maniaControl = $maniaControl; $this->maniaControl->manialinkManager->registerManialinkPageAnswerListener(self::ACTION_CLOSEWIDGET , $this, 'closeWidget'); //settings $this->width = 150; $this->height = 80; $this->quadStyle = Quad_BgRaceScore2::STYLE; //TODO add default menu style to style manager $this->quadSubstyle = Quad_BgRaceScore2::SUBSTYLE_HandleSelectable; } public function showManiaExchangeList(array $chatCallback, Player $player){ $params = explode(' ', $chatCallback[1][2]); //$commandCount = count(explode(' ', $chatCallback[1][2])); //var_dump($chatCallback[1][2]); //echo $commandCount; $section = 'SM'; //TODO get from mc $mapName = ''; $author = ''; $environment = ''; //TODO also get actual environment $recent = true; if(count($params) > 1){ foreach($params as $param){ if($param == '/xlist') continue; if (strtolower(substr($param, 0, 5)) == 'auth:') { $author = substr($param, 5); } elseif (strtolower(substr($param, 0, 4)) == 'env:') { $environment = substr($param, 4); } else { if ($mapName == '') $mapName = $param; else // concatenate words in name $mapName .= '%20' . $param; } } $recent = false; } // search for matching maps $maps = new MXInfoSearcher($section, $mapName, $author, $environment, $recent); //check if there are any results if(!$maps->valid()){ $this->maniaControl->chat->sendError('No maps found, or MX is down!', $player->login); if($maps->error != '') trigger_error($maps->error, E_USER_WARNING); return; } $maniaLink = new ManiaLink(ManialinkManager::MAIN_MLID); $frame = $this->buildMainFrame(); //render and display xml $this->maniaControl->manialinkManager->displayWidget($maniaLink, $player); } /** * Builds the mainFrame * @return Frame $frame */ public function buildMainFrame(){ //mainframe $frame = new Frame(); $frame->setSize($this->width,$this->height); $frame->setPosition(0, 0); //Background Quad $backgroundQuad = new Quad(); $frame->add($backgroundQuad); $backgroundQuad->setSize($this->width,$this->height); $backgroundQuad->setStyles($this->quadStyle, $this->quadSubstyle); // Add Close Quad (X) $closeQuad = new Quad_Icons64x64_1(); $frame->add($closeQuad); $closeQuad->setPosition($this->width * 0.483, $this->height * 0.467, 3); $closeQuad->setSize(6, 6); $closeQuad->setSubStyle(Quad_Icons64x64_1::SUBSTYLE_QuitRace); $closeQuad->setAction(self::ACTION_CLOSEWIDGET ); return $frame; } /** * Displayes a MapList on the screen * @param Player $player */ public function showMapList(Player $player){ $maniaLink = new ManiaLink(ManialinkManager::MAIN_MLID); $frame = $this->buildMainFrame(); $maniaLink->add($frame); //TODO headline $mapList = $this->maniaControl->mapManager->getMapList(); $id = 1; $y = $this->height / 2 - 10; foreach($mapList as $map){ $mapFrame = new Frame(); $frame->add($mapFrame); $this->displayMap($id, $map, $mapFrame); $mapFrame->setY($y); $y -= 4; $id++; } //render and display xml $this->maniaControl->manialinkManager->displayWidget($maniaLink, $player); } private function displayMap($id, Map $map, Frame $frame){ $frame->setZ(-0.01); $x = -$this->width / 2; //TODO detailed mx info page with link to mx $x +=5; $idLabel = new Label_Text(); $frame->add($idLabel); $idLabel->setHAlign(Control::LEFT); $idLabel->setX($x); // $mxIdLabel->setSize($width * 0.5, 2); $idLabel->setStyle($idLabel::STYLE_TextCardSmall); $idLabel->setTextSize(1.5); $idLabel->setText($id); $idLabel->setTextColor('FFF'); //TODO detailed mx info page with link to mx $x +=5; $mxIdLabel = new Label_Text(); $frame->add($mxIdLabel); $mxIdLabel->setHAlign(Control::LEFT); $mxIdLabel->setX($x); // $mxIdLabel->setSize($width * 0.5, 2); $mxIdLabel->setStyle($mxIdLabel::STYLE_TextCardSmall); $mxIdLabel->setTextSize(1.5); if(isset($map->mx->id)) $mxIdLabel->setText($map->mx->id); else $mxIdLabel->setText("-"); $mxIdLabel->setTextColor('FFF'); //TODO action detailed map info $x +=10; $nameLabel = new Label_Text(); $frame->add($nameLabel); $nameLabel->setHAlign(Control::LEFT); $nameLabel->setX($x); //$nameLabel->setSize($width * 0.5, 2); $nameLabel->setStyle($nameLabel::STYLE_TextCardSmall); $nameLabel->setTextSize(1.5); $nameLabel->setText('$fff'.$map->name); //TODO action detailed map info $x +=50; $authorLabel = new Label_Text(); $frame->add($authorLabel); $authorLabel->setHAlign(Control::LEFT); $authorLabel->setX($x); //$nameLabel->setSize($width * 0.5, 2); $authorLabel->setStyle($authorLabel::STYLE_TextCardSmall); $authorLabel->setTextSize(1.5); $authorLabel->setText($map->authorNick); $authorLabel->setTextColor('FFF'); //TODO later add buttons for jukebox, admin control buttons (remove map, change to map) //TODO side switch //var_dump($map); } /** * Closes the widget * @param array $callback * @param Player $player */ public function closeWidget(array $callback, Player $player) { $this->maniaControl->manialinkManager->closeWidget($player); } }