The CommuncationListening of the Communcation Manager can be enabled in the ingame Settings. There the following settings are existing: -- Enable Socket Listening (Let the CommunicationManager listen for incoming calls) -- Passsword (Password which get used to encrypt and decrypt the messages for the openssl connection) -- Listening port for every server (this is the port the CommunicationManager listens at) Sample ManiaControl Implementation (for ManiaControl to ManiaControl connections) ##php code begin $communication = $this->maniaControl->getCommunicationManager()->createCommunication(IP/Domain, PORT, 'YOUR_PASSWORD'); $communication->call(function($error, $data){ var_dump($data); }, CommunicationMethods::GET_SERVER_CHAT); ##php code end Sample Web Implementation (to call ManiaControl from a website) ##php code begin $errno = null; $errstr = null; $socket = fsockopen("", xxxxx, $errno, $errstr, 2); echo "ok?" . $errno . " - " . $errstr . "\n"; $data = array("method" => "getServerChat", "data" => ""); // Encode and Encrypt the Data $data = json_encode(array("method" => "getServerChat", "data" => "")); $data = openssl_encrypt($data, 'aes-192-cbc', 'YOUR_PASSWORD', OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, 'kZ2Kt0CzKUjN2MJX'); // Write the Data on the Socket fwrite($socket, strlen($data) . "\n" . $data); // Read Answer Data $len = (int)fgets($socket); echo $len; $buff = ''; while (!feof($socket) && strlen($buff) < $len) { $buff .= fgets($socket, $len - strlen($buff) + 1); } // Decrypt and Decode the Response Data $data = openssl_decrypt($buff, 'aes-192-cbc', 'YOUR_PASSWORD', OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, 'kZ2Kt0CzKUjN2MJX'); echo json_decode($data); //Close the Socket fclose($socket); ##php code end