label->setY($posY); $label->setText('Avatar'); //Login $posY = $this->height / 2 - 15; $mainLabel = new Label_Text(); $frame->add($mainLabel); $mainLabel->setPosition(-$this->width / 2 + 30, $posY); $mainLabel->setText($target->login); $mainLabel->setTextSize(1.2); $mainLabel->setHAlign($mainLabel::LEFT); //Country $posY -= 5; $label = clone $mainLabel; $frame->add($label); $label->setY($posY); $label->setText($target->getCountry()); //Province $posY -= 5; $label = clone $mainLabel; $frame->add($label); $label->setY($posY); $label->setText($target->getProvince()); //AuthLevel $posY -= 5; $label = clone $mainLabel; $frame->add($label); $label->setY($posY); $label->setText($this->maniaControl->getAuthenticationManager()->getAuthLevelName($target->authLevel)); //LadderRank $posY -= 5; $label = clone $mainLabel; $frame->add($label); $label->setY($posY); $label->setText($target->ladderRank); //LadderScore $posY -= 5; $label = clone $mainLabel; $frame->add($label); $label->setY($posY); $label->setText(round($target->ladderScore, 2)); //Played Since $posY -= 5; $label = clone $mainLabel; $frame->add($label); $label->setY($posY); $label->setText(date('d M Y', time() - 3600 * 24 * $target->daysSinceZoneInscription)); $quad = new Quad(); $frame->add($quad); $quad->setImage('file://Avatars/' . $targetLogin . "/default"); $quad->setPosition(-$this->width / 2 + 50, -$this->height / 2 + 34); $quad->setAlign($quad::RIGHT, $quad::TOP); $quad->setSize(20, 20); //Statistics $frame->add($this->statisticsFrame($target)); $quad = new Label_Button(); $frame->add($quad); $quad->setStyle($quad::STYLE_CardMain_Quit); $quad->setHAlign($quad::LEFT); $quad->setScale(0.75); $quad->setText('Back'); $quad->setPosition(-$this->width / 2 + 7, -$this->height / 2 + 7); $quad->setAction(PlayerCommands::ACTION_OPEN_PLAYERLIST); // render and display xml $this->maniaControl->getManialinkManager()->displayWidget($maniaLink, $player, 'PlayerDetailed'); } /** * Build a Frame with Statistics about the given Player * * @param Player $player * @return Frame */ public function statisticsFrame(Player $player) { $frame = new Frame(); $playerStats = $this->maniaControl->getStatisticManager()->getAllPlayerStats($player); $posY = $this->height / 2 - 15; $posX = -$this->width / 2 + 52; $index = 1; foreach ($playerStats as $stat) { $value = (float)$stat[1]; if (!$value) { continue; } $statProperties = $stat[0]; if ($statProperties->type === StatisticManager::STAT_TYPE_TIME) { $value = Formatter::formatTimeH($value); } else if ($statProperties->type === StatisticManager::STAT_TYPE_FLOAT) { $value = round($value, 2); } if ($index % 2 !== 0) { $lineQuad = new Quad_BgsPlayerCard(); $frame->add($lineQuad); $lineQuad->setSize(49, 4); $lineQuad->setSubStyle($lineQuad::SUBSTYLE_BgPlayerCardBig); $lineQuad->setPosition($posX, $posY, 0.001); $lineQuad->setHAlign($lineQuad::LEFT); } $label = new Label_Text(); $frame->add($label); $label->setPosition($posX + 4, $posY); $label->setText($statProperties->name); $label->setHAlign($label::LEFT); $label->setTextSize(1.5); $label = new Label_Text(); $frame->add($label); $label->setPosition($posX + 40, $posY); $label->setText($value); $label->setTextSize(1.5); $posY -= 4; $index++; if ($index > self::STATS_PER_COLUMN) { $posY = $this->height / 2 - 15; $posX += 47; $index = 0; } } return $frame; } }