* @copyright 2014-2017 ManiaControl Team * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ GNU General Public License, Version 3 */ class ModeScriptEventManager implements UsageInformationAble { use UsageInformationTrait; const API_VERSION = "2.0.0"; /** @var ManiaControl $maniaControl */ private $maniaControl; /** * Construct a new ranking manager instance * * @param ManiaControl $maniaControl */ public function __construct(ManiaControl $maniaControl) { $this->maniaControl = $maniaControl; } /** * Enables XmlRpc Callbacks */ public function enableCallbacks() { $this->maniaControl->getClient()->triggerModeScriptEvent('XmlRpc.EnableCallbacks', array('true')); $this->setApiVersion(self::API_VERSION); } /** * Disables XmlRpc Callbacks */ public function disableCallbacks() { $this->maniaControl->getClient()->triggerModeScriptEvent('XmlRpc.EnableCallbacks', array('false')); } /** * Request a list of all available callbacks. This method will trigger the "XmlRpc.CallbacksList" callback. * * @param string $responseId */ public function getCallbacksList($responseId = "DefaultResponseId") { $this->maniaControl->getClient()->triggerModeScriptEvent('XmlRpc.GetCallbacksList', array($responseId)); } /** * Provide a Array of Callbacks you want to Block * * @param array $callbackNames */ public function blockCallbacks($callbackNames) { $this->maniaControl->getClient()->triggerModeScriptEvent('XmlRpc.BlockCallbacks', $callbackNames); } /** * Block a Single Callback * * @param $callbackName */ public function blockCallback($callbackName) { $this->blockCallbacks(array($callbackName)); } /** * Provide a Array of Callbacks you want to Block * * @param array $callbackNames */ public function unBlockCallbacks($callbackNames) { $this->maniaControl->getClient()->triggerModeScriptEvent('XmlRpc.UnblockCallbacks', $callbackNames); } /** * Block a Single Callback * * @param $callbackName */ public function unBlockCallback($callbackName) { $this->unBlockCallbacks(array($callbackName)); } /** * Request a list of all enabled callbacks. This method will trigger the "XmlRpc.CallbacksList_Enabled" callback. * * @param string $responseId */ public function getListOfEnabledCallbacks($responseId = "DefaultResponseId") { $this->maniaControl->getClient()->triggerModeScriptEvent('XmlRpc.GetCallbacksList_Enabled', array($responseId)); } /** * Request a list of all disabled callbacks. This method will trigger the "XmlRpc.CallbacksList_Enabled" callback. * * @param string $responseId */ public function getListOfDisabledCallbacks($responseId) { $this->maniaControl->getClient()->triggerModeScriptEvent('XmlRpc.GetCallbacksList_Disabled', array($responseId)); } /** * Description: Request help about a callback. This method will trigger the "XmlRpc.CallbackHelp" callback. * * @param $callbackName * @param string $responseId */ public function getCallbackHelp($callbackName, $responseId = "DefaultResponseId") { $this->maniaControl->getClient()->triggerModeScriptEvent('XmlRpc.GetCallbackHelp', array($callbackName, $responseId)); } /** * Request a list of all available methods. This method will trigger the "XmlRpc.MethodsList" callback.s * * @param string $responseId */ public function getMethodsList($responseId = "DefaultResponseId") { $this->maniaControl->getClient()->triggerModeScriptEvent('XmlRpc.GetMethodsList', array($responseId)); } /** * Sets the Api Version * * @param string $version */ public function setApiVersion($version = self::API_VERSION) { $this->maniaControl->getClient()->triggerModeScriptEvent('XmlRpc.SetApiVersion', array($version)); } /** * Gets the Api Version * * @param string $version */ public function getApiVersion($responseId = "DefaultResponseId") { $this->maniaControl->getClient()->triggerModeScriptEvent('XmlRpc.GetApiVersion', array($responseId)); } /** * Request help about a method. This method will trigger the "XmlRpc.MethodHelp" callback. * * @param $callbackName * @param string $responseId */ public function getMethodHelp($methodName, $responseId = "DefaultResponseId") { $this->maniaControl->getClient()->triggerModeScriptEvent('XmlRpc.GetMethodHelp', array($methodName, $responseId)); } /** * Request the current game mode xmlrpc callbacks and methods documentation. This method will trigger the "XmlRpc.Documentation" callback. * * @param string $responseId */ public function getDocumentation($responseId = "DefaultResponseId") { $this->maniaControl->getClient()->triggerModeScriptEvent('XmlRpc.GetDocumentation', array($responseId)); } /** * Gets a List of All Api Version * * @param string $responseId */ public function getAllApiVersions($responseId = "DefaultResponseId") { $this->maniaControl->getClient()->triggerModeScriptEvent('XmlRpc.GetAllApiVersions', array($responseId)); } /** * Extend the duration of any ongoing warmup. * * @param $milisec < the duration of the extension in milliseconds. */ public function extendManiaPlanetWarmup($milisec) { $this->maniaControl->getClient()->triggerModeScriptEvent('Maniaplanet.WarmUp.Extend', array($milisec)); } /** * Stop any ongoing warmup. */ public function stopManiaPlanetWarmup() { $this->maniaControl->getClient()->triggerModeScriptEvent('Maniaplanet.WarmUp.Stop'); } /** * Get the status of the warmup. * * @param string $responseId */ public function getWarmupStatus($responseId = "DefaultResponseId") { $this->maniaControl->getClient()->triggerModeScriptEvent('Maniaplanet.WarmUp.GetStatus', array($responseId)); } /** * Get the status of the pause. * * @param string $responseId */ public function getComboPauseStatus($responseId = "DefaultResponseId") { $this->maniaControl->getClient()->triggerModeScriptEvent('Shootmania.Combo.GetPause', array($responseId)); } /** * Start a Pause in Combo * * @param string $responseId */ public function startComboPause($responseId = "DefaultResponseId") { $this->maniaControl->getClient()->triggerModeScriptEvent('Shootmania.Combo.SetPause', array(true, $responseId)); } /** * End a Pause in Combo * * @param string $responseId */ public function endComboPause($responseId = "DefaultResponseId") { $this->maniaControl->getClient()->triggerModeScriptEvent('Shootmania.Combo.SetPause', array(false, $responseId)); } /** * Move the spectators' timers UI. * * @param $x * @param $y * @param $z */ public function comboSetTimerPosition($x, $y, $z) { $this->maniaControl->getClient()->triggerModeScriptEvent('Shootmania.Combo.SetTimersPosition', array(strval(floatval($x)), strval(floatval($y)), strval(floatval($z)))); } /** * Move the progression UI. * * @param $x * @param $y * @param $z */ public function suegeSetProgressionUIPosition($x, $y, $z) { $this->maniaControl->getClient()->triggerModeScriptEvent('Shootmania.Siege.SetProgressionUIPosition', array(strval(floatval($x)), strval(floatval($y)), strval(floatval($z)))); } /** * Request the current scores. This method will trigger the "Shootmania.Scores" callback. * * @param string $responseId */ public function getShootmaniaScores($responseId = "DefaultResponseId") { $this->maniaControl->getClient()->triggerModeScriptEvent('Shootmania.GetScores', array($responseId)); } /** * Request the current ui properties. This method will trigger the "Shootmania.UIProperties" callback. * * @param string $responseId */ public function getShootmaniaUIProperties($responseId = "DefaultResponseId") { $this->maniaControl->getClient()->triggerModeScriptEvent('Shootmania.GetUIProperties', array($responseId)); } /** * Update the ui properties. * * @param string Json-Encoded Xml UI Property String */ public function setShootmaniaUIProperties($properties) { $this->maniaControl->getClient()->triggerModeScriptEvent('Shootmania.GetUIProperties', array($properties)); } /** * Request the current scores. This method will trigger the "Trackmania.Scores" callback. * * @param string $responseId */ public function getTrackmaniaScores($responseId = "DefaultResponseId") { $this->maniaControl->getClient()->triggerModeScriptEvent('Trackmania.GetScores', array($responseId)); } /** * Request the current points repartition. This method will trigger the "Trackmania.PointsRepartition" callback. * * @param string $responseId */ public function getTrackmaniaPointsRepartition($responseId = "DefaultResponseId") { $this->maniaControl->getClient()->triggerModeScriptEvent('Trackmania.GetPointsRepartition', array($responseId)); } /** * Update the points repartition. * * @param array String Array of Points */ public function setTrackmaniaPointsRepartition($pointArray) { $this->maniaControl->getClient()->triggerModeScriptEvent('Trackmania.GetPointsRepartition', array($pointArray)); } /** * Request the current ui properties. This method will trigger the "Shootmania.UIProperties" callback. * * @param string $responseId */ public function getTrackmaniaUIProperties($responseId = "DefaultResponseId") { $this->maniaControl->getClient()->triggerModeScriptEvent('Trackmania.GetUIProperties', array($responseId)); } /** * Update the ui properties. * * @param string Json-Encoded Xml UI Property String */ public function setTrackmaniaUIProperties($properties) { $this->maniaControl->getClient()->triggerModeScriptEvent('Shootmania.GetUIProperties', array($properties)); } /** * Stop the whole warm up sequence. */ public function stopTrackmaniaWarmup() { $this->maniaControl->getClient()->triggerModeScriptEvent('Trackmania.WarmUp.Stop'); } /** * Stop the current warm up round. */ public function stopTrackmaniaRound() { $this->maniaControl->getClient()->triggerModeScriptEvent('Trackmania.WarmUp.StopRound'); } /** * Stop the current round. Only available in Cup, Rounds and Team modes. */ public function forceTrackmaniaRoundEnd() { $this->maniaControl->getClient()->triggerModeScriptEvent('Trackmania.ForceEndRound'); } }