setQuad($quad); } if ($entry) { $this->setEntry($entry); } if ($default !== null) { $this->setDefault($default); } $this->setEnabledDesign(CheckBoxDesign::defaultDesign()); $this->setDisabledDesign(CheckBoxDesign::defaultDesign()); } /** * Get the CheckBox Quad * * @api * @return Quad */ public function getQuad() { return $this->quad; } /** * Set the CheckBox Quad * * @api * @param Quad $quad CheckBox Quad * @return static */ public function setQuad(Quad $quad) { $quad->checkId(); $quad->setScriptEvents(true); $this->quad = $quad; return $this; } /** * Get the hidden Entry * * @api * @return Entry */ public function getEntry() { return $this->entry; } /** * Set the hidden Entry * * @api * @param Entry $entry Hidden Entry * @return static */ public function setEntry(Entry $entry) { $entry->checkId(); $this->entry = $entry; return $this; } /** * Get the default value * * @api * @return bool */ public function getDefault() { return $this->default; } /** * Set the default value * * @api * @param bool $default Default value * @return static */ public function setDefault($default) { $this->default = (bool)$default; return $this; } /** * Get the enabled Design * * @api * @return CheckBoxDesign */ public function getEnabledDesign() { return $this->enabledDesign; } /** * Set the enabled Design * * @api * @param CheckBoxDesign $checkBoxDesign Enabled CheckBox Design * @return static */ public function setEnabledDesign(CheckBoxDesign $checkBoxDesign) { $this->enabledDesign = $checkBoxDesign; return $this; } /** * Get the disabled Design * * @api * @return CheckBoxDesign */ public function getDisabledDesign() { return $this->disabledDesign; } /** * Set the disabled Design * * @api * @param CheckBoxDesign $checkBoxDesign Disabled CheckBox Design * @return static */ public function setDisabledDesign(CheckBoxDesign $checkBoxDesign) { $this->disabledDesign = $checkBoxDesign; return $this; } /** * Get script launched when clicking on the checkbox * * @api * @return string */ public function getCustomScript() { return $this->customScript; } /** * Set script launched when clicking on the checkbox * * @api * @param string $customScript script * @return static */ public function setCustomScript(string $customScript) { $this->customScript = $customScript; return $this; } /** * @see ScriptFeature::prepare() */ public function prepare(Script $script) { if ($this->getQuad()) { $script->setScriptInclude(ScriptInclude::TEXTLIB); $script->addScriptFunction(self::FUNCTION_UPDATE_QUAD_DESIGN, $this->buildUpdateQuadDesignFunction()); $script->appendGenericScriptLabel(ScriptLabel::ONINIT, $this->buildInitScriptText(), true); $script->appendGenericScriptLabel(ScriptLabel::MOUSECLICK, $this->buildClickScriptText()); } return $this; } /** * Build the function text * * @return string */ protected function buildUpdateQuadDesignFunction() { return " Void " . self::FUNCTION_UPDATE_QUAD_DESIGN . "(CMlQuad _Quad) { declare " . self::VAR_CHECKBOX_ENABLED . " as Enabled for _Quad = True; Enabled = !Enabled; _Quad.StyleSelected = Enabled; declare " . self::VAR_CHECKBOX_DESIGNS . " as Designs for _Quad = Text[Boolean]; declare Design = Designs[Enabled]; declare DesignParts = TextLib::Split(\"|\", Design); if (DesignParts.count == 2) { _Quad.Style = DesignParts[0]; _Quad.Substyle = DesignParts[1]; } else { _Quad.ImageUrl = Design; } declare " . self::VAR_CHECKBOX_ENTRY_ID . " as EntryId for _Quad = \"\"; if (EntryId != \"\") { declare Entry <=> (Page.GetFirstChild(EntryId) as CMlEntry); if (Entry != Null) { if (Enabled) { Entry.Value = \"1\"; } else { Entry.Value = \"0\"; } } } }"; } /** * Build the init script text * * @return string */ protected function buildInitScriptText() { $quadId = Builder::getId($this->getQuad()); $entryId = Builder::EMPTY_STRING; if ($this->entry) { $entryId = Builder::getId($this->getEntry()); } $default = Builder::getBoolean($this->default); $enabledDesignString = $this->enabledDesign->getDesignString(); $disabledDesignString = $this->disabledDesign->getDesignString(); return " declare Quad_CheckBox <=> (Page.GetFirstChild(\"{$quadId}\") as CMlQuad); declare Text[Boolean] " . self::VAR_CHECKBOX_DESIGNS . " as Designs for Quad_CheckBox; Designs[True] = \"{$enabledDesignString}\"; Designs[False] = \"{$disabledDesignString}\"; declare Boolean " . self::VAR_CHECKBOX_ENABLED . " as Enabled for Quad_CheckBox; Enabled = !{$default}; declare Text " . self::VAR_CHECKBOX_ENTRY_ID . " as EntryId for Quad_CheckBox; EntryId = \"{$entryId}\"; " . self::FUNCTION_UPDATE_QUAD_DESIGN . "(Quad_CheckBox); "; } /** * Build the script text for Quad clicks * * @return string */ protected function buildClickScriptText() { $quadId = Builder::getId($this->getQuad()); return " if (Event.ControlId == \"{$quadId}\") { declare Quad_CheckBox <=> (Event.Control as CMlQuad); " . self::FUNCTION_UPDATE_QUAD_DESIGN . "(Quad_CheckBox); " . $this->customScript . " }"; } }