* @copyright 2014 ManiaControl Team * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ GNU General Public License, Version 3 */ class AuthenticationManager implements CallbackListener { /* * Constants */ const AUTH_LEVEL_PLAYER = 0; const AUTH_LEVEL_MODERATOR = 1; const AUTH_LEVEL_ADMIN = 2; const AUTH_LEVEL_SUPERADMIN = 3; const AUTH_LEVEL_MASTERADMIN = 4; const AUTH_NAME_PLAYER = 'Player'; const AUTH_NAME_MODERATOR = 'Moderator'; const AUTH_NAME_ADMIN = 'Admin'; const AUTH_NAME_SUPERADMIN = 'SuperAdmin'; const AUTH_NAME_MASTERADMIN = 'MasterAdmin'; const CB_AUTH_LEVEL_CHANGED = 'AuthenticationManager.AuthLevelChanged'; /* * Public Properties */ public $authCommands = null; /* * Private Properties */ private $maniaControl = null; /** * Construct a new Authentication Manager * * @param \ManiaControl\ManiaControl $maniaControl */ public function __construct(ManiaControl $maniaControl) { $this->maniaControl = $maniaControl; $this->authCommands = new AuthCommands($maniaControl); $this->maniaControl->callbackManager->registerCallbackListener(CallbackManager::CB_ONINIT, $this, 'handleOnInit'); } /** * Get Name of the Authentication Level from Level Int * * @param mixed $authLevelInt * @return string */ public static function getAuthLevelName($authLevelInt) { $authLevelInt = self::getAuthLevelInt($authLevelInt); switch ($authLevelInt) { case self::AUTH_LEVEL_MASTERADMIN: return self::AUTH_NAME_MASTERADMIN; case self::AUTH_LEVEL_SUPERADMIN: return self::AUTH_NAME_SUPERADMIN; case self::AUTH_LEVEL_ADMIN: return self::AUTH_NAME_ADMIN; case self::AUTH_LEVEL_MODERATOR: return self::AUTH_NAME_MODERATOR; } return self::AUTH_NAME_PLAYER; } /** * Get the Authentication Level Int from the given Param * * @param mixed $authLevelParam * @return int */ public static function getAuthLevelInt($authLevelParam) { if (is_object($authLevelParam) && property_exists($authLevelParam, 'authLevel')) { return (int)$authLevelParam->authLevel; } if (is_string($authLevelParam)) { return self::getAuthLevel($authLevelParam); } return (int)$authLevelParam; } /** * Get Authentication Level Int from Level Name * * @param string $authLevelName * @return int */ public static function getAuthLevel($authLevelName) { $authLevelName = (string)$authLevelName; switch ($authLevelName) { case self::AUTH_NAME_MASTERADMIN: return self::AUTH_LEVEL_MASTERADMIN; case self::AUTH_NAME_SUPERADMIN: return self::AUTH_LEVEL_SUPERADMIN; case self::AUTH_NAME_ADMIN: return self::AUTH_LEVEL_ADMIN; case self::AUTH_NAME_MODERATOR: return self::AUTH_LEVEL_MODERATOR; } return self::AUTH_LEVEL_PLAYER; } /** * Get the Abbreviation of the Authentication Level from Level Int * * @param mixed $authLevelInt * @return string */ public static function getAuthLevelAbbreviation($authLevelInt) { $authLevelInt = self::getAuthLevelInt($authLevelInt); switch ($authLevelInt) { case self::AUTH_LEVEL_MASTERADMIN: return 'MA'; case self::AUTH_LEVEL_SUPERADMIN: return 'SA'; case self::AUTH_LEVEL_ADMIN: return 'AD'; case self::AUTH_LEVEL_MODERATOR: return 'MOD'; } return ''; } /** * Handle ManiaControl OnInit Callback */ public function handleOnInit() { $this->updateMasterAdmins(); } /** * Update MasterAdmins based on Config * * @return bool */ private function updateMasterAdmins() { $mysqli = $this->maniaControl->database->mysqli; // Remove all MasterAdmins $adminQuery = "UPDATE `" . PlayerManager::TABLE_PLAYERS . "` SET `authLevel` = ? WHERE `authLevel` = ?;"; $adminStatement = $mysqli->prepare($adminQuery); if ($mysqli->error) { trigger_error($mysqli->error, E_USER_ERROR); return false; } $adminLevel = self::AUTH_LEVEL_SUPERADMIN; $masterAdminLevel = self::AUTH_LEVEL_MASTERADMIN; $adminStatement->bind_param('ii', $adminLevel, $masterAdminLevel); $adminStatement->execute(); if ($adminStatement->error) { trigger_error($adminStatement->error); } $adminStatement->close(); // Set MasterAdmins $masterAdmins = $this->maniaControl->config->masteradmins->xpath('login'); $adminQuery = "INSERT INTO `" . PlayerManager::TABLE_PLAYERS . "` ( `login`, `authLevel` ) VALUES ( ?, ? ) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `authLevel` = VALUES(`authLevel`);"; $adminStatement = $mysqli->prepare($adminQuery); if ($mysqli->error) { trigger_error($mysqli->error, E_USER_ERROR); return false; } $success = true; foreach ($masterAdmins as $masterAdmin) { $login = (string)$masterAdmin; $adminStatement->bind_param('si', $login, $masterAdminLevel); $adminStatement->execute(); if ($adminStatement->error) { trigger_error($adminStatement->error); $success = false; } } $adminStatement->close(); return $success; } /** * Get a List of all Admins * * @param $authLevel * @return array null */ public function getAdmins($authLevel = -1) { $mysqli = $this->maniaControl->database->mysqli; if ($authLevel < 0) { $query = "SELECT * FROM `" . PlayerManager::TABLE_PLAYERS . "` WHERE `authLevel` > 0 ORDER BY `authLevel` DESC;"; } else { $query = "SELECT * FROM `" . PlayerManager::TABLE_PLAYERS . "` WHERE `authLevel` = " . $authLevel . ";"; } $result = $mysqli->query($query); if (!$result) { trigger_error($mysqli->error); return null; } $admins = array(); while ($row = $result->fetch_object()) { array_push($admins, $row); } return $admins; } /** * Grant the Auth Level to the Player * * @param Player $player * @param int $authLevel * @return bool */ public function grantAuthLevel(Player &$player, $authLevel) { if (!$player || !is_numeric($authLevel)) { return false; } $authLevel = (int)$authLevel; if ($authLevel >= self::AUTH_LEVEL_MASTERADMIN) { return false; } $mysqli = $this->maniaControl->database->mysqli; $authQuery = "INSERT INTO `" . PlayerManager::TABLE_PLAYERS . "` ( `login`, `authLevel` ) VALUES ( ?, ? ) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `authLevel` = VALUES(`authLevel`);"; $authStatement = $mysqli->prepare($authQuery); if ($mysqli->error) { trigger_error($mysqli->error, E_USER_ERROR); return false; } $authStatement->bind_param('si', $player->login, $authLevel); $authStatement->execute(); if ($authStatement->error) { trigger_error($authStatement->error); $authStatement->close(); return false; } $authStatement->close(); $player->authLevel = $authLevel; $this->maniaControl->callbackManager->triggerCallback(self::CB_AUTH_LEVEL_CHANGED, $player); return true; } /** * Send an Error Message to the Player * * @param Player $player * @return bool */ public function sendNotAllowed(Player $player) { if (!$player) { return false; } return $this->maniaControl->chat->sendError('You do not have the required Rights to perform this Action!', $player->login); } /** * Checks the permission by a right name * * @param Player $player * @param $rightName * @return bool */ public function checkPermission(Player $player, $rightName) { $right = $this->maniaControl->settingManager->getSettingValue($this, $rightName); return $this->checkRight($player, $right); } /** * Check if the Player has enough Rights * * @param Player $player * @param int|Setting $neededAuthLevel * @return bool */ public static function checkRight(Player $player, $neededAuthLevel) { if ($neededAuthLevel instanceof Setting) { $neededAuthLevel = $neededAuthLevel->value; } return ($player->authLevel >= $neededAuthLevel); } /** * Defines a Minimum Right Level needed for an action * * @param $rightName * @param $authLevelNeeded */ public function definePermissionLevel($rightName, $authLevelNeeded) { $this->maniaControl->settingManager->initSetting($this, $rightName, $authLevelNeeded); } }