styles3d, true)) { array_push($this->styles3d, $style3d); } return $this; } /** * Remove all Styles * * @return \FML\Stylesheet\Stylesheet */ public function removeStyles() { $this->styles3d = array(); return $this; } /** * Set the Mood Object of the Stylesheet * * @param Mood $mood Mood Object * @return \FML\Stylesheet\Stylesheet */ public function setMood(Mood $mood) { $this->mood = $mood; return $this; } /** * Get the Mood Object * * @param bool $createIfEmpty (optional) Whether the Mood Object should be created if it's not set yet * @return \FML\Stylesheet\Mood */ public function getMood($createIfEmpty = true) { if (!$this->mood && $createIfEmpty) { $this->setMood(new Mood()); } return $this->mood; } /** * Render the Stylesheet XML Element * * @param \DOMDocument $domDocument DomDocument for which the Stylesheet XML Element should be rendered * @return \DOMElement */ public function render(\DOMDocument $domDocument) { $stylesheetXml = $domDocument->createElement($this->tagName); if ($this->styles3d) { $stylesXml = $domDocument->createElement('frame3dstyles'); $stylesheetXml->appendChild($stylesXml); foreach ($this->styles3d as $style3d) { /** @var Style3d $style3d */ $style3dXml = $style3d->render($domDocument); $stylesXml->appendChild($style3dXml); } } if ($this->mood) { $moodXml = $this->mood->render($domDocument); $stylesheetXml->appendChild($moodXml); } return $stylesheetXml; } }