<?php /** * ManiaPlanet dedicated server Xml-RPC client * * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html LGPL License 3 */ namespace Maniaplanet\DedicatedServer\Xmlrpc; class GbxRemote { const MAX_REQUEST_SIZE = 0x200000; // 2MB const MAX_RESPONSE_SIZE = 0x400000; // 4MB public static $received; public static $sent; private $socket; private $readTimeout = array('sec' => 5, 'usec' => 0); private $writeTimeout = array('sec' => 5, 'usec' => 0); private $requestHandle; private $callbacksBuffer = array(); private $multicallBuffer = array(); private $lastNetworkActivity = 0; /** * @param string $host * @param int $port * @param int $timeout Timeout when opening connection */ function __construct($host, $port, $timeout = 5) { $this->requestHandle = (int) 0x80000000; $this->connect($host, $port, $timeout); } function __destruct() { $this->terminate(); } /** * Change timeouts * @param int $read read timeout (in ms), 0 to leave unchanged * @param int $write write timeout (in ms), 0 to leave unchanged */ function setTimeouts($read=0, $write=0) { if($read) { $this->readTimeout['sec'] = (int) ($read / 1000); $this->readTimeout['usec'] = ($read % 1000) * 1000; } if($write) { $this->writeTimeout['sec'] = (int) ($write / 1000); $this->writeTimeout['usec'] = ($write % 1000) * 1000; } } /** * @return int Network idle time in seconds */ function getIdleTime() { $this->assertConnected(); return time() - $this->lastNetworkActivity; } /** * @param string $host * @param int $port * @param int $timeout * @throws TransportException */ private function connect($host, $port, $timeout) { $this->socket = @fsockopen($host, $port, $errno, $errstr, $timeout); if(!$this->socket) throw new TransportException('Cannot open socket', TransportException::NOT_INITIALIZED); stream_set_read_buffer($this->socket, 0); stream_set_write_buffer($this->socket, 0); // handshake $header = $this->read(15); if($header === false) $this->onIoFailure('during handshake'); extract(unpack('Vsize/a*protocol', $header)); /** @var $size int */ /** @var $protocol string */ if($size != 11 || $protocol != 'GBXRemote 2') throw new TransportException('Wrong protocol header', TransportException::WRONG_PROTOCOL); $this->lastNetworkActivity = time(); } function terminate() { if($this->socket) { fclose($this->socket); $this->socket = null; } } /** * @param string $method * @param mixed[] $args * @return mixed * @throws MessageException */ function query($method, $args=array()) { $this->assertConnected(); $xml = Request::encode($method, $args); if(strlen($xml) > self::MAX_REQUEST_SIZE-8) { if($method != 'system.multicall' || count($args[0]) < 2) throw new MessageException('Request too large', MessageException::REQUEST_TOO_LARGE); $mid = count($args[0]) >> 1; $res1 = $this->query('system.multicall', array(array_slice($args[0], 0, $mid))); $res2 = $this->query('system.multicall', array(array_slice($args[0], $mid))); return array_merge($res1, $res2); } $this->writeMessage($xml); return $this->flush(true); } /** * @param string $method * @param mixed[] $args */ function addCall($method, $args) { $this->multicallBuffer[] = array( 'methodName' => $method, 'params' => $args ); } /** * @return mixed */ function multiquery() { switch(count($this->multicallBuffer)) { case 0: return array(); case 1: $call = array_shift($this->multicallBuffer); return array($this->query($call['methodName'], $call['params'])); default: $result = $this->query('system.multicall', array($this->multicallBuffer)); foreach($result as &$value) if(isset($value['faultCode'])) $value = FaultException::create($value['faultString'], $value['faultCode']); else $value = $value[0]; $this->multicallBuffer = array(); return $result; } } /** * @return mixed[] */ function getCallbacks() { $this->assertConnected(); $this->flush(); $cb = $this->callbacksBuffer; $this->callbacksBuffer = array(); return $cb; } /** * @throws TransportException */ private function assertConnected() { if(!$this->socket) throw new TransportException('Connection not initialized', TransportException::NOT_INITIALIZED); } /** * @param bool $waitResponse * @return mixed * @throws FaultException */ private function flush($waitResponse=false) { $r = array($this->socket); while($waitResponse || @stream_select($r, $w, $e, 0) > 0) { list($handle, $xml) = $this->readMessage(); list($type, $value) = Request::decode($xml); switch($type) { case 'fault': throw FaultException::create($value['faultString'], $value['faultCode']); case 'response': if($handle == $this->requestHandle) return $value; break; case 'call': $this->callbacksBuffer[] = $value; } } } /** * @return mixed[] * @throws TransportException * @throws MessageException */ private function readMessage() { $header = $this->read(8); if($header === false) $this->onIoFailure('while reading header'); extract(unpack('Vsize/Vhandle', $header)); /** @var $size int */ /** @var $handle int */ if($size == 0 || $handle == 0) throw new TransportException('Incorrect header', TransportException::PROTOCOL_ERROR); if($size > self::MAX_RESPONSE_SIZE) throw new MessageException('Response too large', MessageException::RESPONSE_TOO_LARGE); $data = $this->read($size); if($data === false) $this->onIoFailure('while reading data'); $this->lastNetworkActivity = time(); return array($handle, $data); } /** * @param string $xml * @throws TransportException */ private function writeMessage($xml) { if($this->requestHandle == (int) 0xffffffff) $this->requestHandle = (int) 0x80000000; $data = pack('V2', strlen($xml), ++$this->requestHandle).$xml; if(!$this->write($data)) $this->onIoFailure('while writing'); $this->lastNetworkActivity = time(); } /** * @param int $size * @return boolean|string */ private function read($size) { @stream_set_timeout($this->socket, $this->readTimeout['sec'], $this->readTimeout['usec']); $data = ''; while(strlen($data) < $size) { $buf = @fread($this->socket, $size - strlen($data)); if($buf === '' || $buf === false) return false; $data .= $buf; } self::$received += $size; return $data; } /** * @param string $data * @return boolean */ private function write($data) { @stream_set_timeout($this->socket, $this->writeTimeout['sec'], $this->writeTimeout['usec']); self::$sent += strlen($data); while(strlen($data) > 0) { $written = @fwrite($this->socket, $data); if($written === 0 || $written === false) return false; $data = substr($data, $written); } return true; } /** * @param string $when * @throws TransportException */ private function onIoFailure($when) { $meta = stream_get_meta_data($this->socket); if($meta['timed_out']) throw new TransportException('Connection timed out '.$when, TransportException::TIMED_OUT); throw new TransportException('Connection interrupted '.$when, TransportException::INTERRUPTED); } } class TransportException extends Exception { const NOT_INITIALIZED = 1; const INTERRUPTED = 2; const TIMED_OUT = 3; const WRONG_PROTOCOL = 4; const PROTOCOL_ERROR = 5; } class MessageException extends Exception { const REQUEST_TOO_LARGE = 1; const RESPONSE_TOO_LARGE = 2; }