maniaControl = $maniaControl; $this->maniaControl->callbackManager->registerCallbackListener(CallbackManager::CB_MP_BILLUPDATED, $this, 'handleBillUpdated'); } /** * send a Bill to a Player * * @param $function * @param Player $player * @param $amount * @param $message * @param bool $receiver * @return bool */ public function sendBill($function, Player $player, $amount, $message, $receiver = false) { if (!is_callable($function)) { trigger_error("Function is not callable"); return false; } try { if (!$receiver) { $bill = $this->maniaControl->client->sendBill($player->login, $amount, $message); } else { $bill = $this->maniaControl->client->sendBill($player->login, $amount, $message, $receiver); } } catch(Exception $e) { // TODO: handle errors like 'too few server planets' - throw other like connection errors $this->maniaControl->errorHandler->triggerDebugNotice("Couldn't create donation of {$amount} planets from '{$player->login}' for '{$receiver}'. " . $e->getMessage()); return false; } $this->openBills[$bill] = new BillData($function, $player, $amount); return true; } /** * Send Planets from the server to a Player * * @param $function * @param $receiverLogin * @param $amount * @param $message * @return bool */ public function sendPlanets($function, $receiverLogin, $amount, $message) { if (!is_callable($function)) { trigger_error("Function is not callable"); return false; } try { $bill = $this->maniaControl->client->pay($receiverLogin, $amount, $message); } catch(Exception $e) { // TODO: handle errors like 'too few server planets' - throw other like connection errors //trigger_error("Couldn't create payout of {$amount} planets by '{$player->login}' for '{$receiver}'. " . $e->getMessage()); $this->maniaControl->errorHandler->triggerDebugNotice("Couldn't create payout of {$amount} planets to '{$receiverLogin}' " . $e->getMessage()); return false; } $this->openBills[$bill] = new BillData($function, $receiverLogin, $amount, true); return true; } /** * Handle bill updated callback * * @param array $callback * @return bool */ public function handleBillUpdated(array $callback) { $billId = $callback[1][0]; if (!array_key_exists($billId, $this->openBills)) { return; } $billData = $this->openBills[$billId]; /** @var BillData $billData */ switch($callback[1][1]) { case Bill::STATE_PAYED: if ($billData->pay) { call_user_func($billData->function, $billData, self::PAYED_FROM_SERVER); } else { if ($billData->receiverLogin) { call_user_func($billData->function, $billData, self::DONATED_TO_RECEIVER); } else { call_user_func($billData->function, $billData, self::DONATED_TO_SERVER); } } unset($this->openBills[$billId]); break; case Bill::STATE_REFUSED: call_user_func($billData->function, $billData, self::PLAYER_REFUSED_DONATION); unset($this->openBills[$billId]); break; case Bill::STATE_ERROR: call_user_func($billData->function, $callback[1][2], self::ERROR_WHILE_TRANSACTION); unset($this->openBills[$billId]); break; } } }