use FML\Controls\Frame;
use FML\Controls\Labels\Label_Button;
use FML\Controls\Labels\Label_Text;
use FML\Controls\Quad;
use FML\Controls\Quads\Quad_Icons64x64_1;
use FML\ManiaLink;
use ManiaControl\Callbacks\CallbackListener;
use ManiaControl\Callbacks\TimerListener;
use ManiaControl\Commands\CommandListener;
use ManiaControl\ManiaControl;
use ManiaControl\Manialinks\ManialinkManager;
use ManiaControl\Manialinks\ManialinkPageAnswerListener;
use ManiaControl\Players\Player;
use ManiaControl\Plugins\Plugin;

 * TeamSpeak Info plugin
 * Based on the TeamSpeak Info plugin created by undef.de:
 * http://forum.maniaplanet.com/viewtopic.php?f=450&t=24805
 * @author TheM
class TeamSpeakPlugin implements CallbackListener, CommandListener, ManialinkPageAnswerListener, TimerListener, Plugin {
	 * Constants
	const ID      = 23;
	const VERSION = 0.1;

	const TEAMSPEAK_SID        = 'TS Server ID';
	const TEAMSPEAK_SERVERHOST = 'TS Server host';
	const TEAMSPEAK_SERVERPORT = 'TS Server port';
	const TEAMSPEAK_QUERYHOST  = 'TS Server Query host';
	const TEAMSPEAK_QUERYPORT  = 'TS Server Query port';
	const TEAMSPEAK_QUERYUSER  = 'TS Server Query user';
	const TEAMSPEAK_QUERYPASS  = 'TS Server Query password';

	const ACTION_OPEN_TSVIEWER = 'TSViewer.OpenWidget';

	const TS_ICON       = 'Teamspeak.png';
	const TS_ICON_MOVER = 'Teamspeak_logo_press.png';

	 * Private properties
	/** @var ManiaControl $maniaControl */
	private $maniaControl = null;
	private $serverData = array();
	private $refreshTime = 0;
	private $refreshInterval = 90;

	 * Prepares the Plugin (Init Settings)
	 * @param ManiaControl $maniaControl
	 * @return mixed
	public static function prepare(ManiaControl $maniaControl) {
		$maniaControl->settingManager->initSetting(get_class(), self::TEAMSPEAK_SID, 1);
		$maniaControl->settingManager->initSetting(get_class(), self::TEAMSPEAK_SERVERHOST, 'ts3.somehoster.com');
		$maniaControl->settingManager->initSetting(get_class(), self::TEAMSPEAK_SERVERPORT, 9987);
		$maniaControl->settingManager->initSetting(get_class(), self::TEAMSPEAK_QUERYHOST, '');
		$maniaControl->settingManager->initSetting(get_class(), self::TEAMSPEAK_QUERYPORT, 10011);
		$maniaControl->settingManager->initSetting(get_class(), self::TEAMSPEAK_QUERYUSER, '');
		$maniaControl->settingManager->initSetting(get_class(), self::TEAMSPEAK_QUERYPASS, '');

	 * Load the plugin
	 * @param \ManiaControl\ManiaControl $maniaControl
	 * @return bool
	public function load(ManiaControl $maniaControl) {
		$this->maniaControl = $maniaControl;

		$this->refreshTime = time();


		$this->maniaControl->timerManager->registerTimerListening($this, 'ts3_queryServer', 1000);


	 * Function used to check certain configuration options to check if they can be used.
	 * @throws Exception
	private function checkConfig() {
		if ($this->maniaControl->settingManager->getSetting($this, self::TEAMSPEAK_SERVERHOST) == 'ts3.somehoster.com') {
			$error = 'Missing the required serverhost, please set it up before enabling the TeamSpeak plugin!';
			throw new Exception($error);

		$this->ts3_queryServer(); // Get latest information from the TeamSpeak server
		if (!isset($this->serverData['channels']) || count($this->serverData['channels']) == 0) {
			$error = 'Could not make proper connections with the server!';
			throw new Exception($error);

	 * Function used insert the icon into the menu.
	private function addToMenu() {
		$this->maniaControl->manialinkManager->registerManialinkPageAnswerListener(self::ACTION_OPEN_TSVIEWER, $this, 'command_tsViewer');
		$itemQuad = new Quad();
		$this->maniaControl->actionsMenu->addMenuItem($itemQuad, true, 1, 'Open TeamSpeak Viewer');

	 * Unload the plugin and its resources
	public function unload() {
		$this->serverData = array();

		$this->maniaControl->actionsMenu->removeMenuItem(1, true);

	 * Get plugin id
	 * @return int
	public static function getId() {
		return self::ID;

	 * Get Plugin Name
	 * @return string
	public static function getName() {
		return 'TeamSpeak Plugin';

	 * Get Plugin Version
	 * @return float
	public static function getVersion() {
		return self::VERSION;

	 * Get Plugin Author
	 * @return string
	public static function getAuthor() {
		return 'TheM';

	 * Get Plugin Description
	 * @return string
	public static function getDescription() {
		return 'Plugin offers a connection with a TeamSpeak server (via widgets).';

	 * Function handling the pressing of the icon.
	 * @param array  $chatCallback
	 * @param Player $player
	public function command_tsViewer(array $chatCallback, Player $player) {

	 * Function showing the TeamSpeak widget to the player.
	 * @param $player
	private function showWidget($player) {
		$width        = $this->maniaControl->manialinkManager->styleManager->getListWidgetsWidth();
		$height       = $this->maniaControl->manialinkManager->styleManager->getListWidgetsHeight();
		$quadStyle    = $this->maniaControl->manialinkManager->styleManager->getDefaultMainWindowStyle();
		$quadSubstyle = $this->maniaControl->manialinkManager->styleManager->getDefaultMainWindowSubStyle();

		$maniaLink = new ManiaLink(ManialinkManager::MAIN_MLID);

		// Main frame
		$frame = new Frame();
		$frame->setSize($width, $height);
		$frame->setPosition(0, 0, 10);

		// Background
		$backgroundQuad = new Quad();
		$backgroundQuad->setSize($width, $height);
		$backgroundQuad->setStyles($quadStyle, $quadSubstyle);

		// Close Quad (X)
		$closeQuad = new Quad_Icons64x64_1();
		$closeQuad->setPosition($width * 0.483, $height * 0.467, 3);
		$closeQuad->setSize(6, 6);

		$servername = new Label_Text();
		$servername->setY($height / 2 - 4);
		$servername->setText('$oServername:$o ' . $this->serverData['server']['virtualserver_name']);

		$serverversion = new Label_Text();
		$serverversion->setY($height / 2 - 4);
		$serverversion->setText('$oServerversion:$o ' . $this->serverData['server']['virtualserver_version']);

		$clients = new Label_Text();
		$clients->setY($height / 2 - 7);
		$clients->setText('$oConnected clients:$o ' . $this->serverData['server']['virtualserver_clientsonline'] . '/' . $this->serverData['server']['virtualserver_maxclients']);

		$channels = new Label_Text();
		$channels->setY($height / 2 - 7);
		$nochannels = 0;
		foreach($this->serverData['channels'] as $channel) {
			if ($channel['channel_maxclients'] == 0 || strpos($channel['channel_name'], 'spacer') > 0) {
		$channels->setText('$oChannels:$o ' . $nochannels);

		// Join button
		$joinbutton = new Label_Button();
		$joinbutton->setY($height / 2 - 11.5);
		$joinbutton->setText('Join TeamSpeak: ' . $this->maniaControl->settingManager->getSetting($this, self::TEAMSPEAK_SERVERHOST) . ':' . $this->maniaControl->settingManager->getSetting($this, self::TEAMSPEAK_SERVERPORT));
		$url = 'ts3server://' . $this->maniaControl->settingManager->getSetting($this, self::TEAMSPEAK_SERVERHOST) . '/?port=' . $this->maniaControl->settingManager->getSetting($this, self::TEAMSPEAK_SERVERPORT) . '&nickname=' . rawurlencode(\ManiaControl\Formatter::stripCodes($player->nickname));

		$leftlistQuad = new Quad();
		$leftlistQuad->setSize((($width / 2) - 5), ($height - 18));
		$leftlistQuad->setY($height / 2 - 46);
		$leftlistQuad->setStyles($quadStyle, $quadSubstyle);

		$channels = array();
		$users    = array();
		$userid   = 0;
		$i        = 0;
		$startx   = -69.5;
		foreach($this->serverData['channels'] as $channel) {
			if ($channel['channel_maxclients'] == 0 || strpos($channel['channel_name'], 'spacer') > 0) {
			$channelLabel = new Label_Text();
			$y = 17.5 + ($i * 2.5);
            $channelLabel->setY($height / 2 - $y);
			$x = $startx;
			if ($channel['pid'] != 0) {
				$x = $startx + 5;
			if ($channel['channel_flag_default'] == 1) {
				$channel['total_clients'] = ($channel['total_clients'] - 1);
			} // remove query client
            $channelLabel->setText('$o' . $channel['channel_name'] . '$o (' . $channel['total_clients'] . ')');

            $channels[$i] = $channelLabel;

			foreach($this->serverData['users'] as $user) {
				if ($user['cid'] == $channel['cid']) {
                    $userLabel = new Label_Text();
					$y = 17.5 + ($i * 2.5);
                    $userLabel->setY($height / 2 - $y);
					if ($channel['pid'] != 0) {
						$x = $startx + 7;
					} else {
						$x = $startx + 2;
                    $users[$userid] = $userLabel;


					if ($i > 22) {
						$i      = 0;
						$startx = 2.5;

			if ($i > 22) {
				$i      = 0;
				$startx = 2.5;

		$rightlistQuad = new Quad();
		$rightlistQuad->setSize((($width / 2) - 5), ($height - 18));
		$rightlistQuad->setY($height / 2 - 46);
		$rightlistQuad->setStyles($quadStyle, $quadSubstyle);

		$this->maniaControl->manialinkManager->displayWidget($maniaLink, $player, 'TSViewer');

	 * TeamSpeak related functions
	 * The functions are based upon tsstatus.php from http://tsstatus.sebastien.me/
	 * and were optimized by SilentStorm.
	 * Functions originally from the TeamSpeakInfo plugin made by undef.de for XAseco(2) and MPAseco.

	public function ts3_queryServer() {
		if (time() >= $this->refreshTime) {
			$this->refreshTime = (time() + $this->refreshInterval);

			$queryhost = $this->maniaControl->settingManager->getSetting($this, self::TEAMSPEAK_QUERYHOST);
			$host      = $this->maniaControl->settingManager->getSetting($this, self::TEAMSPEAK_SERVERHOST);

			$host = ($queryhost != '') ? $queryhost : $host;

			$socket = fsockopen(@$host, $this->maniaControl->settingManager->getSetting($this, self::TEAMSPEAK_QUERYPORT), $errno, $errstr, 2);
			if ($socket) {
				socket_set_timeout($socket, 2);
				$is_ts3 = trim(fgets($socket)) == 'TS3';
				if (!$is_ts3) {
					trigger_error('[TeamSpeakPlugin] Server at "' . $host . '" is not a Teamspeak3-Server or you have setup a bad query-port!', E_USER_WARNING);

				$queryuser = $this->maniaControl->settingManager->getSetting($this, self::TEAMSPEAK_QUERYUSER);
				$querypass = $this->maniaControl->settingManager->getSetting($this, self::TEAMSPEAK_QUERYPASS);
				if (($queryuser != '') && !is_numeric($queryuser) && $queryuser != false && ($querypass != '') && !is_numeric($querypass) && $querypass != false) {
					$ret = $this->ts3_sendCommand($socket, 'login client_login_name=' . $this->ts3_escape($queryuser) . ' client_login_password=' . $this->ts3_escape($querypass));
					if (stripos($ret, "error id=0") === false) {
						trigger_error("[TeamSpeakPlugin] Failed to authenticate with TS3 Server! Make sure you put the correct username & password in teamspeak.xml", E_USER_WARNING);

				$response = '';
				$response .= $this->ts3_sendCommand($socket, 'use sid=' . $this->maniaControl->settingManager->getSetting($this, self::TEAMSPEAK_SID));
				$this->ts3_sendCommand($socket, 'clientupdate client_nickname=' . $this->ts3_escape('ManiaControl Viewer'));
				$response .= $this->ts3_sendCommand($socket, 'serverinfo');
				$response .= $this->ts3_sendCommand($socket, 'channellist -topic -flags -voice -limits');
				$response .= $this->ts3_sendCommand($socket, 'clientlist -uid -away -voice -groups');

				fputs($socket, "quit\n");

				$lines = explode("error id=0 msg=ok\n\r", $response);
				if (count($lines) == 5) {
					$serverdata                   = $this->ts3_parseLine($lines[1]);
					$this->serverData['server']   = $serverdata[0];
					$this->serverData['channels'] = $this->ts3_parseLine($lines[2]);

					$users                     = $this->ts3_parseLine($lines[3]);
					$this->serverData['users'] = array(); // reset userslist
					foreach($users as $user) {
						if ($user['client_nickname'] != 'ManiaControl Viewer') {
							$this->serverData['users'][] = $user;

					// Subtract reserved slots
					$this->serverData['server']['virtualserver_maxclients'] -= $this->serverData['server']['virtualserver_reserved_slots'];

					// Make ping value int
					$this->serverData['server']['virtualserver_total_ping'] = intval($this->serverData['server']['virtualserver_total_ping']);

					// Format the Date of server startup
					$this->serverData['server']['virtualserver_uptime'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', (time() - $this->serverData['server']['virtualserver_uptime']));

					// Always subtract all Query Clients
					$this->serverData['server']['virtualserver_clientsonline'] -= $this->serverData['server']['virtualserver_queryclientsonline'];
			} else {
				trigger_error("[TeamSpeakPlugin] Failed to connect with TS3 server; socket error: " . $errstr . " [" . $errno . "]", E_USER_WARNING);

	 * TS Function to send a command to the TeamSpeak server.
	 * @param $socket
	 * @param $cmd
	 * @return string
	private function ts3_sendCommand($socket, $cmd) {

		fputs($socket, "$cmd\n");

		$response = '';
		/*while(strpos($response, 'error id=') === false) {
			$response .= fread($socket, 8096);

		/*while (!feof($socket)) {
			$response .= fread($socket, 8192);

		$info = array('timed_out' => false);
		while(!feof($socket) && !$info['timed_out'] && strpos($response, 'error id=') === false) {
			$response .= fread($socket, 1024);
			$info = stream_get_meta_data($socket);

		return $response;

	 * TS Function used to parse lines in the serverresponse.
	 * @param $rawLine
	 * @return array
	private function ts3_parseLine($rawLine) {

		$datas    = array();
		$rawItems = explode('|', $rawLine);

		foreach($rawItems as &$rawItem) {
			$rawDatas  = explode(' ', $rawItem);
			$tempDatas = array();
			foreach($rawDatas as &$rawData) {
				$ar                = explode("=", $rawData, 2);
				$tempDatas[$ar[0]] = isset($ar[1]) ? $this->ts3_unescape($ar[1]) : '';
			$datas[] = $tempDatas;
		unset($rawItem, $rawData);

		return $datas;

	 * TS Function used to escape characters in channelnames.
	 * @param $str
	 * @return mixed
	private function ts3_escape($str) {
		return str_replace(array(chr(92), chr(47), chr(32), chr(124), chr(7), chr(8), chr(12), chr(10), chr(3), chr(9), chr(11)), array('\\\\', "\/", "\s", "\p", "\a", "\b", "\f", "\n", "\r", "\t", "\v"), $str);

	 * TS Function used to unescape characters in channelnames.
	 * @param $str
	 * @return mixed
	private function ts3_unescape($str) {
		return str_replace(array('\\\\', "\/", "\s", "\p", "\a", "\b", "\f", "\n", "\r", "\t", "\v"), array(chr(92), chr(47), chr(32), chr(124), chr(7), chr(8), chr(12), chr(10), chr(3), chr(9), chr(11)), $str);
