
namespace ManiaControl\Admin;

use FML\Controls\Frame;
use FML\Controls\Labels\Label_Button;
use FML\Controls\Labels\Label_Text;
use FML\Controls\Quads\Quad_BgRaceScore2;
use FML\Controls\Quads\Quad_BgsPlayerCard;
use FML\Controls\Quads\Quad_UIConstruction_Buttons;
use FML\ManiaLink;
use FML\Script\Features\Paging;
use ManiaControl\Callbacks\CallbackListener;
use ManiaControl\Callbacks\CallbackManager;
use ManiaControl\ManiaControl;
use ManiaControl\Manialinks\ManialinkManager;
use ManiaControl\Manialinks\ManialinkPageAnswerListener;
use ManiaControl\Players\Player;

 * Widget Class listing Authorized Players
 * @author    ManiaControl Team <mail@maniacontrol.com>
 * @copyright 2014 ManiaControl Team
 * @license   http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ GNU General Public License, Version 3
class AdminLists implements ManialinkPageAnswerListener, CallbackListener {
	 * Constants
	const ACTION_OPEN_ADMINLIST = 'AdminList.OpenAdminList';
	const ACTION_REVOKE_RIGHTS  = 'AdminList.RevokeRights';
	const MAX_PLAYERS_PER_PAGE  = 15;

	 * Private Properties
	private $adminListShown = array();

	 * Create a PlayerList Instance
	 * @param ManiaControl $maniaControl
	public function __construct(ManiaControl $maniaControl) {
		$this->maniaControl = $maniaControl;

		$this->maniaControl->callbackManager->registerCallbackListener(CallbackManager::CB_MP_PLAYERMANIALINKPAGEANSWER, $this, 'handleManialinkPageAnswer');
		$this->maniaControl->callbackManager->registerCallbackListener(ManialinkManager::CB_MAIN_WINDOW_CLOSED, $this, 'closeWidget');
		$this->maniaControl->callbackManager->registerCallbackListener(ManialinkManager::CB_MAIN_WINDOW_OPENED, $this, 'handleWidgetOpened');
		$this->maniaControl->callbackManager->registerCallbackListener(AuthenticationManager::CB_AUTH_LEVEL_CHANGED, $this, 'updateWidget');

		// Menu Entry AdminList
		$this->maniaControl->manialinkManager->registerManialinkPageAnswerListener(self::ACTION_OPEN_ADMINLIST, $this, 'openAdminList');
		$itemQuad = new Quad_UIConstruction_Buttons();
		$this->maniaControl->actionsMenu->addMenuItem($itemQuad, false, 50, 'Open AdminList');

	 * Open Admin List Action
	 * @param array  $callback
	 * @param Player $player
	public function openAdminList(array $callback, Player $player) {

	 * Show the Admin List
	 * @param Player $player
	public function showAdminLists(Player $player) {
		$this->adminListShown[$player->login] = true;

		$width  = $this->maniaControl->manialinkManager->styleManager->getListWidgetsWidth();
		$height = $this->maniaControl->manialinkManager->styleManager->getListWidgetsHeight();

		// get Admins
		$admins = $this->maniaControl->authenticationManager->getAdmins();

		//Create ManiaLink
		$maniaLink = new ManiaLink(ManialinkManager::MAIN_MLID);
		$script    = $maniaLink->getScript();
		$paging    = new Paging();

		// Main frame
		$frame = $this->maniaControl->manialinkManager->styleManager->getDefaultListFrame($script, $paging);

		// Start offsets
		$x = -$width / 2;
		$y = $height / 2;

		//Predefine description Label
		$descriptionLabel = $this->maniaControl->manialinkManager->styleManager->getDefaultDescriptionLabel();

		// Headline
		$headFrame = new Frame();
		$headFrame->setY($y - 5);
		$array = array("Id" => $x + 5, "Nickname" => $x + 18, "Login" => $x + 70, "Actions" => $x + 120);
		$this->maniaControl->manialinkManager->labelLine($headFrame, $array);

		$i         = 1;
		$y         = $y - 10;
		$pageFrame = null;

		foreach ($admins as $admin) {
			if ($i % self::MAX_PLAYERS_PER_PAGE === 1) {
				$pageFrame = new Frame();

				$y = $height / 2 - 10;

			$playerFrame = new Frame();

			if ($i % 2 != 0) {
				$lineQuad = new Quad_BgsPlayerCard();
				$lineQuad->setSize($width, 4);

			$array = array($i => $x + 5, $admin->nickname => $x + 18, $admin->login => $x + 70);
			$this->maniaControl->manialinkManager->labelLine($playerFrame, $array);

			// Level Quad
			$rightQuad = new Quad_BgRaceScore2();
			$rightQuad->setX($x + 13);
			$rightQuad->setSize(7, 3.5);

			$rightLabel = new Label_Text();
			$rightLabel->setX($x + 13.9);
			$description = $this->maniaControl->authenticationManager->getAuthLevelName($admin) . " " . $admin->nickname;
			$rightLabel->addTooltipLabelFeature($descriptionLabel, $description);

			//Revoke Button
			if ($admin->authLevel > 0 && $this->maniaControl->authenticationManager->checkRight($player, $admin->authLevel + 1)) {
				$style      = Label_Text::STYLE_TextCardSmall;
				$textColor  = 'FFF';
				$quadWidth  = 24;
				$quadHeight = 3.4;

				// Quad
				$quad = new Quad_BgsPlayerCard();
				$quad->setX($x + 130);
				$quad->setSize($quadWidth, $quadHeight);
				$quad->setAction(self::ACTION_REVOKE_RIGHTS . "." . $admin->login);

				$label = new Label_Button();
				$label->setX($x + 130);
				$label->setText("Revoke Rights");

			$y -= 4;

		// Render and display xml
		$this->maniaControl->manialinkManager->displayWidget($maniaLink, $player, 'AdminList');

	 * Called on ManialinkPageAnswer
	 * @param array $callback
	public function handleManialinkPageAnswer(array $callback) {
		$actionId    = $callback[1][2];
		$actionArray = explode('.', $actionId, 3);
		if (count($actionArray) <= 2) {

		$action      = $actionArray[0] . '.' . $actionArray[1];
		$adminLogin  = $callback[1][1];
		$targetLogin = $actionArray[2];

		switch ($action) {
				$this->maniaControl->playerManager->playerActions->revokeAuthLevel($adminLogin, $targetLogin);

	 * Reopen the widget on Map Begin, MapListChanged, etc.
	 * @param Player $player
	public function updateWidget(Player $player) {
		foreach ($this->adminListShown as $login => $shown) {
			if ($shown) {
				$player = $this->maniaControl->playerManager->getPlayer($login);
				if ($player) {
				} else {

	 * Closes the widget
	 * @param \ManiaControl\Players\Player $player
	public function closeWidget(Player $player) {

	 * Unset the player if he opened another Main Widget
	 * @param Player $player
	 * @param        $openedWidget
	public function handleWidgetOpened(Player $player, $openedWidget) {
		//unset when another main widget got opened
		if ($openedWidget != 'AdminList') {