
namespace ManiaControl\Plugins;

use FML\Controls\Frame;
use FML\Controls\Label;
use FML\Controls\Labels\Label_Button;
use FML\Controls\Labels\Label_Text;
use FML\Controls\Quads\Quad_Icons64x64_1;
use FML\Script\Features\Paging;
use FML\Script\Script;
use ManiaControl\Admin\AuthenticationManager;
use ManiaControl\Configurator\ConfiguratorMenu;
use ManiaControl\ManiaControl;
use ManiaControl\Manialinks\ManialinkPageAnswerListener;
use ManiaControl\Players\Player;
use ManiaControl\Utils\WebReader;

 * Configurator for installing Plugins
 * @author    ManiaControl Team <mail@maniacontrol.com>
 * @copyright 2014 ManiaControl Team
 * @license   http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ GNU General Public License, Version 3
class InstallMenu implements ConfiguratorMenu, ManialinkPageAnswerListener {
	 * Constants
	const ACTION_PREFIX_INSTALL_PLUGIN       = 'PluginInstallMenu.Install.';
	const ACTION_REFRESH_LIST                = 'PluginInstallMenu.RefreshList';

	 * Private properties
	/** @var ManiaControl $maniaControl */
	private $maniaControl = null;

	 * Create a new plugin install menu instance
	 * @param ManiaControl $maniaControl
	public function __construct(ManiaControl $maniaControl) {
		$this->maniaControl = $maniaControl;

		// Permissions
		$this->maniaControl->getAuthenticationManager()->definePermissionLevel(self::SETTING_PERMISSION_INSTALL_PLUGINS, AuthenticationManager::AUTH_LEVEL_SUPERADMIN);

		// Callbacks
		$this->maniaControl->getManialinkManager()->registerManialinkPageAnswerListener(self::ACTION_REFRESH_LIST, $this, 'handleRefreshListAction');

	 * @see \ManiaControl\Configurators\ConfiguratorMenu::getTitle()
	public static function getTitle() {
		return 'Install Plugins';

	 * @see \ManiaControl\Configurators\ConfiguratorMenu::getMenu()
	public function getMenu($width, $height, Script $script, Player $player) {
		$paging = new Paging();
		$frame = new Frame();

		// Config
		$pagerSize   = 9.;
		$entryHeight = 5.;
		$posY        = 0.;
		$pageFrame   = null;

		$url        = ManiaControl::URL_WEBSERVICE . 'plugins';
		$response   = WebReader::loadUrl($url);
		$dataJson   = $response->getContent();
		$pluginList = json_decode($dataJson);
		$index      = 0;

		if (!is_array($pluginList)) {
			// Error text
			$errorFrame = $this->getErrorFrame();
		} else if (empty($pluginList)) {
			// Empty text
			$emptyFrame = $this->getEmptyFrame();
		} else {
			// Build plugin list
			// Pagers
			$pagerPrev = new Quad_Icons64x64_1();
			$pagerPrev->setPosition($width * 0.39, $height * -0.44, 2)
			          ->setSize($pagerSize, $pagerSize)

			$pagerNext = clone $pagerPrev;
			$pagerNext->setX($width * 0.45);

			$pageCountLabel = new Label_Text();
			               ->setPosition($width * 0.35, $height * -0.44, 1)


			// Info tooltip
			$infoTooltipLabel = new Label();
			$infoTooltipLabel->setAlign($infoTooltipLabel::LEFT, $infoTooltipLabel::TOP)
			                 ->setPosition($width * -0.45, $height * -0.22)
			                 ->setSize($width * 0.7, $entryHeight)

			// List plugins
			foreach ($pluginList as $plugin) {
				if ($this->maniaControl->getPluginManager()->isPluginIdInstalled($plugin->id)) {
					// Already installed -> Skip

				if ($index % 10 === 0) {
					// New page
					$pageFrame = new Frame();
					$posY = $height * 0.41;

				$pluginFrame = new Frame();

				$nameLabel = new Label_Text();
				          ->setX($width * -0.46)
				          ->setSize($width * 0.62, $entryHeight)

				$description = "Author: {$plugin->author}\nVersion: {$plugin->currentVersion->version}\nDesc: {$plugin->description}";
				$nameLabel->addTooltipLabelFeature($infoTooltipLabel, $description);

				if (!$this->isPluginCompatible($plugin)) {
					// Incompatibility label
					$infoLabel = new Label_Text();
					          ->setX($width * 0.47)
					          ->setSize($width * 0.33, $entryHeight)
					if ($plugin->currentVersion->min_mc_version > ManiaControl::VERSION) {
						$infoLabel->setText("Needs at least MC-Version '{$plugin->currentVersion->min_mc_version}'");
					} else {
						$infoLabel->setText("Needs at most MC-Version '{$plugin->currentVersion->max_mc_version}'");
				} else {
					// Install button
					$installButton = new Label_Button();
					              ->setX($width * 0.47)
					              ->setAction(self::ACTION_PREFIX_INSTALL_PLUGIN . $plugin->id);

				if ($plugin->currentVersion->verified > 0) {
					// Suggested quad
					$suggestedQuad = new Quad_Icons64x64_1();
					$suggestedQuad->setPosition($width * 0.45, $entryHeight * 0.12, 2)
					              ->setSize(4, 4)

				$posY -= $entryHeight;

		return $frame;

	 * Build the Frame to display when an Error occurred
	 * @return Frame
	private function getErrorFrame() {
		$frame = new Frame();

		$infoLabel = new Label_Text();
		          ->setSize(100, 25)
		          ->setText('An error occurred. Please try again later.');

		$refreshQuad = new Quad_Icons64x64_1();
		            ->setSize(8, 8)

		return $frame;

	 * Build the Frame to display when no Plugins are left to install
	 * @return Frame
	private function getEmptyFrame() {
		$frame = new Frame();

		$infoLabel = new Label_Text();
		$infoLabel->setSize(100, 50)
		          ->setText('No other plugins available.');

		return $frame;

	 * Check if the given Plugin can be installed without Issues
	 * @param object $plugin
	 * @return bool
	private function isPluginCompatible($plugin) {
		if ($plugin->currentVersion->min_mc_version > 0 && $plugin->currentVersion->min_mc_version > ManiaControl::VERSION) {
			// ManiaControl needs to be updated
			return false;
		if ($plugin->currentVersion->max_mc_version > 0 && $plugin->currentVersion->max_mc_version < ManiaControl::VERSION) {
			// Plugin is outdated
			return false;
		return true;

	 * @see \ManiaControl\Configurators\ConfiguratorMenu::saveConfigData()
	public function saveConfigData(array $configData, Player $player) {

	 * Handle the Refresh MLAction
	 * @param array  $actionCallback
	 * @param Player $player
	public function handleRefreshListAction(array $actionCallback, Player $player) {
		$this->maniaControl->getConfigurator()->showMenu($player, $this);